Miming WEATHER Occasional ltuin Tonight and 8 an day. Today's Highest Temperature, 50 VOL. 111. ItOSHIll'KO, OREGON', S.Vri'ltD.W, OCTOHKll 20, 11)12. No. 834 XX i f.' 1ST POLITICS st Days of Carppaign Will ) be Exciting. flEWERY SEEKS 10 CONTROL 2iiinc hi Target of Ilrevvery Abuse - H Huh Kuforred the Ijaw Impartially and Without Hfgtuil to Politics. , Continued From Yesterday's News) The News yesterday reviewed the political situation in reference to sev ral of the offices to be filled at the election which is now less than ten days off. One of the ntrtvbt lights being waged against an office holder Is that which is directed against George Quine for re-election to the office of sheriff. Quine has made good as a sheriff and because he has made good and because he has not bowed down to the brewery and given it an immunity bath he is made the tar get their hate. The News a few days ago related the story that some of his enemies -were going to tell about him at the last minute. This etqry was to tjp effect that t4ie sheriff had furnished to the. prison ers in the county jail the product taken at the last raid of the brew cry. The brewery made a 'strenuous effort In court to maintain their po sition that the liquid refreshment was less than 2 per cent alcohol and a non-Intoxicant. From their point 8 Hope for the Best, but Don't Remain Seated Go to and Get It Fullerton & Richardson DRUGGISTS, Personal: If the gentleman, who coughed so much at the show last night will call at and get a bottle of Cherry Bark Cough Remedy he will learn , something tohis ' ' advantage. Cherry Bark stops coughs' quickly .and makes the throat feel fine. 25 cents and 50 cents 'Roseburg -Natatorium'' A This Summer a great number of Ladies and Girls went over to the Alexander Park because in the hot Summer days it was refreshing to take a swim in the river, but there was not much accomodations for the bathing public in Roseburg By J Roseburg can Citizens Shall We All Join Hands of - view The News caut see where the serious offense would come in if the sheriff had done as was charged. Hut tlte sheriff did nut ftlve the prisoners the "near" beer. The News promptly exposed the trick that the gang were going to spring at the last minute In -the campaign. The voters will hear no more about it for auy effect that such a story might have has been offset by the exposure of its intention. Quine is strong with that great body of voters who favor law enforcement. The of fice of sheriff Is an important onf because the sherfft is charged will" the enforcement of the laws. Quint gave offense to the brewery inter ests because he insisted on bringing local option law violators to justice. Just think of it, Mr. Voter, what terrible crime the sheriff of thit county has committed. He has ar rested the brewery and its directors: And because he did the brewery and Its directors- and Its paid henchmen are doing all in their power to de feat him for re-election. The report even is being circulated that Quine is the brewery candidate. But the sane voter needs but to reflect on the following chain of facta to know better. Here they are and everybody i knows that they are true. Fact No. 1. Joseph MIcelll Is one of the heaviest stockholders In the brewery and was for a long time its paid, as well as actual, manager. Fact No. 2. Joseph Mfcelli is now mayor of Roseburg. Fact No. 3. Joseph Micelll ap pointed B. Fenton to the office of chief of police of the city of Rose burg. Fact No. 4. Bi Fenton is the I democratic candidate for sheriff. 1 Question: Who is the Brewery (Continued on page 5.) ROSEBURG, OREGON oinin have a place for people to bath and UHEN ISBESTED: In Second Debate in Hood . River Last Night. SHIELDS EXPOSE SINGLE TAX I-urjjo Crowd IJNteiu to Arguments For and Against Single Thx Shields Applauded Ik'fore Vlten Audience. (Special to The Evening News.) HOOD RIVER, Oct. 2G. Wheu W. S. U'Ren, champion of the single taxers of Oregon, faced a crowded house, at Ileil Brooner hall here last night and told them that single tax ers in Oregon did not believe in the Henry George single tax nor in the confiscation of land by the state, Charles H. Shields, secretary of the Oregon Equal Taxation League, lit erally nailed the Oregon City sage to the cross. The occasion was the second of the now famous Shields-U'Ren debates on single tax. Shields pinned U'Ren down to facts with the same avidity a small boy displays In squashing an unhappy and unwary fly. The league secretary polntedout that the FelB commission was established .to place the Henr George single tax In Ore gon and explained that this organiza tion had spent over $40,000 In Ore gon for this campaign. When Mr. Shields pointed out that Mr. U'Ren had sold all his land and placed" the money in stocks, bonds and mort gages, the crowd, mainly of farmers and business men, applauded vigor ously. "By this means," said Mr. Shields, "U'Ren expected to dodge taxation should the single tax pass." Although Mr. U'Ren denied that he favored the confiscation of lands and declared that crndunfprt tax would not be single to this nbout ho did nd - mit, perhaps a littlo wistfully, that some day we will take all the rental value of land by taxation, but now we only propose to take a part of it. Hood River people declared frankly that this kind of logic did not appeal to them and ranchers said they did not know how they would save money under single tax, If when their taxation were reduced, they were to lose all their principle by the land dropping In price, as Mr. U'Ren declared would be the case. Shields exploded the British olu'm fa bugaboo an proved by reading the Vancouver Laws to tho effect that Instead of there being a grad- ! uated single tax there and a person j al exemption, personal property, in- conies and various manufacturing and business Interests were taxed. He j was pplaudr-d Vigorously; Evyry good point Mr. U'Ren made was ap I predated, but It could easily be seen i that he lost ground before an audl j ence which at the outset was with ;hlm. ' J Fran L. George; of Tiller, Is visit ing S. J. Jones, of this city. g the Natatorium Association IXVOKK RKFKHKXUVM. . Following the recent action of the city council in authoriz ing the improvement of Watson street with coucrete pavement, a referendum petition is being circulated here today asking that a special election be called and that every voter In the city be given an opportunity to vote on the proposed improve ment. The petition is being circulated, so it Is said by per sons who are opposed to the improvement of the street in question. The proposition of paving V'atson street caused no little discussion of lato, and prior to Its passage by the coun cil It furnished food for several spirited tilts between the op- posing factions. The street Is less than 300 feet In length, and the cost of the proposed improvement will total some thing less than $1,500. While there may be some merit in the claim of those opposed to the improvement of the streot, progressive inclined citizens be lieve that in Invoking the ref erendum the people of Rosehrug will establish a precedent which will have a tendency to retard future development of the town. The ordinance authoriz ing the improvement of Watson street was rfgularly passed, and consequently the work can only he retarded through the referendum. This afternoon It was learned that the referendum petitions are being circulated by paid so licitors who, according to their own statements are in the employ 3f -TJJty Attorney El bert Hermann. One of those solicitors waB a witness In the case of the State vs. Bert Daley, and If was while testi fying this morning that It leak ed out to the court that be was at tho roundhouse circulating Hermann's referendum petition at a certain hour on Thursday. It is also understood that tho petition does not ask for a spec ial election but Is so cunning ly compiled that it seeks to de lay voting on the question for nearly a year. Through this delay, Hermann no doubt be lieves that agitation of the Im provement will die a natural death and thus be forgotten. With Hermann's opposition to the improvement the paving of the street is assured. j' Ccorgo Crane, of Looking GIuhh; was n business' visitor In Roseburg for a few hours today. Wilfred, tho 19 months old child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Derial Loop, of N'orth Roseburg, passed away short ly nrter one o'clock this morning. The funeral will be held at the fam ily residence on Monday, interment of the remains following In the I. O. O. Ft cemetery.' learn to swim, a BECKER'S TRIAL Followed by Threats Upon the Part of Counsel. CONTRIBUTIONS ARE ANNOUNCED Man Who Disappeared Is llclicvetl To Ho Tho Husband Of Sirs. Mario ltnchel, Who Was ltts ccntly Murdered. ( Special to The Evening Nows.) NEW YORK, Oct. 2C Consider able Indignation Is prevalent here to day over the threat of Attorney John Mclntyre, head of tho Becker coun sel, demanding Wlckershnm to In vestigate the granting of Immunity to the gunmen who wore actually In strumental In killing Rosenthal. "We will welcome the Investiga tion," said DiBtrlct Attorney Whit man this morning, "considering that I have a complete case against overy man implicated In the affair." it Is expected that the date of Leiker'a execution will be set during the first week In December. Contributions Announced. NEW YORK, Oct. 26. The repub lican headquarters this morning an nounced that the contributions of the present campaign totalled something over $400,000. Of this amount S PECIAL S ... IN Suits, Coats, Dresses AND Millinery The Leader Onyx Hosiery ssociai place every citizen and Do It Alexandei- Charles P. Taft donated $50,000; Francis Leland, $50,000, and An drew Carnegie, $36,000, Woman Found Dead. LOS ANQEIES, Cal., Oct. 26. Developments In the case of George Bellgardt, who recently disappeared, Indicate that he Is the husband of Mrs. Marie Rachel, who was found murdered In the parlor of her home. It is believed that Bellgardt, who at one tlmo was charged with bigamy, will be able to clear up tho case. Coming To California. SANTA MONICA, Cal., Oct. 26. Sir Thomas Linton has accepted an invitation of E. P. Benjamin, a life-, long friend, to spend a few days here. Llpton Is at preseut In Chlca-' go. Dr. Lowe was compelled to cancel his engagement for tomorrow on account of the serious Illness of his wife. He loaves for Eugene on the night train. . DR. POSEY Specialist for Eye, Ear Nose and Throat Diseases. 1 Eyes Fitted With Glasses PARROTT BUILDING ROSEBURG, OREGON. Gossard Corsets can be proud of lion!