3 BEAUTIFUL AND DESIRABLE LOTS IN Maynard's Harvard Avenue Addition Level, Rich River Bottom Soli, Natural ParK, Piver Drive. Close in. All City Privileges. City Water Lights and Graded Streets Nothing to equal these properties -- in the entire City Lots are large Prices are low. Every lot fenced. -For choice of lots, terms and all information Phone 2 12-L or apply on premises, Harvard Ave., West Roseburg, and save commission. Bay now as prices will advance. - Get yours at once and earn the increase yourself. Intendingpur chasers Phone 212-L and Auto will take you over to property. C. D. MAYNARD, Prop. Roseburg Nursery Co. GHOWEHS AX1) IMl'OltTKKS OF HIGH-CLASS NURSERY STOCK The best that good care, skill and longlexper ience can proud uce. All stock on three-year WHOLE ROOTS. All buds and scoins select ed from best BEARING TREES. Get prices on Our Apple, Pear, Cherry, Pooch, Prune and Nut Trees, Ornamental Shade Trees, Grape and Bo try Vtuos, Flowering- Shrubs and Itosca Roseburg Nursery Company KITCHIN & BLACK, Proprietors WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH THE VACUUM CLEANER When we Bay 'JUAItANTEK we mean ut what the word Implies. If you are not satisfied there will ho no charge. Wo could not make thla assertion unless we were positlTe of giving good service. When you get ready to clean house let us do the worst part for you the leaning of your carpeta. It's easy for you and the price reasonable ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY- O. C. BAKER, Proprietor. Office N. JnrkHmi m Pt .ne 79. WE ARE BUSY SELLING HUNTING SUPPLIES Because our stock is complete in all line9. Our prices are a winning feature every time. If you are going out for a day or week, let us (it you out for the trip. TWO NEW iqi2 INDIANS To be sold for second hand prices. Une machine fully equipped with tandem, headlight, generator, magneto switch, horn, and 3-inch auto tire. A good chance to get a good machine cheap. J. H. SYKES' GUN STORE CRESCENT, HEICHTS ADDITION Lets in this Addition Sold on Easy Terms; Small Cash Payments BUILDING RESTRICTIONS Extra Large in Size. All with fine view of City and Valleys Make an Appointment With Us To See These Lots -John Schrank, the Man Who Shot Theodore Roosevelt Copyright, 1912, by American Press Association. THIS Is John Schrank, the man who shot ex-President Theodore noose velt, photographed shortly after his arrest at Milwaukee. He said he was born In Bavaria thirty-six years ago and had lived in America twenty-Ove years, being most of that time In the liquor business In New York. He claimed he was informed In a dream by President McKlnley that Colonel Hoosevelt was McKlnley's real assnssin. Ho also asserted ho shot Roosevelt because the colonel was called the "third termer," and h didn't want Roosevelt -elected again. The mnn was apparently crazy over politics. He Is held under heavy bail for trial in December. WOBK VOli LITTLE FINGERS. Domestic Art Instruction Fot Third Grade Girls Taught At College. : HIMES and OLIVER : OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Coifvit.ils, Oi-,6., Oct. 25. Practical pieces of work suited to lit tle fingers, which may pe mado the basis for future more elaborate training in household arts, are being studied this week by the senior girls In the home economics department of the Oregon Agricultural College. At present problems for third- grade instruction are being worked out. To teach the blanket stitch, a neat little border Is put around two squares of white, fine flunnel, for a spectacle wiper, and the two aro fast ened together with the Bnme stitch mado Into a wheel. A variation of the blanket stitch lesson is in the; making of different shaped pin cushions for n work-basket out of : which scrim and colored thread. The basting stitch is used on these also, worked into a slmplo pattern. Bean bags of blue linen for little brother give opportunity for teaching the making of neat- stitches on seams, and the over-casting stitch. Perhaps the most fascinating work Is the rug-weaving. Little card board looms which the children can make themselves are strung with white twine, and on them are wov- No Subject. 'You seem to have a bad cold." "1 not only scorn to, but I have." "Shall I cure it for you ?" "Not much. Catch one of your own and cure It." WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER The Only New unabridged dic tionary in many years. , Contains the pith and essence or an autnorltatlve library. Covers every field of knowl- n edge. An Enoyolopedio, in a ' sinfrln Vinnlr. . Tho Only Diotlonary with tho Neyr Divided Page. :0,000 Words. 2700 Pages. 0000 Illustrations. Cost nouriy half a million dollars, jot us toll you about this most remarkable single voluino. Write for sample paces, lull par ticulars, oto. Noma this paper and wo will sent! f rcc asotof Pocket Maps G.iCMermmiCo Spiincllsld. Muh..M mmm, WE WILL MAIL YOU $1.00 tor each net of old PalsrTeelhteDt un. High rut vrll'va pmtt for olil Gold, Silver, old Watclii', Broken Jewelry aiM Prtjclout Stone. Montr Sent By Retain Mall. FHILA. SMELTING & REFINING COMPANY Kstftbllnhnl '20 Years 863 CHESNUT ST., PHIUDEIPHIA, PA. TO KKNTISTS Wo will buy your llnltl I'IUiikb. Gold Scrap anil l'lulluum. lllgtiuit prices paid. I The Collins Hotel I i 4 Main Street, One Door b'ouih J J. F. Barker's Hardware Store i Good Table Board I With Home Cooking 'i Good Lodging with clean and comfortable beds By the Day or Week Mr. and Mrs. Bell Collins Cheer Up, Mr. Man! Next time you'll send your Laundry to US. YOU SURE WILL and you'll not only get it back ON TIME but it will be done RIGHT. We take as much pains with a hand kerchief as with a lace curtain. That is OUR WAY. WHO does your laundry? Try us we always please. Roseburg Steam Laundry 438 N. Jackson Street Phone 79 Interest Paying Ranches We have two tracts of 25 acres each which will appeal to tho man of limited means who dcsir"S a place that will yield a living for hlinsqlf and family. One Is un improved, but there Is no waste land, some timber, delightful building Bpot, near town and Is prlcert right. The other Is Improved, near town and included In tho price Is all Implements, stock, furniture, etc It Is one of those rare bar gains and will be sold con nidora li ly under $100 the acre. Ak About These Properties. Riddle Land Agency ItlDPl.K, OIlKCiO.V. or Inquire News Office. en, with gay-colored cotton strips, thick, firm little mnts, "Just like grandmother's," only smull enough to use as flat-iron holders or to lift hot dishes ut table, or protect the table from a hot dish. These make good gifts for mother for It Is nlso an aim to teach tho children the spirit of giving. Tho domestic art classes are also working on more ndvanced problems. One class 'fa marking linen 'table napkins with embroidered Initials, and another Is learning the making of hand hags, hells. Insertions and vnrious pieces with the mere knotting in patterns of different sized twines and threads. When they have finish ed they will bo able to make them selves things which would cost them many dollars In the art storcB. Tho advanced classes learn dress making, tailoring and millinery, as well as the drafting of putlcrns, the choice of textiles for different use! nnd renovation of worn or Boiled garments. New Home Sewing Machines Not much argument is necessary for a sewing machine in every home. 1 They mean less work, Money saved on clothing and better things to wear. - The main question is where to buy the machine. You don't believe in buying- a cheap pair of scissors, do you? You know they would ba poorly tempered, made of poor si eel so could not cut well nnd would break easily. Ntither would tu .uy fcur or five dollars simply because they were a good brand. Uee tho same judgment in buying a Rowing machine. A cheap machine is a waste of money, is humid to got out of order, cannot do satisfactory work or lat; still when yon buy a machine from us you pay nothing extra for our nbiliy to sell you tha best machine for the money or for the name or reputation of the machine itself. All we ask is a chance to demonstrate our machine before you, Roseburg Furniture Co. PHONE 195 WE ENJOY COMPETITION Because we have a line of groceries that are always at the top Our prices are "bed rock" and we still declare dividends H. J. DENN Transfer Company Household goods, piano, bag gage, lumber, wood and a gen eral transfer business. Hag gage check? called for. All goods carefully handled, and charges reasonable. Koseburg. Office P. 102 Res. P. 196-L 246 Rose St. SPIRELLA CORSETS PHONE 82-J 71 ,fc ,rfiinri miiiii Phone',195 Perkins Bld'g. Roseburg, Oregon 'The Best Town in the State."