BEAUTIFUL M Mavnard's Hatard i ovol- Rich River Bom Soil, Natural Farti wer Drive. Close in. City Privileges. Uty Lights and Graded ter sets Nothing tlual in the enttity Prices aref . fcvery lot tenced. For choicl lots, terms and all informatichone 212-L or apply on pre Roseburg, sers C. D. MTNARD, Prop. Rosebu! Nursery Co. , GltO" HIGH-CLA The test that jcare, ience can pri. ed from best BG Our Apple. Pear, Chnch. Shade Trees, Grapojr Roseburprsery Company KITCHBLACK, Proprietors WE GUARANT When we Bay OCAIV you are not satisneo assertion unless we net ready to clean 'leaning ol your cat r WE ARE BlS-ING Because our stock feature every in u are ou TWO To be sold for secfices. tandem, headli; Inr auto tire ice J. H. SS' CRESCE IL I BOS 1 iKER, Proprietor. B g Office Ifl ' Ptjne 79. g Lets in this Asm Easy Terms; Small Cash Payments Extra Lard with Make at be Waich kei h a Jr is . laii us $ iche Mr. Man! I Rosateam Laundry I 438 ct DESIRABLE LOTS IN Avenue Addition these properties Lots are large mxstlarvard Ave., West save commission. r now as prices will advance. yours at once ana earn the tease yourself. Intendingpur- Phone 212-L and Auto 1 taKe you over to property. i e IMl'OHTEUS OF NURSERY STOCK skill and longiexper- All stock on three-year buds and scoins select TREES. Get prices on Pruno and Nut Trees, Ornnmontal Vinos, Plowerimr Shrubs and Rose. OUR WORK DONE WITH TffUUM CLEANER e mean Just what the word Implies. If be no charge. We could not make this ire of giving good service. When you us do the worst part for you the eiisy for you and the price reasonable STEAM LAUNDRY HUNTING SUPPLIES all lines. Our prices are a winning going out for a day or week, out for the trio. 1012 INDIANS I In. ..,.l,i full., annnaA n-JtV, marrnwt.n awitph hnrn unit S.innh lu gei agoou in uc nine cneap. GUN STORE 1ICHTS ADDITION G RESTRICTIONS fine view of City and Valleys it With Us To See These Lots and OLIVER Nesllsend your Laundry to 11 SURE WILL and yoJ get it back ON TIME done RIGHT. pains with a hand- lace curtain. That tinir, .1 vvnu aoes your we always please. Phone 79 Little Gould Children Drawing Their First Checks For Charity ('' wr: " W :,' a. ..... . Miti1B .-C i 1 - I . mm-1 NOT every little kiddle In her teens can slsn her personal check for $20. Papa finds the cost of coal too hih. whllu mamma wonders how In the world she can keep the household expenses down. But with these little children, pictured like two peas in a pod ahove. If s different They are Dorothy (at left and Helen Marcnret (ionld (at rtshtl. daughters of Frank J. Gould, who lrre with tliclr aunt. Miss Helen 11. Gould. Recently they were given their flrst lessons in charity when they drew their first checks for $20 each for two beds In the tloino l'"or the Friendless, New Vnrk. These beds are now known by the children's names, and the luckless tots who will occupy them will no doubt count themselves lucky In their own chlldbih way. BEST LOTS VOK SALE. Why, what are they, black mud or adoby "No. Some hill top? No. Oh. nome sldo hill proposition, I sup pose. Say will yon please read the heading again before tho next guess? Ilcst 1its. Oh, Is your lots In Wesl Roseburg this side of the Sinte Sol diers' Home on that lice level tract of free river bottom soil on Harvard Avenue? Sure, and its nicely plat ted Into lots 50x100 and an Iron-clad title of warranty deed and abstract goes with each lot. Terms as you desire. See me or phone 212-L. C. I). Maynard, owner. Password, "Invest ment." GOOD IN'COME PltOPOSITION" FOIt SALE. Fine largo rooming and' boarding house, close In and doing a good business; Building almost new, all Good desirable location, on fine modern and in first class shajie. corner lot on paved street. Will bear Investigation. See Perrlne Real! Estate Co. 401 Cass St. tf NOTICE. Mrs. C. Grannls solicits hand embroidery work of any kind either by the piece or hour. For reference, Mrs. F C. Flagler. nl2 imViurar'nrW C. E. Whisler Republican Primary Candidate for the State Legislature, District No. 9 Comprising Douglas and Jacbson Counties I am apposed to Single Tax mm if J , a. - -iff S S JFI 'J. A great labor savei self-wringing mop. Order now. J. W. Jloto, P. O. box 107, Roseburg. nl5 Roseburg Shoe Shining Parlor the only place In town for ladles and gentlemen. You get a first class, permanent shine, with pure polish. We also oil and dye shoes of nil kinds. Location: N. E. Cor. Cass and Rose Streets. K. W. KAfi.W, Prop. Interest Paying Ranches Wo have two tracts of 25 acres each which will appeal to the man of limited means who desires a placo that will yield a living for himself and family. One is un improved, hut there la no waste land, some timber, delightful building spot, near town and is priced right. The other is improved, near town and Included In tho price la all Implements, stock, furniture, etc. It Is on of those rare bar gains and will be sold considerab ly under $100 the acre. Ask About These Properties. Riddle Land Agency lilllDLE, OUIXiON. or inquire News Office. H. J. DENN Transfer Company Household goods, piano, bag gage, lumber, wood and a gen eral transfer business. Jiag-. gage checks called for. All goods carefully handled, and charges reasonable. Koseburg. v a i Office P. 102 Res. P. I96-L CHARLES M. SHELDON Author of "In His Steps", will speak at the Presbyterian church on Thursday evening, October 31. Ad mission free. HEAR f. Chas. M. Sheldon Autlior Of "IX JUS STKl'S." AT THE Thurs. Eve. Oct. 31st Admission Free Roseburg Ministerial Union New Home Sewing Machines Not much argument is necessary for a sewing machine in every home. They mean less work, Money saved on clothing and better things to wear. The main question is where to buy the ninchino. You don't believe in buyinu a cheap pair of scissors, do you? You know they would be poorly tempered, mndo of poor steel so could not cut well and would break easily. Neither would you pay four or five dollars simply because they were a good brand. Use the same judgment in buying a sowing machine. A cheap mnchino is a waste of money, is bound to get out of order, cannot do satisfactory work or last; still when you buy a machine from us you pay nothing extra for our ubiliy to sell you tha best machine for the money or for the name or reputation 01 the machine itself. All we ask i'h a chance to demonstrate our machine before you. Roseburg Furniture Co. PHONE 195 WE ENJOY COMPETITION Because we have a line of groceries that are always at the top Our prices are "bed rock" andwestill declare dividends I Phone 195 Perkins Bld'g. Roseburg, Oregon 'The Best Town in the State." WE WILL MAIL YOU $1.00 Inr each Wat old False Teeth ent us. High est prices pnta for old 'Jold, Silver, oM Wnther, keIl Jewolry ami Frecloua Sionec. Honey Sent By Return Hall. PH1U. SMELTING & REFINING COMPANY KatnhlttthtHl '20 Year 863 CHESKUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. TO 1KNTISTS W e will buy your (iold HUhkb, Gold Sera p auA riatiuuiu. HitElicst prkt's paid. I The Collins Hoiel I Main Street, One Door Souih J J. F. Barker's Hardware Store 'i f. 4 With Home Cooking f. f Good Lodging with clean and comfortable beds r t T-.. vrt i By the Day or Week '4 Mr. and Mrs. Bell Collins i d. adr. 1113