The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, October 30, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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    Money Saved is'-Money Made
ftmchbaum Clothes.
f 'v'tv
W 1 V:Yfl
We aro offering you the finest o pportunlty to save therefore to make
money you have ever had. It's up to you to take advantage of this op
portunity by purchasing your ,
Fall Suits and Overcoats
and other furnishings at our
which Is now going ou and will continue until we are located la our new
quarters In the new hotel building.
PMCASE RKMISMMKU that all reports to the contrary, wo aro not
celling out and expect to remain In Rc.scburg and grow with the town.
All we are doing now Is offering you a chance to save money not only on
Suits and Overcoats, but also on Ilain Coats, Rultbei-H, Boots mid Shoes,
which you will need now or very shortly.
Capyngkt, iqta. A B. fCiruhbaitm Co.
Copyright, iqj, A. B. Kintkbaum Ct
(Continued from page I.)
ty treasurer during
March, 1909 $ 42,973.55
Same for Marsh, 1910.... 49.174.64
1st. The brewery stockholders.
2nd. Saloon keepers, prostitutes
j and gamblers, :
! 3rd. Certain property owners who Ity Quine
secure high rentals from saloons and, Collected and paid ro un
sporting women.. These property I ty treasurer during
owners are doing the most effective March. 1911 ...5)9,418.53
work for a "wet" town. Judas Is-' Same for March, 1912 .... S3,741.11
cariot hau nothing on the Individual
who would betray the welfare of his' Balance In Quine's favor 416.011.45
city and his own family for rentals.
4th. Possibly a few night retsau
rants. Liquor Statist Irs.
Government tables from the latest
: "Brewer's Year Book" the liquor
consumed percaplta In:
j 7 prohibition states is 1.07 gallons.
; 12 local option states Is 4.03 gallons.
23 saloon states is 25.02 gallons.
The above Ib proof, positive, that
Penalty and Interest col
lected by Fenton In 1909 $1,297.14
Same for 1910 1.255. 89
Same for Quine -in 1911.... 4.516.27
Same for Quine to Oct. 1,
1912 1,918.75
Balance In Quine's favor.... $3,861 V3
Sheriff's Assessments bv
Fenton during 1909 $ 716.42
Same by Fenton, 1910 493.37
saloons greatly' Increase the rate of Same by Quine. 1911 2,132.20
intoxicating liquor and that the ab- Same by Quine, 1912 -780.50
sence of saloons greatly lessens its
; Eale and use.
j Questions For Voters.
J Why vote for saloons when every-
i body knows it Is wrong?
Isn't your honor worth more than
brewery favors or money?
Why vote to permit a' so-called
business for which no one can say a
good word?
Why vote to license a "business"
which Its owners are ashamed of
and dare not publically defend?
Why vote to take $200,000 from
the honest business of Roseburg and
give it to saloons? Will that make
good town?
Why should the city and Us people
suffer that special privilege and
graft may prosper
Why not vote for a square deal for
HJtosenurj (ioca AVet
How many men will lose their
How many men will not be able to
A. M. CiathiKlinr. of Deer Creek,
spent yesterday in RoHohiirg attend
ing to biihbi'i;.i matters.
Deputy Sheriff Thomas Lawnon, of
Olendale, returned homo today after
nttetnlhig to liimlmiss matters in this
For mill work and liljh quality
lumber of nil UIiiiIh, cull on the J. .
Monk Lumber Coiupttny. Phono 100.
"Wo deliver tin? goodn" tf
Minn Zella Zioglcr, utenngrapher In
the local forestry offices, h'ft for Al
bany this morning whore ho will
upend u few days visiting with her
mot her.
JoHeph Mt-idKCH, the tviiihllr;in
rand Id ate for n'pre.scntative I'nnn
PoiighiH county, spent the day In
Itoseburg attending to business mat
ters and incidentally conferring with
t ho voters regarding his candidacy.
County Commissioner M. It. Ryan,
of Innln, e:tnie over thin morning to
look alter county business. Mr. li
nn is the popular candidate for cmn
tv rittnmls sinner and bin friends pre
dict that lie will carry the county
liy several hundred votes. In Tact,
Mr. Itynn has made an excellent com
missioner and his manv friends eon
Bidor that he is en I it led to re-election.
C. W. Lake, of Baudot), was a
business visitor In Rofeburg for a
few hours today. j
K. II. Walte. who has been spend-;
ing the past few days in San Fran-;
cisco will return hero this evening.
See the new ljallni; IV-Iief work
combined with puil' ii wnvk, nn d!s-
play at (irave's Ail. Emporium. If
.Mrs. Short, returned to her homo
at Wilbur lhla morning after a few ( '
days spent In Rofioburg with friends. For mill work and lilh (liiiililyj
luiuber of all kinds, cull on the Jv (.
I'look Lumber C ompany. Phono IOO.
"Wo deliver (ho goods" tf
Mrs. Illnktey, who has been spend- f
Ing the past few weeks in the East'
has returned to Roseburg.
10a t old-fashinpcd buckwheat caktjs
and maide syrup at Everybody's I
Cafo. tfj
Tor mil) work and bili 1 1 m 1 1 i ( y i
lumber of all hhKt.q, call on the J. it,
I'loek Lutnliec Company. I'lione IOO, j
I "We deliver (he goods" if!
I - I
j .1. K. Howard, of (ilcndale, spent;
the day In Roseburg .attending to
j business matters and incidentally
! conferring with the voters relative to
bis candidacy for representative.
C. C. RrliruH and Ha1 K. itobin
sin, both residents of Millwood, were
j quietly married at the home of the
; groom's parents on October 21. Rev.
j A. S. Jenkins officiating. The couple
: will make their future home In MIH
' wood.
The "C. C." club held the Hist of
I the regular winter series of dances
a I the Armory last evening. Tlie
' floor was in the best of com! it ion,
! while the music proved most satis
factory. Dances will be held nt least
once a month by the club during the
remainder of the winter.
Charles Barnard, the local stage j
man, went to Eugene this morning;
to spend a few days looking after j
business interests. i
j 1
St. George's Guilt! solicits orders
for comforts, tied and finished $1.'
knotted COc extra, also aprons and
rag rugs. n4 j
W. M. Donaldson left for his home
at 1'rairle City, Oregon, this morning'
after a few days spent in Roseburg
visiting with bis son, F. E, Donald- i
sou. j
Ralph Pyrhz. of Gardiner and
Miss M. A. Larkins, of Oakland, wen-:
married at the Baptist parsonage at
noon today. Rev. W. II. Eaton of-
ficiatlng. The young couple left this
afternoon for their future home In ;
Gardiner where the groom conducts
a prosperous dairy ranch. J
A marriage license was Issued yes
terday to Ralph Pyritz and Mrs. M.
A. Larkins, both residents of Doug
las county.
Charlas Gardiner left for Peel and
vicinity this morning where he will'
spend a few days looking after busi
ness matters.
When in Roseburg EAT at Every
body's Cafe. Home cooking and pop
ular jn-ices. Second door oast of
Rico & Uice. sw-tf
Master Mechanic Younger, of the
Southern Pacific lines in Oregon,
spent the day in Ro.-.cburg looking
after business Interests,
Mrs. George Churchman and baby
left for their home at Tacoma, Wash.,
this afternoon after a few days spent
in Roseburg visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chapman. Mrs.
Churchman formerly lived in Rose
burg where she is well known.
The (preliiP,inary hewing of Ye
Toy, the Chinaman who was recently
arrested charged with contrbutng to
the delinquency of Sadie Kincafd, a
fourteen year old girl, ended ab
ruptly In County .Judge Wonacott's
court yesterday morning when the
interested, attorneys, by stipulation,
decided to continue the case until
such time us the Grand Jury con
venes In November. Toy conducts
t he Quick Lunch restaurant on
Sheridan street and the girl respon
sible for his arrest was employed by
him as a waitress.
Balance in Quine's favor... .$1,702. 91
Other than comparing the above
figures the voters of Douglas coun
ty should take cognizance of the fact"
that Fenton is the brewery candidate.
Substantiating the claim that Fenton
Is the brewery candidate is the cur
rent rumor to the effect that the
brewing institution is paying his ex
penses In making the race. Fenton
is at present serving as marshal un
der Mayor Joseph Micelll, a heavy
stockholder In the Roseburg Brewery,
and consequently there Is the rumor
that ho Is receiving assistance from
that direction. If elected sheriff of
Douglas county it Is only natural
that Fenton would, return the "com
pliment" by conducing his office ac
cording to the dictates of his su
periors the officers and directors of
the Roseburg Brewery.
Kenton's Claim in IJrief.
According to the statement of
Fenton his expenses were something
hold a Job? over $3,000 less than Quine's, while
How many men will not be able as a matter of fact, there is but a
to work at all? difference of but $700. Fenton was
How many men will not be able : also cunning enough to offtit the fig
to pay their bills? lures relative to the local option ar-i
How many children, not receiving rests. As a local option detective,
proper food and clothing, will have; Fenton made a complete failure, and
to stay out of school? ! as a result he was turned out of of-
How many families will go nun- fice after serving two years. Quite
gry? S. L. D. i different with Quine he has made
00,i aI1(i wjii be re-elected to serve
For news, read The News. a second term.
It M
i 6 i tt:;;,;;i;.vv-?-A:.,-;,:!7
He knows the price of eveiy-thing-ancl
the value of nothing
judges the Ford by its low cost
alone. But he who knows real
values knows that only the gi
gantic production of the Ford
has made possible present pne
These new prices', f. o. b. Detroit, with all equip
ment. An earlv order will mean an early de-
livvry. (Jet particulars from t'or.l A;;ent for
JJouylas County. G. W. liurnett, Ituseburg, Or.
es 12
a proHorous dairy ranch. , htm ns a waitress. Ut-.v ..-:- .v.-.m -r-.. 1t i.hmm I
Roseburg Natatorium Association!
Alexander is pleased to state to the people ot Roseburg that a great number of citizens are public spirited enough to
help the city of Roseburg get a Natatorium
The Park Commission Was a Winner
A Roseburg Natatorium is an assurrcd success because the number of people who want Roseburg to go ahead
is far more than those who stand still and do nothing.
After the National Election on November the 5th, 1912
Rosebuvg's Progressive citizens will organize the Natatorium Association.
Citizens Shall We All Get Together and Do W-AlexanderM