The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 23, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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In Railroad Wreck, Near Se
attle Early Today.
'M(y I'ersoiw Xumlicrrd Among: tho
njurcl Many Are. Hurried to
5 . Seattle liospiutls On a.
' Speciul Train.
No seats will be heldfor you
after 4 o'clock Tuesday; Every
seat will be taken by the open
ing hour (or the Borgen-Marx
Co. Remember these dates.
Bergen-Murx Concert Co.
Nov. 26.
Jubilee Singers Jan. ti.
Cosmopolitan Four Jan. 17
Edwin Whiauey Recital Co.
Feb. 3.
Please avoid pulling off other
attractions uu these dales.
(Special to The Evening News.)
SEATTLE, Wash.. Nov., 23.
Twelve persons were injured, sever
al fatally, in a rear end colllssion be
tween a freight and passenger train
on the Seattle & Taconia Interurban
Railroad, near Riverton, shortly af
ter nine o'clock thu morning.
Motorman Campbell lost control of
the freight train which crashed Into
the rear of the passenger coaches
winch naa stopped temporarily to;
take on passengers. Campbell Is not spend a few days with friends.
expected to live. A number of wom
en were trapped In the splintere-1
cars, and every available ambulance
has been summoned. The freight
iraln was running at a speed of
about 50 miles per hour and was
rounding a sharp curve when the
crash came.
Later Investigation of this morn
ing's wreck indicates that about 50
persons were injured, most of whom
have been rushed to the Seattle hos
pitals for medical attention.
A partial list of the injured fol
lows: Mrs. H. W. Jackson and Mrs.
Walter Thompson, Riverlon; Mrs. C
L. Yeast, 'roster; W. L. ilobsata, Ta
coma; A. B. Kiester, Renton; Mre.
E. F.. Doty and Mrs. George Doty,
Tukwlla; J. Caldwell, Tacoma; W.
A. Flack, Kent; Mrs. E. T. Vande
venter and daughter, Carnle, Orilla.
Mrs. A. C. Schlndler. Seattle; Mr-i.
F. E. Betterfleld and Mrs. T. F. Car
ter, Foster, and Mrs. Helen Johnson,
, Lejtves Vast Estate.
NEW YORK, Nov. 23. Cornelius
Bliss, secretary of the Interior under
President McKInley, and treasurer of
the republican national committee in
1904, left an estate aggregating
851,854.00, according to an appraisal
made here toady.
Forest Fires Raging.
J SANTA MONICA, Nov. 23 Fierce
vorest fires are said to be raging In
the Maltbu section today. A. large
number of fife fighters have, been
summoned and will arrive here to
night from Santa Monica.
Mrs. Dan Hall left for Portland this
afternoon where she Was business
matters needing her attention.
Mrs. C. L. Pearson left for Yon-1
calla this afternoon where she will
Postmaster J. W. Thomas, of An
chor, who has been visiting with S.
J. Jones left for his home today.
Fred Day and wife left for points
In the northern part of the county
this afternoon after a few days spent
In Roseburg.
John W. Parker, of Medford, part
ner of the late Whltcomb Fields, left
for Eugene this afternoon where he
will remain until Tuesday when he
will return to this city.
Mount Nebo Graphite No. 2, Is the
name of one of the best quality,
waxed lead, smooth writing lead
Pencils, Sold exclusively at -the
Roseburg Book Store.
A fine big XmaB book Is the De
cember Ladles Home Journal. Space
prevents telling it's many splendid
features. The Christmas story. "The
Taketh and The Lord Giveth," Is
alone worth the price, 15c at the
Roseburg Book Store.
Clmi-fted With Administering Poison
to His Wife First Degree
SPRINGFIELD, Ohio, Nov. 23.
Dr. Arthur Smith, a prominent physi
cian, today pleaded not guilty to a
charge of wlfe-mu.'er. He Is !
cused of administering poison into
hlB wife's system through a hypoder
mic Injection.
Tjnrge Number of Witnesses Schedul
ed to Testify During tllo Next.
Week or Ten Days.
Institute Closes Last Evening After
Most Successful Meeting In the
History Of Douglas County
Just prior to adjournment last ev
ening the teachers of Douglas coun
ty, In annual Institute, passed a reso
lution in which they recommended
that the state text book commission
be composed of educators, teachers
or suiiervlsors who are actively en
gaged In school work, and further
that the membership of this commis
sion should represent as equally bb
possible the various grades, from the
first to twelfth, Inclusive, and that
women should be .given representa
tion on this commission. This reso
lution was adopted by the unanimous
IXDIANAPOI.1.S, Nov. 2.1. Ortle
McManlgal was temiioraiily excused
from testifying at the trial of the
laborltes today. He will not be re
called until a score of other wit
nesses have been gen an opportun
ity to testily.
SALEM. Mass.. Nov., 23. A dem
onstration occurred at the trial of
Editor Ettor this morning, when the
nccused denied the accusation of Dis
trict Attorney Atwlll to the effect
that the defendants were actuated by
mercenary motives at Lawrence. Be
- fore the cheering throng cou!d he
quieted, tne sheriff threatened to
clear the court room.
FIRST Choice
S3 Bia enouah
for the biaaest
game of North
High Power" Repeating
Rifle No. 425.
List Prlct $20.00
Um Rem. Auto-LoadiDff Crtridga
Rifles also fur
nished la fancy
grades, 0k your Dufcr.
Srid for handsome. oe1
Hide Catalog,
4 P. 0. Box 5004
vote of the assemblage without com
ment or dlscusslou. A second reao
lutlOD thanking -the various personB
responsible tor the success of the
Institute was also adapted late yes
terday. It follows In detail:
"We, the public school teachers of
Douglas county, Oregon, in annual
Institute assembled, do hereby ex
tend a vote ot thanks to the follow
ing: To Prof. Thurman Chancy,
whose unspnring efforts have largely
contributed to render this the best
institute ever held in Douglas county;
to Dr. Joseph Schafer, whose prac
tical addresses were a real dynamic
force In the convention, and were
much appreciated by ail -who heard
them; to Prof. A. H. ChwmberhUn,
of San Francisco, whose instruction
was -likewise very practical and help
ful; to Miss Mamie Fulkerson, of
Salem, who gave excellent instruc
tion in primary work; to Miss Chris
tine Tinlfng, who very ably cham
pioned the cause of true temperance
In the public schools; to our former
stale superintendent, Prof. Acker
man, who is, as ever, held In high
esteem, by the teachers of Oregon; to
Miss Campbell, of the Prang Co., who
as art demonstrator exhibited, work
that was of much Interest and bene
fit to many of our teachers; to K.
F. Carlton, assistant state superin
tendent, and in this connection we
desire to express sympathy for the
recent misfortune of our state super
intendent, Prof, Alderman, and our
profound regret at his absence from
thi3 convention. Our thanks are due
Prof. J. W. Groves, superintendent
of the schools of this city, who very
ably occupied several periods; to
Chas. H. Jones, editor of tho Ore
gon Teachers Monthly, who acted as
choir master; also to Miss Dolan the
pianist; to Mrs. Stanley Cavalah,
who rendered several choice selec
tions upon the piano; to Mr. Sheriff,
whose marvelous whistling well mer
ited the vehement encore which it
received. We would not "omit to
mention the indies of tho W, C. T. U.
who tendered a kind reception to us,
and our Methodist friends who kind
ly furnished the church in which the
same was held. Our thanks-are due
the press of the city for quite full
reports of our proceedings from day
to day; and to all others, not men
tioned by name, who have shown us
kindness In any respect. And, fur
ther, we desire to express our sincere
thanks to Prof. Chaney for many
courtesies rendered us during hlB
term of office, soon to close, and
hereby wish to assure him of our
kindly and. continued regard."
Christian Church,
J, N McConnell, pastor. Sunday
school 10 a. m.; Thanksgiving ser
mon 11 a. m.; C. E. 6:30 p. ni:
preaching 7:30, subject "Compound
Interest". The male quartet will
sing at the evening service. Every
body will be made welcome. - Come.
Christian Science.
Corner Lane and Main" streets
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.; Sunday
lesson sermon 11 a. m., subject
"Soul and Body"; Wednesday even
ing testimonial service 7:30.
Thanksgiving service Nov. 28 at 11
a. m. All are lnited to these ser
Saint Cieorffc'8 Church.
Corner Main and Cass streets. The
Revd Charles Wilson Baker, rector.
The Sunday next before Advent. Holy
communion at 7:30 a. m.; Sunday
school at 9:45 a. m.; morning pray
er at 11; evening prayer at 7:30;
Thursday, Nov. 28th, Thanksgiving
Day: Morning prayer and holy com
munion at 10 a. m. AH are cordial
ly Invited to these services.
in an advertisement that we can and will sell yon better shoes
for the money than you can get elsewhere, MAKE US PROVE
IT. Make us "show you.
When any dealer claims to give you
better values than someone else make
him show you what he will give you
for a given sum, then come here, and
see the quality of shoes that we
will give you for the same amount.
We like to have 3-011 compare our shoes wjth what you can get
elsewhere. We say to you "take this pair of shoes, match it"
in value if you can, and we'll buy it back from you.
We expect every man of good sound judgment to buy his shoes
where he can get the most actual value for the money he pays.
.i we can show you that our shoes, at our. prices, are the best
for you to buy, sell you. On the other hand, if you
can find anybody, any where, who will give you more actual
value for your money, we expect you to get your shoes there.
We wish that we could show ever' critical, discriminating
shoe buyer in Roseburg this winter the unusual values we
have to offer. If we could we'd do all the shoe business in town
We're ready to show you.
Prices from
All Sizes
and Widths
hearty welcome awaits you.
and see.
Get Your Birds Ready for the
December 9 to 14, 1912
Douglas Country Poultry Association
Judges G. G. Wherry and T. A. Raffety
Premium list now ready. Call on or address
Secretary E. E. Wimberly, Roseburg, Oregon
Presbyterian Church.
11 a. m., Thanksgiving sermon by
Rev. J. MncAlllster. 7:30 p. ni.. A
Home Missionary service by the
Drotherhood. Home Missions and
the Negro, Mr. O. H. Porter; Homo
Missions and the Indian, Dr. F. W.
Hunt; Home Missions and Immigrn-
tlon, Mr. B. L. Eddy. The Gospel,
the Solution of all our Problems, Hev.
J. MacAlllster. There will be sier-ial
music by the choir at both services
and hymns that all can sins. Mrs
Fory will sinK a solo at the evening
service. Everybody cordially welcomed
First Methodist Kpiscopul Church.
Alexander R. Maclean, pastor.
Sunday school at 10 o'clock, James
13. McCllntock, superintendent; F.p
worth League service at 6:30; morn
ing preaching at 11 o'clock. The
pastor will preach thp tthird dis
course on the "Churcnes of Asia".
There are seven In the aeries. Thu
pulpit will be occupied in the eve'n-
ing by a brilliant national platform
representative of the W. C. T. U.,
Miss Christine Timing, of London,
England. Come early, the building
will be crowded. She may not pass
this way again.
notice foiYTummcatiox;
Case, of Camas Valley, Oregon, who,
on August 1, 1911, made Homestead
Entry, Serial No. 07448, for Lots 1
and 2 and E& NW54 of Section 30,
TownBhlp 29 S, Range 9 W., Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of In-
Land Office, at Hosoburg, Oregon, oa
the 23rd day of December, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses;
Patrick O'Donnell, of Camas Val
ley, Oregon; Hairy D. Welgar, o
Camas Valley, Oregon; Nellie Kirk,
lenilon to make final commutation r Koseburg, Oregon; C. W. Kirk, ol
proof, to establish claim to tho land : tonrburtT. Oregon. !
above described, before the Register I n. P. JONES.
and Receiver of the Hulled Stnte'dl2 Register.
Ilnptlst Church.
I W. H. Eaton, pastor. Sunday
school 10 a. m.; preaching service
11 a. m.; young people's meeting
6:30 p. m.; evening service 7:30
The services tomorrow will be un
usually Interesting. Tho preacher
will be Miss Christine Tingling, of
England, a lecturer of International
fame. It is a rare good fortune
which brings her to Roseburg. You
will want to hear this gifted woman
At the evening service tho paiUjr
will speak on "A Peep Through the
King's Telescope". The evening mus
ical program will be unusually fine
led by the choir and orchestra. A
0S873. ;
T)epartment of the Interior, U. S j
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Oc- j
tober 31, 1912. j
NOTICE Is hereby given that Pal- '
rick O'Donnell, of Camas Valley, Ore i
gon, who, on February 9, 1910, made i
Homestead Entry. Serlnl No. 05873. ;
for WV4 NB14 and VH 8EV4 of Sec-
tlon 32, Township 29 8., Range 9 W.. ,
Willamette Meridian, haB filed notice
of Intention to make final five-year ;
proof, to establish claim to tho land
above described, before the Register
and Receiver of tho I'nlicd fitnter j
Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon, on
the 23rd day of December, 1912. j
Clalmnnt names as witnesses:
Harry I). Welgar, of Camas Val- ;
ley, Oregon: Belle Case, of Camaf
Valley, Oregon; Martha M. Welgar,,
of Camas Valley, Oregon; Albert H. i
Crouch, of Coqulllo, Oregon.
dl2 Register I
I'0 R
Exclusive Patterns
'IS -
Ladies and Men's Suitings
PV" ., ' ;. '-"V
rA ; -
Department of the Interior U. 8
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Oc
tober 81, 1912.
NOTICE is hereby given that Belle
Ackley, Practical Tailor,
ill Case St.