Phono 246. Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds ot all Kinds Furnished ' Money toILoan dn Improved Farm Property THE FAVORITE NOW. Campfir. Costume Popu lar For Indoor Wear. Perkins Ilolldlng ROSEBfiRG. OKKGO.N ST 1 FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY " " ' - . . - The greatest combination Newspaper Of fer ever made to the reading public of Douglas County. Offer Number One TheiEvening News, 1 year by mail, reg. price $3.00 The Weekly Oregonian, I yr. by mail reg. price $1.50 Total ..... $4.50 Our special price for the two $3.00 Offer Number Two Umpqua Valley News (Published Monday and Thursday), 1 year by mail, regular price $2.00 The Weekly Oregonian, 1 yr, by mail, reg. price $1.50 Total - - - $3.50 Our special price for the two $2.00 THESE PRICES ARE STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE Offers will be withdrawn October 31st. So order now. Address all letters and maKe remit tances payable to, UMPQUA VALLEY NEW ROSLBURG, OREGON. The Taft Republican Club Roseburg. Oregon Gentlemen: Please enroll me as a member of the TAFT REPUBLICAN CLUB OF DOUGLAS COUNTY I hereby pledge my support to the can didates of the Republican party at the ensuing election. Name Address SQUIKKKIi POISON. 4 Every kernel of Bolduan's Poison Gruln contains a deadly dose of powerful, quick-acting 4 poison, sot" in the grain by a patented process. Haiti, snow, dew nr damp ground does not wash out this 4 poison. It Is the onlv poison which Is as good six months nflor as .the first day It is out , I out In the fields. j The best poison you've ever used, or your money uacr 4 4 MARSTEHS DRUG CO 4 Republicans throughout the county are urged to fill out the above membership blank and bring or mail it to the officers of the Club or The News office. ITALIAN PliL'NH TltKKS FOR SAM: 3 to 4 foot trees, 12c each, 4 to 6 foot trees 14c each. I can fill largo or small orders. Correspond ence Invited. Address, W. R. PALMER, nl2 Cloveland, Ore. ROUGH DRY Or l'inislnsl, both receive tha same- careful attentior, in our plant, which is second to nono. The result is that wo nrej Bound to Please You Try : Our : Way : Just : Once LONE STAR LAUNDRY l'liune ;so I'or. I 'in and Woodward REAL ESTATE Unsiness ami Resident Property. Farms and Stock Ranches. From Five Acres to Ono Thou sand. From Five Dollars nn Aero Up. GEORGE RITER Real Kstato & Insurance. 311 Perkins liulldlng Rosolnii'K - - Oregon ! FROOK OP nOWN BEHOE. More pupuliir this winter thnn the former favorite, the middy suit. Is the "iimphre Rlrl costume which Is heinj; worn indoors. This costume Includes i trimly belted short slilrt with bic pockets. It is very natty when devel oped In brown Merge, touched up with i-nllnr and eulTs of tan cloth or suede 'enther. The Making of Cords. Now that fancy cords are so much ;ised why nut make your own for less than half the store price? The number if threads needed depends on the hlckness of the cord desired. Expert neiit with a short bit will Illustrate his. For a four strand cord measure Utle more than four times the length lesired. Double once, then staid at one ml if the room facing an assistant (at tie opposite etidi and let both twist he thread away from you in opposite in-etlons. Now eatrh the cord In tile enter. Join the ends evenly and release he renter, which will allow It to curl self Into the tlntshed cord, only inoothiiiK occasionally to prevent Inks. If the thread is very line or an nusually heavy cord is desired the rocess may be repeated, twisting the wisted tlirc:i(. doubling again and nl iwlim the cord to adjust itself. Fasten ;iw ends with a self knot and there vlll Im no ruvelintf. Ho'v Do You Like tho Pannier? I'arrleularlv grace! ul and pretty Is this little gown of taupe charmeuse. f? ,1 BUY A FARM -800,000 Acres to Select From. In Central Oregon LOW PRICKS KASY TKHMS Your hist chance t o Imy Good Farm J .and at Such Low Trices Comk In And l.etns tell you about thi?o farms If you desire to trade your small acreage on a larger farm We will figure with you McCLlNTOCK AND GEDDES Office In irT AniH-t. NV1 To Jrnd lloif I rem Island urecmioiise g t Mrs. F. D. Owen, Prop. ? Koscburg, Ore. Thone 91-12 1 Cut Klower, Poltetl rinnta. Funeral Designs, Wedillnn Ho liiec, etc. 1 "UjaSii 1 'i.i '"a 'i $ I A , 4 5 ? v. li r WorK equally well on Level land and Hillsides. They are light draft and easy to operate. We also carry in stocK SulKy PIcws, Gang' Plows ' and WalKing Plows with Stubble Bottoms, Sod "BreaKer" Bottoms and "BlacK SticKy" h Bottoms. All good grades. JOHN DEERE REVERSiBLE DISC PLOWS ROSEBURG FEED & FUEL COMPANY TELEPHONE 163. ROSEBURG BOOK CO. OFFICE OUTFITTERS FOUNi A IN PENS . , SCHOOL BOOKS TYPEWRITERS NEWS DEALERS HOLIDAY GOODS POST CARDS PENNANTS ROSEBURG. OREGON I WINNIE G ADDIS "THE PLUMBER" Roseburg PboneO.l Sutherlin Phone 28 P Up-to-the-Times with attention and mechanics $9 First Class Materials Work Guaranteed m D. H. MARSTEES PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning and Keating' North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble WorKs. Telephone 251. Work Done on Short Notice R0SEBU8G, ORE You Dont' Have to Go to Sea to See PAT Just KccdveJ l:reh Supply ol Ferns ol All Kinds On Snle at ? Tho I Rose Confectionery V . MOWN OK TACTS CHAKUBllaL. vhii h luis 11 ttiiiiiiior tmiU ovr a pljtil tl -utrt anil it wide cnllnr of tnvUirt .-I Tlii- sUirl hnw Jtiwt the tip nf i ' ;i!u:. piitt'iit li'iither (MVtt with a tm: ttiit'd iip nf tmipe surOe, j Turkish Toweling, i Tho new Turkish toweling hns amonv j nt psathlittlis developetl an nptltudf ror the mnktnu tf children's coats: It l. ! nultp Inexpensive, and It Is not now re ; ,'iirded as possesslnK these qualities j hut there Is mnrh Approval Riven to S conrt of tnffetH tlnlshed by son Doped, f '-npe llke coitnrs of the silk or mudc I wtth m plain yoke and worn with a wn collar. For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8 to 36 inches. Cement building foundation and chimney blocKs. Cement sidewalKs and Cement worK of any hind. I have five pr bIi house. 1 will sell cheap, as I want to use the money In other business. See my burglar proof window lock, Its O. K. See Pnfs Elastic roof paint for leaky roofs. We build, move or repair your houses. Business buildings a specialty. Over forty years experience In building. F. F. PATTERSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER H THE ECONOMY MARKET George Kohlhagen, Prop. s Wholesale and Retail Butcher. The best the ma affords. All kinds of Stock bought and so Phone 58 e best the market ight and so'd X Rosebuig, CreJn