, NEWS WANT ADW GET RESULTS n LiUlMiB DIUKCTOR. 10DBRN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Myrtle Camp No. 6330, meet! every second aud fourth Tuesday of every month In the Eagles' ball. Traveling neighbors are cor dially Invited to visit out camp. Frank Clements, consul; R. Stubbs, clerk. Lm o. 'J. M. hoseuurg xiive, i'o. 1 holds regular reviews on flrsi Sand third Wednesdays In the i PMaccabee hall, Sisters ot other f - JF; cordially Invited to attend our re- j nives visuing in me cuy are j views. Olive Green, lady com.; I Jessie Rapp. R. K. ; U. a. a. Roseburg Chapter, No. , i SSt and th.SUTkST.n V each j ObHUUSUB sw . wU,uvv..H.., to attend. Mrs. Jessie Davis, W. M.; Free Tohnson, secretary. O. id. Kotrjurg Ane., No. 1497, meets second and fourth Mondays In their hall on Jackson street at 8 P. M. Ben North W. P.; B. F. Goodman, sec. MODE It X BROTHERHOOD OK AMERICA Meets In Maccabee Temple every 4th Friday of each month. G. L. Wright, President; Emma McMuilen Secretary. I. O. O. Rising 3tar Lodge No. 174, meets in Odd Fellows Temple every Friday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. Ed S. Cockelrease, N. G.; W. S. Powell, R. s.: M. Fickle. F. a. l. 1. O. E Roseburg Lodge, No. 32G, holds regular communica tions at their temple on Becond and fourth Thursdays of eacr month. All. members requested to attend regiiiarly and all viniitng brothers are cordially Invited tc attend. Blnger Hermann, E. R. WOMEN .OK WOODCRAFT Lliar Circle, No. 49, meets on first and third Monday 6venlngs of each month In the I. O. O. F. hall. Vis iting members In food standing are Invited to attend. Mrs. Ethel Easton, G. N.; Clara Cawlfleld. clerk. I. O. O. F. Phllelarian Lodge, No 8, meets it Odd Fellows Temple corner of Jackson and CaBs streeu on Saturday evening of each week Members of the order in good standing are Invited to attend. J R. Bailey, N. G.; M. M. Miller, R S.; L E. Mlllodge. F. S. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Rose burg Lodge No. 1037. Meets In j Maccabee Hall, corner Cass and 'PIne streets, every Tuesday even ing at 7:30 o'clock Visiting brothers invited to attend. L. ' Wlmberty, Dictator; H. O. Parge ter, Sjc A. F. A. M. Laurel Lodge, No. 13, noiai racriilitr tnpptfntTfl On thf X? second and fourth Wed- VyVA nesdays of each montu Sojourners Invited to attend. N. Rice, W. M.; R. H. C. Woods, Sec. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Oak Camp, No. 125, meets at the Odd Fellows' Hall In Roseourg, everj first and third Monday evenings VIslMng neighbors always wol , come. M. B. Germond, C. C; J. Hiiehnnnn, lerk. IMPROVED ORDER OF REDMEX Umpqua Tribe No. 44, meets every first and third Monday of each month at the Eagles' 'hall. Vlslt Itlng chiefs welcome. J. W. Brown, Sachem; C. H. Tercinski, C. of R. BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN vL-mu'V Mt Keho Lodge No n'! mpets every second and fourth Wednesday of each montl at the Eagles' hall. Visiting broth ers and sisters welcome. E. B. Perrine, F. M.; S. E. Krohn, Cor. the white is king The best all-round Fam- ilv Sewing Machine that can be produced. Made in both Rotary and Vibrator stvles. The rotary makes both Lock and Chain stitch. The latest up to the minute steel attachments with each machine. Sold on easy ts. Send name and 3 " address for our beautiful H T. catalogue free. : White Sewing Machine Co. 1460 Market St I Kan Francisco, California BOARD AND ROOMS. Modern Apartments with bath, hot and cold water In each room. MRS. CALLAND. Prop. Corner Jackson and Brockway Streets; near High School. Rate, 6 Per Week. J , SQUIRREL POISOX. Every kernel of Bolduan's T0" . a patented process. Rain, snow, dew or damp ground does not wash nut this 4 poison. It Is the onlv poison 4 which Is as good six months 4 4 after as the first day It is put 4 4 out In the fields. 4 4 The best poison yonre ever 4 4 used, or your money Ducr 4 4 MARSTERS DRUG CO 4 4444444444444444 4 4 4 NOTICE. 4 4 4 4 Mrs. C. Grannls solicits hand 4 4 embroidery work of any kind 4 4 either by the piece or hour. For 4 O reference, Mrs. F C. Flagler. 4 nl2 4444444444444444 A Large Stock of Blank Books at the In. Roseburg Book Store WE WILL MAIL YOU $1.00 loreanh setof' Id FnlteTelh Bent "a. Hlsh est itrtces- tiatrl tor old 'Jold, Sliver. oNt Vat;lic, Ilnken Jrwolry and Hrecious Sloues. Honey Sent By Return Hall. PHIIA. SMELTING & REFINING COMPANY Kntabli.hed20 Wore 863 CHESNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. TO DKNTISTS Wo will buy your Gold FlltnK". otd Scrap aud Platinum. Highest price paid. H. J. DENN Transfer Company Household goods, piano, bag gage, lumber, wood and a gen eral transfer business. Bag gage check? called for. All goods carefully handled, and charges reasonable. Uoseburg, Office P. 102 Res. P.196-L REAL ESTATE Business and Resident Property. Farms and Stock Ranches. From Five Acres to One Thou sand. From Five Dollars an Acre Up. GEORGE RITER Real Estate & Insurance. 311 Perkins Building Roseburg - - - - Oregon 246 Rose St. SPIRELLA CORSETS 1 V. 'i PHONE 82-J 4444444S44444 Hi T T , t ' 4 1 he UOllinS no .ei Main Street, One Door South J J. F. Barker's Hardware Store i 5 Good Table Board i With Home Cooking Good Lodging with clean and comfortable beds 4 By the Day or Week Mr. and Mrs. Bell Collins Pi Km TRAPPERS. If your want to get better prices for your furs than you ever got be fore, sell them to me. Highest prices paid for all kinds of fur at the Dill ard store every Saturday, or will meet you by appointment. d!2 CHARLES AUER. Douglas County Creamery Butter is the best on the market. Insist m your grocer supplying you with this home product, which Is always strictly fresh ana guaranteed. Two pound roll. 85 cents. tf 4 4 4 MATERNITY HOME " 4 4 and 4 4 PRACTICAL KURSIXG 4 4 4 4 Phone 179-R . Call at 745 S. 4 4 Stephens St. fll 4 444444444444444 MRS. H. JAY STONE Teacher of Piano and Hnrmony ft Down-town Studio. 223 E. Lane Street. Home Studio 7 17 Hamilton Street. Phone 362-J. ' 4 Gl'RDON A. FORY, 4 p Vocal Lessons. 4 4 4 Studio 312 E. Cass Street. 4 4 Phone 191-J 4 Roseburg ... -Ore. 4 444444444444444 MRS. CHARLES S. HEINI.IXE Plnnoforte Instructor Mulscal Kindergartener Studio 423 Ella St., Phone 33-R 0 DR. M. ASIITON' Chiropractic-Neuropath. " Nerve and Spine. Specialist ft Chlropractlc-Neuropth is a Nat- ural and Advanced Scientific ft Art of Removing the Cause of s Disease. ft Chronic Cases ft Specialty ft 224 Cass St. Roseburg, Or. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 444444444444444 DR. GEO. E. HOUCK, 4 4 Physician and Surgeon. Office. Review Bldg., Phone SI. Roseburg. Oregon. 4 4 4 DR. H. E. HERMAXN, 4 Eye 8peclnll(, 21? South Stephens Street, ft . Roseburg, Oregon. 4 DR. 8. L. DcLAPP ft Osteopathic Pliystcinn ft ft Successor to ft DR. J. L. CALLAWAY ft IVrklns Building ' ft ft Office Phone 119 ft ft Night Phone 215-J 4 . 4440444444444444 4 4 4 LOST Waterman's Ideal foun- 4 4 tain pen; black, faintly mot- 4 4 tied with red. Please return 4 4 to G. A. Fory. tf 4 4 4 4444444444444444 LOST On Sunday a ladles silver breastpin with settings a very peculiar pin. Finder please re turn to The NeWB office. 657-n2 Madam, Read McCaH's The Fashion Authority 1r CALL'S ( a larr. rtutic, Und--rin-lr illuitrtttrd 1(0-Iag monthly MKxin i hi I U ddin( lo the happi nc4t rff iciuicj- of 1, 1 00,000 notmn mmch monil). K-i' h Nn H trim fill nf IVhlf-rn. fhm-r- l:. iru. mrt nt- r lit Mi' ij .iiiil tun f'r -(ihi-m. i Ii.-rt nrt Il.an Mi f IH- r-w-l dr. It-mi fif thf o-!i-l,.ieii i: ALL I'AI'IKUN- lit -jmIi lue. Mcr.W.L PATT KHVrt sr fHmoim fr 1' lr, fit. rhn;Hlv ami wnouif. Vuly 10 :mJ 15 ci-ubt nfc-ti. Tti prbll-hwn nf M-TAM.'S will pr,1 tliniiAinis of rii, )ar vttri in thn funing tii'iiilh In rirrW li kwrt M'AM.'M lif.nl and rli'HiliW r'hiv all oui-t wetii'-ii'i rii.TStti'-i Ml an; T'l't. II " " v c r, u ouij hoc n ear; pnniilveir wi-nti $ on. T M.. Vrf -t Q. H.H r,tra fr-t frn-n r-nir ftr-t ropy of l cCALL'ti, If yfiO outfiL-ril qul kl, TlI icOU CWIPAHT, O Hm J7 SU Nw M I'll fl-ir lr'"ir '-', s-i -. Sir.i,i toyf amI itn uloguc In nqurtt. H'AXTED. DRESSMAKING 129 Flint Miss Adelia Anderson. WANTED Dressmaker to do sew ing by the day. Phone S06-R n20 WANTED Experienced ranch hand. (2750. Box 66, Dlxonville, Ore milk. Box 66 Dlxonville. 335nl9 WANTED A few more boarders at 211 West Washington street. Meals regular, good fare, rates moder ate. - dl HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 3 unfur nished housekeeping rooms; also E room cottage for rent. Inquire 410 W. Douglas. 646-tl WANTED Students for mandolin and guitar. Thorough Instruction and rapid advancement. A. Fergu son, Herrington House, city. nlS WOOD CHOPPERS WANTED To cut wood by stumpage or on Shares. Clyde E. R. Wallace, phone 14F14, 8 miles east of Roseburg. U WANTED TO RENT Small three room furnished house, must be reasonable Call or wrlglit, Edw. W. Eagan, Roseburg Shoe Shining Parlor, N. E. cor. Rose and Cass streets. WANTED 2 men to cut wood and clear land, etc. Must understand blasting. Good long job to right parties and tent furnished. Ad dress box 83, Dixnnvllle, Or. nlO COOK AND WAITER WANTED Competent cook and waiter for country hotel. Applicants please phono or write to F. L. Jones. Scottsbttrg, Ore, at once. tf-513 WANTED Sheep goats, nursery stock or what have you in exchange for a well bred mare, city broke, also 4-year-old pacing horse. Are first class. Box 66 Dlxonville. 634-nl9 WILL TRADE Two" Ocean front lots In Newport, Oregon for a two seated Auto. Must be In good running condition, Lots valued at Seven-Hundred Dollars. Address box "E" City. nl4 WANTED Position as manager of orchard or will care for large or chard by contract. Present .con tract expires January 1. Refer ences. Aadiess T. E. A., core Tho News. 6E3-dl5 FOR TRADE Nice five acre tract of land in good town, suitable tor sub-dividing; has nice cottage and ! Improvements, Will trade for home In Roseburg. Here Is a good I chance to make some money. In quire News office. 217-tf FOR RKFT. KOK RENT Good Douse In desir able part of city. Inquire at 456 Rast avenue. 6U6tf WAltlCllOUSE KOR RENT Oil side trnck near ueot. Inquire J. O. Newlnnd, Roseburg, Or. n2C I'OR RENT Good house, close in. large lot, nice garden plot. In quire 404 W. Douglas. 654tf I'OR RENT Light and pleasant front bed room with or without board. Call at C27 Court St. Nov. 16 I-'OR RENT Five room modern house on North Jackson street. Ap ply te Chas. Ileskett, Roseburg Steam Laundry. nlS FOR RENT Four room house, con veniently located. Inquire Watson Davis, Edenbower, Ore., or Phono 25-K-ll. nl5 FOR RENT Modern 0 room cottage for rent, corner Roberts and Ham ilton streets. Inquire Weather Un real! office. nl2 FOR RENT Fine largo B room Bungalow new and all modern, in good location. (18.00 per mo. See Perrine Real Estate Co. 401 Cass St. t( "Folk HAM'. OK SAl-E Olt KENT Several mod ern houses. Appl to 8. W. Slur mer, or call phono 177-L. SNAP BARGAIN Will soli fine projwrty In Riverside Addition to Rosrbiirg at af,w.'8Hor's valuation. Inquire of .Ir,e Schcins, owner. dl 1 G A SO I . I N EF NGTn E FTght horw powr engine at bargain; am go ing East, and it Is too heavy to ship bark. Enquire at N'.-ws of fice or of C .0. Mason lit North Side Pinning Mill. r,.-,r,.d KOIl SALE Choice orchard or gar den truck land In Ave and te acre tracts. Plenty of water. Land will ralso anything that '.an be raised In this valley '.ncatec within 35 minute drive ot Kose burg. Railroad station within ten minute walk of any part of the ubdvlslor.. Prices reasonable and sold on terms to suit buyer. Call on or address Th News office for further particulars. SOOtf FOR SALE Second hand rour-cylin-der automobile. In excellent con dition. Will sell cheap. Apply at this office for information and price. 281-tf FOR SALE Nice, gentle black mare, weight over 1000, 11 years , . ' , . , . ' . .. old. Flue for lady or family I driver, office. Price 100. Inquire News 349tt FOR SALE Grape roots; grapes for this climate; fine roots every year; sure crop; good table grapes and good for wine. Crop guaran teed. Address, John Stockel, Rosbeurg, Oregon. FOR SALE 1 good team of geld ings, wt. 22.00, well broke; 1 good 3 Vi wagon with good wood rack, going at a bargain. Clyde E. R. Wallace, phone 14F14, 3V4 miles east of Roseburg. U9 FINE BUNGALOW -Will ' Bell oi trade finest property In good rail road town for Roseburg residence or farm near city. This bungalow is new, modern, 3 large lots go with It, delightful view of rlvei and town, and rents . for $17.50 per month. This is something ex tra fine. AddreBB, Owner, News, Roseburg, box 113. ONE ACRE HOME Nice little place lust outside city limits, good six room house, barn, chicken house, yards, etc., all fenced and In first cIuhs coudltion, grounds set to young fruit trees, some In bear ing, big shade trees by house, all for only $1,800. Inquire News of fice. Sl-tf (100D GARDEN SPOT Tract 230 by 100 feet, one block to school, near store nud postofflce, River Bide Addition, owned by non-resident, who will Bucrlflce It at $275. This place Is a bargain, being best of garden soil. Address N. R.. box 55, city, or Inquire News office. 4tf TRADE OR FOR SALW Nice tract of 10 acres only three miles from city, best of roads, fenced, bul no buildings, nloe young orchard, spring, etc. Will trade for olty property. Making fine suburban home. Inquire News office for bartlculars. 41-tf $40 AN ACRE Farm of 135 acres, practically all tillable, one-fourth mile to river, on main highway, beautiful location, and the finest kind of place for dairying and or chard, fenced, spring, no build ings, and 8 miles from Roseburg Chean as dirt at the price. Inquire L, News office. J 41-tf "ARM HOME FOR SALE 16 acres, close In, fine large house, good barn, windmill at well, water piped to house, 12 acres young orchard automobile raods all year, and 1c every way a desirable place. Im provements worth $4,000. Ownei will sell for $5,200, terms. Ad dress News ofOce for particulars box 6!i. TEN ACHE BARGAIN A hue llltU place on best road In tho county fair house, bam, spring and well nearly eight acres In choice fruit mostly In heavy bearing. Lbss thai 3 miles from sentor ot city. Own er will sell on terms. Inquire at News office, or address Owner care News, 199-tl APPLES FOR SALE 3 boxes nice picked Baldwins, all for $1. Or der by card, giving street and num ber, hut don't take tho apples un less they are entirely satisfactory when delivered. Boxos emptied and retained. B. Ilosklns, It. K. D. No. 1, Box II, Roseburg, Ore gon, n 2 3 FOR SALE OR TRADE Highly In proved 10-acre tract 1 mile froni good town, new 7-room bungalow good barn and poultry houses, ( acres In orchard and berries, splen did loratlou, first class every way One of the finest places In South ern Oregoa. Sidewalks to depol and town; crop all In and will trade for Roseburg property of ' farm near city. Address Owner, News office, box 111. E X T R AG OO D BUY fen acres Just outside city limits, best of soli; water for Irrigating, chicken parks and fine chicken houses, fruit, fenced, and one of the finest loca tions in tho county for a home. This tract can be subdivided and sold as city lots If desired. It Is an investment at prices asked. Ad dress D. K., box 53, Roseburg, or Inquire at News offico for infor mation. tf-020 FOnfMEtf ONLY ForsalrorVrado, equity In a nice, new, nifty, nobby, up-to-the-minute BUNGALOW. Ce ment walks, cobble base, paved listrlct, near school. A "homo" not a "houno". Convenient Inter ior arrangement with "catchy" outsldo effect. Get this now and wear off the "first" paint. Wood In basement for a year. Will con sider anything useful . from a "JACK-RABBIT to an AUTOMO BILE". Addreaa X Y Z, News of- fioe, Roseburg, Or. 622-tf Out and vetch, ex. Phone 19F6, 66 633-nl FOR SALE Several large water tanks. AIbo storage room for rent. Inquire 456 Rast avenue. 507tt , r ; FOR SALE Good team of young k , " bargain. Inquire Ruckles, Ore. W. J. Croot, nl6 FOR SALE Nice driving outfit gentle, city broke horse, light buggy and harness. Phone 113. or call at 301 Perkins bldg. tf52t FOR SALE Bay horse 7 years old, wolght 1100. Works nuywhere. Price $110. Phone 3 F 21, Dix on line, C. L. Oldham. swnl8 FOR PALE Four-foot Br corawooa. For carload lots write to Jonathan Richardson. Lrfona, Ore, Order now for fall delivery. Carload lots $3.25 a cord, 146-dtt FOR SALE Extra large pure bred Bronx turkeys foi breeding pur poses. Tonic $5 r.nch and hons $3. Will furnish the local market with corn fed turkey for Thanksgiving If ordered. Mrs. O. C. Brown, Dlionvllle or phone 8F25. THIS WILL SUIT YOU Five fins lots, good view of city i block to proposed paved street, good view, well drained, and a property that will please the critical buyer, only $1,350. Terms. Inquire News office. 278-tt 35 ACRES tree sou, well drained, all In cultivation, ideal location for poultry aud orchard, fairly level, good county road, 8 miles east , of Roseburg, 8 miles to P. O., church, store and bhw mill. Price $2,750. Box 66 Dlxonville. Ore gon. 632-U19 FOR SALE OR TRADE) A 47 room hotel, completely furnlBhed, 3 s'orles, just across stroet from city park, IM blocks from Mnln street In town ot 10,000 with 3 railroads. for further particulars addres 123 S. Holly street, Medford, Ore gon. nlS FOR SALE In Roseburg, 4-rooin house on Flint streot, No, 242, all furnished Is bringing In $144; lights, water, patent toilet, sewor connection, paved street, etc. Price $l,ibO; part down balance $10 per month. Address R, P. Simpson, I.eland, Or. 804-tfsw Wilt I'AV A LANDLORD Keep tilt, money yourself. Will sell a beau tiful location for home at grn bargain. Only small amount down, balance long time, hardly any In terest. Tract contains 30 bearlug trees of choice fruit, city water. Mid Is only 10 minutes' walk from postofflce. If this appeals to you, Inquire News office for particu lars. 813tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Very doslr ahle farm of 75 acres, lVi miles from the city on good road. Good home, barn etc., fenced and cross fenced, splendid spring of water, orchnrd of about 3 acres of choice rarlotics In good condition. In fact, an Ideal homo place. Will take unncumbered, desirable city home as part payment, balance long time at 6 per cent Interest. Ask The News. 642-tf THREE GOOD FARMS for sale by the owner. All near Roseburg, on main wagon road, nenr school and church. Good stream of wat er and live springs of water on each place. Small orchard, houso, barn and out bouses on each place. Sultablo for fruit, fiirmlng or stock raising. Prices No. 1, $1,500; No, 2, $3,000; No. 3, $5,000. Ad dress or ace E. W. Kuykendall, 206 W. Washington street. n22 FARMERS' OPPORTUNITY A fine 480 acre wheat ranch, complete set buildings, on main road, only, t miles from good railroad town, will be sold on easy crop payments to responsible fnrmer. Would ac cept Douglas county property In exchange for a largo part of ranch value. Only small amount cash roqulred. By securing possession of ranch at once, fall crop can be successfully sown. Don't delay, but Inquire of R. R. Wood, News office for dctnlla. tf HE It IS IT IH About the nnest home In tho valley, all In cultivation, city privileges, modern house of six rooms, gasoline pumping plant, plenty of water for lawns and gar den. If It la a country homo Just out of town that yon want, do not mlKS seeing this. Will sell all or part of property, l'rlvatu tele phone to city. It will pay prospec tive home seekers to Investigate this place. Inquire at Nowa office for particulars, or call at premises, 0. D. Maynard, Just west of Bol 41ert Home. 13-tf HAY FOR 8ALE cellent quality. Dlxonville, Or.