Phone 245. All work (im-cLta Commercial Abstract Cc Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds of all Kinds Furnished Money to Loan on Improved Farm Property FEAST OF CORN. An Incongruity By JOHN GALLAGER, JR A Jolly Frolio For Thanksgiving Evening. n V 5 4 sri 1 ' Jt ' 4, r It ntinT ,- Women Are Casting Ballots A Iso School Children Judging by the number of ladies who are visit ing our store this week, it would seem that they are taking much more interest in the Baby Con test than their husbands are in National Politics. Of course, everyone who sees the Globe-Wernicke Bookcase to be awarded to the one offering the cleverest title to the picture dis play in our show window, immediately demands a ballot. Remember, you do no have to be a customer of the store to win the prize; evoryone, without reservation, man, woman or child can submit an answer. School children wishing to start a library in their school can get up a contest among themselves, and every member of the class submit a title. It is a good tonic for one's imaginative power VOUR ROOM MIGHT WIN THE BOOKCASE Why not appoint a commitoe, and secure the teachers consent to compete for this prize to go in the Schoolroom. RICE & RICE "The House f urnishers" ' '5 ' V..-X- i (r - TO YOU-OUR C USTOHER WHII.H yon llvoln our noighliorliood wo hopa to keep you on our cimtoinor list. To do this we Inlend lo Hive you Die hunt ol service, the bust of druus anil the l est PHllnlacUnn that good Inteulioni, good goods and proper prici!s can give. It there is any point In which we fall short of our In tentions, o hIihII be plraied to know II. II It can bo rem edied, ll sliall be; II not, it will not harm either of us to talk it ovor, Wearoln your community lo sell goods, and wo can not do lliat unleas our trBdo ie nalitled: 'our trado' means you and a fuw others. When wo recommend DIKK'S remedies we are offer ing to von the bent that run be obtained, and for tbeio remudins wo havo the exclusive sale in this neiitlihorhond. Karh DIKE preparation that wo tell should omvin.a you that wo iiiiiun to uivo yuu excellent goods. They oro tiisde ol Hie heal ingredients, by skilled pharmacists, in well ei,uiipeil Itihorsturleg, and each remedy is recom mrnded by thuiisaiule who have used them. Sole Agents For DIKE'S Household Remedies Krohn's Drug Store Mnccnbcc Temple mm vstM - III. T1'V!iSF rm We Guarantee k:l, ..... li I w J 0 TUANKSOIVINU CENTKliPIECK. A frolic particularly suggestive of ThaiikHgivliiKr the Americau harvest bume. Is a fenwt of corn. By corn, of course, is meant Indian corn or maize, not the wheal, barley or other grain termed "corn" Id Europe. Invitations are written on corn col ored paper aud have water color deco rutloiiH representing ears of corn, corn stacks, etc. These notes could be Imbued Id the nnmo of the corn king, using the form given below: "Your presence is cordially requested to meet King Corn at o4 Kari court, Thursday, November 1 from 8:30 to 11." Of course, the walls will be deco rated with .cornstalks and the celling hung with ropes of the dried ears. One of the amusements of the even ing is a contest where play era guess the number of corn kernels in a large Jar or bowl. The number of kernelN will have been nlrendy ascertained by the hostess, who awnrds a prize for the best guess. Give a bonbouniere In the form of an ear of corn as a prize. In nnother round give ench player a needle or thread, and provide a large dish of kernels that have been pre viously soaked until rather soft The fun consists in seeing who can, In the rlinrto"t Hpia. mn'ro (Tn tnnroit Mvlnir uf iuru kji'iieiH, Uivu h box ot pup corn niitrty a IMiwtrmrrt 1- a pretty (tucket sultnhle for decorating Ll.u i'h;iii!:sIvlng table. It Is Blled with ears of dried porn and hiinrhp of grapes. The handle is wound with leaves. This Idea mny be carried out (u paper, even tho basket being made of the crinkled variety. Smart French 8uit. Velours de lalne is one of the new est and smartest of materials this win ter, and tho cut shows a particularly attractive suit carried out in this new Kronen fabric In black aud white cuffs to he perfectly hum dored, when sent to our laundry. Wo want more work and are gunning for yours. Wo give tho best finish to your linen, arc quirk In deliveries and charge only fulr prices. A trial order will bo appro LONE PHONE ISO elated STAR LAUNDRY COR. PINE AND WOODWARD STS. BUY A FARM 800,000 Acres to Select Prom. In Central Oregon LOW l'RICES EASY TKKMS Your last chance to buy Good Eitrm Land at .Such Prices Comk In And Lotus tell you about theso farm If you doairo to trade your small acreage on a larger farm Wo will figure with you McCLINTOCK AND GEDDES Offlw In Mnrt-r Anpft, Xit To firsnrl 11m !M m.ACK AND WHITE V KM) HUB D f.AINR. stripes. The skirt Is slightly dratted j and the coat has a high necked fasten . Ing n rolled hack collar f white faced i with white rluth that Is very becom ' lug and new The buttons are big ; ball shaped niYtitn of bone In ncrenm tint Distinction. j Miss ,lu I In V. l.tithmp. the head of the ' newly elected children's bureau, has 11 bright wit. Once at n meeting at Hull Hnuse. where a great deal had been :itd about women's Intuition, Mis, j l.athrop H"hl she observed Unit when j ever animals show Intelligence It Is ; enlled lustln-.-t; whenever women show futelllgenrp It Is called Intuition, bul whenever men show Intelllgem e It l called simply Intelligence. Woman' Journal. A Wall Ppr Hint, flefore putting ou new wall paper I Is In'st to remove the old paper, am1 If n Iwdlerfnl of Imlllim water Is placed In tho room and nil the windows and doors closcsl. the steam will soften tin twper (o such an eitent that It It easily removed. After my admission to the bar a friend of Mr. Larkiua, of the law tirm of Larklns, Larrabee & Lincoln, gave me a letter to hlin recommending me for a salaried position In his olllce. 1 was advised to see Mr. Lark inn at his house, where I would receive more friendly attention than In his olllce. I called about 4 o'clock, expecting to Bnd him, returned from tils ollice, but since he had been detained thero later than usual I concluded to wait for him. I was shown Into a large draw ing room ns dimly lighted as those of most city dwellings. Indeed, since it was winter and the dnys were short there was hardly any light at all be cause of heavy window draiery. A door opened Into a conservatory, and while sitting In profound silence I heard a succession of oaths. There were two Incongruities connected with the matter. In the first place, the pro faulty came from out a profusion of flowers and. in the second, was spoken In a woman's musical voice. Further more, they did not express Irritation, the lady who spoke them seeming to be simply rolling them out Just to hear them. In other words, as they j were uttered there was no meaning to 1 them. j They soon stopped and were followed ; by a few notes of song, in the same j sweet voice as the oaths. Then a ; young girl camo out of the couserva- j tory, passed through the dm wing room, unconscious of my presence, and, swearing like n trooper as she went, passed out Into the hall and upstairs. I got a view of her as she passed ft gas Jet that had Just been lighted, and her face was as Innocent of guile us her tongue was defiled. I was especially pleased that she did : not see me. for she would doubtless 1 have been deeply mortified. Mr. I,nr- ! kins came In presently, and I presented j my note of Introduction, which was In strumental in securing for me the place I coveted. I soon learned that lie had a daughter who was considered a beautiful girl, and I Inferred that she was the one I had heard uttering pro fanity. I wns curious nbout her, for I could not understand how u refined woman could have a fancy for listen ing to oaths uttered by herself. 1 had not been long In the employ of Larklns, Larrabee & Lincoln when Mr. I.arkiiiH Invited me to dine at his house. I accepted gladly and on the evening appointed nppeared at the house In evening dress and wearing my Itost expression. It seemed singu lar that I should be desirous of im pressing a girl who could swear "like an army In FlaniTers," but such was the case. When Introduced to her I found It difficult to repress a smile, thluklng as I did how shocked she would be did she know that I had beard her nt her worst. I can't say that Miss Laura Lark Inn wns a demure young lady, but she gave one the impression of being very refined, modest, pure. Indeed, she wns tlie last person I would have supposed would indulge In the unladylike habit of swearing. To tell the truth, there was something so novel. In such mark ed contrast. In hearing a lovely girl with a sweet voice uttering profanity that I wished she would do It ngaln. But tnstoad her words wero well cho sen and pure English, there was not a hit of slang, and everything Bhc said was refined. This Introduction nt the house of my employer resulted In a love uffair be tween mo and Miss Larklns. After awhile 1 was made a Junior member of the law firm 'where I wns employed, and, being approved by Mr. Larklns as u son-lu-law, I was accepted and duly engaged. While I bad beeu fascinated by the Incougrulty of oaths spoken in n melodious voice, 1 was at times trou bled by this peculiarity. Might not n girl who would give vent to such expletives have something bad nbout her Inner self which some day would crop out to shock me? I wished to tell her that I had henrd her swear and hear her explanation, but could not bring myself to do so So I went mi, subject to oc casional lits of terror lest 1 would mar. ry one whose devilish nature might burst forth at nuy moment My fiancee was at the time I met her a collego girl. One day 1 took up In her house I he book 'of a piny In which she It til acted ns an undergraduate. One part, ttiat of a man, was marked throughout. While reading It I came upon tho very oaths I bad heard her utter. Here was an explanation. She had performed this part. A moment later when she entered tho room I fired them at her. "Oh.' she said, "ynn have been read hie the part I played at college. We girls were expected to leavo those swear words out. Hut we never did at rehearsal." "Why rnitr "Why does any girl fancy what she Is supiHtsod to let aione'f" Then 1 told her of the first time t saw her how while I was shocked I was pleased. She said that It wns thit untiie shock, that desire to break lit niKui forbidden things, that pleasel girls. She also confessed that several of tho girls who took part In the play. 11 n repressed by authorlty.v were In the habit of rolling out the oath: I had henrd her nse Just for the pleas ure of doing something they had no business to do. As for herself, she played the part of the roan who dl( the swearing. 1 asked her to do It Just once morr and nfter that never to do It agt n. She declined to oblige me. Perkins Building ROSFBURG, OKKIiOfk -1 , JOHN DEERE REVERSIBLE DISC PLOWS WorK equally well on Level land and Hillsides. They are light draft and easy to operate. We also carry in stock Sulky Plows, Gang Plows ana warning riows witn Mu&bie Bottoms, sod U "BreaBer" Bottoms and "Black Sticky" Bottoms. All good g'rades. ROSEBURG FEED & FUEL COMPANY I I TELEPHONE 163. f ROSEBURG BOOK CO. OFFICE OUl FITTERS FOUNiAIN PENS SCHOOL HOOKS TYPEWRITERS NEWSDEALERS ' HOLIDAY GOODS POST CARDS PENNANTS ROSEBURG. OREGON WE ARE BUSY SELLING HINTING SUPPLIES Because our stock is complete iu all lines. Our prices are a winning feature every time. If you are going out for- a day or week, let us fit you ouffor the trip, TWO NEW 1012 INDIANS To be sold for second hand prices. One machine fully equipped with tandem, headlight, generator, magneto switch, horn, and 3-inch auto tire. A goo", chance to get a good machine cheap. J. H. SYKES' GUN STORR I D. H. MARSTERS' PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning and Heating North JacBson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble WorKs. Telephone 251. WorB Done on Short Notir ROSEBURG, ORE You Dont' Have to Go to Sea to See P A T For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8 to 36 inches. Cement building foundation and chimney blocBs. Cement sidewalBs and Cement worB of any Bind. - I have live or six fcousei I will sell chenp, as I want to use tho money Id other business. See my burglar proof window lock, Its O. K. See Pat's Elastic roof paint for leaky roofs. We build, move or repair your bouses. Business buildings a specialty. Over forty years experience In building. F. F. PATTERSON - CONTRACTOR and BUILDER . H THE ECONOMY MARKET H j George Kohlhagen, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Butcher. The best the market affords. All kinds of Stock bought and soM. Phone 58 Rcsebuig, Ore 0