The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 08, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Set up Their Capital in
. cold. There are no surgeons In the
city, and there is great suffering
from this fact. Neither Is there any
fuel, and all trees and shrubs In the
place lhave ll'ien cut and 'burned,
Bombardment by Montenegrins goes
on steadily.
VlUIIIVtt. UA5I IN I U rLAffltb
JT- Thinks Job Too lli(! For Wil-
n President l:kvt Takes j
I ' W' ' 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 n
Niiiun Cabinet. !
(Special to The Evening News.)
PARIS, Nov. 7. The fall of Con
stantinople is expected at any time,
and It is conceded that a massacre
of Christians will follow the occupa
tion of the city by the allied urniiea.
Reports come from the palace that
the Sultan Is preparing to transfer
his capital to Bruza, Aria Minor.
Turkish atrocities and butcheries of
untold members of Christians at
Reodesto have been conf irqied. Wom
en and children have been slain in
the city and country, and in many
cases were thrown nlive into "the
flames of their burning homes,
lleyoml His Control.
TERRE HAUTE, Nov. 7. That
the Wilson administration will be a
complete failure was predicted here
today by Eugene V, Debs, the de
feated socialist candidate for the
presidency. Debs alleges that Wil
son will "find himself face to face
with a situation utterly beyond his
mortal control."
Wilson CJoes To nelimmln.
PRIXCETON, Nov. 7. The per
sonnel of the cabinet will be decid
ed upon during the visit of Governor
Wilson and wife to Bermuda. They
will leave here November 16 and be
gone two weeks. A private yacht
has been placed at their disposal for
the trip. Upon his return to Ameri
ca It is probable that the cabinet will
be named, Wilson is planning to
present some reform measures to the
New Jersey legislature after New
Rcfiit;ps SlarvinK.
BUD A PEST, Nov. 7. Refuges
from Scutari; state and city, are slow
ly starving. Soldiers and non-combatants
are limited to one meal a
day, and that consists of rice. The
Turks have seized all the cattle,
horses and dogs, and all stores are
1ltnn1in nnnilKlnno O A 1 mH-
terlally to the suffering of the peo
ple, whose clothing is insufficient for
adequate protection from the winter
Read the Lyceum Course "ad." in
this paper. n5
Rev. Charles Wilson Baker went
I to Sutherliu this afternoon.
i S. J. Jones, a local capitalist, has
been appointed baliff of the circuit
Frank B. Rutherford, of Myrtle
Creek, is a business visitor in Rose
burg today.
,?. i-M i " -" i
lIrs. Ben Bullwinkle, of Riddle, ar
rived here this afternoon to spend
u day or two with her parents.
See the new Kalian Relief work
combined with punch work, on dis
play at Grave's Art Emporium. tf
John Alexander, the Glide mei
, chant. sjent the day In Rosoburg
i looking' after business matters.
For mill work nnl high quality
lumber of nil kinds, call on the J. (.
Klook Lumber Company. Phone 100.
"Wo deliver the goods" tf
Mrs. Ethel Elfert, of Medford, ar
rived hero this afternoon to spend
a few days visiting with her sister-in-,
Tor mill work and high quality
lumber of all kinds, cull on the J. O.
FIoolc Lumber Company. Phono 100.
"Wo deliver tiio goods" tf
William Van Burcn left for his
home at Portland this afternoon af
ter a few days spent In Roseburg
campaigning for a "wet" town.
Blankots, Comforts and Spreads.
No Ice cream Blankets here, all full
weight and full size. Best all wool
Blankets in the City. Call and he
convinced. RICE & RICE. tf
Senator-elect Goerge Neuner last
evening received a telegram from
Frank Wulte, at present in San
rrancisco, in which the latter extend
ed his congratulations, to Mr. Neu
ner. ;
Have your corns removed by Drs.
Fowler & Porter, of Portland, now
at Howard's Snoe Hospital, 125 Cosb
street. Removing ingrowing hails a
specialty. Painless work guaranteed.
Isadora Rice, spent the day in
Roseburg attending to various busi
ness Interests. .
A great labor savet self-wringing
mop. Order now. J. W. Mote, P. O.
bo.x 107, Roseburg. ulo
Lester Mosler, of G-Hde, spent the
day in Roseburg attending to var
ious business interests.
E. M. Ollivant and wife, of OUalla,
spent yesterday In Roseburg attend
ing to business matters.
James Wright left for Woodville
this morning where he will spend a
few d.iys with relatives.
Jack Wilson, of Canyonvllle, left
for his home this morning after a
few days spent in Roseburg.
Mrs. F. L. Russell, left for Toledo,
Lincoln county, this morning where
she will spend the winter.
Mine. Harriet Labadle, dramatic
interpreter of plays, will appear at
the Palace theatre, November 13, in
aid of the 95 Mental Culture Club.
Mine. Labadio will present the great
play "The Pigeon' the entiro play
with full cast of characters, will bn
given In the form of a dramatic in
terpretation. 1. Mine. Labadie is acknowledged
by critics as the best in her lino since
.Mrs. Scott Siddons and Charlotte
has devoted her life to dramatic work
has devoted her lifeto dramatic work
and is the originator of this par
ticular form of dramatic interpreta
tion which sbo Is using for the pro
duction of the plays in her reper
toire. 2. Mme. Labadie Is a member of
the Notional Geographic Society and
of the Browning Society of Philadel-
Come To Stubb's Store
And Lay in a Supply
Don't Han The Kitchen in Small Why?
Nothing is gained by running low on groceries.
You simply pay more when buying in small quanti
ties. You can buy to better advantage in quantities
and pay less than if you bought in pints and pounds,
besides you are continually running out of something
just when you need it.
Our sppnial saV on Saturday was so pood that Ave
are ffoing to try it airnin, coming on next Wednesday
will have a sale for Wednesday and Saturday
only. Wait fH' the days. ;v
It Will Save You Money
16 I' i Dry Orain Sugar $1.00 1 gal. Imp. Italian Salad
lis J Wheat Kloiir $l.a."i (KT sk 0M ner ga)
Cod 3oc Coffee at 30 mt Hi. , v''r" r." "...
Bars of any Kind ot 6c. ' m- " C "m Cor" '"c
Soap 2."c '2 d"z- FniT Standard
. Kellogs Corn Flakes 1'tc Tomatoes Tc
inn llis Hilrlianl:s Potatoes ItOe pin pickles Just Arrived
Post Tostles l"e ppr d(
Arm and II. Soda He Snvder Catsup, per bot iitlc
llluing pt. bot He Kanry Eating Apples per Ijx noe
Amonla pt. bottle He Jersey Queen Milk, 3 cans 2."ic
1 full gallon Hulk Syrup.... r,rc f n Ik Salid Oil for cooking
3 jars Knights .Mustard .... !Nc per gal 00
1, lOqt Pall IMc He?l Hulk Krnut (Home,
1, 12qt. Pail 30c Made! per 1 ..... He
1 A-l Broom 4lle AM M.V.W OTHKHS
Watch For Our Saturday Special
Out in Thursday's Paper
"The Store That Saves You Money"
! Irvine Gardiner, of Myrtle Creek,
j is siwndins a few days in Roseburg
! attending to business mutters.
Hermann Marsiers, plumber
is prepared to Install gas fittings ai
well as pipe bouses. He guarantee?
satisfaction. t'
Rast & Xegley, the plumbers, were
this morning awarded the contract
for plumbing three residences now
in course of erection by Henry Denn
& Son, in the Grove.
Jerry Fulkerson, of Portland, who
has been sjending the past few days
in Roseburg left for points in the
southern part of the state this morn
ing to look after business interests.
Mrs. A. J. Carman and children
left for Grants Pass this morning
where they will Join their husband i
and father who is employed by tb
Southern Pacific Company at tiiftt
Mrs, Carrie Settle, of Oakland, ar
rived here this morning to appear
as ja Av f less Jn the case of the
State vs. R. U Moory. Mrs.' Settle
is the woman from whom Mooney Is
alleged to have embezzled something
over J50. j
County Clerk Edward Lenox and
his assistants will commence the
task of canvassing the vote of
the recent election tomorrow.
TVo dayB will be required to com
plete the work.
John W. Campbell and wife re
turned here last evening from Port
land where Mr. Campbell received
the election returns. Mr. Campbell
was the bull moose candidate for
congressman from the first congres
sional district and was defeated by
W. C. Hawley.
Wong Your, who conducts the
New York restaurant, at the cor
ner of Jackson, and Washington
streets was arreBted late yesterday
accused of working hla waitresses
more than CO hours per week. The
neensed will probably be arraigned
In court tomorrow when he will en
ter a formal plea.
f ah
7 zy V?
it - . ?
5 ''f-y
.1l,-;t :VT": fa'
j Patrick J. Lynch, an Astoria rapl
! tallst. and George II. Dryaut. forni
' er iollceman at Astoria, arrlveil here
this morning and will appear as wlt
I nesses for the state In tho cast of
' tho state against U. U Mooney, who
la accused of embezzlement. Moon
' cy was arrested at ABtorla follow-
i ing his depnrturo from Oakland, Or.,
! with Ethel Metealf.
Frank M. Lenman, who has con
ducted a pressing and cleaning "par
lor" over the Eugene Loan & Sav
ings Bank for several months past,
is somewhere out in Southern Oregon
with a Ford automobile which he ob
tained from a Junction City man
yesterday by giving him a worthless
check on a Eugene bank for $lrn a?
part payment, and the officers are
Reeking his arrest on the charge of
obtaining money under false pre
tenses, Lehman, who Is aged about
2f yearB. Is supposed to bo with his
partner, C. I). Echols, and two oth
er men. They were seen going
through Voncnlla, In Douglas county,
about six o'clock last evening, but no
trace has been found since. They
were In a great hurry when they
passed through Yoncalla and did not
stop there at all. The officers to
whom the sheriff's force telephoned
today say that the road out south
of Yoncalla Is very bad and It Is
doubtful If an auto can get much
further. According to that Informa
tion Lehman and his companions are
either held up somewhere on the
road or have abandoned the auto
mobile and taken the train for Cal
ifornia. The owner of the automo
bile left on the afternoon train to
day for Yoncalla to assist In the
phla, tne largest ani propaniy
tho most influential l'rurary society1
lu VmeHcaj. She U .an (associate j
member of the Dr:-ma League of
America, and re'i.ieaentative at largo
of the American Playgoers Associa- j
tlon of New York. i
The Dr una league of America Is i
recogul''-;d and approved by the j
lcatiltiri theatrical producers, dram
atl' critics, and actors, of this coun
try, many of whom are members of
the League. The object of the
League, to stimulate an Interest In
the best drama and to awnken the
public to the Importance of the
theatre as a social force and to Its
great educational value If main-i
tallied on the high level of art and
morals, Is carried out by Mine, ba
ilable In her dramatic Interpreta
tions. Jll. Immediately following her
appearance In New York, April 26.
191 2, before the Century Theatre
CI jbj the American Playgoers elected
herj their representative at large
After her dramatic Interpretation ol
"Tomorrow," she was the guest o
honor of the Club at a lunch glveu
at the Astor Hotel. A special ar
ticle on her work appeared In the
August number' of (1912), of "The
Theatre," a magazine published In
New York and devoted to the best
dramatic and operatic events of
each month.
In a special Rann Kennedy num
ber of "The Dramatist", April, 1912.
an exclusive magazine on the drnma.
written and edited by Luther n.
Anthony appeared an article 'on
Mine. Labadle's work In "The Ser
vant In the House," entitled, "A
Play In the Pulpit," In which Mi.
Anthony showed the vulue of hei
dramatic Interpretations In their
influence in uniting the Interest o!
ihe church and the theatre as a mora!
force In the social life of today.
Plays In ller Hcpcrlolrv.
A Doll's House, liedda Gabler. nu
j Enemy of the People and the Mastot
Mulldcr, by llenrlk Ibsen.
The Pigeon and Joy. by special per
mission of the author John Galswor
The Servant In the House and the
Terrible Meek by apelijil iermlssion
of the author, ChnrlcH Hann Ken
Michael & His Lost Angel by spec
ial permission of tho author, Henry
Arthur Jones.
Tickets sold by private subscrip
tion and w'lll bo reserved next Mon
day at Marster's drug store.
Wonderful Feat Of Wonder
Washing' Machine
We have sold exactly forty-five
Wonder Washing Machines in
this community. It is the most
wonderful machine on. the mar
ket, for cleansing the clothes, and
making blue ;Monday easy. The
Wonder is now well tried and
We absolutely guarantee The
Wonder Washing Machine. You
may buy one and try it until you
are perfectly satisfied. We use
the Wonder in our own homes.
We know the work it saves, and
ask you to be sure and try
The Wonderful Wonder
Keister Ladie's Tailoring 'College
Everything pertaining to dressmaking and tailoring taught.
Tuition 26 for full course. This course ofrors Instruction In
drafting of patterns, cutting and fitting of coats, cloaks, tailored
and fancy dreBses.
115 courso gives drafting of patterns without sewing,
fii courso gives 10 dayB sewing.
Wo Invito Invesllgalloii
Instructor Mgr. Asalstiint.
Rooms 4, 5 and 6 Bell Sisters Building
the msjMMl
CALIBER Rcpeafcg f
November 13 and 14, 1912.
Kirie in uie tr. ;
for .92 Short It. 1 . car- ill
tridrci-thcolhcr l')r .i?.' Ior(J
UiHo It. F. I
WFLC NO. 70. .
Handle "
Short and U .91
lonrr ru'iu OirLndgt s.
ijiitd f r l.ui:'.!w::ic;y
D-tralrd liillrj f'it.-
o;r and " How to fcboot
Order Stevm Rif!
Pistols nd Shotguns
from your LJealcr
r. O. Box 80C,
1 r 1 j
1 IDCTI: . "M
From Main Line Points, Portland to Rose
burg inclusive; also from all Branch Line
points and points on the Corvallis & Eastern.
SALE DATES: November 12 to 14 Inclusive.
For further particulars as to the train service etc.,
call on nearest Agent, or write to
John M.Scott, Gen. Pass. Agent Portland, Ore.
search for the men.