READY FOIl INSPECTION. IfKKSSED CHICKENS. 7fl The ladles of St. Joseph's parish will hold their bazaar at Mr. Burr't music store, comer Oak and Jackson streets Friday and Saturday, Nov ember 22 and 23. At this sale will be. found real Irish lace, hand em broidered aprons of all descriptions and many beautiful and useful ar- tides sitable for Christinas gifts. An j Invitation is extended to the people of Roseburg to see these pretty ar- tides. n22; Madam, Read McCall's The Fashion Authority McCALL'S U larie, artutie, hand tamely illustrated 100-pace monthly Magazine that u adding to the happi. neaa and fficiencr of 1,100,000 women each month. Each Issue ti brimful of fashions, ftney work, lnUer"Mlnir short storied, and scores or Inhor-saviiij.' and money -saving idnu for wnmen. There arn wore tlinn 60 ni the nowej-t designs of thfl celebrated JIcCALL PATTKKNS In each lasuo. McOALL PATTERNS aw famous for style, fit, simplicity and economy. Only H and IS cents each. The publishers at MrC ALL'S will spend thousands of dollar extra In the romlnir months in order to Weep MrCALltf head anil shoulders attove nil other women's mamzlnes nt any price. However, McU ALL'S is only 60c a year: poaltlvoly worth fi.oo. Ton Mr Stlwt Aht 0n MeCafl Pattern Fra from your first copy of McCALL'S, If you subscribe quickly. H , THE McCAU COMPANY, 236 Wtt 37th St. Ntw Ytrfc NOTE-AtkforfreeeopyofMcCAt.t.-SwmilH. Iiil new premium catilngue. Simple copy and pat tern catalogue alio tree on requcL Save Your Cash Register Coupons We have just closed a deal with one of the largest manufacturers of dinner ware in United States, for a large quantity of the high grade dinner sets. These sets are not tho usual premium ware, but come to us fully guaranteed by tho manufacturer to be first in every respect. These sots cannot be duplicated for less than $10.00, and are n bargain at that price. We are go ing to give our CASH CUSTOMERS a chance to get one of those sets absolutely free, on the following basis: Trade $25, and pay $2.47 cash Trade 50, pay 1.G2 cash Trade $75 and pay 87c cash Trade 100, get set FREE Remember, Cash Customers Only Can Participate In This Distribution. Save your coupons as they are valuable. We will give you the op tion of trading out up $100.00 to get the set free, or trad ing out part and paying the balance in cash. MRS, A. C. KIDD $ SON Dealers In Fancy and Staple Groceries. ROSEBURG - - OREGON WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH THE VACUUM CLEANER When we say GUARANTEE we mean Just what the word Implies. If you are not satisfied there will he no charge. We could not make thi assertion unless we were positive of giving good service. When you get ready to clean house Jet us do the worst part for you the 'leaning of your carpets. It's easy for you and the price reasonable. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY o. O. BIKER, Cheer Up, Next time you'll send your Laundry to US. OU SURE WILL and you'll not only get it back ON TIME butit will be done RIGHT. We take as much pains with a hand kerchief as with a lace curtain. That is OUR WAY. WHO does your laundry? Try us we always please. Roseburg Steam Laundry 438 N. Jacnson Street . -(Dn tfje WELaa In homes where there is youth, strength, ener gy, and real enjoyment of the breakfast. At Your Grocers UKLLE X. K1K1) SHOW CARDS Advertising Designs and Nov- elties. Leave OrderB at Kidds Grocery. 44444 CATTLE NOTICE. All persons are hereby notified that all cattle running at large on the Umpqua Land & Water Com pany's property without permission will be considered tresspassers and will be Impounded according to law. J. C. ALEXANDER, tf K. S. WATERMAN. WOOD WANTED. The News office can make use of a large amount of kit- chen and stove wood. Subscrib- ere who are in arrears can re- ceive credit for wood brought to us. Bring It In any time 4 now, tf Proprietor. Mr. Man! Phone 79 Latest Views of Parts of , - -; - yp EK . , v ' VP , ( t ' ' n : ' 'M I I .' t x - 1 - ' v f, t 1 ' i 'I -; v- . v - - , - r' . UV." I r y - ' - i Skill ' 1 W f7 IMK-S UNCLE Sam is putting me nuisiuug loucnes 10 me ruimiuH cutmi. it has been a gigantic work Take the construction of the upper gntea to the Gatun looks alone They nre great ponderous mnsses of steel whose comparative size with n man may be seen in the upper pic ture The gates, which are so nicely adjusted as to move quickly and easily by machinery, tire shown slightly ajar Again, the double Mlratlores locks, een In the lower plrturp. are mlxrhty monuments to the constructors' skill HAVE YOU CON SULTED HIM Crowds of people are thronging to seo Professor C. Vance, the cele brated palmist and cluirvoyant, who has been at the Grand Hotel, rooms I and 2, for the past 3 weeks. Tlie professor Is doing a rushing business,' his parlors being crowded with Borne of the most prominent people in tills city. Every one who has called on the noted palmist and clairvoyant says that he tells tlluni their life better than they know it themselves, and they uxe convinced when he tells their name and every wish of their heart. No matter what your trouble Is, he can and will help you, and if you still doubt that he can do nil that he advertises, aHk your neighbor, or better still, call and be convinced. He guarantees to reveal every Incident of your life, tell when, whom und where you will marry, tell you Just what you are fitted for aud how to obtain money you are in need of. The happiness of your future life may depend upon the right solution and proper ad vice. The professor makes no mis takes, an all his predictions are true, and he may be relied upon. You may wish to know If it Is advisable to make a change in business, in love and marriage. WHOM SHALL I MAURI .' IiOW OF JEN SHALL I MAKllY? SMALL I EVER 1JE li!Vu..uKI)? DO ICS AX OTHER SHARE THE LOVE THAT RIGHTFULLY BELONGS TO .ME? IF SO, WHO? IS MY DISEASE CURABLE? WHEN SHALL I LEAVE HERE? AM 1 LIABLE TO ACCIDENT? SHOULD I INVEST MY MONEY? IN WHAT SHALL I INVEST? HAVE I ANY ENEMIES? CAN I TRUST MY' FRIENDS? IN WHAT TOWN OR STATE WOULD I BE MOST SUCCESSFUL? IIOW CAN I SELL PROI'EKITY? ..HOW CAN I HAVE GOOD LUCK? IIOW CAN I SUCCEED IN BUSINESS? HOW CAN I MAKE MY HO.MEI HAPPY? WHERE AND WIIKn CAN I GET A GOOD POSITION? HOW CAN I MARRY THE ONE I CHOOSE? IIOW CAN I MAKE ANYONE LOVE ME? HOW CAN 1 CONTROL ANY ONE? The professor tells all of these things and many more. Ho is ever ready to help Ihoso with small capi tal to find a quick and sure Invest ment. If your business is unfiuccosa ful, if your health Is not good, or If you are in trouble of any kind, you should see this truly Klfted medium at once. He haa helped thousands on the road to success, and he can and will help you. Office hours: 10 a. m. to 8 p. m Sunday, 1 to i p. m. Lady in attend ance. The reception room.:, lorate.! just at the head of the stairs, are so I arranged that you meet no strangers and you can walk tight up, not nec- Important the Panama Canal essary to enquire at desk. Notice: All diseases dingnosed astronomically and clnlrvoyantly. Come, all you sick people, and I will tell you exactly what sickness you have, aud will also tell you where aud when you can be cured. DlHTK.Ml'KIt ItKMKMY. For distemper and coughs. Easy to give. We have manufactured and sold this preparation for several years, and guarantee it to give satis faction. (Isw MARSTEItS' DRUG CO.- ROSEBURG BOOK STORE the pen with -the Ideal. Cap walwHiniisWfsuoum&mrcB . thep.n-,.r, -'tr.. c lift 'Cop . Self Fillers Safetys Non-leakable Gold Mounted and Plain The Largest Assortment in Douglas County ROSEBURG BOOK STORE ' Fern Island Greenhouse j Mrs. F. D. (ken, I'rop. Roseburg, Ore. Plione 9FI2 Cnt FIrwor. PotH'd I'lnnU, Funeral l("lntt WcddliiK lk quctn, etc. Juki Received Freh Supply of fi Ferns of All Kinds On Hnln at Thf j Rose Confectionery PS We bog to call the Attention of the public to the fact that our annual shipments of trees are now coming iu so that within a couple of weeks time we will have the entire assort ment ready for your inspection. The constantly increasing patronage of our Nursery Yard has encouraged us to enlarge our already extensive as sortment so that there is little chance of not being ablo to supply our pat rons with everything that is well adapted to the Umpqua Valley or Southern Oregon. We have all the standard commercial varieties of Apple, Pear, Prune, Peach and Cher ry as won as an extensive assort ment of varieties of these fruits for family use, We have nil the best varieties of Nectarines, Apricots, Quinces, Almonds, Walnuts, Chest nuts, Pecans and Filberts. Fourteen varieties of Grapes. All kinds of Berry Vines, besides a large assort ment of Shade and Ornamental trees aud plants, Flower Uulbd, etc. Come and see for yourself that these are choice first-class stock. Also1 that the prices are right. You seo before you buy, and our system of buying in large quantities enables us to fur nish the best of stock nt the Bame or less price than the same class of trees can be had elsewhere. ROSEBURG NURSERY CO. Kitchen and Black. Hermann Marstera, tne plumber is prepared to Install gas fittings at well as pipe bouses, lie guarantee satisfaction. tl ilBllBM(SlH WEBSTER'S . NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERR1AM WEBSTER Tho Only New unabridged dic tionary in many yoars. Contains the pith and essence of an authoritative library, i Covers every flold of knowl I odgo. An Encyclopedia in a singlo book. To Only Dictionary with tho .Yeir Divided Page. ' "0,000 Words. 2700 Pages. Caoo Illustrations. Cost nearly ' half a million dollars. ...:t us toll you about this moat rouarkuble single volumo. Writ for naninlc .Y......JX . f,.M , tieuuira, oto. LiC.MtrmnCV aprliiKllold, Miui. Ural 31 ' a L!Iavt paper and VG5 wo will DEER CREEK STABLES II A LI, A LAMIIKItT, PnmrWom (ioml lliifB nnil 'IVnin Unruly fnp Service, ('.refill Driver 8 nt with 'IV run when IK-alrtnl. H,.t o faro ;iv-n to HotirtlVr anil Transient. We do a General Livery Business. 'Phone us 151 and Rigs will be Reserved for you Church Brothers BAKERS Our bread, cake and pastries are made out of the very best of materials. Try them once and you will always be a customer PHONE 35 105 W. CASS ST. You Dont Have PAT For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8 to 36 inches. Cement building foundation and chimney blocKs. Cement sidewalks and Cement work of any Kind. I have five or all houses I will sell cheap, as I want to use the money In other business. Bee my burglar proof window lock. Its 0. K. See Pat's Elastic roof paint for leaky roofs. We build, move or repair your houses. Business buildings a specialty. Over forty years experience In building. F. F. PATTERSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER t From now on you can get fresh dressed chickens at all times at our market. We will pay cash for all kinds of poul- try, dressed veul, dressed pork, eggs and hides. We buy for cash and sell for cash. Come and see ua before selling or buying. Jack Dawson's Poultry and Produce Market. Phone 810. 507 N. Jackson street. n23 tHE MOSTMM ACCU.'.flTE .22 ? CALIBER Repeating Rifle in the WORLD, Wlado In two modcist ono for M Short R. V. car tridges tho other for .Hi Long Itiilo R.F. " STEVENS "VISIBLE LOADING" RIFLE NO. 70. Handles IS ,S3 II5T PRICE v Short and 19 .M lono rifle cartridges. $8.00 Send for hnndiiotiielv illustrated Hitlo Cata log and "How to Shoot Well . Order Stevens Rifles Pis toll and Shoteum from your Dealer. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY, P.O. Box B004, CniCOPEK FALLS. HASS. Roseburg Shoe Shining Parlor the only place In town for ladles and gentlomon. You get a first class, permanent shine, with pure polish. Wo also oil and dye shoes of all kinds. Location: N. E. Cor. Cass and ltose Streets. E. W. KAGAN, Prop. UMRELLAS REPAIRED AT Roseburg Shoe Shining Parlors N. E. Cor. Rose and Cass Sts. to Go to Sea to See i i i - fiw