1 WEBSTER'S . r WE WILL MAIL YOU $1.00 1 lor each set of old False Teeth sent ns. Hit h I et price paid, for old 'Jold, Silrer, old WntJbe, rink en Jewelry an1 Precious I Stoucs. Honey Seat ly Retara HaLU fl Lord and Lady Decies on Way To Church For Christening NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER The Only Ifew unabridged dic tionary in many years. Contains the pith and essence of an authoritative library. Covers every flold of knowl edge. An Encyclopedia in a single book. 7B Only Dictionary with the New Divided Pufte. tCO.OOO Words. 2700 Paces. PHIUL SMELTING & REFINING COMPANY Established 20 Yeara 863 CHESNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. TO DKNT18TS We will buy your Gold Filiuga, Gold Scrap mid rUtiuuin. Highest prlcvs paid. Level, Rich River Bottom Soil, Natural ParK, Piver Drive. Close in. All City Privileges. City Water Lights and Graded Streets Nothing to equal these properties in the entire City Lots are large Prices are low. Every lot fenced. For choice of lots, terms and all information Phone 212-L or apply on premises, Harvard Ave., West Roseburg, and save commission. The Collins Hotel j i 0000 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. K j Alum Street, une Door Souin J J. F. Barker's Hardware Store j S i .lot us toll you about this most romarkable single volume. "L- . , ,.u.ja Write for samplo cjaSSalk pao..fuUp.u-. BEAUTIFUL AND DESIRABLE LOTS IN Maynard's Harvard Avenue Addition i Good Table Board With Home Cooking uoulora, otc Bay now as prices will advance. Get yours at once and earn the increaseyourself. Intendingpur chasers Phone 212-L and Auto will taKe you over to property. C. D. MAYNARD, Prop. Roseburg Nursery Co. CJltOWEHS AXl) lMrOHTKItS OK HIGH-CLASS NURSERY STOCK The best that good care, skill and longlexper ience can proudtice. All stock on three-year WHOLE ROOTS. All buds and scoins select ed from best BEARING TREES. Get prices on Our Apple, Venr, Cherry, Peach, Prune and Nut Tree. Ornamental Shade Trees, Grape and Merry Viues, Klowerfne Shrubs and I loses Roseburg Nursery Company KITCHIN & BLACK, Proprietors iH f i Iftjy J' i WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH THE VACUUM CLEANER When we say GUARANTEE we mean Just what the word Implies. If you are not satisfied there will he no charge. We could not make this assertion unless we were posltlTe of giving good service. When you get ready to clean house let us do the worst part for you the Meaning of your carpets. It's easy for you and the price reasonable ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY O. C. BIKEIt, Proprietor. Office N. Jm'kfton Hi. PtJne 79. Photo by American Press Association. TIIK chrlstentiiK of the daughter of 1-oril ""'I Ijx'y Decies. the latter formerly .Miss Vivien Gould, took place recently at the church at Stoke l'ojjcs, England. The happy couple walked from their carriage to the church, accompanied by the baby's nurse, who carried tile in- ant. as seen above. The unities bestowed upon the child were Eileen Vivien l)e l.a i'oer. Kileen being a favorite name of l.iuly Dec ies. Vivien her own f'hilstlan name and lie La l'oer a family name of the Heresfonls. 1 no goil fathers were l.oid (licvllle and Howard tiould nud the godmothers Lady Wulerford anil Mrs. Urtwnnl l.mub. The godmothers were not present, .Mrs fiearge J. Gould standing proxy for I.ady YVaterford and Mrs. Ilrexel for Sirs i, T!i bntiv onnalle t lonillv during the fhrUtenlMir a X 2frSjiip S.ACMerriaiRCo. l v ififiT-r' flprlnrjllnltl. HI huh. pJC STICK TO THE ISSUE Extraordinary Tlmt Political Capital Slintild lie Mmlo Out of Roose velt Incident. WE ARE BUSY SELLING IHJNTIM SUPPLIES Because our stock is complete in all lines. Our prices are a winning feature every time. If you are going out for a day or week, let us fit you out for the trip. TWO NEW Qi2 INDIANS To be Bold for second hand prices. One machine fully equipped with tandem, headlight, generator, magneto switch, horn, and 3-inch auto tire. A good chance to get a good machine cheap. J. H. SYKES' GUN STORE CRESCENT, HEICHTS ADDITION , Lots in this Addition Sold on Easy Terms; Small Cash Payments BUILDING RESTRICTIONS Extra Large in Size. All with fine view of City and Valleys Make an Appointment With Us To See These Lots : : : HIMES and OLIVER : : : From the Chicago Daily News. Extraordinary as It may seem, various prominent supporters of Mr. Roosevelt in the present political campaign are laboring zealously to make votes for their candidate by deliberately accusing adherents of other political leaders of having by. their attacks Inspired a murderous crank to shoot the leader of the pro gressive party. While the entire nation rejoices that Mr. Roosevelt Is rallying from his wound, It can only deplore the efforts of hla misguided partisans who seek to take advantage of his providential escape from death by raisins a false issue. If the criminal act of an Insane man were to decide the pending election, or even appreciably to af fect the voting, why should not some Inscrupulous Hjppublican hasten to tempt a lunatic to shoot the Repub lican party's candidate as a stroke of effective campaigning? Why should not the democratic candidate be laid up with a gunshot wound for the god of his pary7 This shocking and intolerable suggestion can b,e excused only because it discloses the kind of logic that underlines the ef- fort to make political capital out of the Milwaukee crime. Any attempt to turn that terrible deed of a crazy mnn Into national issue overshadowing the real issues Is an effort to throw reason to the winds and drive a majority of the voters Into a frenzy with pestiferous claptrap. DAILY WEATHEK REPORT. U. S. Weather Bureau, local office, Roseburg, Ore., 24 hours ending 5 m., October 25, 1912. Precipitation In inches and hun dredths: Highest temperature yesterday 61 Lowest temperature alst night 52 Precipitation, last 24 hours Trace Total preclp. since first of month 1.53 Normal preclp. for this month 2.61 Total preclp. from Sep. i, 1912, to date 3.52 Average preclp. since Septem ber 1, 1877 : 3.05 Total excess from Sep. 1, 1912 .47 Average precipitation for 34 wet seasons, (Sep. to May inclusive) 32.36 WILLIAM, BELL Observer. Cheer Up, Mr. Man! Next time you'll send your Laundry to US. YOU SURE WILL and you'll not onlygetit backON TIME but it will be done RIGHT. We take as much pains with a hand kerchief as with a lace curtain. That is OUR WAY. WHO does your laundry? Try us we always please. Roseburg Steam Laundry 438 N. Jackson Street Phone 79 Interest Paying Ranches We have two tracts of 26 acrcB each which will appeal to the man of limited means who desires a place that will yield a living for hlmsolf and family. One lg un improved, but there Is no waste land, some timber, delightful building spot, near town and Is priced right. The other Is Improved, near town and Included In the price Is all Implements, stock, furniture, etc. It is one of those rare bar gains and will be sold considerab ly under $100 the acre. Ask About Tliese ProperUc. Riddle Land Agency KIDDLE, OREGON, or Inquire News Office. THE COMB'S MORNING STORY You know the story the comb telli. It's a very discouraging story, too. Day by day, a few more strands are add ed, of hair that is turning grey, losing its vitality, its strength and its health. Grey hair is as unbecoming as old age. Natural pride should have its own say. You wish to look young and it is your DUTY to appear so. You can't even LOOK young if the silver threads begin to show. Be a ' Young Woman" in looks, always. The grey hairs belong to the chaperon tnd to the grandmother. Stay out ol the grandmother class, until your years justify It, by using HAY'S HAIR HEALTH SI .00 sod 50c st Druf Stores or direct a poo receipt of price and desier'a name Send 10c lt Hill POIHCiT mint I 7 Wt i.v , " - FOH HALK AM) URCOM.MIiXDKI) BY HAMILTON" DKUU COMPANY AXI) MAKSTKHS DKUG COMPANY. H. J. DENN Transfer Company Household goods, piano, baK g!Ke. lumber, wood and a gen eral transfer business. Uatr gage checks called for. All poods carefully handled, and charges reasonable. Roseburg. Office P. 102 Res. P.196-L 246 Rose St. SPIRELLA CORSETS V V Good Lodging $ t with clean and comfortable beds By the Day or Week $ Mr. and Mrs. Bell Collins New Home Sewing Machines Not much argument is necessary for a sewing machine in every home. They mean less work, Money saved on clothing and better things to wear. The main question is where to buy the machine. You don't believe in buying a cheap pnir of scissors, do you? You know they would be poorly tempered, made of poor steel so could not cut well nnd would break easily. Neither would you pay four or five dollars simply because they were a good brand. Use the same judgment in buying a sewing machine. A cheap machine is a waste of money, is bound to got out of order, cannot do satisfactory work or last; still when you buy a machine from us you pay nothing extra for our ubiliy to sell you tha best machine for the money or for the name or reputation of the machine itself. All we ask is a chance to demonstrate nur nmcMnn before you. Roseburg Furniture Co. PHONE 195 WE ENJOY COMPETITION Because we have a line of groceries that are always at the top Our prices are "bed rock" andwestill declare dividends 4 i 4 I 1 5 PHONE 82-J i PhoneI195 Perkins Bld'g. Roseburg, Oregon "The Best Town in the State." Sll