Harmonious. A Homely Man's Romance By CORA HATHORN SYKES The Quality Store The Four Keys to Our Success QUALITY CLEANLINESS SERVICE PRICE We are awake to j'our Gro cery Needs. We have Quali ty, coupled with Cleanliness. Our Service is the b;st and our Prices are always right. The Roseburg Sochdale Co. "What You Want When You Want It" - - PHONE 14 STOP... That cough with a bottle of A. D. S. WHITE PINE Expectorant with Tar men tholated, - 25 and 50cts OSBURN'S PHARMACY 1 47 North Jackson Street Phone 162 I t I TREES Can't Beat Douglas County Grown Trees Italian Prune Trees, 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr old $140.00 per 1000 t Apple 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr. $6 per 100 $50.00 per 1000 Peach Trees, 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr. 12 cents each Pear Trees, 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr. $25 per 100 $225.00 per 1000 Cherry same price as Pear; liola of other sloth, nil guaranteed (rue to ramo and first class. WltlTK I' ANY TIMK. ON ANYTHING IX OUK U.VE. 4 II 4 4 4 a) ? K S-444444:-4' Southern Oregon Nursery, l. Yoncalla on Important Train Changes Main Line Trains I VJ SUNSET I (0GDEN&SHASTA1 I I I ROUTES I 1 Effective Nov. 20 PARLOR OBSERVATION CAR ON TRAINS 13 St 14 BETWEEN PORTLAND S SAN FRANCISCO Changes at Roseburg No. 16: T,mvo Kosoiutrg ll:,t5 p. m., Arrtvo t'orttntul 8:15 a. m. Stops prlut'lpiil Intt'r.m'.Ui.tu points only. No. 1 ! 1-chvos I'ortlimtl S:..5 a. m.. Arrives ltosohurg 5:35 p. m. No, 17 l.ouvos Portlum! 1:45 p. m.. Arrives KoseUurg 10:05 p. m. Train 17 Will Carry a Dining Car Between Portland and Eugene For further iiifornmt.oii as to train selieilulca, rail on nny S. I Asoia. or rtte to r.wiJi'IV John M. Scott General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon Mart Krebbs was a very homely man Ho had red hair, was truckled, Bevera! teeth were gone and his heard stood out from hla face like brlytles. Krchbt was Ofty-five years old and as iinni mantle a crHuii us could be Imagined lie had been a stnge driver oil his life. and now that the railroad had elbowed the stagecoach off the uinln line of travel Mart was bundling the reins in the Yellowstone park, driving parties of visitors there. One day oiue young ladies were occupying the next seat buck of the driver, oue pretty miss of eighteen sitting beside hlin. She was trying to get Murts experiences of wild western life out of him. "Are there any romances among these episodes of yours, Mr. KrebbsV" she asked. "I don't know what episodes Is," he replied, "hut If by romances you mean love there's one love story, but that's the only one so far ns I knows." "Do tell It." came from all the girls at once'. Mart began by sundry Ins true lions to his horses, eased the coach on a down grade by putting his foot on the brake, hemmed several times and told bis story: This park when I was a younker was a part of the western wilderness, hut they called it what they call It now. find ouct in awhile there was a pnrty vlsltfn' it. I'd been drlvln n coach be tween Denver ond (ieorgetown. but had gravitated over yere. The TJte In diiins was yere In them days, and they was friendly to the whites, but the friendship of red ski us means uothin' doln' between them as a tribe and the whites. It don't take In small af fairs, j "Waal, one day I was slourhln' around tookin' for a good place where I there was water to stay awhile when ! I heered the crack of a rifle. I Wiis In a holler, and 1 couldn't see nothln and I didn't know which direction It was coinln' from, but as there was a roiid Just beyond the rise on my right I kind o' thort there was some pin gofn on fn that direction. I dim' up part o' the way and ertiwled up the rest tin I stuck this ugly mug o' mine I was almost us ugly then as I am now over the ridge. "What f snw was this: A party ol visitors was rldin' In a three Rcatcri wagon three on a seat and three C'tc was maklu' rood agents of theirselves oalculatiu' to do n little civilized plnn derln'. They hnd stopped the wugnii by the shot I hud heard, iind the part) In the wngnu was hand in' out thcli valuables. There wasn't one of em armed, and they hadn't no business drlvln' there without perfection. The had been told there wasn't no danger and mostly there wu'n't. "I was only one man with one rifle, though I had plenty of ammunition. I didn't feel like luterferln' so long ns the redskins acted Chrlstlan-llke and didn't do noLhiu' more'u rob. Hut when they'd got all the cash there was In the party and found there wasn't much of It after all one of em saw n mighty purty young gnl, and I heard hltu usk her to he his squaw. 1 kuow'd Just enough of their lingo to under stand what he meant, but none o them in the wagon did. The red devil took hold o' the gal and pulled her out o the wagon. She was skcered pttrtv ulgh to dentil, When they got her In the road they wns fnkln' her off Into the forest when I cnlc'lated It was time to Interfere. I was laylu' on my stom Ick with my rifle before ine, hnvtn n perfect aim with a rest. I sent a brill Into the skull of the red man that was plnln for matrimony and dropped hlin. "Ills two pals in about one second hnd got their eyes on n bit o' smoke sallin' off from where I wns and know'd where the shot come from, but they didn't know who had flred It or how many there was of me. 1 didn't give 'cm time to make plans. 1 let fly an other lump o' lend, though by this time the two lire Indians wns mnkln' for trees, nnd 1 only winged oue o' em The other took the wounded mnn and helped him away. I sent another hall after 'em bo's to discourage 'em from coinln' back. I waited awhile, reckon In" they might, but hear In' nothln' o' em I went down and Joined the party. "The raskll I killed had most u' the plunder on him, nnd thnt wns saved. But the principal thing saved was the gal. When she got It through her head wh:it I'd done she jlst WHbhled up to me nnd thro wed her arms about my neck and collapsed." "How Interesting!" ei claimed the girl beside the narrator. "1 thought wed get to the love part after awhile." said another. "Do go onP cried A third. "Let's have your proposair chirped n little girl not quite fourteen yearn old. "They wa'n't no proposal." Kreblm continued "!o you reckon a young feller with rod hnfr and freckles would Inive the gall to propose to a young lady like that? I Jlst handed her over to her mother, nnd her father, who'd got his money bnck from the Indian I'd shot, handed me a twenty dollar i gold piece. I told htm I dldu't have ; no use for It. llvln wild like I was. and he put It I wick Into tils pocket. They all wanted to do sompin for me. but I wouldn't let 'em. But I got Into the wngou with 'eiu and tor em to a houe." ! "But the romance!" exclaimed sev ; ernl of the girls. "Oh. that's been with ma ever since. The gnl hadn't nothln to do with It "And yon never married her? "No. nor nnj one else." "Hut why did you buy a blue dress' You know It doesn't match your com plexiou." "I know It." "I thought you were a great believe! fn the laws of harmony." "I am: and you should see bow beau tifully it matches my husband's feel Iiil's when he gels the bill." I1EST JXTS FOB SALE. Why, what are they, black mud or i adohy? No. Some hill top? No. j Oh, some side hill proposition, I sup pose, Say will you please rend the heading again before the next guess? IJcst Lots. Oh, Is your lots In West It use burg this side of the State Sol diers' Home on that nice level tract of free river bottom on Harvard Avenue? Sure, and Us nicely plat ted into lots 50x100 and an Iron-clad title of warranty deed and abstract goes with each lot. Terms as you desire. See me or phone 212-L. C. D. Maynard, owner. Password, "Invest ment." tf TKAI'PEItS. If your want to get better prices for your furs than you ever got be fore, sell them to me. Highest prices paid for all kinds of fur at the DH1 ard store every Saturday, or will meet you by appointment. dl2 CHARLES AUER. TKAl'PEKS. If you want the highest prices for all kinds of furs, bring them to me. ! am buying for an Eastern house. B. F. SHIELDS. Box G01, Roseburg, Ore" HAYS HAIR, HEALTH 3 Restores color to grey or faded hair; Cleanses, cools and invigorates the Scalp. 3 Removes Dandruff-there-by giving the hair a chance to grow in a healthy natural way and stopping its falling out. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Is not a dye. C J1.00 and 50c t Drol Store, or direct upon receipt of price and dealer', name. Send 10c lor trial bottle. Philo Har Spcclaltiea Co., Newark, N J., U. S. A. KEEPS YOD LOOKING YOUNG boa. eii,, jkiO i.B.lu.U.HIMfc:i 1!Y HAMILTON DRUG COMPANY A XI) MAItSTKRS DHVG COMPANY. Swinging Attachable A Typewriter Stands For Sale At the R oseburg BooK Store l in This City Capable here Are Ten People of filling That Job! Perhaps not that many re.illy eflltlenl workers will road your ad on Its first pub lication. Put those who are, at the moment, "eligible" for new employment, will rtv"i It -and will be pretty sti' to answer It. And to Pil! i renlly efficient worker Is l) find "pood forlUD' ipt Your IMp Throurh ! 3 TNF FVFWIWr. MF1UC I 4 IIIU L.IL.11I1.U IlLMJ PURE SWEET APPLE CIDER We Have The Well Known "BRISTOL BRAND" -. f Cider Made From Choice Apples Only FOR FREE DELIVERY CALL UP PHONE NO. 186 ROSEBURG 50DA WORKS A PLACE WHERE YOU GET GOOD THINGS TO EAT We do catering. Try us next time you have a luncheon $ $ $ $ THE GRAND GRILL Opposite Perkins Bldg. HOME:- What Is It Without DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR The Best By Every Test Every Sack Guaranteed Per Sack - $1.50 Per Barrel - $5.90 Order a Sack Today THE BENSON GROCERY 225 North Jackson Street Phone 184 LIBERTY'S iLIGHT ameBwaBaaaBttaaBaaaaMBBtxjakiCaasasBaa Is really tlio freedom that conies from Independence, and independ ence can only belong to Uie thrifty and saving. Young and old ought to havo a bank account and here Is (he place to hare it. We welcome Individual accounts and are most ac commodating (o our depositors. We offer liberal Interest combined with that security that belongs to solid Institutions like ours. X Interest on Time Deposits First Trust and Savings Bank V