AN ARRIVAL EXTRAORDINARY Prof. C. Vance (direct from Eu rope), the world's most celebrated palmist, astrologlst and clairvoyant, has arrived In this city and has opened offices iu the Grand Hotel, rooms 1 and 2, where he can he con sulted on nil the affairs' of life. Prof. Vance has no equal In the profes sion. Ho stands alone, the prince of clairvoyants, and is recognized by the press and public us the greatest master of tho science of plamistry and astrology the world has ever produced. He guarantees to reveal every li cident of your life, tell when, whom lad where you will marry, tell you ju .; what you are fitted for and how ta .obtain money you are In need of. The, happiness of your future life may depend upon tho right solu tion and-proper advice. The profes sor m ;i lies no mistakes, and all his predictions are true, and he may be relied upon. You may wish to know if It is advisable to make a change! hllilic', in love and in marriage. WHOM SHALL 1 MAIim : HOW OK I EX SHALL I MAKHY? SHALL 1 EVER HE HIVUiED? DOES AN OTHER SHARE THE LOVE THAT RIGHTFULLY BELONGS TO ME? IF SO, WHO? IS MY DISEASE CURABLE? WHEN SHALL I LEAVE HERE? AM I LIABLE TO ACCIDENT? SHOULD I INVEST MY MONEY? IX WHAT SHALL I INVEST? HAVE I ANY ENEMIES? CAN I TRUST MY FRIENDS? IN WHAT TOWN OR STATE WOULD I BE MOST SUCCESSFUL? HOW CAN I SELL PROPER1TY? ..HOW CAN I HAVE GOOD LUCK? HOW CAN I SUCCEED IN BUSINESS? HOW CAN I MAKE MY HOME HAPPY? WHERE AND WHEN CAN I GET A GOOD POSITION? HOW CAN I MARRY THE ONE I CHOOSE? HOW CAN I MAKE ANYONE LOVE ME? HOW CAN 1 CONTROL ANY ONE? .The professor tells all of these things and many more. He is ever ready to help those with small "capi tal to find a quick and sure Invest ment. If your business Is unsuccess ful, if your health is not good, or IT you are In trouble of any kind, you should see this truly gifted medium at once. He has helped thousands on tne roan to success, aim ne and will help you. He not only tells you what your life has been and wiN be, but also how to better your con dition in every possible way. Thous sands of people are failures today simply because they do not see these things for themselves, or are not fol lowing the right trade or profession. Prof. Vance has made a life study of these things, and he Is now prepared to show you how to make a thorough success of your life. His fee Ib rea sonable and within the reach of the caller, no matter who. and if he does not make you a reading that Is su perior to any you have ever had, he will positively refuse to accept any. fee whatever. , Notice: All diseases diagnosed astronomically and clalrvoyantly. Come, all you sick people, and I will tell you exactly what sickness you have, and will also tell you where and when you can be cured. Office hours: 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday, 1 to 4 p. m. Lady In attend ance. The reception rooms, located just at the head of the ;!airs. arc so arranged t.iat you meet no slraug-rs. and you can walk rU-'it up. not nec essary to enquire at do.:k. Perfect satisfaction "' mall. Send $1, day and dale of birth, for mall reading. Special: Prof. Vance Is the only medium In the country who positive ly tells your full name, age, occupa tion, mother's maiden name, street and number ofyuur houre. where you live: and he will toll it free of charge to all who come prepared to tnke a reading, capital furnished for business enterprises, partner found, property bought and sold, etc.. ron SALE. Fine larg-i rooming and boarding . house, close in and doing a good business: Dulldlrp almost now, all Good desirable locution, on fine modern and ia first class shaie. corner lot on paved street. Will bear Investigation. See Perrlne Real Estate uo. 401 Cass St. tf A great labor sovei self-wringing mop. order now. J. W. Mote, P. O. box 107, Rofeburg. .' WOOD WANTED. . .. it Th. kwi nffifA can make Ti it a large amount of kit- VSw and stove wood. Subscrlb- SerV" t-a are In arrears can re- i reive credit for wood brought 4j to us. Bring It In any -now. f THE PANICS OF 1883 AND OT. DEMOCRATIC PARTY RESPON SIBLE FOR THE DISTRESS WHICH MARKED ITS AD MINISTRATION. FACT IS CLCARLY SHOWN The Financial Disturbance of Five Years Ago Not Due to Adverse Republican Legislation Nop to Any Cause for Which tho Republican Party Must Answer. With an audacity which can only be explained by the desperate situation which makes a resort to even the most improbable of theories a polit ical necessity, the Democratic cam paign text book charges the Repub lican party with responsibility for tho panic ot nn and the hard times tliat ensued. "The Republicans have been trying to make the country believe," pays the text book, "that the panic o! 1S!3 was broupht about by the Demo cm tic till which was passed in lSiM." And then the text book writer pro ceeds to make merry over the absurd ity of charging an effect In one year j to a cause that did not transpire until the year after. Well, here are the facta: The Ins! ear of the Harrison administration, 1SU2, was the most prosperous the country had enjoyed up to that time. Labor was fully employed, capital was actively seeking investment, and the funnel s were getting a good price for a big crop. So far as industrial and commercial conditions were conenrn fd, there was not a cloud in the sky. Hepublican speakers and newspaper; tried to persuade the people that they r.hould let well enough alone and that Democratic success mfpht bring dis aster. But they would not listen. The prices nf some things wore pretty high. The Democrats declared It was because of the high tariff and prom ised that If put into power they would revise tho tariff "in the Interest of the plain people." There was little ex pectation throughout the country that Harrison would be dofeatod, and busi ness boomed right up to election day. Uut Harrison was defeated. How the Panic Came. And then what happened? Why. in stantly, men who had money which they were about to Invest locked It up in the vaults and said "We will just wait a while to see what happens." Manufacturers engaged In producing protected articles, realizing that as soon as the Democratic congress could get at it their protection would be reduced. Immediately began to cut their output to current demands. Who could blame them for refusing to go ahead and pile their warehouses full of goods which might have to be sold in competition with Blrailar products made In countries where the factory wage scale was one-half or one-fourth of the factory wage scale which they had been paying? Jobbers and whole salers cut their orders to the manu facturers In the same way and for the Bame reason. Retailers all over the country bought their supplies from I'ay to day, fearing to be caught with high-priced goods when the low-priced flood came. And so It happened that although the Wilson bill was not actually pass ed until late In 194 the panic began the day after the election of 1&P2. It was not what tho Democratic presl (I rut and congress had done, bul what everybody knew they Intender n .in tHM wmufrht the havoc. Indeed if :he Wilt-on hill could have been mi. :;i d thf day Cleveland was Inaugu r"r'.l the damage to the country woulc "PROSPERITY lAf!KT REPORTS OiToatFt ir-ivi I fill C II w Ai: ri-; qcv,,, nm U15 l mW have been far less than that which actually occurred. The Danger of Uncertainty. This country is big enough and rich , enough and resourceful enough to ad just itself to nearly any tariff law, no ; matter how bad It may be, if It only , knows whet it is. But during all the s long months of debate over the bill the business of the country was, as It were, hung up in the air. If man had known that the duty on articles in which they were interested was to be reduced ten per cent they could have figured accordingly. If they had : known the duty was to bd" reduced BO j per cent or 100 per cent they would ; have had some basis upon which to adjust themselves. But they did not know what the reduction would be. ' ro they had absolutely no basis upon ; which to do their figuring. They slm- ; ply had to wait and wait and wait, j keeping just as close to shore as they I possibly cou'd until tho long agony f v.'as over. That Is the analysis of the I ranic from 1S93 to 1S97, and no met- I hp- how vigorously the Democratic! text book may dispute It, it cannot j deny or rtfute It. j Two Kinds of Panics. j There is some reason, of course, i why the unthinking should charge the ! responsibility for the panic of 1907 j upon the Republican party, because that party was In power when the ! panic occurred. But It Is to be re- membered that there are two kinds of I i anics, one due to loss of confidence in mpamresi and the other due to loss of confidence In men. A political ; t ru'ty is jnptiy chargeable with a bus!- j ueea disturbance duo to bad measures j or the fear of bad measures; but it Is j rot chargeable with responsibility for :i c'isturbance brought about by tho , conduct cf men. It was the fear of Injurious legislation that brought upon 1 :he country the disaster of 18V3-7. I And therefore theso disasters are chargeable to tho Democratic party. j But the money stringency of 1007 was ; due absolutely to the frenzied finan ciering of a group of men operating entirely outside of politics and hav ing no connection whatever with the government. It was nowhere charged that the panic of 1007 was brought about either by legislation which the Republican party hud enacted or that It was threatening to pass. Neither then nor at any time since then has any Republican measure been charged with having brought it about, and the only new legislation which was de manded as the outcome of It was the emergency currency law, the need of which had never before been demon strated so plainly, and which was promptly passed. These are the facts In relation to the panics of 1803-7 and of 1907. That Democratic legislation was directly responsible for the tormer cannot be successfully denied. That Repub lican legislation was responsible, di rectly or indirectly, for the latter can not be successfully maintained. WHY ROOSEVELT BOLTED. From Clay Center, Kan., Republican: Taft waB fairly nominated by the1 Republican national convention at Chicago and la the rightful nominee of his party. Had Roosevelt been the nominee, it would have been the duty ot Republicans who affiliated with the party to support him. Taft Btands in that same relation and logically should command the support of all who claim to be Republicans. Roose velt bolted his party; not because Taft was not the rightful nominee, but because of disappointed ambition and bitter desire for revenge because ot hiB failure to get the nomination. A bolter and ingrate and a traitor are synonymous terms in his cane and the people will see to it that he is properly puniBhed for his treachery. No traitor ever succeeded In ac complishing his ends. History lias never recorded an In stance where a traitor did not meet his just deserts. It will be tho same with Roosevelt. SUITS KE!" urtst ' rut TXam SlAXKCT POUTS - OCroBe.RU. 1813 HQ(...'r.'.'::..oO WHEAT J Ml 73 274? ( Q J St Louis Olobe-DemocTL mm vms . Fullerton & Richardson Druggists : : : Perkins Building LARGE SIZE ALWAYS WAS A QUALITY STORE FULLERTON & 'RICHARDSON Perkins Building Roseburg, Oregon lEOW WITH THIS ITllllIi.M'. It is only a matter of a few weeks until the K.V.. VACUUM CLEANER will be the moat pop ular cleaner on the market a cleaner that cleans, a clonner that runs easier than any Elec tric cleaner. A cleaner tbnt Is absolutely warranted, a cleaner that has no equal, positively demonstrated at your home on request. We guarantee this cleanor to get more dirt In 5 minutes than any other cleaner in 10 minutes. This machine is not a mere ex- periment with us. We have positively tried them out and find no equal to them amongst the most expensive sweepers. No Home that desires Sanitation should be without an EZY Vacti- um Cleaner. We are Douglas Co. Agents ask to have one demonstrated In your home. ' The price Is small for such a machine as this $12.- 50. We positively guarantee them to be better or equal to any $75.00 or $125.00 cleaner. RICE & RICE, , The Houbo Furnishers. Douglas County Crwmery buttoi Is tho best on the market. Insls' in your grocer supplying you wltr this home product, which Is always fresh and guaranteed. Twi nound roll, 85 cents. If NOTICE FOR i'l'KLICATION. 05882.- Department of the Interior. 1T. S. Land Office at Iloseburg, Oret;on. October 31, 1912. NOTICE Is hereby given that llnr- ry B. Welgur, of Cainns Valley, Ore gon, who, on February 10, 1910. made Homestead Entry, Serial, No. 05882. for E"A NEVi and E',4 SE',4 of Section 32, Township 29 8., Range 9 W., Wlllametto Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Reg ister and Receiver of tho I'nltfd Slates Land Ofrlrc, at Ros burg. Ore gon, on the 23nl day of December. 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: Patrick O'Donnell. of CamaB Val ley, Oregon: Uelle Case, of Camas Valley, Oregon; Myron K. Weigar, of Camas Valley, Oregon; Albert K. Crouch, of Cnqullle, Oregon. 1). F. JONES. d!2 Heglft'T. NOTICE Toil I'l IILII'ATION. 05873. ' Department of the Interior, V. S ' Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon, Oc-1 tober 31, 1912. - ! NOTIcf; Is hereby given that Pat-j rick O'Donnell, of Camas Valley, Ore-1 gon, who, on February 9, 1910, tnadci Homestead Entry, Serial No. 05873.' for Wtt NEV4 and W 14 BEVi of Sec-! lion 32. Township 29 8., Rant 9 W., j Willamette Meridian, has filed notice; of Intention to make final five-year i proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register 20c PER TUBE ANTI-ACID: ANTISEPTIC COLGATE'S To be efficient a dentifrice RIBBON DENTAL CREAM must give a mild alkaline re action counteracting decay causing mouth acioU. Colgate's Ribbon Dental Cream does this. Agreeably lacking the usual "druggy" taste, it combines a delicious flavor with remark able germ-destroying power. Moreover, its lasting anli septic action keeps the mouth efficient-economical. -e proper condition to pre Th. Ideal Dentifrice, yent of harmful Iberia. At night let Colgate's Ribbon Dental Cream guard your dental health. Store and Receiver of the Unltod States Land Office, at Iloseburg, Oregon, on the 23rd day of December, 1912. Claimant namos us witnesses: Harry II. Wolgar, of Camas Val ley, Oregon; Uelle Case, of CamaH j Valley, Oregon; alarms m. weigar, of Camas Valley, Oregon; Albert M. Crouch, of Coqllllle, Oregon. B. F, JONES. dl2 Register. NOTICE I'XMl I'UHLICATION. 07448. Department of the Interior II. S. Land Office at Iloseburg, Oregon, Oc tober 31, 1912. NOTICEJs hereby given that Belle Case, of Camas Valley, Oregon, who, I Keister Ladie's Everything pertaining to dressmaking and tailoring tnught,. Tuition $26 for full course. This course offers instruction In drafting of pattoms, cutting and fitting of couta, cloaks, tailored and fancy dresseB. $15 course gives drafting of patterns without sewing. $5 course gives 10 days sewing. Wo Invite Investigation i MRS. E. U MclNTOHII, MISS KUHIENCE Mrl.NTOSII, Instructor & Mr. Assistant. Rooms 4, 5 and 6 Bell Sisters Building Men Should Wear Good Rings Good ring's liko good clotho.i nru sins of succesB. .Men respect others who appear prosperous, nnd nro apt to place confidence in them. It is a fact, proven time and again. You have wanted a good ring. If you wear a W. W. W. KING you cannot lose the stone, so you cannot lose by the pur chase. Our stock of these celebrated W, W. W. RINGS consists of everything that is good in rincs; and we would take Kreat pleasure in showing you exactly what we can sell you in a k'1 ring at a fair price. A. S. HUEY CO- It Will Pay You to See Our Window This Week. NEW STOCK ALWAYS WILL BE A QUALITY STORE on August 1..1911, made Homestead Entry, Serial No, 07448, for Lots 1 and 2 nnd EV4 NW54 of Section 30, Township 29 S, ltango 9 W., Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to mako final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver of the United States Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon, oil the 23rd duy of Docembor, 1912..' Claimant names aB witnesses: Patrick O'Donnell, of Camas Val ley, Oregon; Harry B. Weigar, of Camas "Valley, Oregon; Nelllo Kirk, of Roseburg, Oregon; C. W. Kirk, of Roseburg, Oregon. B. F. JONES. d!2 . Register. Tailoring College f ;: