THE EVENING CAUL D. SHOEMAKER, : Editor and ttole rroprlctor. KSl'KI) DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Subscription Rates Dully. Per year, by mall 3.00 Per month, delivered 60 Semi-Weekly. Per year 2.00 Blx months 1.00 Entered as second-class matter November 6, 1910, at Hoseburg, Ore., anoer act or March 3. 1879. TIJKHIMV, NOVI'.'.MIIKIt 211, 101U Jl'ST I'lGl'itlCS, Woman suffrage has been adopted In Its entirety in ten states In the union. Here are the states with their population and area. JMmo lop. "WiwhinBton .. ..1141990 Oregon 672705 Callfornfa 2377549 Arizona 204354 Utah 373351 Idaho 325594 Wyoming 1459(55 Colorado ... 799024 Kansas 1890999 Michigan 2810173 NEWS nas ieea Inaugurated by Miss Miriam Thayer, the new director of physical culture for women. Outdoor snorts, aesthetic dancing and the folk dances of all nations are now engaging the attention of the girls. In warm, sensible woolen gymnasium suits they are taken out on the campus for a short time to exercise with the soccer football (In a game where there Is none of the rough-and-tumble of the Rugby or American game). Then theyorm In classes on the gymnasium floor for tho Greek movement dances and the peasant dances of Europe. Some times, too, when the weather per mits, they Lane cross-country runs. It Is expected with such vigorous work in the open to counteract the wholesome effect of long hours bent over books or shut In class rooms with a large number of other stud ents. Area Ki. Ml. 69180 90030 1583C0 113020 84970 84800 97890 103925 82080 58915 Total 10541714 949170 The tntul population of the Unit ed States at the 1910 census was 91, 971.529 and the total nrea is 3,6 1 6, 484. Thus will be Been that woman suffrage has extended Into states which have more than one ninth of the entire population of ttie country and one fourth of Hb area. Surely this Is a wonderful gnln. It means that If the same ratio Is kept up woman suffrage will have ex tended Into every stnte of the union within the next quarter of a cen tury. And Is there any good reas on why It shouldn't? FOR HALE CHEAP. I House partially finished, will finish It to suit purchaser. Terms: One-half cash, balance In monthly Installments. PAGE INVESTMENT CO. 709 N. Jackson street. FEW .MATTERS COXSIUKItKIl ItY THE CI'I'V COUNCIL Reply to Resolutions Recently Adopt ed by City Council Received From (iovernor West mid Read In Open Meeting Little If any business of an inr portant nature came up for consld eratfon at Inst evening's meeting of the council, save the possible ex ception of reading a communication from Governor Oswald West In ans wer to resolutions recently passed by tho council, in which tho Governor was criticised for his procedure in calling the attention of the local authorities to certain lnws, which ho (Governor West) alleged were not enforced. Recorder Cnrl Wlmberly had hard ly completed reading the communi cation, when Councilman Zurcher groaned In a sarcastic tone as if dis gusted at tho Governor's attitude pertaining to certain city matterB. The communication was roforred to the Judiciary committee, where It A newly clect(0d Justice jof the peaco In a nearby Btato announced that In addition to offernlg to marry frod Of Chnrun the flruf rntmln vhn nroaetod Ihnm.elvn.. h w, I ivlwl" ,lkely 'emnln Indefinitely tho hrM.. n rnn,i n Upon motion of Councilman Zurch- cheok. Wo predict that his business ' f' "10 ';!ty """""-y was authorised iu compile an occupation ordinance In accordance with suggestions of would 1)0 poor hero In Itoxohurg, whore nil the brides are so shy. Androw Carnegie was 77 years old yesterday. Ho made a million on nn avorngo for every year that ho has llvod. lie dltl pretty well and ought to bo fairly well satisfied with his record. There's a good deal of difference between the follow who stands on the street corir mill tells 'about what ho Is going to do and the man who points to results. Wilson Is thankful that Itnosovelt ran. Tart should bo tlinnkful that Wilson was running, and Koosovelt, porhups, Is thankful that ho "also" ran. Tho man who never made n nils-' tako never did anything" Is nn old nylng, but It Is not yet worn out Wo hoiu Hint Turkey holds out till Thanksgiving day. Moitu m:i,Tii i.oit jncis. HporlM Outdoors and Aesthetic Dane ln lo Keep Maidens Hliiing. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL l.Htll'J, Corvullls, Ore.. Nov. 25 New work lo keep the young women stud ents at tho Oregon Agricultural Col lege In the pink of physical condition tho commltleo on licenses. This ordinance will probably come up for consideration at n future meeting or the council. A lengthy remonstranco was read. in which the signers remonstrated against the paving of North RoKe street, from Douglas street to Spring Alley, with ic.onr.iete pave ment. Tho cost of tho contemplated Improvement was estimated by the city engineer nt (4,337, Inasmuch as tho season for paving Is past, the council deemed It advisable to refer the remonstrance to the city Improve ment committee, with Instructions to report during the next few weeks. A letter received from tho Warren Const ruction Company, in which the writers asked "the city to use every precaution tignlnst swarding con tnicls for street Improvements to companies which were using their patents without consent, was read and placed on file. A letter recelveil, rroiu tho Under writers of Oregon protesting against the erection of a corrlguted building nt the corner of Main and Washing ton streets was read and placed on file. K, P. ratterson applied Tor a cross walk on South Stephens street,, while Al ('reason asked for crosswalks on East Third street and Second Ave nue South, The trio of requests were referred to tho city Improvement committee for Investigation. ' Two bids were received for the paving of South Pine street, from Hurke to South street, with asphalt asphalt macadam material. The bid of the Clark & Henry Construction Company was In the sum of (1.70 per square yard, while the bid of C. w. rietnike was (1.09 per square yard. Like bids were received for the Improvement or Oak street, rrom Kane to Chadwlck street. The bidB were referred to the city Improve ment committee for Investigation. Inasmuch as Mr. Ilelnllre has no license to use the patented 'materials of the Warren Construction Company It Ib not likely that his company will bo awarded the contracts. Councilman Walter Hamilton sug gested that the city adopt a regis tration Bystem In order that future elections may be conducted without fraud. The Btiggestlon of Council man Hamilton was referred to the committee on elections, composed of Councllmen Fullorton, Karns- worth and Schaeffer ror investiga tion. It Is believed that Councilman Fullerton will oppose the regfstra' tion of voters for the reason that It will Incur some expense at the hands of the taxpayers. Inasmuch as It may be necessary to call, a special election within the near future to amend the charter that a tax levy In excess of 10 mills may be levied, the committee to whom the matter of registering voters was referred,, wah Instructed to get busy, and report at the next meeting of tho council. With the women enfranchised, it Is believed RoBeburg will now have approximately 2,000 qualified voters. A communcntion received from Tho Evening News, and dealing with a printing contract recently entered Into between the city and the foregc- Ing publication, was read and refer red to tho committee on ways and means for Investigation. ANDIRONS!! FIRE SETS Special Inducements For the Holidays in BUSH and LANE and VICTOR PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS Easy Terms to Suit the Buyer TOMUHT. 30 chairs will bo plaoed on the atago tonlKht and sold t R0. Don't nitss this great musical trout, The IlerKon-Marx Cmicor. Co. ROSKIIintO MIX. UNION. LOCAL x i:vs. 4 Tom Dixon leaves for points In Mexico tomorrow morning whore he will r.peud Home time looking over tho country. U. 10. Crawford and wife, tho form er of the local United Staler land of fice, leuvo for Salem on Thursday where they expect to spend several days visiting with the former's fath er. Oscar FJ. Wall, a shoo repairer, has opened n shop . In tho store room formerly occupied by the Texas Lunch Counter and situated In the Hay lies building on North Jackson street. Claud H. Claypool and John V. Claypool, both of Illinois, and Charles S. Parker, of Jacksonville, Ureens. All three or tin men will ' erect modern residences, In tho near1 future with a view of making (ireous ' their future homo. The property was formerly n part of tho Kobert Green tracts, now divided and for sale. I FJNISH----Polished Brass, Colonial, Dead Black, Flemish. Direct factory shipment from the celebra ted Rostrand factories atMilford, Conri. Coods are up-to-date in both style and finish. See them. Notice a few in our window giving an idea of their appearance. Priced at from $2.00 to $15.00 Only about 36 sets so get your order in early. VtjacaSfi own CHURCHILL HARDWAR COMPANY P.S. A Shipment of Folding Fire Screens Overdue. I KiaBi!MBMwyiBttMgB!iiaBawMtwmH rmMi j i wi, '1111111 m tiiwaananul rwtKiN's ri'ii,ni: IMIOXK !(),- South, Range 1 West, Willamette the 13th day of January, 190(1, be 1 was dated the 6th day of November, ..lur.uinu, in Douglas (ounty, state burred and foreclosed of all right, 1912, and will be published once or Oregon, containing six hundred claim or equity of redemption In and forty (C40) nrres, by the Sheriff said premises and every part thereof, of said County according to law and and for such other nnd further re the practice of the above named lief as Is meet and proper In equity court, nnd the proceeds of said and good conscience, sale may bo applied In payment of j This summons Is served upon you tho amount due to the plaintiff and : by publication thereof by nn Order ol that tho defendants add all persons the Hon. J. W. Hamilton. Judge of claiming under them subsequent to the above named court, which order each week for six weens, the first publication to be on the 7th day of November, 1912, and you are re quired to appear and answer on or before the 31st day of December 1912. GEO. O. BINGHAM, O. P. COSHOW, . dl9 Attorneys for Plaintiff. SV.MMON.S. BURR MUSIC HOUSE Corner Oak and N. Jackson In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Douglas. I Alfred T. Kelllher, Plaintiff v. ! John S. Smedberg nnd Selnm W. SmedberK, Defendants. To John S. SmedberK and Selma j V, Rmedberg, defendants above ' nnmcd: j In tho name of the state of Oregon j yon and each of you are required to , appear and answer the complaint ; filed against you lu tho above en ; titled court and cause on or before I tho day of December, 1912, and If you fall to answer, for want thereof tho plantlff will apply to , tho court for the relief prayed for in his complaint herein, to-wlt: i For a judgment for Fourteen Hundred ($1400.00) Dollars and In terest thereon from tho Uth day of January, 1306. at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum and the sum of Two Hundred Fifty and no one hun dredths ($2r.0.00 IMIars spechtl attorneys' fees and the costi and dis bursements of this suit. That tho usual decree may be mruio for the sale of the real premises de scribed in the mortgage in the com plaint herein, the same being Sovtlon Thirty six (36) In Township 30 Green Valley Orchard Tracts In 5 and 10 Acre Subdivisions GREEN VALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS are all within a ten minutes walk of the S. P. depot al Green, Oregon, and only a thirty five minute drive from Roseburg. The tract is nearly all level land and beautifully situated. The soil is fertile and rich and full of productive elements. Roberts Creek runs through the subdivision JThese tracts are on the rural mail route. There is a general store and public warehouse, a freight and express office at Green. A number of dwellings are now under course of construction. Green is a live and up-to-date community in every respect. These tracts have been on the market for only a short, time. CJPersons desiring small tracts for fruit, vegetables or poultry should see these at once. Low prices, easy terms.-You buy direct from owner M. B.JGREEN R. F. D. ROSEBURG, OREGON Phone 2F13