The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 16, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Exclusive Patterns
Ladies and Men's Suitings
Tliurwlny, November 28, Named
As Day of Thanksgiving
. In Oregon.
; '. ,., I L "
itA .. .
Ackley, Practical Tailor,
111 Case St.
"The Broken Law," one of Oscar
Wilde's greatest stories, 'will be the
next treat for Roseburg theater-goers.
It Is coming to the Palace
Tuesday night, November 19. A tel
egram yesterday morning from John
Cort, the Portland theater man, to
Manager Oliphant of the Palace says:
"You can personally guarantee Miss
Constance Crowley in 'The Broken
Law' to your patrons. She Is great
and so Is the play. It Is a first class
attraction." ' '
On account of a change in dates
Miss Crowley will stop in Roseburg
for one night only. The entire house
will be reserved at the one price of
75 cents. This company has been
playing at other points for 1.50. Tnte
troupe plays nothing but high class
dramas and the attraction here next
Tuesday night should not be missed
.1... 1..n.n tka
From now on you' can get
fresh dressed chickens at all
times at our market. We will
pay cash for all kinds of poul-
try, dressed veal, dressed pork,
eggs and hides. We buy for
cash and sell for cash. Come
and see us before selling or
Jackson's Poultry and Produce
Market. Phone 310. .507 N.
Jackson Street.
F. O. Gray and wife, who hae
been spending the past week in
Roseburg attending the circuit court
left for their home at Pendleton,
Eastern Oregon, this morning. En-
route they will spend a few days at
Oakland and other Western Oregon
SALEM, Or., Nov. 15. Declaring
that the people of the state have been
the recipients of manifold blessings
during the year now closing, Govern
or West has issued a proclamation
designating Thursday, November 28,
as Thanksgiving day, and urging the
citizens of Oregon to appropriately
observe It. The proclamation follows:
"The people of Oregon have been
the recipients of manifold blessings
during the year now closing. Peace
and plenty have smiled upon our
state. Health and prosperity have
been nm- uortion.
"Other lands have felt the grip of
famine and want, pestilence and mis
fortune. "Other people have seen their
cijops dwindle into failure; their
countrymen stricken by dread dis
ease, their cities and towns devast
ated and their lands laid waste by
the ruthless hand of war.
"Our country and our state have
had none of this. Our fields and
farms have been productive. Mali
gnant disease has stnld its touch.
The march of progress and success
has continued steadily onward.
Health, happiness and good fortune
have wrapped their comforting man
tles about us, and we stand in the
twilight of the departing year, with
our feet upou the' threshhold of a
twelve-month of brighter and more
pleasing prospect than the last.
"It Is fitting, then, and incumbent
upon us, that we pause for a space in
the interval between the harvest and
the seed time to return our thanks
to Almighty God, the omnipotent
giver of all good and the author of
all our blessings, for his mercy and
his sustaining hand, to him we owt
our life, our liberty and our freedom
from sorrow, sickness and want. Un
to him we should yield our rever
ence, and uplift our hearts in thank
fulness and appreciation,
with the time-hallowed, custom of our
with the tinie-hllowed custom of our
fore-bears, and our fatherland, and
in consonance with the conscience of
our people, I, Oswald West, governor,
by virtue of the authority in me vest
ed, do hereby proclaim and set apart.
Thursday, November 28, as Thanks
giving Day . And I call upon the
people of this state, that they give
pause to their labors and lift to the
Calls the Fire Brigade
IG brush firesend help!"
Such a Bell Telephone message rallies the fire bri
gade to the danger point and the farm buildings are saved.
Minutes at the beginning of a fire are worth hours after the fire gets
The Bell Service saves those minutes.
It is an effective rural fire alarm system and the best possible protec
tion against loss. ,
It more than pays for itself in the protection it gives.
Are you risking your farm property without the Bell system? Ifso,
call and see our local manager when in town.
16. Roosevelt has a lend of
107 votes In the state at pres- .
ent. It is still possible, how-
ever, that Wilson will capture
the state. Today's figures are
based on returns received from
every county except Los An-
play at Grave's Art Emporium. tf
For mill work niul liigli quality
lumber of all kinds, cnll on Uio J. G.
Flook Lumber Company, l'hono 100.
"Wo deliver the goods" tf
Throne of Mercy their united voices
In thankfulness for the blessings and
the bounties upon them bestowed."
See the new Italian Relief work
combined with punch work, on dis-
3 to 4 foot trees, 12o ench, 4 to
6 foot trees 14c each. I can All
large or small orders. Correspond
ence Invited.
nl2 Cleveland, Ore.
A service of song at the Presby
terian church Sundny evening at
7:30 . Come and help us dedicate
our now song books. Tho following
special numbers will be given by the
Send Out- Thy Light Qounod
Tho Choir
The Divine Lullaby Parks
The Choir
The Homeland (Trio) Hnnscom
Mrs. Fory, Miss Althaus, Mrs. Colt.
The Ninety-First Psalm. ...MacDormld
Mr. Fory
Quartot: Rock of Ages....Dudloy Ruck
Mrs. Fory, Miss Haldemann, Mr.
Stone, Mr. Fory-
Abido With Me , :...Sholloy
Mrs. Fory
The Lord Is Exalted .....West
The Choir
I'm a Pllgram Marston
Quartet ' nlG
; Kiss -Me Good-bye, Sweet Eileen ;
Featured bo PAUL G1LMORE In ..
Musical Numbers by EDWARD L'ASKA
" Brace up lit . tie girl, He comes to Bay good . bye iret El.(
Tells you of the end. And how he saw good - Dye .... . "i m - -
1. Sol - dierB march -lug,
2. Time lias passed and
r8 S
1 I , r-
r -r
0- 0 zt.
. 1 m -i
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VLfcr; w-- lrjtj J .
CHORUS. ; ' i i
j lcen, sweet El lcen. We must I?avo you sweet Ei - icon. Hear how the bu gle Is a call lug,
zl f: LtS
23-! J :2
hear the fife and drum,
hap - py is the day.
Ei - leen, dear,
'Home, sweet home."
Fluffs are wav - inf.
gol - dicrs tramp - intf,
jJ-F:J mzzzzzzzzzzzMzzzzzz.mzz
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iEr irjErjEffim Jzzzz-zzzzz ' - - "j ..-rzz.zzzzzz?
np the street they come, Ei - leeu, dojjr. Now they stop. a
hear the mu - sic play, "Home, sweet home." ' Urn ly then Jon
ir si -S1 s s- 'tP -o- '' '" '
) r I ! r rJ -I -I J 1 1 r-
-L2, a ... .,- ., 5 ;
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) Off to the war, we may see you no more, Sweet-heart I see your tears aro full - Inci Sweet El
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leen, sweol Ei - ler.n, IVo will flt'ht for you, our queen. And hy the camp-fire of you dream, Swear to
I ".. J J J . J J 1
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zlzzzi.-,-TJZ. z 75 J.
sol . dier enmes to yon, ftm't
try to find your buy. Yon
Though ynnr brain's a -whirl.
When you meet his friend,
II III I ' rt I 1 v.
v) I ! L-Jj-J-U' j r J .UzJ
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me, true you'll he to the boys of Com pa ny II. Kiss mo gmd-hye, nwect Ei leen
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