The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 05, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    1 Get wme Ktxxl hiiK.d iiilo thr herd
! through a tintC claw ma If. Then raise
i r Ik Uirit heifer calves from th- lt
i'ows. Thin Is a prartiml :i rut cheap
! wji.v in pt-rjif iiiiili the lwt in
J the herd mid in tuMitiiiilly iniitd a
j prulit niuUiiiK lit id.
Ail work flnt-cUM
Pbone 246.
Presidential Wager
Copyright, 3912, by Associated
Commercial Abstract Co'
Abstracts of Tit!.? Filing: Papers Prepared
l:isjrr.nce, Etc.
If"" '
hat does
A !;liil)(;-'ai,iiick(! ISookcase for the bust answer
"What docs !a)ty say? Think a minute. An excellent
answer will come with a brief study of the picture.
Or. for a better inspiration, see the lare reproduc
tion of this subject in our window. Then write
your answer in not over twenty-five words on a piece
of paper, furnished by us for that occasion, hearing
only your name, answer and address, and send it to
Answer Editor MCE & MCE, 117 Cass St.
You do not need to be a customer of this store
or make purchases here, to compete. The contest is
open to all. Only one answer from each contestant
will he considered, so send in only your best answer.
The contest closes Nov. Ifl, 39.12. All answers
submitted must he in the Answer Editor's hands not
later than that date. The prize winner will be an
nounced a week later.
W 11 ILK yon live In our nBlirhhorhood we hope to keep
you nn our customer Hat. To do this' we Intend to
irlve you the burl of service, tho beat of drugs and
the heat satisfaction that (food intentions, Rood goode and
proper prices can give.
If there Ib any point In which we fall short of our In
1 tentlons, wo ahall be pleased to know It. If it can be rem
edied, it ahall bo; it not, it will not harm either of us to
tulle it over.
We are In your community to sell goods, and we can
not do that unless onr trade Is initialled : 'our trado' moans
you and a few others.
Wheu we recommend DIKE'S remediee we are offer
ing to vol) the best that can he obtained, and for these
remedies we have the exclusive sale in this neighborhood.
Kncli DIKE preparation that we sell should convime
you that we mean to give you excellent goods. They are
made ol the best Ingredient, by skilled pharmacists, in
well pipiipped laboratories, and each remedy is recom
mended by thousands who have used them.
Sole Agents For DIKE'S Household Remedies.
Krohn's Drug Store
Maccabec Temple Cass Street
Or l-'iiitshi. , lintli roeoivo tho same cnrnful nttcntior,
in our plant, which is s.hmiuI to none. Tho result
is that wo arcj
Bound to Please You
Try : Our : Way : Just : Once
I'hono ."SO
BUY A I JARM 800,000 Acres to Select
Prom. In Centra! Oregon
Your last cham-tf to buy Coo.l Kuril) Ijindat Such Low Price
lmi: In Ash
Let 11s tell you about tliet farms
If you tlosirt to trade your small aereaKO on a larger farm
Wo will figure with you
f Iff t ft In MlHl-rii iirt. Nrt To (irnnl llntf
. 4
baby say?
Cor. l'iuo and H'oi.h!:i
The town of Urn-man hud never ltceii
greatly interested iu candidate; or elec
tions. There, were ,110 political husses,
no (jrnfterrt. and the candidates select
ed to run for town of lice were of the
nest, ti fid It made little dUYerence who
was elected.
A change was ot hand, however, but
no one suspected it until it came down
upon the town like a roaring lion.
Henry Jackson was one of the men
who traveled the country over, taking
ofders for the1 articles turned out at
the factories, and one morning, as hp
returned from a trip, he met Klder
Scott in front of the postotlice:
"Howdy, elder?" Hays Mr. Jackson.
"A little rheumatic. Ilianlt you," re
plies the elder.
"Politics warming up here any?"
"Not that 1 have heard of."
"It's red hot outside."
"Well, let 'em go It. I've made up
my mind who 1 shall vote for for presi
dent, but I'm not going to do any yell
ing about It."
"IJIank is your man. of course?"
"He is that. He'll sweep the coun
"He'll sweep nothing! You old dozers
here had b t" wake up as to what is
going i1' 1111,11 won't be Uuee
high when the votes are counted."
Now. what followed the elder could
never clearly explain. He had nevel
done the .like before, and he didn't
mean to then. Something cam3
over him of n sudden, and he got mad
for the first time In seventeen years
and raised his voice to say:
"Don't call me an old dozer! 1 dor
care what they suy outside. My man
1h s;ire of election."
"So is Tom Jones!"
"Don't imagine you know it all!"
"And dou't Imagine you know any
thing at all about it. Why. man. your
party leaders gave the thing up weeks
Hy this time a score of men had as
sembled to hear the discussion, and the
elder was put on his mettle. lie was
the only man in Gorman who had evet
predicted a blizzard and had It arrive
on time, and he didn't want to Inse his
prestige. He drew a long breath and.
to the horror of his friends, called out;
"My candidate will bo elected, nnd
I'll bet on it J"
"How much?" asked Mr. Jackson ns
his hand went to his pocket.
"A dol-that Is. I will bet 10 cents!"
"Hoot won, but that is not even a
baby's bet!"
"Then, by gosh, 111 make it IB!"
"Say $10."
"No. Fifteen cents is my limit."
As Mr. Jackson could not get the
figures raised, he nccepted them, and
the money was placed in the postmas
ter's hands. It was spoken of ns the
highest election bet ever made In that
town, and inside of two hours it seem
ed that 200 men had heard of it. Some
complimented the elder ou his nerve,
and some shook their heads and pre
dicted that it would turn out a bad
thing for the town.
The enormity of his offense did not
occur to the elder until the next day.
when his good wife heard of tho wager
and tackled him with:
"And you made an election bet with
Mr. Jackson the same as a loafer
"It was only for IB cents.
"Rut I could have used It to buy 0
roller towel, and then look nt the prin
ciple of the thing! 1 can't believe It
of you. What are Christian men nnd
women going to say?"
"Hut Jackson tried to bluff me
"S'posln he did? It's the duty of an
elder of the church to be bluffed."
"Darn him. he tackled me when folks
were around!"
"See! See!" exclaimed the wife.
"First you make a bet and then yon
swear Th" mrt thin-.; will be sivht
plm: horses!"
, "You know I dMln't mean to he
i wicked." pleaded the eMer.
"Hut It win wicked to bet. and you
go straight t the pnt master and go!
that money hark and give it to me"
"(Mi. no. you don't!" replied the post
master when the good man sneaked
into the otMce and hl-Miertmrly asked
to draw his money down
"Hut It was what they rail a bluff."
"I don't ee It that wa v Von must
hnw Mr. Jackson's i-on-.t'iil . Have yon
.-nt fold fct't so s.ionV" '
The eMer looked down at hi feel
''and shu"!cd them nr e-nd as he would
feel of tK'in and s::.-!
"Mr wile wants (!:e coney"
"It lit de won't get i:
'l don't know what Oi: ' harch wt't
T;.ir-- for on, elder, but In tl';i
von may become a real old eo"t. Ycu
may win out on this and s . p in .lac!;
son'.-; rah "
To the a.-tonKliuieiit of a large share
of the voters of tiorman. the elder'"
candidate won out. and lie wa 011
hand at an early h'Mtr to claim hN
stakes. HI rejoicing was darkened,
however, when charges were bnnuiit
against him iu his church nnd he wis
summoned for trial, lie expected t:e
worst, but he d! lift get it. The mid
ini:s read:
"He could have been more wlelicd
nnd bet -' cents 4
"He helped to eVct Ms candidate
"He ha put the "o cents In the eon
trlhntton b.
"He won't ever do it a en In
"lie didn't yell on election nlifht.
"We therefor, find theseeuMil bro!
r not very guilty- uot so very."
A housekeeper who mixes brains
with tier work reports to the writer
thai a very serviceable mop iuay l
m;;d by t H ? 1 ir nr :rt o'-t
rope ha 1:1 1 ii r s-ntuNie UM;;rt ii
She finds 1 hat such a mop m toi,;:;i
and stands ttie u ar and tear.
The motitn ycle helng ued I'V a
nun. tier ot faniaTs tnese days noi fo
pleasure purpo-.-s riiietly, nut tor !m -i
iic.-.s. Small ipiatultifs ot prodie o. -('-:
as cream. pouKry unit liuiier. cuu
curried to lown with them ami rnn- t
trips made tor repair or the trau.-ai
tint! ot othel hillless.
A rich deposit of zinc, n melal which
is produced in very limited quanlii -Mi
tin ('lined Slates, has lately Peeti
discovered tu-jir Ha rites vilie. Ok in
Samples ot tin ore e. itnh nppetir.s m
a vein foill teet Itllck s.lioW 7 pei
i-i'tit zinc. The ileposit la llioilght to
underlie some ''tm acres.
It Is pretty kafe to assume that the
fellow who comes along often tig pro
spective victims somef lung tor nothing
Is eiiL-a-ed in tins very game and i
urn kin;: money at tt. These chaps are
most ot them old at the game, and it
is a preit.v uoori u'ea to pass them u;i
and earn money in fii:ie more rosy
An excellent as well ns Inesjienslve
meth' tl ol rendering one's system more,
niiniuiie to colds Is that ot the coio
morning bath, follou-ed by a vtgorou-1
ruiidowu with a nuih towel. It the
vitality is low and the cin.'utatlou rath
er poor, one should start with teph:
wahT and gradually use colder water
us one lu't omes accustomed to tt.
A captain in the Itrltlsh army tells ol
a strange plant lound In the Sahara
''sort, failed hy the Arabs acheb.'
.1.-. ,t i i'.i.ii- trait is - that' It bpring"
ip onty In a season- when rain falls
Hi the desert. The seed seems never
o die and will germinate after lyln-j
dormant for many years. The plant
i-on talus much nourishment and is
eaten with relish by camels.
The need of . getting machinery 01
standard and reliahie makes was nice
ly shoivu in the exploding of a silage
cutter, an account of which the writei
cuiue m-ross the otlier day i-'or souie
reason not known the machine hurst
Into iwo score pieces, none ot which
hit eltuer men or horses, tortunatel
Similar defects due to cheap construe
tlon are often responsible tor th
bursting of cream separators.
All records for milk and butter pro
ductlnu bid fair to be broken b
Creametle Vale, a Holstela cow owueo
by Karl Upton of Hrockton. Mass
Since Nov. 15, 101 1, she bus given 2i
t30 pounds of milk, having u moueji
value of $1,300. In one month she gav
3.200 pounds of milk, while her best
record for a day was 108 pounds o
milk. If Bbe contlnuesat tbe presen
rate to the end of the year It Is though
that her milk yield will total 30.Utx
pounds or better.
One of the horticultural freaks ottti
present season was a pear tree tn fit
bloom two or three weeks ago on ;
lawn In llnckensaek. N. .1. The tre
did not blossom In the spring. Its r
serve energy, coupled with more hIiui.
dant moisture of the summer month--being
without question restnslbie I"
the blossoming out or season. Th
writer tons noticed 11 number or 11
stances of apple trees putting fori .
blas?oms this tall on stray llmhs. im
uot of whole trees coming Into bloom
Marrying a fellow to reform hbn I
n Utopian enterprise that any senstM
girl who thinks clearly ought to pas
tip as worthless and useless If a tei
low won't brace up and be decent 11 n.
what he omrhi to he tor the sake o
his NWeelhcart it can he put down a
a pretty sure propoMlon that he wil
not do so wheu he calls her wilt
There may bo rare instances win 1
this type of potinania;e reform h-.
taken place. Put 't Is a mighty duhinii
and risky cnilertaUlu;: ' tor any gtr
who pri'.es her tntote pi-ace and h.;;'
is '.!.".,i!y tto type of llegle.
' h -lairv i-ows sutler mot. ;tM or their u ii. r- tha.
ill: allowed tit sleep 011 tie
I t
I f,
.old n:el v. et gn und iu early srlitg o
late "ad t.eii giving a heavv tlnw ec
.'' .ttu s ti.I.b r Is n xerydeli' at'
as well as sensitive organ nnd is pat
f !,... 1.1,. c.l'e'T n such exposure
otteti t-areiesstie.-vs in this regard ha
resulted in seriously Impairing If not
ntireiy destroying the usefulness ot
u t a n y a good cow A d a 1 ry co w I
entitled to n dry and warm thd, and
it t gtMfd diiry management to see
that she has It.
vt srvoral rartotles or ton rosos thni j
ntu itcsorvrdiy Kipninr tlm writ or ;
knows of none which surpass' the
viirloty known ns the W. It. Smith,
wliloh Ifl one of the newer vn riot Jos m
not si well known as others of thf
same family. Not only Is this row
rtenirahle for size of blossom, but It
richness nnd dellrney of roiorlnn, vera f
till ns they do from n pale pink Iu the
(enter of the hud to a rkh rreamt
yellow -tit the outer petnts. Kive it
hetmty that could hardly he urpass'i; i
Th leave! nln nre ti kplni: with Hit :
hinMioui1, helng nt H dep tlive rotor !
-mi the veins nnd Mem mm ol a red
rflolltint. j
Cor.J:. 0!
Money to Loan on
Perkins Untitling
WorK equally well on I evel land and Hillsides.
They are light draft r.nd easy to operete. '
We also carry in stock SulKy Plows, Gang Plows
and Walliing Plows with Stubble Bottoms, Sod
"Breaker" Bottoms and "Black SticKy"
liottoms. All good grades. e
Roseburg Pbcme 201
Up-to-the-Times with
First Class Materials
Plumbing, Sheet
North Jactsen S;rees,
y VVorli Cone on Short Koricp
B V rv tt
iuu uvia nave
For Cement Cuivcrts, Ctr.;ent Sewer Pipe, sizes 8
to oo inches. Cement building foundation and
ch:rnney bloclts. Cement sidewallts and Cement
worn of any Kind.
I h'.ve five or g!x hour.-. I will soli rhenp. as I want to use the
mornn- In nlh.-r busing. See my barglar proof window lock,' Its
Ol K. Pio Pafi Kl.mlc rn..f paint for leaky roof3. V."e build, move
or repair your ho'is.-i. UuMness buildings a siveclalty. Ovor forty
years cx;irlenro In htl f 3 tj In R.
Georse Kohlhagen, Prop.I ft
11 ' 1. I 1 - T. . . --.
.vuuiesaie any ixeiau isutciier. i lie best the 4re.
affords. AH kinds of
Phone 5S
KinUs Furnished
:..ii:rovcd Tarm PropeKy
Sutherlin Phone 28
attention and mechanics
" Work Guaranteed
Metal VorK, Tinning !
edjeining Peoples Marble
felephene 251.
to ho to 5ea to bee
. .
Siok bought and so'l.
Rosebing, Oregon