The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 11, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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25 cts. Boy Scoot Books25 cts.
Pure Linen Writing Paper at 25 cts Pure Linen Handkerchiefs for 5 cts.
A pure linen paper, 48 full sheets and48 envelopes We are offering womens' pure linen handkerchiefs
A grade of paper that usually sells for 50c OftV of good size, suitable for every day use. You
some places at 35c buy your supply now atOw should see this snap at special low price of OC-
Boy Black Rubber Rain Coats $2.95 Mens' Cotton Union Suits for $1.00
We are offering for the young fellow afine grade A fine grade of mens' cotton union suits. They
of black rubber rain coats, all sizes regFO Q U8Ualiy retail for $1.25 but for this gar-tp 1 AA
ularj5.00 gradeyou can buy them here J,tJ ment you get a great vaJue at special $ J .liU
Trimmed Hats at Special for $2.95 Mens' Bath Robes at Special $3.50
A choice lot of trimmed hats for fall and winter , . . ,
Nobby styles. Your choice of these reg(Tr rr' They are the regular $5.00 grade. We made a
ular 84.00 to $4.75 hats at low price of J),VD special purchase and you will do well to secure
one of these for Christmas presents all (TQ rA
Mens' Rough Neck Sweaters $4.95
All wool mall leading colors ,, grey, red and Mix. ,t HaVC . JllSt ReCCIVCd, aHl nOW
Shaker knit have rough neck collars, OCT
nice tor Xmas presents buy now for .VD Have a full Une of D M. c. Embroidery Cotton in
We MaKe Buttons all Sizes and in all Colors Let peerless colors, stranded in colors, and the crochet
us maKe your Buttons for you. They'll sure please in balls. Just what you want, see them early.
; '
1 Bit now for your Xitius fotos.
, Clark Clink, Votograpliem. tf
! R. Weaver, of Riddle, was a vlsft
; or In Roseburg fcr a few hours yes
j terday.
I E. D. Barber,, of Myrtle Creek,
spent Sunday In Roseburg with
I Mrs. Carrie Settle, of Oakland,
I Client Sunday in Roseburg with
To Prevent Bulgers Occupying
United NdtlON Cruisei'M Ordered To
Hull For Tnrlilr!. Water nl
Olll1' I' Johnson
WiuilH Hull.
tho whito uhive law, under which the
negro Ih bHi, 1b unconstitutional,
whllo tho chiirKed the Chicago news
papers with having prejudiced the
puhllo mind against Johnson . A de
cision In the case Is expected Monday. ,
Nit ikmv for your lioilriiiy fotos.
( lurk V lark, Kntogmphcrs. tf
Ueniemher the chrysanthemum
sliow In the Mnsonic building Friday
and Saturday.
(Special to The Kveulng Nows.)
PARIS. Nov. 11. !ri order to
prevent the victorious Jlulgara from
taking "poBHetmlon of tho capital city,
It fs said thiit the joint occupation j
of Constautltioplu Ih planned by the
Drltlrih, French, (iermaii, KuHslan,
Austrian and Italian marines. Tur
key, It Ih alleged, approves of this
plan, and It is now believed that
tho landing of the foreign murines
will ho oidcfed noon. Reports alg
-assert that (lie government Is dla-j
-arming the populace of Constanti
nople. WtMNliipi Puss In.
Tho Russian battleship Kontlslav, the!
Hrltthh eruihcr Hampshire, and the
AiiKtrlan scout ship in command of
Admiral Spaun pawned through the
Dardanelles (his afternoon, the porte
having granted permission for A se
oml warship of eai'h power to paHS
Into tho harbor. This Ih taken to
moan that the Hiiltan feiim an nntl
ChrlMlun upi Irilng.
l ulled Mtme- Cruisers Sail.
rlllLADKLlMIIA. Nov. II. -Rear
Admiral Knight, commanding the
rrnlsers Montana and Tennessee, has
rocelvcd orders to start ut once for
Turkish water. The erulsers are at
present lying in the Oolawnre, and
their presenco at Constantinople will
lie to protect A median Interests
JohiiHon 1'lglitM For Time.
now famous Jack Johnson caso ot
white slavery was dragged before tin
I'nlti'd States supreme court today
when his nttorney, Honjamln Hach
rnch, asked the admission of the pu
gilist to halt. He contended that
tho bail fixed by the Chicago court
was unreasonable, and alleged that
a Business Directory
M A rt-torr of Town Knit
H VlllHRfl. xlvlnit d-.TlltvB ikolvh ot
jj smith. HhtpHtitf anil liHiikituc point)
M ftlut OUxcltl-t llrrlory, riutlld by
jn bUBlneta ntM rrofCMliMt,
Mrs. Oeorgo Larson and child, of
Portland, spent last evening In Rose
burg visiting at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Wendell Wright.
Mrs. Fred Hliikeley and daughter,
(Jrace, left for Portland last even
ing where they will spend a few
days with friends.
Mrs. Lahr and Miss 1011a Olmstead
left for their home at Portland this
morning after attending tho funeral
of their father, It. Olmstead, tu this
A pretty florman wedding occur
red last night ut tho home' of the
groom nt S 1 4 Hoover street when
(Jus Snyder' and lna Ruhmnn were
married. Rev, K. .M. Mears per
formed tho ceremony. A German
wedding dinner followed. Only the
family and a few clone friends were
In attendance.
Tho ladieB aid society of the Meth-j
odlst church will held their annual
chrysanthemum show November 15 i
and Hi In tho Masonic building on1
the corner of Main nnd Casts streets, j
Kveryone having chrysanthemums to
exhibit will kindly send them to thef
office Friday morning, Ulue ribbons J
will be awarded . Aprons and home'
cooking will bo Tor salo both Friday i
and Saturday. !
Sit now for your holiday fotos.
( lark & (lark, l'otographeiK. tf
B. J. Bridges, of Oakland, spent
the day in Roseburg looking after
business Interests,
Mr. iloldrldge, of the firm of Hoid
ridge & Beard, of Yoncalla, arrived
in Roseburg this morning where he
will receive medical treatment. He
was accompanied by Mrs. Holdridge.
John Moffltt and wife, of Steph
ens, returned homo yesterday after
a few day a spent In Roseburg visiting
at the home of George Kazartee.
Wit now for your Xmas fotos.
Clark & Clark, FotogmpherN. tf
J. R. Dean, of Riddle, spent the
day In Roseburg attending to var
ious business interests.
Hermann Marmora, me. plumber,
la prepared to Install gas .fittings at
well as pipe bouses. He guarantees
satisfaction. t'
Alex Olmstead left for his home
in Canada this morning after at
tending the funeral of his father, H.
Olmstead, In this city.
For mill work and high quality
lumber of nil kinds, call on the J. (L
Flook Lumber Company. Phono 100.
"We deliver tho goods" tf
See the new Italian Tteiief work
combined with punch work, on dis
play at Grave's Art Emporium. tf
Attorney Albert Abraham return
ed here yesterday after a few days
spent at Portland and northern cities.
Rev. C. W. Baker, rector of the
St. George's church, spent Sunday
afternoon at Sutherlin, where he
held services.
Miss Clara Smith was dismissed
from Mercy hospital yesterday and
left for her home at Dillard on last
evening's train.
Blankets, Comforts and Spreads.
No ice cream Blankets here, all full
weight and full size. Best all wool
Blankets In the City. Call and bo
convinced. RICE & RICE. tf
Miss Millspaugh, of Portland, ar
rived in Roseburg Htst evening to
spend a few days. Miss Millspaugh
is a representative of the Baptist
Home Missionary Society.
Miss Belle Newland arrived here
yesterday to spend a few day a" visit
ing with friends and relatives. Miss
Newland is at present employed as
instructor In the Gardiner schools.
Mrs. L. S. Taylor returned here
last evening from Corvallls where
she spent a few days with friends
and relatives. She was accompanied
by her Infant child. Mrs. Taylor and
child will leave for Portland fn a
few days where they will join Mr.
TayJlor, who -is employed ,at thnt
Nothing new under the sun, so the
saying goes, but there's alway's
something new In needlework at
Graves' Art Emporium. Big ship
ment just In of the" new and popular
cut work. Night gowns, bags, pin
cushions, centers, pillows and scarfs.
Just the thing for Christmas. Come
early and get a choice selection with
instructions. tf
Mrs. W. L. Walsh, wife of a local
traveling salesman, left for Portland
this morning as a delegate to the
Btate convention of Women's Clubs.
Thanks Voters of Coos County
For Liberal Support.
When asked for a statement
following his election last night,
District Attorney George M.
Brown gave out the following:
"I feel that I have carried each
county In tho district by a sub
stantial plurality and I am
grateful to the people who have
supported me. My vote was cut
in this county not only by the
fierce assaults made upon me by
persons whom I prosecuted and
their Influential friends, bu
also by a letter containing
tissue of falsehoods and nit!?
statements concerning the Me
dalled case and taxes, which
was circulated among the vot
ers of Douglas county on the"
eve of election. I owe my vic
tory to those who stand for law
and order. My office in the fu
ture will stand as it has stood
In the past for law enforce
ment. The people and the legis
lature make the laws. When
tha laws are enacted It becomes
the sworn duty of the executive"
and judicial officers to enforce
them." Marshfield Record.
She was accompanied as far as Eu
gene by Mr. Walsh.
Judge G. W. Riddle received a
telepnono message from Riddle yes
teray morning to the effect that his
prune dryer was blown down late
Saturday evening and that one of
his valuable work horses had been
killed, xue prune dryer was 140x3C
feet in dimensions, and Mr. Kifldlo
estimates .his loss at ?-2,u00. The
horse which was killed was stabled
in the basement of the dryer, and
had no chance of escape. Another
horse housed In the basement of thfa
dryer sustained' a few bruises, but
was otherwise uninjured. Other than
wrecking Mr. Riddle's dryer, the
wind blew down a number of small
buildings in the Riddle vicinity as
well as doing" other damage. Old
timers claim the wind storm was the
worst experienced in DouglaB coun-
j ty for many years.
Notice is hereby given that the'
undersigned, administrator of the
estate of Martha A. Rice, deceased,
has filed his final account as such y
administrator In the county court of.
Douglas county, Oregon, and that
said court has set Monday, tho 16th
day of December, 1012, at the hour
of 2 p. m. of said day, at the court
house In Roseburg, Douglas County,
Oregon, as the time and place for
hearing objections thereto and for
the final settlement of said estate
Administrator of the Estate of Mar
tha A. Rice, deceased. d9
U. S. Weather Bureau, local office,
Roseburg, Ore., 34 hours ending 6
n. m., November 11. 1P12.
Precipitation In Inches and hun
dredths: Highest temperature yesterday 54
Lowest temporal u ru last night 48
Precipitation, last 2 4 hours 02
Total precipitation since first
month 2.43
Normal preeip. for this month 4.37
Total preelp, from Sep. 1, 1912,
to daie , 6. 54
Avorago preelp. since Septem
ber 1. 177 5.16
Total excesa from Sep. I, 1912 1.38
Average precipitation for 84
wet seasons, (Sep. to May
Inclusive) 33.36
Money Saved is Money Made
Kirsehbauni Gomes.
VS. - M V.
We are offering you tho finest o pportunlty to save-therefore to make
money you have ever had. It's up to you to take advantage of this op
portunity 'jy purchasing your .,.,teittS&Sffi!
Fall Suits and Overcoats
1 'T" and other furnishings at our "
which is now going on and will continue until we are located In our new
quartors In the new hotel building.
PLEASE REMEMBER that all reports to tho contrary, we are not
selling out and expect to remain In Roseburg and grow with the town.
All we are doing now Is offering you a chance to save money not only on
Suits and Overcoats, but also on Itnin Coats, Ituhlxrs, Roots and Shoes,
which you will need now or very shortly. ' t'jTiSTEf J
Simon Caro
k CWV". "" A. B. C,.
K. I- 1t1.K A CO.. fiKATTI.K