inwr,!. " " TT, ft'.; " . , ' ! ; ,r ... v . - 4 V" ' ' ' :)-'?".. -::vt: :'f :. -. ' . ; '..! f 'V 1 KUlth'A'JMW- J' : - y : , 1. X i1'" "ll"Wlfl What doesbaby say? gBMKjgag::JKajrTrjt.iJfWMNiJlJJi.wMrianjrwaiviiiiHlMii ' I ill Winn A Hobo-YVarnirko Bookcase for (ho best answer "What docs Baby nay? Think a lniimfo. An excellent answer will come with a brief .study of the picture. Or, for a bettor inspiration, see the larp'o reproduc tion of this .subject in our window. Then write your answer in not over twenty-five words on a piece of paper, furnished by us for that occasion, bearing only your name, answer and address, and send it to Answer Editor KICK & RICE, 117 Cass St. Yoii do not need to be a customer of this store or make purchases hero, to compete. The contest is open to all. Only one answer from each contestant will be considered, so send in only your best answer. The contest closes Nov. 1(, 1912. All answers submitted must be in fhe Answer "Editor's hands not later than that date. The prize winner will be an nounced a week later'. ' ' RICE & RICE HIT SINGLE TAX Premier Asquith, of England, ! , Against Single lax. "MISQUOTED" SAYS PREMIER Premier -Asquith Say Single Tax I u Dangerous Measure mid Has I'l'iii'tiutlly No Siiitorli'iM la Midland (jive.-i Interview " Al'TO I'OK SAM-:. Foil SALE OR TRADE 40 horse power, 5 imssenjter In- tor State Auto. Completely overhauled and almost good O1 ins new. Will consider any trade that In reasonable or : will sell for call at a bnr- gain. Tor further i?.rtit:u- lttrs call at The News of- fice. tf phono 245. Ail work first-chin Commercial Abstract Co? Abstracts oi Title filing Tapers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds o! all Xincis Furnished Money toToan on In 4 roved Farm Property WHY CONGRESSMAN HAWLEY Should be Re-elected to Congress Because he bu r pannes all opposing candidates in abilit experience and qualifications for Congressman. Because all his interests ar9 in Oregon, where he was born, and he knowBher people, resources and industries. Because ho innually travels thousands of miles over the First Dis trict, learning the needs of his constituents and has secured mil lions of dollars for their benefit, and has aided land entrymen, veterans and others. Because he has been a faithful servant of all the pooplo and not a favored few, and in national ailairs has reached a position of iu lluenco so that Presidents Taft and Uoosevelt, his associates of all parties, and constituents generally praise him in terms similar to those used by Governor West, who in an interview after a visit to the National Capital said; "In intellect., ora torical ability ami devotion to the interests of the people Hawley head ands stand shoulders above the great majority of tne mem bers of the National House of Representatives. " (Paid Adv, Congressional Committee, 1st District.) Special to The Evening News.) LONDON, Nov., 4. When Prem ier Asqulth, of England, learned for the llrst time today that the single t uxors of Oregon had heen repre senting that his (iovt rnnient, him self and Chancellor of the Exeche quer I.loyd Gcoi m', were In favor of tiingle tax he was exeeodpiRly in dignant. The Premier Immediately Issued the following official state ment from his office at 10 Dowlng street: "Mr. Asnufth stated in thej of Common;-; July ,'loth, and in j Ieeeh at Ladybank, Oct. 5th, that j the policy of government does not Includo single tax." It Is against: the policy of Die Premier to give out interviews 1 '..'.3 private secretary furnished your con -oKpondent with a copy of Mr. Asquith's speech, at l.adyhank, when ht s;ild : "What ever the proposals of the govern ment may he they will not embrace what, is called the policy of aingle tax, which, to my knowledge has not a single supporter in the present cabinet, and which in my opinion, and 1 believe in the unanimous opin ion of my colleagues also by singl ing out for the purpose of hearing the whole burden of taxation of the land to the exclusion and relief of all other forms of property is con sistent neither with justice nor with expediency." Your correspondent could not get in touch with Mr. I.loyd fieorge, but Mr. Asqulth'K statement that not one of his col leagues favors t!.'1 exclusive land tax certainly covets him. George Lam bert, member of parliament. Inform ed your correspondent however that M r. Lloyd George had given pilm permission to sny that the chancellor was not In favor of single tax. Mem- I hers of the cabinet, who, owing to their official position were unable to declare themselves on the politics of another country were mortified to know Unit U'lten Ben go ugh and Oregon taxers had chosen to lie de liberately about their attitude. views on the liquor question can b'; seen associating together In the nio.ii frk-ndly muniur. Partners, broth em. father ;;nd son may differ on tbi. que itton, bi;t good will contin ues. iiut rill honest men, wet or dry, it .-piee a inw-biLuktir, and he it i ;, who cries "Why preach I t trod, whv jump on us; let us alone; glvu ti; pe'ice." Iiut the world cannot pro-giv.-a if it lets evil rest at peace. II. L. EDDY. ;vrMn9 HiiHdins XZEX3EX who ritoi rrs I1Y A "DltY" TOWN? Edtor News: Under the above caption a writer signing hlmsell 'Taxpayer" writer in an evening paper. Let ua answer brefly. 1. The grocer, butcher, drygoods merchant, clothier, etc., because the men who spend their money foi liquor don't spend so much on their families or for the necessities of life. 2. Laboring men, because men who spend their money in the sa- ! loons can buy lots and build houses j and thus employ labor. I It. Pnfessfonal men, because their j patrons wiil have money to pay Tot their services and they will not be I called upon to do so much char it j work. I -I. Women and children, because husbands atul l:i;lwi tern pled w ith t he w e Tlie home, lu-t uai:y . s be bette: will not b iv 111 ir I Wit)' r u" ROUGH DRY Or Kinislnvl, lmth ri'i'i'ivo tlio s.iiiu" ':i in ur, wliiili is sivuml I" nmio. i.s t'lat wo :'fil ntti'ntioi, Thf rrsult Bound to Plenso Von iwwftwiii TiiiMMwwa i mmm immmm Trv : Oar : Way : Just : Once LONE SPAR I'!iom ;S0 LAUNDRY l 'or. Pinfc and Woodward YOXCALLA XEWS. ' Interesting News (Withered IJy n Live CorreKiHmdeiit. 4 j Wign Ilawon, of Oakland, was a business visitor to this city the first of the week. W. L. Starr, of Wilbur, spent Sat urday and Sunday at this place. Miss Nellie Straw went to Wilbur last Friday evening v.-he re she spent a few days visiting friends, return ing homo Monday. Mrs. Marry Stearns and Miss Atta Powell is visiting with relatives at Oakland this week. Mrs. Ilelliwell Is spending the w"U at Eugene on business. .ir-s. J. l Bishop Is home again after several days spent at Portland where she attended the meeting ot the state and national W. C. T. U. liev. Groat and wife, of Cottage Grove are hero visltin;- at the home 1 of Mrs, Groat's father 35. L. Cox. It. C. Hill, of Wilbur, was a busi ness caller at this city last Monday. Me. W. Daugherty was at Drain on business Wednesday. Uoyd Hrhtjges, of Oakland, was' looking after business matters in this vicinity a few days tills week. W. J. Moon, of .Itoseburg, was hero on business Tuesday. Mrs. Sehaefer, -of Medford, was here a few days this week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. McCourt. Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. Clark returned Wednesday from on extended visit with relatives at Creswell. Ed Gardiner was a Roseburg visitor the first of the week. A. F. Stearns, of Oakland, was looking after business matters here the first of the week. Z. L. Cox has moved into his new apartments and will no longer be found at the "old stand." Mrs. A. E. Tul ley, who has been visiting with relatives here for some time has returned to her home In Eastern Oregon. Mrs. W. F. Sealer, returned Wed nesday from Cottage Grove where she has been visiting with relatives? for a few days. Gus Peret and Harry Stearns have gone to Arlington where they will shoot ducks for a few days before returning. J. F. Bell was at tho county scai on business the first of tho week. Mrs. .Ino. McKirdy was among tin ilayhearst. visiters to this city hist Monday. The Scottsburg fishermen fretr s. N. v v ; v. v: '. JOHN DEERE REVfliSiCLr: DISC PLOWS WorK equally well on level land and Hillsides. They are light diaft end etsy to operate. We also carry in stocll SulKy PIcws, Gang Plows and WalKing Plows '.vith Stubble bottoms, Sod "ErEaL'er" Bottoms snd "Elacll SticKy" Bottoms. All gcod (jrcdes. ROSEBUkG FEED & FUEL COMPANY TELEPi'Cii'E 153. V; s t V y s ' ' r 5s wiil I..- M ;m ! s In Iiimi v m ti:s llir s.;i ki-i I if MI.M'. ICIl'i 111). I I. 1 livin'rt II. i. .v'-,f cr lii iiii'1 i.-i u' city could v. - d-ried ii. '!". '- ; i':-ll I.l-'.lt l'i.-tn d.;t" e It aii iiiiiiv. 'lAi rl.i'e li:..e all I '.M' a very njo,iltiu cport gOf 4. Dr. Geo. Kn business a td Mirntng home .1 aed home af oiiting s;o t!u ROSEBURG BOOK CO. OFFICII QVl FITTFRS FOUiXtALX PFXS SCHOOL HOOKS TYI'F I VKI TFRS NFWS DEALERS 11 IO LID AY GOODS POST CARDS FL.XXAXTS fiOSEBURG. OREGON I WINNIE G ADDIS "THE PLUMBER" Roseburg Pbone'20.l Sutherlin Phone 28 Up-to-the-Times with attention and mechanics First Class Materials Work Guaranteed D. H. MARSTEHS PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing', Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning;.; and Keating' North Jach'son Street, adjoining Peoples Marble Vor!is. felephrr.? 251. Worll Zone cn Shr.rt Ncficp KC5ESUF.C, ORE I'tirt'.aml on You Dsnt Have to Go to Ssa to See I Mrs ll;:!innk, (if S:;tr. Or., vi.-il. with lii-r ci anili.'.ri-nts, .Mr. Mrs til:. Ipla iMo'lil'l i. 11 .Hi! BUY A 1:ARM 800,000 Prom. In Central Acres to Ore 'on Select !'.!! MS ; l,nv I'li LOW l'RU'KS !'. Ywir last chance to buy Hood Vmn ...-:': .; I'omi: I Ami Lot u.-i toll you nlmiit tin" ' f. If you i!oi!ro to trade vour mai! r.-i- , -. Wo will li:;uro with you , AkCLINTOCK AND GHDDES Offlw In AniMi. Ni'it To (.rutul ltt farm j e j , ub ' of 1 -ilVi;!'-.; the city ; U of tho eit a!.. ,.. ;.r,.-jMon j 'My :ti;tj of Cam ' cir if ioo,oio (,. .1. .M' ilfv for 'J . c: I 'i talk of the in:: ! 1 oi1 'on o ! ::. T-e Hm; ; , s-, ten t" '. The surcsI t j: t j i-eudet ed In n dry to n c- in route i only from a ty m ;Ui hior wit ii la w- breakers. Today any number of men I in Koseburg who have opposing is c . 1- t!wi this vecK. Mr. tJetv rami nn with his iM-ano"-Dti w :a at Uoscliuri; on In::-iiiV.''F the first of the week. Johnle Moore, of SVelley. f.-lt mmI fractured hi riirht arm one (My last week. Dr. U. P. Mortensrii was 1 i 'it' iciiic.-i tho fracruie. Mr. Robert Smith, of Uosehu:. I'.cr" de-trihufin tleo. Neuner's roti! s Wednesday. Mr. . I,, and MNs Pen:i .Ii:ies. f at tie, are liere th u;u"sts i V. .I'lii- and fair.ilv. Two l-i'I'irs. a hov and a nirl. were born to Mr. anil Mrs. A. K. Joi; of Klkton. Sunday, C-01 tract or anil builder. r-'uinniets Is cettini; cround in nvd't j,ri;M -rat or to erect a I'.imb'T Med at tl-..1 ve.,r or !iU c r V)jt. ,Mr. .Sinu'iu 11 onteuip'at',) P A T I a For Cement Culverts, Cce.oiu Spwer Fipe, sizes 8 t0 36 inches. Cement ijuilCing fcandation and Ej cMnney tloclis. Ccmert sidewalks end Cement A wos K of any Kind. a 1 liava Ove or sii hoii!-a l will sell c!p, ns I wnnt to u?e the y money In otlier businepi. Si my burglar uroof window lock, Its O. K. Soe Vat's Elastic root i Hint for leaky roofj. Ws build, move jj or repair your bouses. Uuslr.eas buildings u specialty. Over forty H yeara experlenco in building. I F. F. PATTERSON I CONTRACTOR ar.d BUILDER 'istal'iim' I. is new t Hon. .1 tliiine wf 1 small planing plant, in tablishtnent, A. Um-h.innan and Geo, e here Inst Wednesday. Mr. Pnehannan delivered a political addjrcsii ,1n the even in to ,i ftr sited audience. Sheriff Qulne Im proved the time interviewing (ho different votoni whle here. MRS. McOINTY. THE ECONOMY i. George Kohlbaftn. IK p. Wholesale and Retail Butcher. Th. affords. All kinds of St,. Fhone 58 .1 best the market and so'd. Rosebuig, Oreqon