The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 04, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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"The Store That Serves You Best"
They are made of Sne quality felt in the colors of the school, orangeand black, with an '"R" of orange
on the black. You should have one of these. "Show the Spirit of High School Days.
Womens Fancy Aprons Special 25c Mens' Rain Coats at Special $7.50
We offering Women's Fancy Embroideried Mens' Gaberdine Rain Coats in absolutely water
Aprons in colors pink, white and blue. They are prooi. A coat that you usually pay $10fl'7 CZ(
sold in this town at special 35c. You can to SH. for. Buy them here at specialj -JU
buy them here at special low price of only ZwOC
New Wool Goods at Special 49 cts.
Mens' Flannel Shirts at Special 98c Wellv!il,stcdvedtbencwesllveaves ,,.
, n ., n, t?. , wide woolens in all shades and colors FiCr
We offer you the Famous Cherry Valley Flannel . :i mn; ,: LS C
t., . . . i ii in at special low bargain price ot rvV
Shirts, they are extra good for the price. We ' " K
have them in blue and grey and are genu- fQ ., n, , t et a a tl nn
ine bargains at the special low price of VQ eW LnangaDle laffetaS At $1.00
New Crepe de Chine Special $1.00 Thej' are in all the leading colors and ff
combinations. Latest novilties in silk P A.JJ
We have beautiful new Crepe de Chines in all '"
ct? Sn'K'TftT? Mens' Wool Underwear Special $1.00
evening dresses see this special at plUU
- Mens' Glaslenbury Brand Underwear. There is
tit lit nun i . aj none better. Equal to garments that AA
Unbreakable Doll Heads at $1.25 son at $1.50. Fine soft w00i at sPec. $i.uu
We are offering "Character Dolls" in such well This Week All Hats Trimmed FREE
known characters as Sis Hopkins, Yale, Harvard
and Pennsylvania Foot Ball players, Puppy Pip- If vou will buy vour hat and trimmings here we
pen and Kitty Pippen and Hans and Grctcheu. will trim your' hat free, and if you have hats made
These heads are absolutely unbrepk- QJ over and buy your trimmings here
able. Every child should have one tDltO we v: 11 also trim them for you I IVL1Jv
For the guidance of the voters Id
tomorrow's election, we, the under-
; signed campaign committee, of the
; socialist party of Dougir.a county.
Oregon, endorse the following sug
; gestions:
J 300 X Yes Woman's suffrage,
i 303X No Creating office of Lleu-
tenant Governor,
i 305 X No Tax Amendment.
! 307 X No Tax Amendment.
309 X No Tax Amendment.
311 X No ConstituUonal Major
ity Vote Amendment.
312 X Yes Liability of Stockhold
ers of Banks.
321 R No University Appropria
tion. i 323 X No Majority Rule Amend
; ment.
1 324 X Yes County Bond Issue for
327 X No For State Highway Eu
gineer. 32S X Yes For State Printer on
Straight Salary.
j ;ll X NoFor Creating Office of
Hotel Inspector.
:t:!2 X Yes For Eight Hour Day.
3:in X No Blue Sky Law.
X Yes Convict Labor Law.
i "41 X Xo State Road Board.
; S44 X Yes Permitting Counties to
i.-sna bonds to build roads.
: 347 X No Limiting County III
1 debtedness.
34S X Yes Method for division of
! 351 X No Income Tax Law.
! 353 X No Household Exemption
: Amendment.
3."3 X No To Revise Inheritance
300 X Yes Home Rule Road Bill.
Ex-Senator Charles Fulton,
who Is recognized throughout
the United Statec as a man pos
sessed of rare oratorical ability,
will address the voters of voters
of Roseburg and Douglas coun
ty at the armory tonight on th
political issues of the day. .M
Fulton proved himeslf one
the very best senators Orejr
ever sent to congress, and
should be greeted by a largy
and representative crowd on bib
apjrearapce here tonight. Re-
member, Mr. Fuiton speaks at
he armory.
3G2 X Yes To Abolish the Senate.
304 X Yes Graduated Specific
366 X Yes To Abolish Cnpital
369 X No Prohibiting BdycotUng
and Picketing.
371 X No Free Speech BUI.
373 X No University Apporpria
tlon. 375 X No University Appropria
tion. Respectfully Submitted,
pd adv.
T'.io ;i:nt;iii'ir,on; s:oc;;mens of the
Gloria Munda. aiip's sirnvn by this
office today were grown by Robert
Connor on his Brockway farm.
voxrAixv riti;cixrr.
iiwire Quliir Will IU'.mI II. l'Yntoi, lly
HiihMaiitl:U Majority.
Aa election t lino drawn near In
terest tl t (Jim and result b are pre
tllcted proluihly wilh more cortulnly
than when tho election wuh further
in tlio future.
Ynnnnlta precinct fa ono of the
largest prueinctu in tho county and
the result of the vote there Is some
tlmea derisive.
Tho Following Is a conservative
forecast of how the political situa
tion ns It appears to u conservative
observer at Yoncittli. on tho eve or
) Far president of tho U. S,, Wilson
will In all probability bo ilrst, with
Tuft nnd Teddy . scrapplnn for
tteroml place. Taft will pmbabl
lead Teddy, llnwley will carry the
precinct by a aubstantlnl majority
while Selling will probably bp the
leading ruudidato for V. 8. ..Senator
with Lane a close nernml. Hen OlcoH
Friday, Nov. 8th
Palace Theatre
ROSS CRANE, Cartoonist
Season Tickets New
Adults $2.00
I lation as to the result of the vote.
Single Admission, Old
and Young 50 cents
On Sale Now at
tii ii in i i:iti:( i:.
The campaign tactics of the
wet a:id dry people arc entire-
ly dil'fe'renl. This was lllustrat-
ed throughout the entiro cam-
palgn. Not a single speaker
has been hero and taken tho
public platform and told the
voters why the saloon should be
voted back Into Hoseburg. The
brewery Interests have not made
an open campaign. They have
worked in the dark, in tho al-
lya. In dark corners and be-
lit lid closed office doors. Yes-
terday while a vast audience
was wending Its way to tho
armory to listen to tho splendid
address of H. L. Kddy In closing
tho campaign for the drys.
Joseph Mlcelli, Klbert Hermann
and .1. V, Perkins wore closet- !
ed In an oflfce in the Perkins
4 building discussing plans for a 1
final effort to swing votes for
the saloon. The difference be- !
4 twee n tho campaign methods is j
obvious to every thinking per
4 son. U the saloon is such a
4 splendid Institution for tho !
business and moral condition.-
of a community why hns not
tho brewery employed the eln-
quence of Its attorney to tell !
tho people so from the platform 4;
or the street corner. There Is !
4 no argument for the saloon and
the brewery knows It. Tho peo-
plo or Koseburg know It and to- O
morrow they will go to tho polls 0;
4 and vote against the saloon. 4
lie sure nnd mako no mistake.
To vote the saloon out vote 112
X, For Prohibition.
will doubtless carry a su1Ktant3al
majority over .1. H. Hyan for soero
t.iry of state, l-'or Justlco of tho su
preme court, Hobert Hakln will lin
tlrst. For the oftlco of district attor
ny, (Jeorgti .M. Hrovvn will be tlrst.'
Cardw ell set tmd. wh h l.onn n peer
t bird. I. Keames will pmbablv
t arry the precinct over Whistler for j
Joint representative. For state sena- i
tor tho race will be close between
Watte and N'eiiner. but Walte appears!
to bo tho stronger and will therefore'
pi'i)bai;v carry he precinct y at
small majoi ity For representative, j
.1. K. Howard will probably receive;
tlie liii'i;.'si vote, with H. V. Nichols ;
set nut. K. H. PlnkstiMi appears to .
be the ruling candidate fr roiin'j :
i ninntUsloner and It Is being freely:
stated that llyan will bo second !:i ,
i tho precinct. For the office of slier-,
I iff, as usual, much Interest Is lietrpj
'manifested nnd coiftdderable specu-j
but as nearly as can be figured every-
4 thing being considered, Quine wi ..
! carry this precinct by a majority of
no less than thirty votes. For eouu
Q ty school superintendent, O. C.
i Urown will receive a handsome ma
jority. C. II, Daugherty will bo elec
ted constable over Wm. Hamsdall.
The county high school fund will,
Judge J. V. Hamilton, who is at
preesnt a member oE the board of
r -.'gents of the state university, is
authority for the statement that the
measure providing for the creation of
a single board of regents to govern
both the University of Oregon and
tho Agricultural College should be
pRssed. Judg Hamilton, who Is well
versed in the duties of tho hoard of
probably carry, while equal BiiffraBe Rent8 of the 8tnte unIversteyt MVS
and single tax will be defeated. tmU , cre;ttfnK a singIe Uourd th?
. jstate will not only save considerable
Hons Crane will bo here Friday , expense, white tho accomplishments
night, get your seats reserved early, twill he even greater than under the
n5 ' present system.
Four times as much in first cost
and five timesas much in after
cost you are asked to pay for
cars no more comfortable, sure
or speedy than the Vanadium
built Ford. A rather expensive
tribute to false pride im't it?
These new price?, f o. b. Detroit, with all equip
ment. An early order will menn a:t ;iply da
Hvery. Got particulars from Fori A;ont for
Douglas County. G. W. Burnett, Roaebure;, Of.
Money Saved is Money
I x&sn
Wo nro offering you the finest o pportunity to save therefore to make
money you have ever had. It's up to you to take advantage of this op
portunity 'y purchasing your t ':5,CTSaS5f?'JW!M'5 ?
Fall Suits and Overcoats
and othor furnishings at our
which is now going on and will continue until we are located in our new
quarters in the new hotel building.
PI.EASK REMEMBER that all repprts to the contrary, wo are not
soiling out and expect to remain In Roseburg and grow with the town.
All we are doing now Is offering you a chance to save money not only on
Suits and Overcoats, but also on Kuln Coats, Itnbbers, Bouts and Shoo.
which you will need now or very shcrtly.
I.". Ait&jJL
imon Laro
iaum Qothes.
1 1
Yimn 1