READY FOR INSPBCnOW. "Des I've had enough Jill I det hungry again." AT YOUR GROCERS metix nencm-Airfetoai mm t W .r w ia. et is ttu rpll 'iill W" li rat la Ufi MERCHANTS' CARNIVAL. ftomo of the Interesting Features ' Prepared for Friday Night. One of the most Interesting en tertainments of the season will be given Friday evening at the armory. The representations and costumes will be unique in deBlgn. Among the many clever representations will be: Kendrick & King, the Apple Blossom Girl; Rochdale Co., the Vegetable Girl; .Harth's Toggery, the Groom; Rice & Rice, the Bride; A. S. Huey Co., Queen of Brilliants; Red Cross Pharmacy, Red Cross Girl; Wilder & Agee, the Club Man; The Benson Grocery, Snowdrift Flour Girl; Sykes, the Hardware Girl; Milledge & Pickens, the Monopole Girl; Marsters Drug Co., the Orange Blossom Girl; Hall & Lambert, the Livery Girl; Bee Hive, the Preferred Stock Girl; Douglas Co. Creamery, "The Milkmaid"; and many others, mention of which will be made later. The Nun'B Farewell, by 13 little girls, will be a pretty number. Also a tine musical program of several Save Your Cash Register Coupons We have just closed a deal with one of the largest manufacturers of dinner ware in United States, for a large quantity of the high grade dinner sets. These sets are not the usual premium ware, but come to us fully guaranteed by the manufacturer to be first in every respect. These sets cannot be duplicated for less than $10.00, and are a bargain at that price. We are go ing to give our CASH CUSTOMERS a chance to get one of these sets absolutely free, on the following basis: Trade $25, and pay $2.47 cash Trade 50, pay $1.62 cash Trade $75. and pay 87c cash Trade 100, get set FREE Remember, Cash Customers Only Can Participate In This Distribution. Save your coupons as they are valuable. We will give you the op tion of trading out up HOO.0O to get the set free, or trad ing out part and paying the balance in cash, MRS, A. C. KIDD $ SON Dealers In Fancy and Staple Groceries. ROSEBURG - OREGON WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH THE VACUUM CLEANER When we say GUARANTEE we mean Just what the word Implies. If you are not satisfied there will be no charge. We could not make this assertion unless we were positive of giving good service. When you get ready to clean house let us do the worst part for you the Meaning ot your carpets. It's easy for yon and the price reasonable. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY U. C. BAKER, Proprietor. Mice N. Jackeom Ht. Pbone 7. Cheer Up, Next time you'll send your Laundry to US. YOU SURE WILL and you'll not onlygetitbackON TIME but it will be done RIGHT. We take as much pains with a hand kerchief as with a lace curtain. That is OUR WAY. WHO does your laundry? Try us we always please. Roseburg Steam Laundry 438 N. Jacuson Street CsSijjgi! WOOD WANTED. The News office can make use of a large amount of kit- 4 chen and stove wood. Subscrlb- era who are in arrears can re- celve credit for wood brought to us. Bring It In any time now. . tf numbers has been arranged by Mr. and Mrs. Fory. Friday evening, November 22, at tbe armory. Admission 36o. 4 A beautiful water color, paint- 4 4 ed and donated by Mrs. Jos. H. 4 4 Eartholomay to St. Joseph'B 4 4 church fair, to be held Nov. 23, 4 4 Is on exhibition at Harth's Tog- 4 4 gery. Tickets for the paint- 4 4 lng only 25 cents, and are on 4 4 sale at Harth's and Grave's Art 4 4 Emporium. n22 4 Mr. Man! Phone 79 Most Recent Photograph of Mr. and Mrs. T. Roosevelt, Jr. Photos copyright, 1913, by American Proas AMOotatlon. MR. AND MRS. THEODORE ROOSEVELT, JR., were snapped at the Belmont Park horse races, New York, recently. The son of the president took a keen interest in his father's light Teddy Junior to now a bond salesman in the Wall street district He and his young wife are sure "fathtr" will win next time. LYCEUM TICKET Please get your seats reserved early for the Bergen-Marx recital; it you wait till the last minute you may get left, as the demand for seats will be great. Remember the date. TUESDAY, NOV. 26, at the Palace, theatre. Tickets at Mars ters' drug store Thursday evening, November 21. Single admission 75 cents to all. Season tickets may be had.for 11.20 for children; 11.80 for adults. Four more numbers. n20 DISTEMPER REMEDY. For distemper and coughs. Easy to give. We have manufactured and sold this preparation for several years, and guarantee It to give satis faction. dsw MARSTERS' DRUG CO. DAILY WEATHER REPORT. IT. S. Weather Bureau, local office, Roseburg, Ore., 24 hours ending 6 a. m., November 21, 1912. Precipitation In Indies and hun dredths: Highest temperature yesterday 53 Lowest temperature last night 30 Precipitation, last 24 hours ... 0 Total precipitation since first of month 4.9S Normal preclp. for this month 4.37 Total preclp. from Sep. 1, 1912, to date 9.09 Average preclp. since Septem ber 1, 1877 .5 Total excess from Sep. 1, 1912 2.44 Average precipitation for 94 wet seasons, (Sep. to Msy Inclusive) 82. IS WILLIAM, BELL Observer. Madam, Read McCall's The Fashion Authorll MeC ALL'S U Urf-, rtfatlc, kn4 Bmlr illortrttsxi 10O.m Motrtfcir MuiM tkat 4a midinu te kPii m "y1 MX,000 Xftdi rue It brimful nt (bullions, Hner work. iDlaVMrUnr Wort tftoriM. nd toots, of Ubor-Mtvlnc and m on - vine ldM for worn". Thro tr mora than u or tht newest Vtrni of th eHbrlt4 McCALL PATTKKNS In Men Imu). McC AM, PATTEKNH in ftunovf for tri. fit. lmpn-ity and ceoomr. Oft! It) aad M noli each. Ttao ptiblltfaftTt of VttCAJ.Vn win ttnd UiouianilJ of dollan itr In th eorolnr monthi lo ordtw to kovp McC ALL'S hed and JiouMtn ftbov tt othr wnmwn'l mtnxlnM at nr prt. However, MrcAMft u only Kc rri pottuvoir wortb $1.00. Tw lf .Ufa Aw 0- VUOM Pttora frw from row flrtt copy of MoCAIX'S, If you tubsetlbo QulcaJr. f Til I4IU CMPAJtT. ZM ft J74 K T) WOTW-AJfc fcr fmVtw MrTALL-4 4f hi w frmlmm taHJofwt. Umfl cat at-MiuaiiMtatlmNNMMi. HOLDERS BELLE N. KIDD SHOW CARDS Advertising Designs and Nov- eltles. Leave Orders at Kldds Grocery. OATTIiE NOTICE. AH persons are hereby notified that all cattle running at laree on the itmpqua Land & Water Com pany's property without permission will be considered tresspassers and will be Impounded according to law. J. C. ALEXANDER, tf K. S. WATERMAN. ROSEBURG BOOK STORE $1 t Self Fillers Safetys Non-leakab!e Cold Mounted and Plain The Largest a . . a l ! Assonmeni in Douglas County ROSEBURG BOOK STORE 3 Fern Island lireenhnnse Mrs.F. D. Owen, Prop. Roseburg, Ore. Pbone FI2 Cut dowers, Pottd PUnta, Funeral Designs, Wadding Bo qnets, etc. Just Received a Fresh Supply of Ferns ot All Kinds On Sale at Th Rose Confectionery fW THE PEN WITH aa (aVj - the Ideal I m1pr 13 'Clip-Cab' I3J We beg to call the attention of the public to the fact that our annual shipments ot trees are now coming in so that within a couple of weeks time we will have tbe entire assort ment ready tor your inspection. The constantly increasing patronage ot our Nursery Yard has encouraged us to enlarge our already extensive as sortment so that there Is little chance of not being able to supply our pat rons with everything that la well- adapted to the Umpqua Valley or Southern Oregon. We have all the standard commercial varieties of Apple, Pear. Prune, Peach and Cher ry as wen as an extensive assort ment of varieties of these fruits for family use. We have all the best varieties of Nectarines, Apricots, Quinces, Almonds, Walnuts, Chest nuts, Pecans and Filberts. Fourteen varieties ot Grapes. All kinds of Berry Vines, besides a large assort ment ot Shade and Ornamental trees and plants, Flower Bulbs, etc. Come and see for yourself that these are choice first-class stock. Also that the prices are right. You see before you buy, and our system of buying In large quantities enables us to fur nish the best ot stock at the Bame or less price than the same class of trees can be had elsewhere. ROSEBURO NURSERY CO. sw Kitchen and Black Hermann Marsters, nie plumber la prepared to Install gas fittings at well as pipe bouses. He guarantee atlatactlon. t" mm 6-i WEBSTER'S . NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER The Only New unabridged dio I tionary in many years. Contains the pith and essence I of an authoritative library. ,. Covers every field of knowl- odge. An Kooyolopodla in a 'I single book. - 7a Only DioMonary with the ' New Divided Page. i:O,000 Words. 3700 Pages. 0OOO Illustrations. Coat nearly, half a million dollars. lot us toll you about this most remarkable single volume, Write for umplo pages, full par ticulars, Ota. Namo thla paper and we will aond too a act of Pocket Map. C.aCMrrrlunCo. Sprinafleld, HouD i .-V H$Lf DEER CREEK STABLES HALL LtVMBKItT, Proprltiton nood Itlr. and Tram. Alwva Itoadr for Snnlce. Crarrful llrlver. Sent with Tam. when Dtwlrvd. Ita.t o Care Olvon to Boarder, and Transient.. We do a General Livery Business. 'Phone us 151 and Rigs will be Reserved for you Church Brothers BAKERS Our bread, cake and pastries are made out of the very best of materials. Try them once and you will always be a customer PHONE 35 105 W. CASS ST. You Dont Have PAT For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8 to 36 inches. Cement building foundation and chimney blocks. Cement sidewalks and Cement work of any kind. I have five or six houses I will tell cheap, as I want to use the money In other business. Be mjr burglar proof window lock. Its O. K. See Pat's Elaatlo roof paint for leaky roofs. We build, more or repair Tour houses. Business buildings a specialty. Orer forty years experience In building. F. F. PATTERSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER , DRESSED CHICKENS. X From now on you can get X fresh dressed chickens at all times at our market. We will pay cash for all kinds of poul- try, dressed veal, dressed pork, eggs and bides. We buy tor cash and sell for cash. Come and see us before selling or buying. Jack Dawson's Poultry and Produce Market. Phone 310. 507 N. Jackson Btreet, , n33 4 THE MOST ACCURATE 21 CALIBER Repeating Rifle in tho WORLD. Made In two modeSat one for .91 Short It. r . cor- trldgea the othor for ,9J F. STEVENS "VISIBLE LOADING" RIFLE NO. 7a Handles 14 .99 LIST MICI 8.00 Short and 19 .99 knur rifle cartridirei. Send for handaomolv Uluatratcd Kill Cata log and "How to Shoot Well". Order S titans Mflat PUtslafBd Sbetou from your Dealer. STEVENS ARMS &TOOL COMPANY, . O. S3.II sooe, anoopu FALLS. MASS. Roseburg Shoe Shining Parlor the only place In town for ladles and gentlemen. You get a Bret clasB, permanent shine, with pore polish. We also oil and dye shoes of all kinds. Location: N. E. Cor. Casa and Rose Streets. K. W. BAG AN, Prop. UMRELLAS REPAIRED AT Roseburg Shoe Shining Parlors N. E. Cor. Rose and Cass Sts. to Go to Sea to See Urnff ML 1 aw - a far XLJk DOM