The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 02, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Miter and tMle rruprlftor.
SuliMripIion lUUi's Daily.
Per year, by mall 3.0
Per month, delivered .60
Per year 12 00
Bli months . 1.00
Entered as second-class matter
November 6. I!il0. at Ko&eburg, Ore.,
under act of March 3. 1879.
Three days mure and the 1912
election will be a matter of history.
From a careful jersual of the claims
put forth by the campaign managers
of tho different candidates for the
presidency we are forced to the un-
Says "Dry" Rule Brings Prosperity Other Business Men II
l-l-ivo WmvI Ahmif iHnrwlirinnc
Additional evidence tending; to in- j whom it may concern: We are glad
dlcate that business is more pros to'state that after four years at Pro
perous under "dry" lule than intiei : bibitlon our town is in a better con-!
the "we." refine, was received thifc 1 ditiun than it ever was. We have
morning by The News in. a number of j made sT steady growth and advance
letters from Pullman, Washington, ment on all lines and contrary to the
in which the writers, including the Judgment of many of the business.
Mayor and several other notables, men the business of the town is much
state that their city was never as , better. Speaking for ourselves will
prosperous as it Is today. isay that we have the largest Depart-
Tne letters are self explanatory and ment Store in the city employing 2 :
follow in detail: people and as large as any store in.
Mayor I Satisfied. , the county, that the voting of the '
PULLMAN. Wash., Oct. 27 To j town dry hag been a benefit to us. we
whom it may Concern: Having been ; have had better collections, more cash
"usual conclusion that TaTt, Wilson. aRked for a statement, relative to the j business and have also been able to
Kooseveit and Uebs will be elected i condition of the City of Pullman, sell some people who before the sa-
since the saloons were abolished, . loons were gone never had money
will say that the Town is in better ; enough to buy decent clothes. Under1
financial condition than for 25 years, j no conditons would we ever favor'
and also see a marked improvement j our town going back to the Wet side.'
in the moral tone of the town. I am i Every prediction made by the wets as
not in favor of saloons in Pullman, jto the killing the town for business
A. E. SHAW. Mayor : if it went dry has proven false and
Insurance Mm. Writes. j many of the business men who were
PULLMAN, Wash., Oct. 26. To ; in favor of the saloon before are the:
whom it may concern: "In reply to ' most ardent Dry supporters in the j
your letter to the W. C. T. U.. will say : town.
Business conditions are very much j ,j X. EMERSON, j
better since our t"v.:i has gone dry, i a v r:-rk Wrtes. j
and at least 75 per cent, of bur citi-J PULLMAN, Wash.. Oct. 26. To!
aens, who were once for a wet town, j whom Jt may concern: In response j
are now for a dry town. Many men i to a letter from the local President j
who were then termed drunkards are J of the W, C. T. l, I hereby make j
now sober men. -the following statement: I
FinimciHl conditions as well as j nave beeI) ( Jty marsna for sev ;
Moral conditions are much improved. eraI ypars under boB lhe ,.et and
Hundreds or good lor nntning nar- , the dry reJgn Sjnce our town vent
vest men. who are found on the slde-,ary fo;ir and one-half yeans s$c.
wrtms in uri lunun, unu m vim arunkness has decreased c?:a
and that all of them will reside in
the White House after next March
the fourth.
Here in Oregon from a study of
the claims made at the headquarters
'of Selling. IJourne and Lane we
know that each one of them will re
ceive the endorsement of the people
and that when the legislature meu
In January it w ill have the pleas
ant duty of casting a vote for three
senators from Oregon instead of one.
This will, of course, delight ail the
candidates as no one will Buffer the
humiliation of defeat.
But when we come to sift the dif
ferent claims and look facts square
In the face we find that there are
some startling duplications. For in
stance the electoral vote of the state
of New York is elnfmed by the man
agers of the three leading candidates.
The same Is true as to the electoral
votes of the stales of Illinois, Ohio.
Indiana and Pennsylvania. As a
matter of fact Tuft's chances of elec
tion have brightened materially in
the past ten days. His strength lias
increased wonderfully and many of
the old line republicans have come
back into the party and have decid
ed to vote for ihe head of their tick
et. Wilson fs Taft's competitor.
Had tbe election been held six weeks
ago Wilson would have won easily.
Today there is some doubt. Alto
gether he has the best chance Taft
has made many inroads into the Wil
son strength lately, but whether they
have been sufficient will not be
known until after election and tbe
votes are counted. Various claims
are put forth in the Eastern slates as
to the relative strength of Taft and
"Wilson. Here in Oregon there Is
a strong probability that the presi
dent will carry the state although
time were here, are here no more
but sober industrious working men
are here to take their place. Thus
you will see labor conditions are also
improved. I will never again vote for
a wet town. Sincerely
Mercantile Man Talks.
PUI I M AN, W.'-b.. Oct. To
per cent:( and the moral tone of
sentiment, increased correspondingly.
Arrests for drunkness and also for i
other causes has nearly ceased. One J
of our neighboring towns, which has
saloons has 20 cases to our one in the ,
police court. -most of which had edi
money to pay fines with. ;
A O R"
Congressional Record that should be
distributed among tbe natiros of the
Zulu slands. And right there his
service ends for his first term. If
he Is elected for the second term and
If he has made any impression on
the speaker of the house, he will be
advanced to the more important com
mittee on the gathering1 of informa
tion In regard to the site of tbe
farms owned by Americans on the
island of Cuba. But if he is re
elected for the third term he be-
cfns to he nn nf the nlnVr member
much depends on the farmer votejand lne SIwaker uke8 notice of lne
fact and puts him on some really
important committees. It is then
that he can do some real good for niF
state and constituents. A good man
should be kept In congress just as
long as be does not abuse the confi
dent of the people who have elected
him. Hawley has been in congress
long enough to be of much more
good service to his district should
he be rot urn ed t here by t be vol es
of the ieople this fall. Campbell hm
never been in politics, knows noth
ing about it and has never mude anj
study of public questions. His abll
t i es do ti (t lie in 1 in t d tf en ion
He will do more good for bimselt
slid the peojle of this district by re
maining iit home and looklne after
his real estate business.
!liil''T'i vote will be laree as it
should be.
which Is silent with a leaning to
Selling for United States senator
han a harder fight on his hands at
the election next week than he had
In the primary in April. Bournes
"Made (Jood" campaign has made
him many votes and supporters. Tbt
one feature of his campaign, how- j
ever, which will keep many or his f
strong friends from voting for him ;
is his utter disregard for tbe direct!
primary. He professes to be the;
father of the Oregon system which.;
advocates the direct primary, was de-
Teated in an honorable manner, tele-j
Krapbed conprtauiatlnns to Selling, i
offered his support and then Inter j
enters the race us an inde!endcnt . '
The strange inconsistency of the!
man is what loose him main J
votes from Tiicn v ho cast their Fal
lot on principle rather than part ,
or individuals. SH!!ne will loose '
Multnomah and Jackson count u- 1
without doubt. He bst them both
in the primaries and noiMtie hits
happened in the in. antime to (hiue
the minds of those who oppose him.
They voted aeatnst ic!lfnc and as'
1 hey had no a Permit i e in t he pi I
mary they ra-t their billot for
Hourne. Lane may c-t no me of these
votes but it is pretty fv to
that Tlourne will c-t the re-t. Sell-
Ii'g will have to r-h on tbe rural,
end otithjui; county vtMe to Insure
lis election. If he can hold his own
In them coumhs and i:et nine out
of every ten voles thM he pot in the
primary be will he elected l-ucla.
county will plve htm M leat a pin-I
rality a lvci s in April If the
vihtr enmities do ; w :i Sel'.iri:
le the net United S! ;it's senator
from Oregon.
Willi . Hawley. the republican
candidate for conms from this iLs
1 tit t. will h iW' a w;,lk-!.v.'. (!itp -!
bell, t!:e iMll! t aji.! .date. H I
fc'Ild'HC. a l'J"-.f;t (!e;'l v I! n-i( v. f;r- 1
nished by tbe harvester and t- :!
tru-ts, in new. -pa per :uler!:-ii?. but
it is b:rdi prol '.'':' ti .it the tM'opie 1
regard hlr can-.'.idaey jwriouslv. Hjiw-
ley has been in cTict'-ss r-.iw fer
six yc.ars and this Is one or the vcr
host reasons wh he j-bouul be re
elected. As ai.airs to in Wahiiic-
loo a wncressuian ho is new to the
work g.ts little or no mnnttkttj. He
Ss piaced on .-.t itninrrtant
rommllteo, sueh its tb cinnmi!!ef f-"r
the improement of tbe '.' -i v
v;re ot tbe W'te U .ire r .'-. n ie
iriiltee lot ttv lin Meet', n r. si' ;:.
tic on the ruK-cr cf v::-. r cl' i'
Tin: AMi;itM:is.
There are thirty eipht ann udments
or bills ott tlie ballot this lail. Sme
of them are good, some of tbern are
poor, r.ud i iil ot hers are partly
good and pirtlv bad. Voters have
i .eived tb-eir pampiilets f rom t he
secretary of state and some of them
forever in this state vote "OS X T:
and 3 (i5 X No! By voting no on
o0" the graduated tax ylun Is knock
ed out. The graduated ta:: is simply
another term for sinple tax and is
one of U'Ren's jokers on the ballot.
Corporations should be controlled
by the people. It will be done if
tbe Public Utilities bill Incomes, a
law by tbe vote of the people. It
provides for a commission which has
the jKiwer to regulate tbe public ser
vice corporations, adjust rates and in
every way stand between the corpor
ation and the peo pie for the pu r
pose of insuring to tbe people the
rights that they possess in public
service corporations. Jf you fnvor
this kind of a law vote 23 4 X YeB.
Tbe majority rule bills are aimed
to protect tbe people against InfriiiR
ments of the Oregon system. If you
favor this system vote R10 X Yes and
X Yes.
Tbe county high school fund
should le carried. We need more
schools than we huve and a vote of
yes on 105 will get them.
Tbe flat salary bill for the taate
printer should be defeated. The
measure bi;t in it many jokers and j
much expend The bill has heu ;
passed to tiM;e effect in 11$ and the
object of its being on the biillot this
fall is to put it into o:enit ion ii, '
.lanuur 3 i 1 1! If it is defeated at :
t be pol)s the leislat v. re will h;.ve
an opportunity to corre't the evils
In the tri'-ji'-ure a? it now (-tuiIs ;.::f'
:l.(t ft 'an po into effect as a i-:
vo.t.l w. ? ' yr r!'rey or-
: os piib'ic piiv by -.'r.g r.2! X
! No.
. , H 1
5AVEVom(gSWEWORK ..)t ts the way they
;u ire indue, moi
jJCofci'.' rl Ik-ki II 'narC3 men '
I, i; JW ! -t-ll
flu watchword.
They were fJood
d yesterday, but
M must be better to
day" the motto.
These are dood
reasons for suc
cess, are they not?
Having had many inquiries for Gas Stoves and Ranges, we have
finallv accepted agencv, for which we think is the best obtainable, in
the ACORN.
Gas is THE fuel for home use, and especially so in the kitchen.
Yith wood or coal, you require more room
With wood or coal, you must wait sometime before securing re
quisite heau
With wood or coal, you loose time taken to keep stove supplied
with fuel.
With wood or coal, you have a constant variation of heat.
With wood or coal, you cannot be gone very long or fire is out.
With w od or coal, it is dust and dirt and smoke from time fuel
is brought in until ashes are carried out.
Do any of those objections apply togas?
And cheapness is in favor of gas, if properly used, for it can De
wasted as well as wood or coal.
Come in and look over our "Special" series jof gas ranges, and
you can be easily shown where economy lies.
Look at cut in upper left hand corner, note that there is no stoop
ing or lifting while using ovens. Note how easily things can lie
kept clean and neat aoout it, even to the floor.
Cost, O well now, don't worry over it, as it is low when cor" pared
with goods ottered, and we want you to look goods over and then you
can form a better idea of worth than you can from cold figures.
Remember that we set up and connect ready for lighting.
Churchill Hardware Co
j .neatora returned home late lsat
Mrs. Hannan. a temperance lec
turer, arrived in Roseburg this morn-
Min. Ida Bunyou, nf Ynnculla. was ; F and lett tbis afternoon for Suth
a viBitor in Koaeburg lor a few : eriin wbere Bhe will deliver an ad
bours today. j dresB tbiB evening.
MiBB H uurskt, of Myrtle Creek, ! . u . .
, . ... . , E- E- Hurst. T. L. Brewer and Ira
arrived here Hub aftornoun to Biiend ,,..,,. ,,..,
..... Miles, nil residents of Myrtle Creek,
a few davs with frielius. , ... , . ,
!H'iit the day in Roseburg attending
Mrs. L. A. Marsters left for Eu
gene this afternoon where she will
attend the wedding of her sister, Miss
Lucy LaRaut to Dr. Adams tonight.
Mrs. Marsters will probably return
here tomorrow.
246 Rose St. v
R. H. Coshun. of Seattle, left here
thlF yfternoon after purcbitsinp about
?1 0.000 In las certificates.
Mss Hazel Kuyketulull left for Eu
pene this afternoon v here she will
sjud the "week-end" with friendo.
A T tor n ey A. N . O rc u 1 1 . who ii u s
been FiM-udini; Tlie 1'its; fow da ye i(t
to buslneHK matters and visiting with
, friends.
i Attorney O. P. Coshow has return
ed from Torts county where he de
livered a number of Democratic ad
drfSM's. Attorney Coshow is an ox
(f litii tiillcer and was greeted by
lurtzf ihC fMb'.isiaMic crowds- where-
; exer be weM.
FK0NE 82-J
l: F
ftr rc
ptoi k
'. Nk iio.. rj U'
;rewn;fctive. ,
buyer. He Is
rp'rf ii ij d
qua'lfi: u
bave pi-rlia; ntid all the
i:nd niitiii up tbeir mindv bow tbe
will vote. Mist of tbe voters, how
e tT. have m-ciected t be duty they
owe tbcni-eHes and ;be Ktate and
lutve lb row n tbe pMni'blrt affile to
be i-:ui In tbe v inter s time nad
acca ion pet mit. t- 1
Tiit-re are scv. ra' of tbe mcifurep ! Nif'
ib.-it we N'dwe tbo .-ople should le : ' '
, a; : b ulariy int-rented in and we de- rich
.i:e t brnfly c.itl atttT.Mun u tbetn
'fbe tirt measure on Vm balU't
i- traiTtir.p to niiMll ttie ri:ht
of 5!iflr;ii:o. T tie re ate no tfod r.i
"I.;. f..'T iu't t rati: in i; to t!'e u nmen
!be rK. to ' n' th.y want to and
nieasures-1 n eery res;Kct to fi'-l tbe offne and
if elected v-i'l dv:v.p rn'-iin'rvs
t hat are of psr'Jruiar benet to the
Tarinint: and tt'-k ir.d ; "ie- 'f tbe
fi'ate V "ileitis '".i::f b'.ve
one rej re?'-nTatlve jr. tl e ler-.s-lat i.r:'
hc mill pive direct a:te:.;n-.i o; r
l. ..est a riviTie". A iote for IV V
"o'e f: r rr;rc:'f t ; . will
!e ' -r t he- ritbi r- a its ;
t i!r,.e.
.v-ept .onal oppon u;i 'ty If nf
live loial busines. fuan bc
sbou d , ('' 'iy i"s coo;s to buy a biar.d i.-w
l.'u'O piMind delivery truck tot fiutory
cot. Truck (trdinarity cs- t S r..0i.
Inxeptlcate tbis offer if a more mod
ern, orniitiiical delivery vi;ein a;
penls. Tbs trurlt will take the place
I'c i .ititb d to vi:e. One of the best ;
;(.-. so ri.s tbat w e kti.'W of for otitic
' fax or of sulfrace is be
:ii;sf i-v t v liquor di a;, rs' a-socia- :
!i n in the state sr.d the brewery
-! tations are fsctuini; t!;e exten- !
ipii of the ballot to the onim. Vtte , of two 2-borse teams.'
:Vo X Y.s ."Truck' care this paper.
Tht- I'Titl measure is tb it ere- j
Mine t'le office of tiom.natit fvv- The ladie? of the Prrbterin
nor for tie ftate cf O roc on. Ore-: church will erve n cenulne home
n should set in I with tb? other cooked chicken d.:ir In the parlors
: 'v and ol for N Yes. of the church Tuesday. NotcUt F.,
Single u h.- u'd be -bolisbed i election day, becinninic at 11:30 a. in.
rhtl su ns to d troy cur iaixvx ana i They will a'fo serve hinch in tbe rr
our hutntMs. In oidd- to; b it ! enlng at the same place. u5
Green Valley Orcha
In 5 and 10 Acre Subdivisions
ten minutes walk of the S. P. depot al Green, Oregon, and only a
thirty five minute drive from Roseburg. The tract is nearly all level
land and beautifully situated. The soil is fertile and rich and full
of productive elements. Roberts Creek runs through the subdivision
These tracts are on the rural mail route. There is a general store
and public warehouse, a freight end express office at Green. A
number of dwellings are now under course of construction. Green
is a live and up-to-date community in every respect. These
tracts have been on the market for only a short time.
Persons desiring small tracts for fruit, vegetables or poultry should
see these at once. Low prices, easy terms. You buy direct from owner
R. F. D.
Phone 2F13