The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 20, 1912, Page 1, Image 1

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l!nJn Tonlglit & Thursday
Today's Highest
Temperature, 52
voij. iv.
No. IT
Disraption Probably Lead to
Declaration of War.
(jrcueruls of Opposing Forces To Ap
oear at Peace Conference In
llehulf of Their Gov
ernment!. (Special to The Evening News.)
BELGRADE, Nov. 20. Austria
laces a crisis in her national life
that is a serious menace to the wel
fare of the country if she attempts
to enforce a recent ultimatum to
Servia. If an attempt is made by
Emperor Franz Joseph, of Austria, to
prevent the Servians from occupy
ing a stragetic point on the' Adratic
coast, It Is alleged that the powerful
provinces of Dalmatla, Herzegovia,
Boslna, Croatia and Slavonla will re
volt and declare allegiance to Servia.
Whether Austria is willing to risk
Internal disruption in order to keep
out of the Adratic port Is problem
atical at this time.
More War Reports.
BERLIN, Nov. 20. The Tageblatt,
an influential newspaper, publishes
the report that war between Aus
tria and Servia over the Adriatic
Incident Is now inevitable.
Truce Is Declared.
Hostilities have been brought to a
temporary close while peace negotia
tions are In progress. Nazlm Pasha,
commanding the Turkish forces at
Tchatalja, to whose stubborn resis
tance the fate of the city was saved
.for the time at least, has been named
4 4
For good tailoring call at 137
Jackson street.
n 23. S. A. PHILLIPS.
In Harth's Toggery Show
Window and you will see
some Extraordinary values in
Suits and Overcoats. Notice
the assortment of patterns
these are only a few, many
more inside.
Here is a good part of this
showing too Your choice of
any of these suits or Over
coats for only
They certainly are worth
more. We want you to notice
now nicely they are tailored
the snap, style and fit. You
can not afford to miss having
one of these suits and over
coats. Do it now while the
assortment is more complete
and you will have the whole
seasons wear.
, We keep these
for you.
The Roseburg Dancing So-
ciety has secured the Maccabee
hall for the purpose of con-
ducting a dancing school and
first class dances.
Commencing Saturday, Nov.
16th, the society will give
dances every Saturday evening,
commencing at 9 o'clock. First
class music guaranteed. Bols-
trous conduct and rag dancing
Is absolutely prohibited.
The opening night, terms, etc.
for the dancing school will be
announced later. Invitations
will be mailed. Ladies must
have escorts. n21
as the representative of the Porte at
the pending conference in an effort
to obtain peace.
Turks Affree, Its Said.
LONDON, Nov. 20. Reports re
ceived here, although unconfirmed,
indicate that Turkey has agreed to
the terms of peace laid down by the
RulgarJu Names Representative.
EOIrl A, Nov. 20." General Oivofa,
ccniiiia;i:ug Bulgarian troops, will
npreut Us govcraieal ia tfca icuce
cuaTcrence. Pending the delibera
tions of the rc;itca;fc;vcj cf the
actions at conflict, iioUH:l!c3 ut
Tchatalja, and along the lines of bat
tle at other points, have ceased.
ASHLAND, Or., Nov. 1 9. Ash-1
land women will cast their first vote,
on December 17 at the city elec-i
tlon. Not only are they eligible to
vote, affer the governor's proclama
tion, on completion of the offlciul
count of the ballots, but are also
eligible for holding or becoming can
didates for any of the offices, but
according to head suffarge lenders,
they will be content with only cast
ing their vote, as they do not care
to pitch Into another political fight
so soon after their recent victory
for suffrage.
Fred L. Goff and wife, of Melrose,
arrived here this morning to attend
the teachers' institute. Mr. Goff Is
at present teaching in the Elkton
suits pressed
Th Howe o I
16,000 Automobile Votes given with each of
overcoats purchased before November
Whitcomb Fields Kills Him
self in Local Hotel.
Arrived lit Roseburg Liito Lust Nig lit
' Was Part Owner In Pnrrott
At Murks ltiiuch Situated
Xear Whistlers lie ml.
Apparently suffering from a nerv-i
ous breakdown, Whitcomb Fields,1
aged 30 years, and for the past
fourteen months a resident of Med
ford committed suicide In room No.
43, of the McCIallen hotel early to
day by shooting himself through the
right temple with a 38-calibre revol
ver. Mr. Fields arrived in Roseburg on
train No. 14 last evening, from Med-1
ford, and upon reaching the hotel
conversed with Charles Curry and
other parties for nearly an Jiour
when he retired. At the time of the
conversation last night the deceased
evidenced no symptoms of mental de
pression, and according to Mr. Curry
he appeared in the best of spirits.
In fact, he talked freely of his in
vestments fn Douglas county and
went on to describe the improve
ments contemplated by himself and
partner during the next year.
Falling to reach the dtulng room
for breakfast at nine o'clock this
morning, John W. Parker, with
whom Mr. Fields was associated in
business, went to the latter's room
where he attempted to awaken his
partner. Failing to arouse the in
mate of the room, Mr., Parker ap
pealed to hotel attaches who forced
open the door and found Mr. Fields
lying on the bed, a bullet wound of
the Tight temple furnishing mute
evidence of the tragedy that had been
Owing to the fact that the body
was still warm when discovered, Dr.
A. C. Seely was notified and res
ponded In haste. A brief examination
of the body on the part of the physic
Ian showed that the bullet entered
the right temple at a point about
these suits or
two inches ahove the ear, aud after
ploughing Its way through the- head
emerged through the left temple.
The revolver, which of the the 38
culibre varloty, was found on the
bed as It had dropped from the de
ceased's hand following the fatal
shot. '
Although noarly every guest nt
the hotel was Interviewed this
morning, no person heard the shot
which ended the life of the unfor
tunate man. In fact, persons occu
pying the adjoining rooms to the
one occupied by Mr. FleldB claim they
heard nothing out of the ordluary
during the night. In view of this
peculiar circumstance, coupled with
the fact . that the body was still
warm when found shortly aftor nlue
o'clock, leads the officers to believe
that Fields committed suicide as late
as seven o'clock this morning. At
that hour many of the guests had
left the steeping apartments and
were in the lobby.
That the deed was fully premedi
tated Is evidenced In a note written
by Fields and found in his room fol
lowing his death.
The note reads:
"Please notify my brother, Henry
C. Fields, 617, Western Avenue,
Seattle, Washington; also John W.
Parker, of the McCIallen hotel."
The note was unsigned, but not
withstanding, the handwriting was
identified as that of Mr. Fields this
Whitcomb Fields was a native of
the East and for a number of yeurs
following his graduation from Har
vard university practiced law In Bos
ton. Being a diligent workor 111 his
profession, Mr. Fields was successful
and not until his health failed about
eighteen months ago did ho retire
from active practice. Realizing that
he could not continue his profession
on nccount of Ill-health, Fields de
cided to locate In the West and
about fourteen months ago he arriv
ed at MedTonl, Oregon. With plen
ty of money at his command, Fields
quickly formed a partnership with
John W. Parker, and the two have
since made a number of substantial
realty Investments. Other than own
ing considerable fruit land In the
southern part of the Btate Fields &
Parkor recently purchased the Par
rott & Marks ranch, comprlBlng
about 3200 acres and situated near
Whistler's Dend.
Mr. Parker arrived here Monday
night to await the arrival of Mr.
Fields who was detained at Medford
and wus unable to reach Roseburg
until last evening.
In sieaklng to a News representa
tive this morning, Mr. Parker said
Fields had been Buffering from a
peculiar nervous trouble for the past
two months, and at tlim'B his con
dition was quite serlouB. "Of
course," said Mr. Parker, "Fields al
ways appeared happy, and I am
probably the only person who has
had the opportunity to observe the
other side of his life. He was a
person of exemplary habits, and a
business man of experience. I at
tribute his rash deed to temporary
Insanity, presumably Induced by a
nervous condition of which he has
suffered at Intervals for many years.
He had no financial difficulties, and
was quite wealthy. He was unmar
ried." 'As soon as the remains were dis
covered this morning, Coroner Jew
ett was summoned and after brief
delay a Jury composed of Oscar Llnd
Bey, L. K. Mllledge, It. L. Stephens,
Ernest Applewhite, NaKleon Hire
and Carl D. Shoemaker was empan
eled to view the remains and If pos
sible ascertain the cause of death.
The Jury viewed the body tills morn
ing and adjourned until tomorrow
when the Inquest will be held.
. The remains were taken to the
local undertaking establishment Just
prior to noon today whero they are
being held pending word from the
deceased's brother who resides In
Heard Kjitnl Shot.
L. I). Suminerfleld, who conducts
a store on Cass street, and who oc
cupies a room a short distance from
the one occupied by Mr. Fields, In
formed the coroner at noon today
that he heard a peculiar rejiort short
ly after one o'clock thin morning, hut
that he supposed It was caused by
someone closing a door. When told
of the sutrlde today, Mr. Hummer
field Immediately recallod the noise
which awakened him early this
morning. With Mr. 8ummerfleld's
evidence at hand it may be possible
that Fields had been In his room
for a period of time not exceeding
Manufacturers Indicted by the
Federal Jury.
Threo Prominent Portland Doctors
Involved Arrests Made This
A ft ernoou Wholesale
Arrsts to Come.
(Special to The Evening News.)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20. As a re
sult of a long and exhaustive Inves
tigation, Postmaster General Hitch
cock today ordered the arrest of 175
manufacturers of alleged quack med
icines who are operating In 72 cities
In 22 states.
lloNtltaU Scandal Coming.
CLEVELAND, Nov. 20. Postof
flce Inspector Sharpe has announced
that federal probe Into certain ma
ternity hospitals charged with al
leged Illicit practices has brought to
light Information which will result
In the arrest of 100 persons con
nected with the InBttutlons In various
ways. These arrosts will be made In
A number of clues. All IndlctmentB
are secret.
Portland Doctors Involved.
PORTLAND. Nov. 20. United
States Marshals Griffith, DukCB,
Becker and Bady today arrested on
indictments resulting from the ma
ternity hospitnls Investigation, Drs.
J. 8. Stott, C. H. T. Atwood, A. A.
Ausplunt. T. J. Pierce and Mrs. 13.
M. White wore also arrested.
Nino Arrests nt Seattle,
SEATTLE, Nov. 20. Nino ar
rosts are expected hero this nfter
noon on postoffico Indictments. Drs.
L. R. Mullnlx, Madam Crabe, C. W.
Foster are among those indicted.
Others are Drs. Catherine M. Harri
son, G. S. Stownrt, H. M. Darth, John
Dunlap and Mrs. B. Zurnsteln. '"All
were arrested. The department of
agriculture at Washington aided In
gathering the evldonco which brought
Indictments Including cure vendors,
hiNilers, maternity ' doctors lind
Sentence Novomlier ittl.
NEW YORK, Nov. 20. November
20 has been set Mr sentencing the
four convicted gun men, found guilty
of first degree murder in the Rosen
thal affair. A retrial of the convict
ed men was denied. Horrowltz, Lew-
Is, Rosenberg and Clroflcl are the
names of the murderers. Mrs. Hor
rowltz and Mrs. Clroflct. who have
been held In the detention house
since the arrest of their husbands
were ordered released.
More Dynamite Cached.
LOS ANGELES. Nov. 20. The
two hours when he fired the fatal
Itrothcr Is Coming.
A telegram was received here at
noon today from Seattle to tho ef
fect that Mr. Fields' brother left that
city at noon today and should arrive
In Roseburg on train No. 15 tomor
row morning. No arrangements for
tho disposition of the remains will
be made until his arrival. It Is be
loved, however, that the body will
he taken to Seattle for burial.
HchoolNwIicr Hears Shot.
Miss Helena Riddle, of Riddle,
who arrived here last evening to at
tend the teachers' Institute and who
was assigned to a room within the
near vicinity of the one occupied by
Mr. Fields, Informed the officers this
afternoon that Bhe was awakoned by
the report of a revolver sometime
early this morning. She says the
shot must have been fired at about
2:30 or three o'clock. In recalling
the Incident this afternoon Miss Rid
dle Bald she wondered at tho time
whether or not someone had com
niltted suicide.
Was Well Known Jlere,
Whltromh Fields, the principal In
this morning's tragedy, was well
known In Roseburg where he had vis
ited 'upon frequent occasions. He
was of a quiet disposition, and was
highly esteemed by those who chanc
ed to make his acquaintance. Upon
his vlsiU :to iilosebtirg.jMr. Teld
iiBtially stoped at the McCIallen ho
tel. Attaches of the popular hostlery
speak In the highest terms of Mr.
Fields, whom they laud as a person
of high Ideals and a true friend.
mayor of the city 1b heading a move
ment to secure Carnegie mednls for
Detectives Brown. Hoskls and Flta
gerald, the three who captured Davis,
the maniac who held up Ce city hall
and police stntlon with nu armful of
dynamite, yesterday, and threatened
to blow the whole force Into eternity.
Davis says that his real name Is Karl
ltoldlebach, and that he recently ar
rived from Wurtetnburg, Germany.
He clnlms to have another lot of
dynamite cached away In San Bar- .
nardlno county.
Some of the liUcicHtinK Features
Prepared for Friday Might.
One of the most Interesting en
tertainments of the season will be
given Friday evening at the armory.
The representations and costumes
will be unlquo In design. Among
the many clever representations wilt '
be: Kendrlck & King, the Apple
Blossom Girl; Rochdale Co., tha
Vegetable Girl; Harth's Toggery, '.
the Groom; Rice & Rice, the Bride;
A. S. fluey Co., Queen of Brilliants;
Rod Cross Pharmacy, Rod Cross Girl;
Wilder & Agee, the Club Man; The
Benson Grocery, Snowdrift Flour
Girl; Sykes, - f.'O Hardware Girl;
Mllledge & Pickens, the Monopole
Girl; Mnrstors Drug Co., the Orange .
Blossom Girl; Hall & Lambert, the
Livery Olrl; Bee Hive, the Preferred
Stock Girl; Douglas Co. Creamery,
"The Milkmaid"; and many others,
mention of which will be made later.
Tho Nun's Farewell, by 13 little
girls, will be a pretty number. Also
a line musical program or Beverai
numbers has been arranged by Mr. ,
and Mrs. Fory.
Friday evening, November 22, at
tho armory. AdmlsBlon 35c, i 1
Ho (lets n (llobo-Wernlko Hook Case
, For Host Tho Answer.
"Dnt's My 'Dranpa" Is the expres
sion that wins tho prize In the Rice
& Rico picture contest conducted tor
tho past few weeks.
Tho picture hag been on exhibition
In Rice & Rlce'B show window for
some time punt and represents a little
girl Boated In front of a Globo-Wer-nlke
sectional book caso. Beside her
stands her mother fathor and an el
derly gentleman. The little lady has
an opon book on her lap and she la
pointing to a picture on the page.
Her gaze Is directed to the elderly
gentleman and, he Is smiling and
pointing to himsolf. The prize was
given to the best reply to the ques
tion "What docs baby say?"
Hundreds of answerB were receiv
ed. The Judges eliminated all but
22 of these answers and then from
these 22 selected 8. Each Judgo
thou passed upon the eight answorn
thus selected and made separately
their selection of the first, second, the
best solution. The totals of the threo
Judges were then added and the one
which received the lowest total re
ceived the prize, a beautiful Ololie--Wernlka
book cbbo.
Tho Judges were not a unit on the
prize winner. One Judge Rave It
fifth place, another socond and tho
Inst Judge gave it first place to
tal of eight points. The next hoBt
solution was "Look gran'pa. baby'
book houso." This received two first
and one seventh a total of nine
Tho next best answer was "See my
pretty book? It tomed from our now
bookcase." This received a total of
ten ointft.
"This Ib you grandpa" received a
total of twelve points. ,
The Judges eliminated all answers,
many of them excellent, which wore
written In poetry or contained ex
pressions too old for a little girl.
Charles L. Bhnppard, of this city,
was the winner. The Judges wore
Prof. Groves, M. M. Miller and Carl
I). Sohemaker
Specialist for Eye, Ear
Nose and Throat
Eves Fitied With Glasses