The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 05, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Improved Highways are Urged
in Joseph ne County.
' J 1 1 Deliver InU'rextlng Addi-esH On
Jiood ltoad Booster Ih Trav
eling By I'irvittd
Grants Pass, Or., Nov. 1.
Since writing you yesterday ex
cept! In gly Important developments
have transpired In regard to good
roatln and the Yellowstone Boulevard
from New York to the Pacific count.
Ye&terday afternoon a crowd of
good roads boowters was called Into
consultation in the offices of the vice
president of the Pacific Highway
Association. The object In view was
to devise ways and moans for the
most effective way of advancing good
roads in Oregon, and especially In
Jouephlne county at this time.
At my suggestion a Joftoohlne
County (Jood Roaris Association was
organized. The present county
Judge was elected president. And to
my groat surpriso i was elected hon
orary president for life. It was de
. elded to launch a whirlwind cam
paign for good roads in Josephine
county at once. I will deliver sev
eral addressee today, commencing In
the city and ending in the country
tonight. A big rally will he held In
the country tomorrow afternoon and
Saturday night a record breaker
good roads juhileo will be held In
(J nulls Pass Opera House. On Sun
day and A! on day six speeches a day
Is planned throughout the county.
The Josephine County flood Honda
Association Instated that, 1 should
lead this campaign. And this change
hi my affairs brought about by my
(nubility Ut K-y no compels me to
change the date of my arrival In j
rioficbun? to Tuesday. November 12.
T mil sure. In ow of iho Impor
tance of the siluatlon, this wlil meet ;
with your enthusnstic. fnvor. This j
date Ih final, leaving a sufficient I
margin to Injure my arrival In your
rlty without f.-tfi.
The Honorable 11. "V Dunlap, pro
prietor or the Oxford hotel of Grants
Pubs, Invlttvl me to bis hostelry as an
honored gueat, with front room. And
this gentleman Insisted that 1 Hhould
remain as long s I desired.
My muicH, dog ami burro are be
ing cared for In I he commodious
barn of Mr. .Sherman, vice-president
of the Pacific Highway Assocatlon In
It princely manner. Moth Mr. Ounlup
find Mr. Sherman are good roadH
boosters of tho blue ribbon type.
Boost tlm National lloulevnrd and
jtood roads mooting In your city, and
my coming will be worth thousands
uf dollarH to your clly.
Yours for victory.
P. 8. Hand this to your press for
Tiubllcntlon. C. W. T.
oi,m:(;m tiiiwians
Mink nnil Diimjrr; ! O. V ('. Ailil IVii
Srmi-Aittiiuil Tvyotit Ami
llim Play.
onicoov Aonicri.Ti'KAL coi.-
T.KOK. Or.. Nov. 6. Ton new iiH'tn-
Friday, Nov. 8th
Palace Theatre
KOSS CRANE, Cartoonist
Season Tickets New
Adults $2.00
School Children Sl.L'S
Single Admission, Old
and Young 50 cents
On Sale Now at
bers were added to the Mask and
Dagger dramatic club at the Oergon
Agricultural College In ten semi-annual
tryout In which Miss Miriam
Thayer, drector of physical training
for women, Sigard H. Peterson, of
the public speaking department ac:t
e:l ns Judges.
The new members Include the
Misses Helen McOuire, of Portland,
and Mildred Wilson, of Salem, and
Messrs Carl N. Anderson, of Port
land; E. I), Halloek, of Heppner;
R. N. Dobell, of Corvallls; J. W
Scudder, of Seattle, Wash.; W. E
Metzger, of Latourell; L. Read, ol
Portland; T. K. Cornwull, of Pan
don, and C. E. Colvlg, of Medford.
On December 7 the club will begin
rehearsals for a production of the
comedy "The RivnhV' under the di
rection of Miss Thayer, who has had
years of training in dramatic art.
Sultan Recognizes Weakness
and Asks For Help
AU Kimo Tit'iuhlliiK I-'or Four Of
Tli IiH'ii(Umk Conflict Tlml
May ,MiUThill' At
Any Hour.
(Special to Tho Evening News.)
SOFIA, Nov. 5. Tho InTpTTi
Turkish harem and the city archives
of (onstautlno;!3 vera today tuum
ferred to Itunsiun protection in Asia
Minor, according to reports reaching
this city.
QiiturcliiiK Over Spoil.
VIENNA. Nov. f. Troublo among
the Halkims with a general European
war threatening Is the result of the
reported declaration of Czar Ferdin
and, of miliaria, that lie will pro
claim himself emporer of the llnlkan
l-Yrrtralion. It Is believed that Aus
tria will positively object to a feder
ation of the Balkans, and back her
objection by force of arms.
Cut Water Supply.
SOFIA. Nov. g. Bulgarians are in
possession of the Turkish town of
Hereon. They have also cut off the
water supply of Constantinople. Ad
vices further state that a large force
of Turks have been surrounded by
allies between Tehoiin and Tchatolja.
Asks For War Ships,
PARIS. Nov. 5. Ill a collective
nolo to the powers Turkey has asked
each nation to send additional war
Hhlpa to CoiiHluutlnoplo. This ac
tion was taken In hope of prevent
ing ni outbreak ngalnst Christiana.
Autopsies that have been conducted
over a number of horses that have
died In the territory In which the
horse plague has been raging the past
few weeks reveal the fact that a goo-
many of these Inrses have Ihmmi kllleo
by dope ami dnors of one kind and an
other that have been given lo them as
medicine. The germ responsible for
tills disease Is said to have been Idem
tilled, being Introduced Into the sys
tem of the animal through the feci)
and water which it consumes.
With prime farm lauds In north cen
tral states advancing la value in the
past fifteen mouths alt the way from
Jlfi to $-10 per acre, n decided move
ment has set in along the line of a
purchase of cheap New England farms
many of which have passed hands in
recent years for n pood deal less than
It would take to erect the buildings na
them. There is one biff advantage In
these New England farms, entirely
apart from fertility of soil, which may
l bo little or much, and that is thetr
nearness to big markets and n large
body of consumers. While the writer
would not suggest the purchaso of
these eastern farms without personal
ly lnsHetlng thein any more than la
would farms located in Texas or Ore
gnu, he Is of the opinion that at the
prices at which many of them can be
bought they are well worth looking Into
Il ls a matter concerning which al'
people of the country feel gratitude,
both those who would have beeu dt
rectly as well as Indirectly concerned
t!-at so far thW sea sou there hove lMen
practically iu forest tires In any part
of the country. In any event, tf there
lia e Ikvu nch report of them ha?.
nt been tu.nte Ih (tie newspapers
the roiintry. Wlihoiit question tht
saiNfiHtoi-y eomlltloii refer re I to hi
been cliietly due to an umiHiially heavj
fall of rnln In itant of those slates
where extensive forest areas nre lo
cutcd. Added to tills 1 doubtless the
fact that method of organization and
equipment of one kind or other fi
lighting tli have been perfected
wtdle the heavy t .trnn forest flri'
lu cut years 1ms resulted In caution
on of settlers and watchful
uess on the part of forest rauuers.
As a preliminary to clearing a piece
! of brush land there Is uolblng that will
t do more tu u snorter time than a floe It
I of Angora gout. They will rip up the
! bark from everything except large
1 trees and Kenernlly annihilate vegeta-
Lord Kosbery. the English states
man and ex-premier. Uu.i u farm on
which he has produced 2.mK) bus he is
of potatoes per acre, and another note
worthy fact of thl yield Is that It was
uti land that had been cropped continu
ously for a thousand years.
An interesting fact that probably Is
not generally known is that banana
tlber has been in use in Brazil for a
good many years in the manufacture or
j luce and dress goods, while Hour made
of the fruit has been a market com
modity for the past twenty years.
The spread of the horse plague
would seem to create a new iind nddi
tlonul demand for the gas tractor as a
' means of doing farm work. One ad
' vantage of these lion horses Is that
while they sometime have balky
j spells. I bey never kick In fly time, get
I their (nils over the Hues or die of
j plague, distemper or glanders.
The night tires that tourists crossing
Kansas and Nebraska -see these days
are not innv stacks set atlre merely
to get r!d of the straw. They nre raiii
er the funeral pyres of hundreds of
the horses of tin two states that have
died of the horse plague and whose
bodies are being consumed to prevent
u furl her spread of the epidemic.
A lady reader of this department liv
ing near Pawpaw, Mich., reports both
strawberries and raspberries gathered
from her vines and canes within the
past three weeks and In quantity suf
ticlent to supply the tabic. Hesldes
these freaks, she reports apple trees tn
bloom at just about the time when
they are getting ready to shed their
The fund of n church located ot Car
rlnlou. N. !.. has been Increased h
V-lb" lately as a result of the sale .,;
the nit u toes raised on a patch ot
ground donated to the church. Thi
plan would seem to be a good one tn
follow In the cnse of a frond man''
small churches that have a bard tlm
to make both ends meet at the end or
the year.
Experiments show thnt sorfrhujn can
not be safely and prolitably grown
north of latitude )." decrees E.; thai
peanuls do not thrive well, as a rule
north of lu degrees and the nortlt
viii ii m 1 1 1 in me rovm oi sweei po j
laiees w nnoui me same rhe soy ot
Mel,! ! .Mil will do well ;is tar north n
4o deureea I-'., while the eowpeu doe
best-soul h of 4 1 . degrees E
At Wheaton. III., for some years past
the boys of the countryside have li;:l
plowing matches every fall, be
ing offered for the man who plowed (he
most ground ami to the one who did
the .fob the neatest and straight est. The
other day. when this contest was on.
one or (ho participants had his chancer
knocked galley west by n very dude
pendent l'lymoulh ltock hen fshe must
have been on the suffragette order
that flew so flem-ly at the horses lie
was driving that they mused the plow
to wabble badly tn Its course, with
the result tlmt- It put him out of the
Kinrhbaum fclolhcs.
All Europe Stands Ready For
Great Battle.
Turks Throughout the Kntplre Jlay I'p Against the Cliristluns
at Any Moment Situation
Ttnkish newspapers this morning
announce that the Sultans troops re
puted the Greeks who had attacked
Massacree Christian.! Faired.
BKKLIN. Nov. 5. !t Is seml-of-
Hero of Roosevelt Shooting,
Schrank's Diary and Pistol
hut- i-Jt-cL&
I hotos by American Press Association.
HE hero of the attempted Roosevelt assassination was Flbert E. Mar- i
tin, the colonel's private stenographer, who leaped upon John Schrank, j
the assassin, before the latter could fire a second nnd perhaps fatal
hIioL .Martin, who was a football player and an athlete not so lonif I
a co, is here shown holding pages of the candidate's manuscript through ;
which the bullet passed. A page from Schrank's diary, written dally on loose I
note paper. In which the supposed insane man tells "the people of the United :
States" of, the MeKInley dream, is also shown, together with the pistol
Schrank used in sending a ball Into Colonel Hoosevelt's chest
Saved is
We are offering you the finest o
money you have ever had. It's up
portunity 'jy purchasing your t
Fall Suits and Overcoats
And other furnishings at our
which is now going on and will contin ue until we are located In our new
quarters in the new hotel building.
PLEASE RKMEMDER that nil reports to the contrary, we are not
selling out and expect to remain in Rosehurg nnd grow with tho town.
All we are doing now Is offering you a chance to save money not only on
Suits and Overcoats, but also on nin Coats, Rubbers, Hoots and Slunvt,
which you will need now or very sln
flciaily stated today that it will be
almost Impossible to prevent an anti
Christian uprising In Turkey in event
the Bulgars take Constantinople.
Reports state that the Sultan has re
newed his appeal to the powers to
force the allies to agree to an arm
istice. Kiirojie In Alarmed.
BERLIN, Nov. 5. Wide' spread
alarm Is felt throughout Europe to
day over the virtual admission of the
Sultan that ho can no longer control
his subjects, and an uprising is im
minent. The 'powers are Pushing
available war ships to the Turkish
capital, and all foreign embassies
and legations are heavily guarded
with troops. Most of the shops in
the city, fearful of rioting at any
moment, are closed and barlcaded.
The entire city is In a state of ter
ror. Preparing for Worst.
LONDON, Nov. 5. The Sultan's
request for mediation threatens to
oney mme
pportunlty to save therefore to make
to you to take advantage of thl3 op
Li V
convulse the great power of Eurnpe
In wr. A Bpeclal meeting of the
r-ablnet was called today to discuss
Uo danger, hut no conclusion was
reached. British Ambassador, Low-
tlier, at Conslatlnojilu, has wired , t.
his home goveriiiiient that the porte
bcg3 the powers to cct quickly. Ber
lin dispafches state thnt the people
throughout Ormau are widely ex
cited, over the war r'oiu" and the
ac;onip:inyin Elrsh nava prepara-
tlons. XevTEi:ai ers aro endeavoring I
to rush the news In hope of prevent- 1
ins the war -entree from growing. V
Two German cruisers have sailedforl
Constautinntilc, while In Uerlin the
Italian and fiorman foreign minister
aro In cofcrcnce oer the alarming
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for Douglas County.
Orie Crlpe, Plaiutlff.
Harvey L. Crlpe, Defendant.
To Harvey L. Crlne, the Baid de
fendant: In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you aro hereby required to ap
pear and answer the plaintiff's com
plaint against you now on file In the
above-named Court and cause on or
before the last day of the time pre
scribed In th? order for publication
of this summons, to-wit. on or before
tho 21st (Jay of November, 1912,
said date being the expiration of six
vo(.'?;3 from the dato of the first pub
lication of this summons, tho time
prescribed for publication being once
a wit!, Tnr r-v -p - .if ivo weeks.
And if you f.'ii s lo appear and
answer, for want thereof, tl'o plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the
relief demnnded In sr.Id complaint,
a succinct statement of which Ib as
follows, to-wit: far a decree dissolv
ing the bnn'lr. of matrimony hereto
fore existing between plaintiff and
vonn-e'.f and awarding to plaintiff
the care, cuFfoelv ;m control of Lee
Oron Crlpe. n child born of tho mar
r it1 ire of ynnrrlf and plaintiff, and
that plrlutiff havo such other and
further relief as unto the Court may
seem meet.
This ti urn pious is published In the
T-mnqm YMIcy Xewa, a newspaper
of nopnburrr. Oregon, by order of
the Honorable .1. W. Hamilton. Judge
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Douglas County, made
and dated October 9th, 1912. The
dntp of the first publjcntion of this
smimons Is October 10th. 11)12, and
te d'lte of the Inst publication
thereof November 21st, 1912. ("
n51 Attorney for Plaintiff.
nrwh enf M FaNcTf i'li nt us. Htcli
rt inii'i-s imi'l fur "!'' 'icl'l, Silver. oM
Walrln-, Pr-V-i't) J.Mvptrr nn.1 l'recious
S!oiK". Monv Sent By Relorn Hull,
r-aiu. sKariHG & ntFiHiKG company
l-:tiili1ilic'l 'H) Voars
863 chls::dtst., Philadelphia, fa.
We. will tiuv your ;,!. 1 'iU!l:. 'iold Scrap
nn-l fiiiiiimin. prirus iiaid.
iaum Gothes.