The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 19, 1912, Page 1, Image 1

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Dcrusional Itiiin Tonight
and "Wednesday, Cooler
Today's Highest
Temperature, 48
VOL. 111.
No. 8S3
Is Ccored by Members of the
City Council.
Governor West Is Invited To Proceed
and Bring Kitlier Civil or Crim
inal Suits Against Mayor
And His Officers.
In an apparent effort to "white
wash" Mayor Micelli and at the
same tjime discredit GoWemor Os
wald West, of Salem, and the advo
cates of law,-enforcement in Rose
burg, Councilman J. C. Fullerton last
night submitted a resolution to the
consideration of the council, in
which he denounced the state's chief
executive, and in so many words,
invited him to bring any civil or
criminal action that he desired
against Mayor Micelli and bis sub
ordinate officers.
While the resolution sounds very
Well to those unacquainted with
conditions. Its origin can be traced
to .members of the council who fav
or Micelli and his administration.
That the resolution was presented
according to a pre-arranged plan is
the accusation of those who purport
to bo on the "Inside". In substantia
tion of fche latter assertion .'it is
said that as' early as nine o'clock
yesterday morning a certain council
man was on the streets advertising
the fact that something "sensation
al" would be sprung at last even
ing's meeting of the council.
The "sensation" came according to
program, but according to current
gossip it has had little effect other
than furniililng -food for Micelll's
- press. To the person acquainted
The Roseburg Dancing So
ciety has secured the Maccabee
hall for the purpose of con
ducting a dancing school and
first class dances.
Commencing Saturday, Nov.
16th, the society will give
dances every Saturday evening,
commencing at 9 o'clock. First
class music guaranteed. Dols-
trouB conduct and rag dancing
is absolutely prohibited.
The opening night, terms, etc.
for the dancing school will be
announced later. Invitations
will be mailed. Ladles must
have escortB. n21
(T UAvnn Mirci i re ammiui meccapc
innun imiLLLi i nnuurtL itiljjuil
Is Submitted to the Consideration cf the City Council
at Last Night's Meeting.
. .
For good tailoring call at 137
Jackson street.
n 23. S. A. PHILLIPS.
with the present mayor there was
nothing In the resolution which
could be considered even worthy of
more than passlug notice.
For the benefit of the public The
News prints the resolution In detail:
Resolution Adopted.
"WHEREAS, Governor Oswald
West has repeatedly stated In the
last few weeks through the news
: n;'?r'j l rnd crfc"t, t'.mt
V? rr;T", r-3 Incidentally the oth
er cff'irvs of tve itv cf "o"c1j;.rs.
!:?v? failed and neglected to per
form the duty rn:In:i v;xi. them
b:1 law, and that H fcr.3 hp"f)wo
necessary for him to use the author
ity that he assumes Is vested in him
to cleau up the town and compel
the county and city officers to per
form the duties required of them,
"WHEREAS, These statements
published broadcast throughout the
country emanating from the gover
nor of the state aro calculated to
and do in fact injure the good name
and business of the city, and cause
people residing elsewhere to gather
the impression that Roseburg is
lawless and immoral, and an unfit
place for the homes of law-abiding.
self-respecting people, a place where
the officers Call to perform their for comment.
Probably the most important mat
ter brought up for consideration at
last night's meeting of the city
council was the annual message,
prepared and submitted by Mayor
Joseph Micelli. The message com
prises six closely typewritten pages
of manuscript, and gives a clear
and detailed statement of the
city's revenue and expenditures
from the expiration of the
year 19 It until the present dute.
The message also recites the ' ten
tative expenditures and revenue for
the year 1913, as figured on a basis
of the past three years.
On January 1, 1912, two months
after Mayor Micelli assumed the of
fice of Mayor the official exhibit of
the city's financial condition for the
year 1911 showed a deficit of ap
proximately $19,157.70, including a
joint accumulation from the year
1911 and the three preceding years.)
Preliminary figures indicate that;
on January 1, 1913, the deficit for
the year 1911 and the three pre
ceding years will have Increased to
approximately $22,000, or an in
crease of about $3,000 within twelve
months. At the end of another
twelve months, the Mayor alleges,
the deficit will he even further In
creased. The" 'future increase, the
Mayor contends, can be partially ac
counted for through the fact that a
revenue of about $3,000 realized
from the several "near" beer -resorts
has been abolished and cannot be
compensated for in any other man
ner. Inasmuch as the message is con
cise and gives a clear and detailed
account of the city's finances, to
gether with recommendations ad
dressed to the several departments of
city government, there is no need
duty, and wink at and approve
violation of the taw; and,
"WHEREAS, In truth and in fact
Roseburg is as law-abiding and well
governer as any city in the state,
and violators of the law are as
speedily and as severely punished as
(Continued on page 5.)
The message as submitted for the.
consideration of the council at last
evening's meeting follows in full:
The Mayor's Message.
"In submitting to you herewith
my annual message It Is my unple-
In Harth's Toggery Show
Window and you will see
some Extraordinary values in
Suits and Overcoats. Notice
the assortment of patterns
these are only a few, many
more inside.
Here is a good part of this
showing too Your choice of
any of these suits or Over
coats for only
They certainly are worth
more. We want you to notice
now nicely they are tailored
the snap, style and fit. You
can not afford to miss having
one of these suits and over
coats. Do it now while the
assortment is more complete
and you will have the whole
seasons wear.
We keep these suits pressed
for you.
Copyright 1912
The House o f
16,000 Automobile Votes given with each of these suits or
overcoats purchased before November 25.
asant duty to call your attention,
particularly to the growing deficit
in the City's finances, despite the
rigid economy" that has been, and is
still being practiced in the adminis
tration of our municipal affairs. In
ability by a wide margin to meet ex
penses with the revenues . from all
sources Is becoming a matter that
merits your serious consideration. 1
have tried to carry out a policy 01'
letrenchment that would remedy the
situation but after a year of the best
endeavor I find that I have accom
plished nothing of material benefit
in that way.
"On - January 1st, 1912, ' two
months after I assumed office the
official exhibit of the City's financial
condition, at the end of the yeai
1911, showed a deflc in round
numbers of $19,187.70 a Joint ac
cumulation from thnt year and the
Immediately preceding three years,
notwithstanding the most careful at
tention given to the City's businese
affairs during that period.
"Preliminary figures now at hand
indicate that on January 1st, 1913
the deficit will have 'advanced to
approximately $22,000. 00, an in
crease of $3,000.00 in twelve months,
and at the end of another twelve
months I deeplyrogret to state there
promises to be an even greater in
crease In the Indebtedness of the
City because of the loss of $3,000.00
In the annual licenses resulting
from the abolishment of near beer
traffic which cannot be compensat
ed for In any way as far as 1 can sec.
"On the 6th day of November,
1911, I assumed the office of Mayor
witli the deepest senso of the re
sponsibilities Involved, and with no
friends to reward, or enemies tb
assail, my solo purpose was to give
to the citizens of Roseburg an econ
omical and bitsluessllko administra
tion. I was fully aware from pre
vious service on the Council that the
municipal finances were in an un
favorable condition, and that the
City was living beyond Its' means. 1
resolved to devise a plan whereby
both ends could be mnde to meet,
and to establish a business policy
that would ultimately wipe out the
floating debt and put the City on a
sound financial busts. Pursuant to
tills plan I reduced expenses where
ver It could be done and I increased
the city's revenue three thousand
dollars above the regular taxation
by personal efforts In enforcing the
occupation tax law.
"During the year that I have serv
ed as Mayor of tho City there has
been collected In occupation taxes
the total sum of $0,747.31 or over
twice the amount collected for thnt
purpose in any previous year. This
was accomplished by the devotion of
nearly all my personal time for
months in a thorough canvas of the
City, which engendered a great deal
of ill feeling, chiefly among persons
engaged in business for muny years
who had never before been compelled
to pay City Licenses. By Impartial
and complete enforcement of the oc
cupation tax law, tho total revenue
of the City from nil sources from
November 1st, 1911, to November
1st, 1912, wb brought up to $28,-
716.75 an Increase of $3,700.00 ov
er those of the Immediately pre-
cecdlng year. The City's expendi
tures for the year ending November
1st, 1912 were nearly $5,000.00 less
than they were tho year before, yet
with the Increased revenue at hand
tho general deficit In the City's
I treasury has grown $3,000.00. Dur-
i ing my first years' administration
the expenditures have exceeded the
' receipts by $6S2.70. During the
! year before I went in office the dls-
; bursements exceeded the receipts by
! $9,311.76, a difference between the
! two years of $8,579,00. I have
brought about this big reduction by
a strict, economy on every Item of
City business, and I havo now reach
ed the limit of retrenchment, to find
! tho City's floating debt Increased.
! and with demlnnds coming Jn for
; costly betterments, necessitated by
' the growth of tho City and Its'
noeds. Prominent among such de
mands Is one relating to the estab
lishment of City parks. It would be
an expensive luxury to make an In
vestment along that line at this
i time, as the city's finances are sorely
depleted. No person more than my-
3 self would rather see Roseburg beau
tified by a park: How to meet this
situation is tho problem beyond my
power of solution. I submit it to
you, gentlemen of the Council, in nti
candor and with the earnest hope
that you may be able to find a way
out of the dilemma,
"For your guidance I will state
that the City has but two wns in
which to raise reveuue. One Is In
direct taxation, the other by oc
cupation tax, or, us It Is familiarly
called. City license. We have had
during the past four years a direct
tax levy of ten mills, the maximum
allowed by the charter. Unless the
licople see fit to vote a hlghor tux
on themselves by nmendlng the
Charter so as to Increase tho levy
limit there Is no hope of raising
more money from that source. The
occupation tax you doubtless realize
Is the most unpopular of all forms
of raising public revenue. It Is un
just too In that it discriminates
agaluBt our own citizens. I doubt
very much if the City's occupation
tux can be Increased as long as the
Occurs Shortly After Two
O'clock This Morning.
Klro Ignites lit Tho Offices of Dr.
O. ii. Pearson utld Spreads to '
Adjoining Offices Hon
son Grocery Dntiuigctl.
mv a
Palace Theatre In "The Broken
I.nv" Tonight.
peoble have the power of the referen
dum. This mattor, however, 1b left
entirely In your hands.
icxiiim r
I present here a detailed state
ment of tile receipts and disburse
ments for tho two years referred to
In the fourth paragraph of this mes
sage, the close of my first year In of
fice on November 1st, 1912, Bhows
tho following receipts:
Taxes $21,353.22
Fines 352.00
Licenses' 6,747.31
Dog Licenses 241.50
Sundries 21.02
Walter Hamilton,, dam
age to building occu
pied by Roseburg Re
view and E. C. Ben
son - $
Fully covered by insur
John H. Lawroy, attor
ney; damage to fix
tures and books from
smoke and water ....
No Insurance,
Dr. E, V. Hoover, damago
to office equipment
from smoke and wat-
Total $28,715.75
Disbursements for the same period
Salaries $2,081.00
Fire and water 2.0,10.01
Health and Police 3,093.23
City Improvements 4,033.011
LlghtB 4,291.96
Printing , 904.70
Elections 100.25
Street Cleaning 3,41 1.32
ntercst on Bonds 7,968.28
MissellaneoiiB 828.01
Total $29,348.45
"During the year before I assumed
the Mayorlty duty the receipts were.
Taxes $20,410.01
Fines 453.00
Licenses 3,074.80
Dog Licenses 60.00
Sundries 350.32
No Insurance.
Attornoy F. Q. Micelli,
damage to law books
and fixtures .' ..
Fully covered by Insur
ance. Dr. C, L. Peason, con
tenta of dental office,
cogothcr with Chlcker-
ing piano . . .""J 1,000
No Insurance. '
K. C. Benson, dnmago to
grocery stock from
water 1,000
. 800
Fully covored by Insur
ance. Ewart Brothers, contents
of office
Insurance $150.
Dr. Hotick, medical sup
plies, stored in rear
room of Dr. Hoover's
No Insurance.
Roseburg llevlow, dam
age to stock and ma
chinery from wntor..
Fully covered by insur
ance. J. F. Barker, damage to
warehouse, situated in
roar of Caro store . .
No Insuranc'o.
Total $2 1,954.13
For the same period thero were
tho expenditures:
Salaries $1,953.00
Fire and Water 675.4 7
Health and Police 6.707.18
City Improvements 10,752.34
Lights 4,956.91
Printing 401.75
Elections 120.00
Street Cleaning 3.281.43
Interest on Bonds 6.028.21
Miscellaneous 289.60
Fire which Ignited through gome
unknown Bource In the dontal of
fices of Dr. C. L. Pearson, on tho
upper floor of the Rovlow building '
on Jackson street, shortly after two
o'clock this morning resulted In
losses to the -approximate lamount
of $6,000. The loss is only partially
covered by Insurance.
The rlre was first discovered by
pedestrlunB, and at the the time was
confined to tho offices of Dr. Pear
son, situated on the second floor of
the In) Icllng nnd ifaslng on Main
street. An alarm was Immediately
rounded followlrg discovery of the
flames, and within a few minutes
the fire department was at the
scone, llellovlng that the' flamel
could be extinguished without ma
terial difficulty, tlio chemical en
gine was first brought Into play, and
for a time oxcollent results wore
accomplished. Inasmuch as the fire
had gained considerable headway at
tho time It was discovered tho
flames spread to the offices of
Ewart Brothers, situated almost di
rectly across tho hall from thd den
tal offices of Dr. PearBon, and burn
ed furiously.
Upon realizing that It would be
(Continued on page 5.)
. .$34,165.89
"It Is meet that I shall now place!
before you a brief statement of the
status of the City's utilities and de
partments. l-'lre IN'imrtmcnf.
"This department I commend to
yoTir fostering care. While Its
volunteer members are doing every
thing In their power with the present
equipment accrirded them It must
bo patent to ell that the City baa
(Continued from page 4:)
Specialist for Eye, Ear
Nose and Throat
Eyes Fitied With Glasses