WEATHER Today's Highest Temperature, 57 Vain Tonight S turdiiy vol. m. ltOSKIHItO, OltEGOX, rmuAY, octoukk as, "nna. No. aim PARCELS POST m Ljcplained by Senator Bourne X at Club Last Night. POLITICS WERE TABOOED I 'The Senator and Ills larty Left This Afternoon for Eugene Federal i Building Is Practically As sured, The parcels post was thoroughly xplained last night when Senator . Bourne in an informal address to friends and citfzens at the Commer c:tal Club gave an outline of the scope and operation of the new law which ;', Avil.l go into effect the first of next year. The parcels post has had in the , past strong opposition from two sources, namely the retail merchants ' and the express companied. In the law which , will go into effect It is j said (,hat the retail merchant will - not be harmed in the way of trade but as a matter of fact, he will be i i benefited on account of the zone feature of the bill. Mall order houses will only benefit within their own zones. In addition to this talk on the par rels post the senator mentioned the rivers and harbors projects within: IHb ftrjte and answered questions propounded him by his auditors. Publicity Manager Schlosser ask-! ed him in regard to the post office. : appropriation for Roseburg and was! Informed that the senate had passed a bill carrying with it an appropria- j Hon of $125,000.00 for the federal; building here. Whether or not it I will be included In the omnibus bill j next December will depend upon Congressman Hawley's efforts. I The Senator met quite a number tif citizens Informally after his talk. His visit here had no political sig nificance whatsoever. He and his party left this afternoon for Eugene. JUST rOMTICH.' Jjist Ten Days Of Oinimigii Will lie Haiti 1-oughl. Just ten days more in which to campaign. And if the activity of the candidates means anything there will he hot times in old Douglas county for the next fortnight. Republicans, democrats, socialists and bull moosers are all out for the political plums and all are expecting, to eat them. Of course the winners I In the .various races will say that J the fruit is sweet, even in the face; of the cry of "sour grapes" on the 1 part of the defeated ones. It Is one of the funny things about election time to .hear the astonishing claims put forth by the candidates and their warm and close friends. No one has ever seen or heard of a can didate admit that he was defeated. - The nearest approach to such an ad mission Is the oft-repeated in abso lute confidence phrase, "Well, Its go Koseburg Natatorium Association! This Summer a great number of Ladies and Girls went over to the Alexander Park because in the hot Summer days it was refreshing to take a swim in the river, but there was not much accomodations for the bathing public in Roseburg By Joining the Natatorium Association Roseburg can have a place for people to bath and learn to swim, a place every citizen can be proud of Citizens Shall We All Join Hands and Do It Alexander ing to be a pretty close race, but I know that I've got him beat by a safe margin." Parties, as well as candidates, boltser up their hopes by their desires and hope wells up like a geyser. Election day the candidates walk the streets.wlth a half confident, hair anxious expression on their faces, telling those they meet that there Is no doubt, about the outcome. The republican party, nationally. Is gaining strength each day. If the election were to be held thirty days later Taft would be elected by us large or larger vote than in 19uS. As It is, the tide is coming in for the presideut and there is a stronger probability of his being re-elected than at any time during the past six months. The people are waking up to r? publican prosperity and don't wi.nt to take any chances on what a change might bring. Taft's work as a pres ident has never beeu heralded to the four corners of the earth. Ho has not been a good press agent for him self. But his friends throughout the country have rallied to his suppoit in .splendid' manner und the last three weeks have seen a wonderful change of sentiment for and toward him. Republicans who were cold or luke-warm have taken off their coats and buckled Into the job of getting votes. And, as has been remarked, the chances are good for the presi dent's re-election. For United States Senator, Ben Selling seems to be the favorite. Bourne's entrance iuto the race has only made Selling's friends work the harder. Selling claims, and rightly, that he defeated Bourne in an open, manly fight in the primary election and that Bourne's nulnsequent en trance into the race as an independ ent candidate is against both the letter and spirit of the primary law of which Bourne is father, mother and all the relation. Locally flie Ben Selllrg campaign has not taken on any great enthu siasm, due, to a large extent, to the Inactivity of Selling's Douglas county manager who is working on, what to him, Is a more important fight at the coming eloctlon. However, Selling will without doubt get a bigger vote In Douglas county on election day than at the primary and this, In spite of his local manager. Selling Is an exponent of what is popularly known as "The Oregon System" which Includes the initiative, the ref erendum, direct primaries. State ment Number One, and the recall. Harry Lane, the democratic candi date for the same position will re- DR. POSEY -Specialist for Eye, Ear Nose and Throat Diseases. Eyes Fitted With Glasses PARROTT BUILDING ROSEBURG, OREGON. BROWN THE LOGICAL CANDIDATE Riddle Tribune Says George eiectcu uibiriLL Attorney- There is only one logical candidate before the voters of this district forj prosecuting attorney ana mat man is George M. Brown. W. V. Cardwell, the independent candidate, has made a long record In Douglas county as a defender of j criminals. As a matter of fact lie has specialized in this business, and j the majority of perosns charged with j crime have rushed to Cardwell to retain him as their defender in court. In these cases Cardwell's tactics haw? been to free his client by any means j possible by hook or crook or tec):-t nieality whether guilty or not. as is customary with criminal lawyers for the defense. He Is not to be censured for this iw it has been his ImslneKK in rln I that for which he was paid. But this long devotion to the defense of criminals has developed a craftiness, a tendency to thwart justice if pos sible, rather than to uphold It. For every person charged with crime, who has been IiIb client, even when Cardwell must have known In many cases that his clients were really guilty, has been held up by him in court as Innocent and guiltless. Such Is the schooling for justice he has had. Not long since, when one of his clienta was convicted by uncontro vertible evidence on a charge of boot legging, Mr, Cardwell oven insinuat ed that the jury was dishonest, that the "cards were stacked" against him. liven then the Tribune sug gested that he was playing cheap pol itics, and soon after came his an nouncement as a candidate for prose cuting attorney. Now what does he propose to do? celve a normal party vote which will probably make hfm second man In the race. There Is no doubt but whnt Selling will be elected; the only question Is how big will be his plur ality over the others In the field. For Congress, Hawley seems to have a walk-away. The bull moose candidate, J. W. Campbell, is making a still hunt for votes and It Is the opinion of many of his own party men that he will still be hunting af ter election. Campbell expects to knock out a fly that give him a home run, but he hasn't got cam paign steam enough and he will be put out a first with all due apolo gies to base ball terms. Hawley's work In congress has been quiet, but effective. Ho has done good work in his district and his constituents will remember It on election day. The democratic can didate for the same office is not mak ing any campaign 'and 1b scarcely known anywhere In the district. The state senatorship stake Is de veloped Into a real race. George Nenner, Jr.,' the republican candidate is a man of excellent qualifications for the position, having served one term In the lower house of the state leglBlaturo and made for himself there an enviable reputation, ills M. Brown Should be Re- A Fearless Prosecutor. J Ho proposes, if possible, to be elect ed as state's prosecutor and about face to prosecute the same cluss of people he has been defending nlj these years possibly some of the Identical persons he has defended In tho same court. While we do not believe Mr. Cardwell will ever have the oppor tunity to try to make such a "flop" it appeals to us That he could not do It successfully. The people of this district desire to keep the "fear of God" in the hearts of the lawbreakers. Is their old champion and defender In the courts the man to elect for prosecut ing attorney to keep them In fear and trembling? The Tribune thinks not. We have no censure for Mr. Card well as a defender of crtmlunls, but we do protest against his election as prosecuting attorney .for the reason ih at his past affiliations, training and methods do not make him the proper man for tho place. George M. Brown, the present In cumbent and regular primary nom inee of the republican party for re election, has for years ably conduct ed this office. Cases brought before him have been fully investigated and where there Is evidence to jus tify action the persons are brought to trial. On the other hand, where an In formation seemed to not indicate guilt or where evldenc upon which to convict seemed luckng, the cases havo been dismissed, as is right and sensible and economical. We repeat It there Is only one logical candidate before the voters of this district for prosecuting attorney and that man is George M. Brown. democratic opponent Is Frank Walte. of Sutherlln. He Is said to be a farmer by his political press agent, but Is generally regarded as a capi talist by those who are familiar with his circumstances. Walte is appeal ing to the voters on the ground that he will give a businosB administra tion, if elected. Neuner's friends claim that his (Neuner's) knowledge of law-making and business exper ience fit him for the position and that he will be able to perv the needs of the county and the people better on account of that training and ex perience. There are 3206 registered republicans In the county and 1446 democrats Walte will have to poll the full democratic support and 30 per cent of the republican votes in order to be elected. He can't do It, for Neuner is sure to poll some dem ocratic votes and should be able to poll two thirds of t lie republican votes. This will elect him by a safe margin. In the third prosecuting attorney district there Is a four-cornered fight on. George Brown, the republican primary candidate Is making a Hplcn- dld race. The counties In the district 1 are Coos, Curry and Douglna and each one will give him a plurality. I W. W. Cardwell, styles himself "anti- ring" independent candidate for the same office. He has covered the dis trict from end to end and has fos tered and favored everything from telling how he could build roads with a wheelbarrow to giving lessons in scientific whittling of bass wood with a sharp jack knife. John Long, the regular democratic nominee has like wise traveled the district and Is now taking it easy in the confidence that his election certificate is all but In his pocket. Lee Cannon, the socialist candi date will poll the total socialist vote and perhaps those of a few dissatis fied republicans nnd democrats. Brown is enslty the best man for the position, not only on account of bis ability as a lawyer, but also be cause his wide experience and his ab solute edherenco to tho oath of his office. The brewery and Its paid hire lings are waging a most bitter and underhanded warfare on him." He ports huve been circulated within the past few days that the brewery itself is supporting him. Of course, this malicious nnd cunning falsehood is stated by the brewery ring f en tile purpose of alienating some of Brown's supporters who are opposed to the brewery. A more despisable fabrlcutlou was never launched on the eve of election to defeat a candi date. The brewery is not supporting Brown. It never had any Intention of doing so and never will support him. The ring that opposes Brown Is trying to defeat him by trying to Im press the public that they are sup porting him. But they reckoned (Continued on page 5.) SPECIALS for SATURDAY IN Suits, Coats, Dresses AND Millinery The Leader Onyx Hosiery NIHILIST STABS Crand Duke Alexis, Heir to Russian Throne. ASSASSIN NOT YET CAPTURED Mint wits llityuitPtcd During Riots Sihiik limit Ago, mill Wiiu lioil For ltevonge Wound ' 1 In IfciitgcrotiK. (Special to The Evening News.) ODESSA, Russia, Oct. 25. Re ports tluit tho Grand Duke Alexin, heir to the Russian throne, 1b not 111, but ruther a victim of an assusBln, are iiersistcnt today. The Odetaky Liztok publishes what It alleges to be tho true dctulls of the mysterious ease, anil assorts that a nllitlst by name of Wnsseltnv, who waa bayonet ed during the riots occurring at tho time of the birth of tho Czarevitch, swearing vengauce for bin wound, finally secured n position ns a gard ener In tho pnlnco grounds at Spala, Ho waited his time and only recent ly caught the Grand Duke In an un guarded moment and Infllctod n dan gerous knife wound In tho groin. Fol lowing the attempted killing the nlhllBt find and has not yet been, captured. Lato reports from the (Continued on page 6.) Gossard Corsets