Mb ; WEATHER Fair tonight & Sunday. tutu. Today's Highest Temperature, 55 VOL. III. ROSEBUltG, OHEGOX, SATl'ltHAY, XOVEMHUH HI, 1012. No. as I. 1 ) ARE SENTENCED s Plead Guilty toy iw.fif fjffd Arson, it.'. .: : ' DRAIN WHS DAMAGE ACTION Judge Hamilton Holds Thut PlaJnUrf Fails To Comply With Provisions of Drain City Charter licit Daley Is On Trliil. Changing their pleas of "not guilty" to "guilty," Louis Strang, David Golden and Joseoh Ward, who were recently arrested an d later iu- dieted on a charge of attempted ar son, were this morning sentenced to serve indeterminate terms of from sis months to five years In the state penitentiary by Judge J. W. Hamil ton In the circuit court. When asked if they had anything to say why sentence should not be pronounced, Attorney Luwrey, repre senting the trio, addressed the court briefly. Mr. Lawrey simply infom ed the court that the accused men were young in years and hud prob ably committed the offense without the least premeditation.- In view of these facta. Attorney Lawrey asked leniency at the hands of the court. In passing sentence Judge Hamil ton had little to say, with the excep tion that he hoped '.the (prisoners would so conduct themselves that they would be able to secure dismissal from the penitentiary at the expira tion of the minimum sentence. The three youths accepted the sentence of the court without the least demon tsration. They will probably be tak en to Salem to commence Berving their sentence early next week. The boys were arrested accused of entering a residence, near Divide, and of appropriating a number of valuable articles bb well as having at- j t emoted to burn the house together i with Its contents, They, were detect-' ed In the act and upon being follow ed to Leon a i'ere placed under ar rest and later brought to this city to stand trial. An indictment by the I grand jury followed. Drrin Wins Its Owe. I i Acting upon a motion for non-suit submitted by Attorney O. P. CoshoWj just prior to adjournment of court! last evening, Judge J. W. Hamilton j this, morning dismissed the damage j suit recently filed by Mrs. Merrlam 1 against the City of Drain. In dts-' missing the case Judge Hamilton! held that Mrs. Merriam had failed to present a claim, together with thei facts, to the city recorder of Drain as provided In the charter of the de fending city. . Tills claim, Attorney Coshow contended, should have been presented to the Drain city council within thirty days following the al leged accident and prior to the com mencement of a suit for damages. Mrs, Merniman brought suit against the City of Drain to recover the sum of $5,500, alleged to be due ns damages for permanent Injuries sustained as the result of failing through a defective sidewalk. Itert Daley Will. The trial of Bert Daley, charged with a statutory offense. Is attract ing the attention of a jury compos ed of S. H. Croy, Charles B. Austin, D. B. Redifer, Joseph Morris, J, L. Boggs, G. M. Leeper, J. L. Chaney, W. O. Patcher, J. F. Strader, A. D. OEtlnger, S. Madison, and S. F. Cawlfleld, In the circuit court this afternoon. , The task of securing a suitable jury consumed the entire morning, and not until following the noon ad journment did the attorneys make their opening statements to the' jury, Up to the hour of going to press a number of witnesses had been In troduced in behalf of the state. In cluding Mildred Casteel. the 14-year- old girl who was responsible for Daley's arrest. When placed on the witness stand the child testified that she waB living at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Noah at the time of the alleged crime, and was the per son who reported the occurrance to the officers. In reciting her story or the affair, the child said she was at the Noah home, .when Daley came to the door and Inquired for a room. With Mr. and Mrs. Noah absent from home at the time the girl said she accompanied Daley to the upper floor i t the residence and was about to show him a room when he advanced an Indecent proposal. With her head hung low, the girl bald that Daley placed his arms about her waist and said he would give her 50 cents In the event she would allow hira to kiss her. She said she refused this at tention, whereupon he offered her a dollar and a half If she would en ter the chamber. Frightened, the child said she screamed, whereupon Daley rushed down stairs and Into the open. As he left the house, the girl said he turned around and re marked: "Don't you say anything about this, for if you do you'll be sorry." The Casteel girl made an excellent witness and gave a clear and detail ed story of the affair as she ob served It. Other witnesses introduc ed by the state were Mr. and Mrs. Noah, Justice of the Peace Reuben Marsters, and an old gentleman who lives at the Noah home. The defendant will attempt to prove by a number of witnesses that ho spent the entire afternoon of the day In question playing cards In the soft drink emporium conducted by Mr. Miller. Owing to the fact that there are quite a number of witnesses to be examined it is not likely that the trial will reach a conclusion before late Monday. . n Practically ftpmplote 'returns re ceived here fi3in Curry county today give the following lesulta for distlrcl attorney at the recent general elec tion: Brown 395, Cardwell SS, Long 76. James McNamara Asked Com panion to Kill Him. REMAINS OF CHILD ARE FOUND Porl land Note Crook Will He'Truiis. ported to Baltimore Where He . IXscrted His Wife Tar Gang Is Guilty. (Specinl to The Evening News.) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Nov. 16. How James McNamara became re morseful over the loss of life result ing from the dynamiting of the Times building In Los Angeles, and begged to be shot, was told by Frank Eckhofr, of Cincinnati, at the trial of the laborltes today. "We went hunting in the woods back of Ballach, Neb., the witness paid, "when Jim began talking over the Los Angeles affair. He shook and sobbed and said lie wanted to die. 'Please shoot me,' Jim Bald, "an at a time when I am not look ing. " The witness said he was unable to comfort McNamara who appeared to have suddenly entertained a suicidal mania. Uemains Are Found. BUFFALO, N. Y., Nov. 16. The body of Joseph Jottephs, aged seven years, missing since October 12, was found today In a vault In a suburb of Lackawanna. The police are: to day searching for the slayers. Prior to Joseph's dlsnpjiearance, his fath er received a number of annoymous letters from Chicago. In a letter received yesterday, and postmarked at Chicago, the place of burial of the body was described accurately. Hack to Baltimore. PORTLAND, Or.. Nov. 16. John E. Hudson, alias John E. Rlngllng, alleged note crook, will be trans ported back o Baltimore, where It Is alleged he has a wife. It Is be lieved she was deserted by Rlngllng when he started WeBt. Portland Man Con-ddrrrd. WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 16. Joseph N. Teal, of Portland; Charles S. Barret, of Georgia, and, Clarence H. Poe. of North Carolina, are be ing considered by President-elect Wilson for secretary of agriculture. Wilson In New York. NEW YORK, Nov. . President elect Wflson today tried to reach Taft's secretary and arrange an in terview, but was unsuccessful. Asked If he would attend Taft'a reception In New York this afternoon, Wilson said: "I was not asked to attend, and it is quite unlikely that they knew I Intended to be here today." Are Found Guilty. NOR WALK, Ohio, Nov. 16. Er- J Will Preside Over Quo-War ranto Prosecutions. JUCGE HAMILTON DISQUALIFIED Motion Presented Today Slates That Elbert Hermann, a Stockholder In Tlio lti-ewvry, Is a Son-in-Imy of Judge Hamilton. That the quo-warranto proceedings recently filed against the Roseburg Brewing & Ice Company, with a view of annulling Its charter to transact business In Oregon, will be prosecut ed to the bitted end, was evidenced In the circuit court this afternoon, when District. Attorney George M. Brown presented a motion setting forth the contention that Judge J. W. Hamilton, presiding officer of the local circuit court, was disquali fied to try the case. On account of such contention. District Attorney Brown asked that another judgo be summoned to try the case at Jssue. The motion filed by the district at torney follows: "Now at this tinie'comos the State of Oregon, by George M. Brown, prosecuting attorney, and represents to the court that the Honorable J. V. Hamilton, judge of the above court, Is disqualified to act as judge of the court in the above cause, and for grounds alleges that F. G. Ml celll Is a brother-in-law and E. B. Hermann Is a son-in-law of said Hon orable J. W. Hamilton, and stock holders In the above named corpor ation. "That the record In the case of the State of Oregon vs. Roseburg Brewing & Ice Company and Its stockholders Is referred to and made a part of this motion. "That the State of Oregon hero in, by Its attorney, requests that an other judge Ire called Into this ense for the purpose of trying the same." "GEORGE M. BROWN, "Prosecuting Attorney." After briefly considering the mo tion Judge Hamilton said he would enter an order In the court journal granting tho motion, and that the case would he tried before Judge Harris, of Eugene, some time next week. Inasmuch as the brewery, togeth er with Its officers and five direc tors, recently admitted violating the local option laws in Douglas county, the district attorney does not believe he will encounter any difficulty In the successful prosecution-of the quo wnrranto proceedings. At least, it If believed that ho has sufficient evi dence at hand to show that the brew ery has violated the laws of the state. nest Welch, the first of tho six men Indicted for participating In the tiir rlng and feathering of Minnie Lo valle1', of West Clarkfleld, on Aug ust 30, was today found guilty of assault and battery. ' LOCAL NEWS. 4 A. M. Gallagher, of Deer Creek, spent the day In Roseburg attend ing to various business Interests. Von Casey, who was quite serious ly Injured while asslstlng'the fire de partment last Saturday evening, Is about the streets todr.y. Mr. Casey sustained a deep gash above the knee NOTICE. The Roseburg Dancing So- clety has secured the.Maccabee hall for tho yurpose of con- ducting a dancing school and first clans dances. Commencing Saturday, Nov. 16th. the fiocicty will give ANOTHER UDGE dances every Saturday evening. commencing at 9 o'clock. First class music guaranteed. BoIr- trous conduct nnd rag dancing Is absolutely prohibited. The opening night, terms, etc. for the dfinclng school will be 4 announced! later. Invitations 4 4 will be mailed. Ladles must 4 4 have escorts. n2l 4 4 444 4444444 UHM V CLERKS GET NO EXTRA COIN FOR DOING STATE WORK, HE SAYS. Salem, Or., Nov. 15. Attor- ney General Crawforl today ! advised J. R. Stannard, of Gold Beach, county clerk of Curry county, that county clerka were not entitled to any extra com- pensatlon for Issuing fish and hunting licenses. Tho county clerk presented the theory that this work was for the state and not for the county, therefore there should be extra y. But the attorney general advls- ed that th county was merely a municipal division o the stato and that while county clerks drew their pay from the county, nevertheless they were officers of the state. of the left leg, and as a result he has been confined to his room for nearly a week. At the regulnr weekly meeting of the local fire department held last night it was decided to hold a grand Christmas ball, on the evening pre ceding Christmas. Elaborate pro grams will be issued. Tho floor will be placed in the best of condition, while the music will be something out of the ordinary. All those who enjoy the light fantastic should at tend tills event. Turks Will Not Accept Terms of the Balkans. BOHEMIA WOULD REMONSTRATE Balkan Will Meet and IHm-usn Parti tioning; of European Turkey at a Meeting To He Held Tomorrow. (Special to The Evening News.) CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 16. It was officially announced here today that Turkey has refused to accept the peace terms advunced Iby the Balkans. Tho Sultan's advisers have sent a eour.ter proposition to Sofia, It In J'tu, announcing that the allies will get at least half what they wanted. Turkey Is willing to grant Autonomy Macedonia, but wants to retain n government here. The Turks object to the Internationalization of Con stantinople. Salonika, and a com plete abandonment of European Tur key. The Athens-Russian government officially recognizes the Greek oc cupation of Salonika. .The Russia Consul, Salonika, has been Instruct ed to communicate with Legation. Athens, Instead of Constantinople hereafter regarding affairs there. In Berlin It Is reported that the Bal kan allies have arranged for the con cession of England, Russia, and France and are arranging for the par tition of European Turkey. It Is be lieved that Russia and France will get commercial advantages, while the condition of Asia will be somewhat Improved. England will get the Port of Sunda Bay. It Is believed that Germany, Italy and Runtda will veto such an arrangement. Lato reports today Indicate that Bohemia has remonstrated against Austrian soldfera entering from the Servian frontier, and has denounc ed the Germtin pojlke, who It Ih charged scattered them, Will MwtiKfi Partition. BELGRADE, Nov. 16. Tho pro posed partitioning of European Tur key will be discussed here next Thursday at a meeting of the Bal kans and Premiers, according to ar announcement here today. King Fer dlnand will be present. REFUSES TERMS T Did" Not Sink in Gray's Har bor as Reported. SEATTLE ELKS BUILD A HOME Portland Policemen are Wjirvied Against Occupying Seats In Street iv When Passen gers Are Standing. (Special to The Evening News.) j SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 16. Al-J though reported by wireless to have ; sunk off Gray's harbor the steamer! Wasp passed the r.iouth of tho Col umbia In safety nnd should arrive! In Puget Sound today. This Is 'he gist of a message received by the Merchants' Exchange from Portland. It Is stated the Wasp Is In excel lent condition. Enforce Curfew Law. TACOMA, Nov. Hi.---That City Commissioner Mills mean business In the enforcement of the new u-r few ordinance Ik apparent today. One officer reports 23 boys and girls un do'. IS sent homo on the nljtht f.he ovdinanco went Into effect, and the number is gradually diminishing. EIIin liui'id Home, SEATTLE, Nov. 10. Ground is broken today for tho beautiful .new Elks homo, to rise eight stories above the street. The Elks staged tho ground-breaking services at 11 o'clock at night, the hour when all good Elks are supposed to raise high the flowing bowl and chant "To our ab sent brothers". "Coppers" Must Stand. 'ORTLAND, Nov. 16. Tho Port land "copper" lo today advised that under no consideration mitBt he re main seated In a streetcar In the event that another passenger desires seat. Meaning that no matter whether hobo or a millionaire Is left standing In the shuffle or seats, tho guardian of the peace must urlse and offer his place. Admitted to Probate, LOS ANGELES, Nov. 16. The will of General Homer Lea, who gained international Tame as a strate gist during the upheaval resulting In tho creation of tho Republic of China, Is today filed for probate. Tho estate Is valued at $4,000. Borrows Much Money, LONDON, Nov. 16. "Canada has been borrowing too much money. It Is a magnificent country, but to read some English reports, one would Imagine- gold could be picked up In the streets. To do well In Canada a mnn nmtit work hard and live frug ally, and these essentials are being overlooked. Immigrants need not think thoy can go to Canada and live by their wits, and it would be far sHfer for the Dominion If she slowed down a bit.' This Is I he opinion of Hon. Joseph Martin, form er premier of British Columbia, In iin Interview on record here today. Car Watche Children. ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 16. Captain Orloff, adjutant to the Cruz Is today pacing the Nevsky prospect n great perturbation. The Czar was leaning out of a window watching his daughters play tenuis in the quad rangle below. Thinking Hint bin majority was an Intimate "pal," and unable to recognize his liege In the half-light, Orlofr stupped up and HlappI ng Nicholas between the shoulder blades said something. which in English would sound like: "Hello, old sport". 'Neither Orloff or the Czar have yet recovered from tho shock. MOV DROWNS WHILE 1 OltlMXG THE KIVElt Fnther Haves llhimelf and Horse Kaplds Are Treacherous. Donnie Lerwell, aged nine years, son of Mr. and Mrs, W. Lerwell, irowned last Sunday morning In tho South Umpqua river near the mouth of Shively Creek, while attempting to ford the river In compony with his father. The father and boy were both horseback und the former had crons--d tho stream, when the horse the boy was riding Bell down In the wlft current. Mr. Lerwell says the Jttle fellow had hold of the horse vhen they first came to tho surface, BOA SIGHTED APPARENTLY FRIGHTENED. ' Apparently alarmed over the announcement that certain vat- en? residing at Oakland, Suth- erlln and Glendale had request- ed the district attorney to con- test the recent local option elections held under the homo rulo measure In tho muttlclpull- ties above mentioned. Attorney Elbert Hermann, chief counsel for the Roseburg Brewing & Ice Company, appeared before the members of the county court This morning nnd in a prolong- ed address attempted to dls- prove some imaginary nllega- Hons upon which he contended the district attorney would un- doubtedly base his action. In speaking of Hermann's address this afternoon a member of the county court said he could not understand why Attorney Her- maun should exert himself In be- half of tho "wet" element or the towns mentioned, and most especially before tho district attorney had filed a complaint or had Intimated that he In- tended to contest the elections, During tho progress of his ad- dress, Jlormann stated that tho district attorney would probably contend that the elections wore held illegally for the reason that they wero confined to n ' precinct nnd not to nn Incor- porated town as provided under the terms of the homo rulo bill. Hermann practically ad- mltted that at least two of the elections wero faulty. Led to bellevo by Hermann Hint tho elections wero hold Illegally, the county court has decided to meet next Thursday, at which time District Attorney Brown will bo given an opportunity to enter formal protest against tho Issuance of orders proclaim- lng Sutherlln, Oakland and Glendale "wot" territory. but tho animal was turned over by tho current. Going under a second time ho came to tho surfaco swim ming free from tho horse, hut when Uiey were dashed under a third time and rose again the boy seemed llfo Ichh and the father believes tho lad may have been struck by the horse In Its struggles. Mr. Lerwoll dash ed back Into the river to help If pos sible, but his horse also fell and went under, while both horses and the boy were swept away and over the rapids and Mr. Lerwell had dif ficulty In saving his own life. Tho hordes gained the bank consldorablo dlHtancn below tho Tord. Rlddio Tribune. M EIK'IIA NTS CA RNI VA L, One of the most, novel and attrac tive entertainments of the season will bo given next Friday evening. Fifty young ladies will reprohent tho mer chants of tho city In costume and in pretty Greecian figures and drlltH. It promises to bo ono of tho most unSquo attractions ever presented to a Roseburg audience. Among the representations will be tho Queen of tho Brilliants, The Ko dnh Girl, the Preferred Stock Girl. Snow Drift Flour Girl, the News Hoys, Apple Blossom Girl, tho Bride, the Groom, the Jockey, tho Chaureur. the Red Cross Girl. Monopolo Girl. the Club Woman, the Club Mnn and many others festurlng tho morchaut In song and sketch. DEAL AT HOME For good tailoring call at 137 Jackson street. n 23. S. A. PHILLIPS. A. C. POSEY, M.D. Specialist for Eye, Ear Nose and Throat Diseases. Eyes Fitied With Glasses PARROT BUILDING ROSEBURG, OREGON