Money Saved is Money Made Kir3chaum"Qothes. MgFUSJMOVE' We are offering you the finest o jortunlty to save therefore to make money you have ever had. It's up to you to take advantage of this op- : portimlty by purchasing your Fall Suits and Overcoats KTscS'aumQyhei. ail Wfoet. HSDwin.mii and other furnishings at our GREAT REMOVAL SALE which ia now going on and will continue until we are located in our new quarters in the new hotel building. I'I.EASK REMEMBER that all reports to the contrary, we are not selling out and expect to remain in Roseburg and grow with the town. All we aro doing now Ib offering you a chance to save money not only on Butts and Overcoats, but also on I tain Coats, Kubhcin, Hoots and Shoes, which you will need now or very shortly. Simon Caro CpyngU, iqtt A B. Kuuhbaum Co. Ctpjmtht, IQIl.:A. B. Kiruklaum Ct. STORE OPEN EVENIGS TILL8p.m. BURKE SCORES i The Whisky Traffic in Force- ful Language. PRAISES HEWS FOR ITS STAND UtrH Railroad M'it to Voto Dry mid Help Wrest Weaker Ill-others From Toils of Tlio Whiskey Curse. UOL MCWH. L. 13, Wallare. ot tho Harding l.:md (onij:imy, left fur Portland on luminous l:iL evening. Miss McMuUcn bus relumed from Vorllnml when) she spent a couplo of wtiekH vIhIUiii; with frlenda. .1. II. Allison, of Ul pin. Wis., who has been vl.-dtlng S. J. .lonert, or this city, bought a farm near Wilbur to day. Alfred WolbMiiuug and Charles RohertH went to Myrtle Creek thin morning to look after InixineMt iu tereii. liormmin Mnrdiurs, tr.e plumber, 1h prnpunHl to install gim llltltigs at v,etl ns pipe houses. Ho guarantees satisfaction, v Edward Tnnnbell and lan Hall left for TacoiiiH. Wash., him evening whero they will attend to business JhtereMrt. Vor mlM urk and high qiinlify luiiilier of nit Kinds, cull on I be J. . Monk I, it miter oniwuiy. Phone 1M. "Wo del Iter Ilio gtMKlsV lf O. I. Coshnvv, democratic upeiiker. arrived on tho noon train and Is be ing Introduced about, tho city by Hugh Mel, Hin. Mr. Cowbow will dis til ks the IsHiies of democracy tonight at the Odd Fellows hall, and it is expected a large audience will be out to hear him. Marshilcld Record. O. C. Sothcr returned to his homo at Cilcndalo today nfter attending to buHincHK mutters in this city. Miss Sparks left for Portland last evening titter upending (lie summer at tho home of her parents In this city. C. L. Hud ley has mturnuil from Portland where he spent a couple of weeks with his wife, who is visiting at that city. ( i . V. M a rs ha 1 1 , or t ho Weyor h a user Timber Company, left for Medford (bis morning after a couple of diiys spent in Roseburg. For mill work and high quality lumber of nil U tin In, call on the J. ". Flook Lumber Company. Phono 100. "Wo deliver (he o.mIs" tf Peter F la in wiih oer from Riddle Thursday superintending the delivery 'of inn. nun pounds of dried Italian I ! prunes which he purchase for the 10. j I L. French Company In the vicinity or Riddle. Mr. Clam stated that his ' sou. John Clam, ret in lied home Wednesday from Canada, thoroughly j disgusted with that country. Myrtle Creek Mall. LOCAL NEWS. Every one should see the splendid equal suffrage pictures nt the Golden theatro this week. Eat old-fashioned buckwheat cakes and maple syrup at Everybody's Cnfe. tf . I St. George's Guild-solicits orders i for comforts, tied and finished $1, knotted 50c extra, also aprons and! rag rugs. n4 I llKi PARADE TAKES PLACE KOSKItl lt; SATl'RIIAV. AFTERXOO.V, XOV. . S. J. Underbill left for Forest Grove and Dayton this morning whero he will Bend a week or ten days visiting with relatives. the People. Rule Vote :iJi5 X Yes On Election Iny. Tho Majority Rule Hilt. For mill work and high quality j lumber of all kinds, call on the .1. (. Flook Lumber Company. Phono 100. i "Wo deliver the. goods" tf I Mrs. II. D. Fletcher and seven cbil-, dren. who have resided in West Hose-! burg for some time past left fori lone, Eastern Oregon, last night ! whero they will make their future; homo. I Jessie Merriman. of Omaha. Neb., j arrived in Roseburg last evening to j spend a few clays visiting, wit h her j cousin, Asher Ireland. She left for) Olalla this morning where she will I visit at the Ireland home. I Everybody Is Invited to take part In the dry parade which will start Trom Lane and .lark son streets at 2 o'clock shan). The committees aro as follows: General committee, Mrs. S. E. Collier. Mrs. Lee Dlllard and Mrs. G. W. Riddle; autos, J. E. Mc CHutork; carriage, Frank E. Alley; floats. Deo Howard, Mrs. R. L. Gile and Mrs. II. S. Morse; horshback rid ers, H. L. Marsters, Chas, Stanton and Lawrence Gondburn; baby car carriages, Mrs. E. Faulkner; school Hiildren, Mrs. C. K. Root, Mrs. B. L. Eddy and .Mrs. Win. McKee, G. A, 11. , Mr. Morse; music, J. II. Clark and Earl Strong; marshal, R. E. Smith; R. R. men, Mr. Cavender and Mr. Lindsey; advertising, Mrs. A. C. Marsters. A splendid address will be given nt the close of tho par ade, tf On the occasion of his second j speech In this city, Attorney J. ! Frank Burke, of Portland, was greet- ed by a well filled auditorium at the j Presbyterian church last evening. The i night was stormy, but notwlthstand j Ing every seat in the spacious church I was occupied by someone anxious to learn more of the liquor business ! from the view point of the non , license plan. Mr, Burke prefaced his remarks by exhibiting to view a copy iof yesterday's Evening News, that 1 particular Issue containing two polnt : ed articles which appealed directly to him. One of those articles was an editorial, dealing with the cost of the liquor traffic to a community, and the other was by the well known writer, Mrs. E. G. White, and plain ly Indicated the terrible curse the liquor trade foists upon the public. Tho speaker said that he had been in the newspaper business himself, and he well knew what the average publisher was up against. He said it took courage of an unalloyed sort for the management of any publica tion to come out in an unconditional and uncompromising fight ' against the traffic. He highly commended tl:e course taken by The Xews in this fight, jnjidi pisscrted 'the people of Roseburg and Douglas county could well be proud of their paper In the magnificent fight It was engaged in against the forces of evil, and added in closing that Bitch a paper was well worthy of support from every good citizen. (Prolonged applause.) Mr. Burke next referred to the "majority rule bill which Is before the jKMjple of Oregon for adoption. He said that the measure was not what it was represented to be, but if adopted, the best weapon the peo- CHEAPER DELIVERY. An exceptional opportunity Is of fered a live local business man who delivers goods to buy a brand new lfiOO pound delivery truck at factory cost. Truck ordinarily costs JS50.00. Investigate this offer if a more mod ern, economical delivery system ap peals. Ths truck will take tho place of two 2-horso teams. Address "Truck" care this paper. 54 On 1 Let tho Peoplo Rule Vote 322 X Yes On Election Day. The Majority Rule Hill. pie had for fighting the infamous home rule bill, was- wrested from their hands, and it would be next to impossible to wipe that law from the statute books. He advised the' defeat of the measure, alleging that the liquor interests well know what the proposed law means, and that they are working to a man for Ita adoption. Appealing to the railway -ien who might be present, Mr. Burke made an eloquent plea fur their support of this great moral Issue which con- ' fronts the people of this state. He appealed to the man of strong tra't of character to vote for the protec tion of the weaker brother who In the hour of great temptation bad fallen Into the depths of sin, and who In his weakness was unable to extrl-. cate himself from ,the slimy pit the liquor habit. .The speaker closed his remarks 1 an eloquent plea for 'voters to get! out on election day and enst tTinlrV ballot for a righteous cause, and lnjf bu uuiug imun uruumi uie JOIUQ Ol the land the protecting hand of the law, nor allow the liquor traffic to tempt them from the paths of virtue. The man who stands for the sale of liquor, said the speaker, should be willing to see his son stagger home In a drunken stupor, or his daughter in the embrace of a maudlin fiend. trl- gett ie!r) ' N0N- BALKABLE- SELF-POINTING A Hammcrlcss Gun with Solid Frame. Easiest operating and smooth est action. THE STEVEMS Repeating Shotgun LISTING AT $25.00, is Endorsed by Shoot ers everywhere as "Superb for Trap or Field." Mado In five styles and illustrated and described in Stevens Shotgun Catalog. Have vour Dealer show you a Stevens Repeater. P ti Rnx GIMS. fMfflSH CUSC0PEE Mil. MBS. IS! No. ' con i nii a He knows the price of eveiy-thing-and the value of nothing judges the Ford by its low cost alone. But he who knows real values knows that only the gi gantic production of the Ford has made possible present prices RUNABOUT TOURING CAR TOWN CAR $525 60U 890 These new price?, f. o. b. Detroit, with all equip ment. An earl)' order will mean an early de livery, fiet particulars from Ford' Agent for JougIas County. U. W . liurnett, Koseburg, Ur. Roseburg Natatorium A ssoc iation! This Summer a great number of Ladies and Girls went over to the Alexander Park because in the hot Summer days t was refreshing to take a swim in the river, but there was not much accomodations for the bathing public in Roseburg y Joining the Natatorium Association Roseburg can have a place for people to bath and learn to swim, a place every citizen can be proud of Citizens Shall We All Join Hands and Do It Alexnder