NEWS WANT ADVS GET RESULTS STATEMENT NUMBER I C. I. REAMES Democratic Candidate For Representative JACKSON AND DOUGLAS COUNTIES pd. adv. rE6r County Commissioner. rf This announces my candidacy for re-election to the orilca of county commissioner. When I accepted the office from the people four years ago the county was $70,000 In debt. In the past four;' years more road and bridge work has been accomplished than In all previous years of Douglas County history, and today we are debt free. I shall, if re-elected, per sue the same course as to public Im provements, at the same time care fully guarding the peoples' Inter ests. Examine the records and sat isfy yourself as to my record. Pd. adv. M. R. RYAN. NOTICE FOR PROPOSALS FOR .STREET IMPROVEMENT. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned at his office In the City of Roseburg, Oregon, up to 6 o'clock P. M. on Monday, October 21st, 1912, for the paving of Mill Street from the north line of Sykes Street to the north line of South Stroet, in the manner provided by Ordinance No. 502 of the City of Roseburg, Oregon. All bids must be submitted on blank forms which will be furnished upon application to the undersigned, and must be accompan ied by a certified check payable to the City Treasurer for five per cent of the amount bid, to be forfeited to the City in case such bid is accepted and the bidder shall fail to enter into a contract and bond with the City. A surety bond of thirty per cent of the amount bid will be re quired from the successful bidder. The time stated in the proposals for completing the work will be consid- ered In awarding the contract. The council hereby reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Council. T-in.n.l rt.iv rt Cfic,fT 1912. CARL, E. WIMBERLY, Recorder of the City of Roseburg, Oregon. ' o21-d NOTICE FOR PROPOSALS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned at his office in the City of Roseburg, Oregon, up to 6 o'clock P. M. on Monday, October 21st, 1912. for the paving of Burke Street from the west line of Stephens Street to the east line of Mill Street, in the manner provided by Ordinance No. 503 of the City of Roseburg. Oregon. All bids must be submitted on blank forms which will be fur nished upon application to the un dersigned, and must be accompanied by a certified check payable to the City Treasurer for five per cent of the amount bid, to be forfeited to the City in case such bid is accepted and the bidder shall fall to enter Into a contract and bond with the City. A surety bond of thirty per cent of the amount bid will be required from the successful bidder. The time stated In the proposals for com pleting the work will be considered in awarding the contract. The Council hereby reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Council. Dated this 15th day of October. 1912. CARL E. WIMBERLY, Recorder of the City of Roseburg. Oregon. 02 NOTICE FOR PROPOSALS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned at his office in the City of Roseburg, Oregon up to 5 o'clock P. M. on Monday, October 21.c. 1912, for the paving of South Jackson St'reot from the north line of Haynes Street to the north line of Roberts Street, In the manner pro .u.j w firrtlnance No. 504 of the Cltr of Roseburg. Oregon. All bids must be submitted on blank forms which will be furnished upon appli cation to tho undersigned, and must be accompanied by a certified check tnf flvA nr cent of the amount bid. payable to the City 'ireasurer. to be fttffelt felted to the Cltr in csfb sum - accepted and the bidder shall 'enter into a contract and bond h rifr. A surety bond or ty per oent of the amount bid BOARD AND ROOMS. Modern Apartments with bath, hot and cold water in each room. MRS. CaLLAND, Prop. Corner Jackson and Brockway Streets; near High School. Rate, 6 Per Week. ITALIAN' PRUNE TREES FOR SALE 3 to 4 foot trees, 12c each, 4 to 6 foot trees 14c each. I can fill large or small orders. Correspond ence invited. Address, W. R. PALMER, n!2 Cleveland. Ore. Hermann Marsters, tfitt plumber, Is prepared to Install gas fittings at well as pipe bouses. He guarantees tatlBtactlon. tl will be required from the successful bidder. The time stated in the pro posals for completing the work will be considered in awarding the con tract. The Council hereby reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Council. Dated this 15th day of October, 1912. CARL E. WIMBERLY, Recorder of the City of Roseburg. Oregon. o21-d IAJDOK DIRECTOR. llODERN WOODMEN OF AMERlCrt Myrtle Camp No. 6330, meets every second and fourth Tuesday of every month in the Eagles' hall. Traveling neighbors are cor dially Invited to visit out camp. Frank Clements, consul; R. Stubbs, clerk. L. O, T. M. hoseuurg lUve, No. I holds regular reviews on first and third Wednesdays In the Maccabee hall. Sisters ot other cordially invited to attend our re hives visiting ' in the city are views. Olive Green, lady com.; Jessie Rapp. R. K. O. i. 8. Roseburg Chapter, No. 8, holds their regular meeting on the first and third Thursdays in each month. Visiting members in good standing are respectfully Invited to attend. Mrs. Jessie DavlB, W. M.; Free Tohnson. secretary. . U. tj. 11UM!TJU!' Ami., ?.U, 14Jl, meets second and fourth Monday in their hall on Jackson Btreet at 8 P. M. Ben North W. P.; B. F. Goodman, sec. MODERN IllUmiEitllOOD O AMERICA Meets in Maccabee Temple every 4 th Friday of each month. G. L. Wright, President; Emma McMullen Secretary. . O. O. F. Kisinc; Star Lodge No. 174, meets In Odd Fellows Temple every Friday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. Ed S. Cockelrease, N. G.; W. S. Powell, R. S.; M. Fickle. F. S. .. I'. O. E Roseburg Lodge. No. 3-6, uolds regular communica tions at the!- temple on Becond and fourth Thursdays of each month. All members requested to attend regularly and all vieltlns brothers are cordially invited to attend. Binger Hermann, E. R. , O. O. F. PhfleTarian-Lodge. No 8, meets In Odd Fellows Temple corner of Jackson and Cass Btreet on Saturday evening of each week Members of the order In good standing are Invited to attend. J R. Bailey, N. 0.; M. M. Miller, R S.; L E. Mllledge. F. S. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Rose burg Lodge No. 1037. Meets Maccabee Hall, corner Cass and Pine streets, every Tuesday even ing at 7:30 o'clock. Visiting brothers Invited to attend. L. Wlmberly, Dictator; H. O. Parge ter, Sjc. A. F. A. si Laurel Lodge, No. 13, boldt regular meetings on tha second and fourth Wed nesdays uf each montb Sojourners Invited to attend. N. Rice. W. M.; R. H. C. Woods, Sec. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Oas Camp. No. 125, meets at the Odd FellowB' Hall in Roseourg. everj first and third Monday evenings Visiting nelKhbors always wel come. M. B. Gcrmond, C. C; J. A. Buchanan, clerk. WOMEN .OF WOODCRAFT Lilac Circle, No. 49, meets on first and third Monday eenlngs of each month In the I. O. O. F. hall. Vis iting members in good standing are invited to attend. Mrs. Ethel Easton, G. N.; Clara Cawlfleld. clerk. IMPROVED ORDER OF REDMEN Umpqua Tribe No. 44, meets every first and third Monday of each month at the Eagles' 'hall. Visit Ring chiefs welcome. J. W. Brown. Sachem; C. II. Terclnskl, C. of R. BROTHER HOOD OP AMERICAN YEOMEN' Mt. Nebo Lodge No 1828, meets every aecond and fourth Wednesdav of earn montl at the Eagles' hall. Vlxltlog broth era and sisters welcome. E. B Perrine, T. M.; S. E. Kroho, Cor A ft MRS. H. JAX STONE ft Teacher of Piano and Harmony ft Down-town Studio. 223 E. Lane Street. Home Studio 7 17 ft Hamilton Street. Phone 362-J. ft ft' ttftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft PR. D. K. 8N-KLL. Osteopathic Physician. 301 Perkins Building. Roseburg, Oregon. !S DR .M. ASHTON Chiropractic Physician Splnologlst. Chronic Diseases a Specialty 224 Cass St. Roseburg. DR. GEO. E. HOUCK, Physician and Surgeon. . Office, Review Bldg., Phone SI. Roseburg. Oregon. DR. H. E. HERMANN, Eye Specialist. 217 South Stephens Street, Roseburg, Oregon. DR. S. L. DcLAPP Osteopathic Physician ft Successor to ft DR. J. L. CALLAWAY Phone 169 ft Roseburg Nat. Bank Bldg. Gl'RDON A. FORY, Vocal Lessons. Studio 312 E. Cass Street. Phone 191-J Roseburg - - - -Ore. ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft' ft MRS. CHARLES S. HEIN'LIN'E ft ft ft Pianoforte Instructor ft ft Muiscal Kindergartener ft ft ft ft Studio 423 Ella St., Phone 33-R ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft WANTED-. WANTED 2 ponies a saddle and bridle, care of News. once. Also Address K, 618-019 WANTED Lady to keep house und care for children for a short time. Apply at 126 Kane Btreet tf-529 WANTED Steady girl to assist with housework. Apply at 444 Ella street. Tol. 350-Y. 491-tf WANT TO PURCHASEAbout-25 Angora goats, not over 2 years old. Apply to J. E. Leonard, Olalla, Ore. 610n7 WANTED Girl to assist In house work and act as companion to lady. Apply at 126 N. Kane St. 605tf WANTED To purchase 25 head of goats, not over two years old. Aih ply J. E. Leonard, Olalla, Ore gon. WANTED Second hand piano (up right). State price and condition. Address A. Karcher, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 56, Roseburg. n WANTED Students for mandolin and guitar. Thorough Instruction and rapid advancement. A. Fergu son, Herrington House, city. nl8 WANTED Girl to work for her board while attending school. In quire of Mrs. Zurcher, cor. Chad wick & Oak, or phone 246-L. 471tf COOK AND WAITER WANTED Competent cook and waiter for country hotel. Applicants please phone or write to F. L. Jones, Scottshurg, Ore, at once. tf-51S GIRL WANTED Competent girl for general house work can find good steady place by applying to Mrs. Albert Abraham, 100 Spruce St., or phone 101-J. 223-tf WANTED Shei goats, nursery stock or what have you In exchange for a well bred mare, city broke, also 4-year-old pacing horse. Are first class. Box 66 Dixonville. 634-nl9 NOTICE All parties are hereby no tified that the Deer Creek road Is not a dumping ground for refuse, and Individuals dumping, or caus ing to be dumped, any trash there on will be prosecuted. W. H Brown, Super. Dist. 12. tf 3 1 WANTED Experienced ranch hand, t75n Hov C.R niYnnvMlA Ora.' (2750 Box 66, Dixonville, Ore- milk. Box 66 Dixonville. 335nl9 MISCKLAN'KOUS. LOST Child's gold bracelet. Finder pleace leave at News office. Re ward. 224-tf FOR RENT closo in. -New Modern Bungalow, Inquire News office. 527-tf LOST buuUi qi keys on Jacksou street. Leave at News office for reward. L.OS1' W hile shopping, one dluaiouu set. Finder please call phono 397. or leave at 807 N. Jackson street, and receive reward. 24 SPECIAL Seed wheat and vetch mixed. 35 cents bushel while it lasts. Delivered at Roseburg. Bring your bags. R. F. D. No. 1, Box 65. 024 LOST Short legged, black , and white, fox terror dog, wearing collar with name of dog and own er engraved thereon. Suitable re ward for return .o owner. G. W. Worthlngton. tf536 FOR TRADE Nice live acre tract of land In good town, suitable for sub-dlvlding; has nice cottage and improvements, Will trade for home In Roseburg. Here Is a good chanco to make some money. In quire News office.. 217-tf FOR RENT. FOR RENT Good house in desir able part of city. Inquire at 456 Rast avenue. 606tf FURNISHED ROOMS Two furnish ed rooms, close in. Apply 126 N. Kane street. '.f-630 FOR RENT -House In North Rose burg. Apply to J. B. Hensley, Roseburg Steam Laundry. tf490 FOR RENT Fine large 6 room Bungalow new and all modern, In good location. $18.00 per mo. See Perrine Real Estate Co. 401 Cass St. tf FOR SALE. FOR SALE OR TRADE Two lots and five room cottage In Southern California. Good schools, excellent climate, near the oil fields. W'.l! exchange for tract of unimproved land in Douglas County. . Inquire at News office. 614-n8 FOR SALE Extra large pure bred Bronz turkeys toi breeding pur poses. Tome $5 f.nch and hens $3 Will furnish the local market with corn fed turkeys for Thanksglvinis If ordered. Mrs. O. C. Brown. PIxnnvillB or phono 3F25. FOR SALE Pure bred and gou.! layers Black Mlnorcns, 5 hens. 15 pullets and a cockrel, price $20 Also a Rhode Island Red cockrel 3 pullets and 2 hens, price $5 - Phone 6F4, or address Ray Mabe ley, Roseburg, Ore. o2S FOR SALE Choice orchard or gar den truck land In five and to'- acre tracts. Plenty of water. Land will raise anything that :nn be raised In this valley. Located within 35 minute drive of Rose burg. Railroad station within ten minute walk of any part or the subdvlBlon. Prices reasonable and sold on terms to suit buyer. Call on or address The News office for further particulars. 600tf EXTRA GOOD BUY Ten acres Just outside city limits, best of soil; water for Irrigating, chicken parks and fine chicken houses, fruit, fenced, and one of tho finest' loca tions In the county for a home. This tract can be subdivided and sold as city lota If desired. It Is an Investment at prices asked. Ad dress D. K., box 53, Roseburg, or Inquire ot Xows office for Infor mation. tf-520 FOR MEN ONLY For sale or trade, equity In a nice, new, nifty, nobby, up-to-the-minute BUNGALOW. Ce ment walks, cobble base, paved district, near school. A "home" not a "house". Convenient Inter ior arrangement with "catchy" outside effect. Get this now and wear off the "first" paint. Wood in basement for a year. Will con sider anything useful from a "JACK-RAH HIT to an AUTOMO BILE". Address X Y 7., News of- (Vre. Roseburg. Or. 522-tf FOR SALE 27 acres, seven ml!e Bouth of Roseburg on mall route and telephone, good gravel road, ten minutes' walk from Carne'i station on S. P., good bottom land, now In corn and potatoes, good houfe with water, bath and sew erage. 100 yearling bens, 250 young rhlckens; also good Jew cow, buggy, harness and Imple ments. Small patch of blackber ries and strawberries. Price $3,0' for all, one-baJf down. Addre r.. F. D. No. 1. box . 3 2-tf PONY FOR SALE Nice and gentle fnr fhOHran ni irnnri hnrnn Inquire of H. L. Marsters. 494tf UK fiALi; Ult RENT Severn! mod el u nouses. Apply to S. W, Star mer, or call phone 177-L. FOR SALE Dahlias. Bost produced by art or nature, at Soldiers boine. Come and see tbeiu. A Cole. 329-nlO FOR SALE Moving picture show in live town. Good paying Invest ment. Address W. F. D. News of. fice. 616-019 b'OR SALE Good team, harness and new 3-inch wagon, for sale or will trade for wood, hay and good milk cow. 1026 Corey Ave 472tf FOR SALE Second nana rour-cylin-der automobile, In excellent con dition. Will sell cheap. Apply at this office for Information and price. 281-tf FOR SALE Nice, gentle black . mare, weight over 1000, 11 years old. Fine for lady or family driver. Price $100. Inquire NewB office. 349tf FOR SALE A fine restauarnt busi ness and all fixtures; good loca tion in growing town. Going for only $800. For particulars ad dress box 121. Eugene, Or. o20 FOR SALE 40 head of stock sheep, partly shropshlreB. MoBt of them are young and will shear well. For particulars Inquire at the farm it 3. W, Atcheson, Molroso, Ore. 496-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE $80 per acre, 160 acres, Koolelna county, Idaho, 8 miles, Santa, 120 acres timothy, balance timber, fair buildings, plenty water, out range, R. F. D. 1 mile, small town. Will trade equity of $7,200 for Improv ed land. Box 563, Garfield, Wash. FINE BUNGALOW Will sell oi trade finest property In good rail road town for Roseburg resldonca or farm near city. This bungalow Is new, modern, 3 large lots go with It, delightful view of river and town, and rents for $17.50 per month. This Is something ex tra flue. Address, Owner, News, Roseburg, box 112. ONE ACRE HOME Nice little place Just outside city limits, good six room house, barn, chicken house, yards, etc., all feuced and In first class condition,, grounds set to young fruit treeB, Borne In bear ing, big shade trees by house, all for only $1,800. Inquire News of fice. 21-tf GOOD GARDEN SPOT Tract 230 by 100 feet, one block to school, near Btore and postofflce, River side Addition, owned by non-resident, who will sncrlllco It at $275. This place Ib a bargain, being best of gardon soil. Adilress N. It., box 55, city, or Inqufre News office. 4tf TRADE OR FOR SALK Nice tracl of 10 acres only three miles from city, best of roads, fenced, but no buildings, nice youug orchard, prlng, etc. Will trade for city property. Making flue suburban home. Inquire NewB office for particulars. 41-tf FOR SALE 320 acres 3-4 mile of Dlllard; 60 acres In cultivation, 120 ncreB under woven wire fence, rest of place grazing land and timber. Fair bouse and bnrn. Prlco $5,600; ft cash, term on balance. Some sheep and cattle If taken soon. Address O. A. Par ker. Dlllard. Ore. o7 $40 AN ACRE Farm of 135 acrea, practically all tillable, one-fourtb mile to river, on main highway, beautiful location, and the finest kind of place for dairying and or chard, fenced, spring, no build ings, and 8 miles from Roseburg. Cheap as dirt at the price. Inquire L, News office. 1 41-tf f'ARM HOME FOR SALE 16 acres, close In, fine large house, good barn, windmill at well, wator pi pod to houBo, 12 acros young orchard, automobile raods all year, and In every way a desirable place. Im provements worth $4,000. Ownei will sell for $5,200, terms. Ad dress News office for particulars, box 66. TEN ACRE BARGAIN A hue llltlt place on best road In the county fair house, barn, spring and well nearly eight acres In choice fruit mostly In heavy bearing. Less thai 3 miles from senter of city. Own er will sell on terms. Inquire at News office, or address Owner, care News, 199-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Highly Im proved 10-acre tract 1 mile front good town, new 7-roorn bungalow, good barn and poultry bouses, I acres In orchard and berries, splen did location, first class every way One of the finest places In South ern Oregoa. Sidewalks to depot and town; crop all In and will trade for Roseburg property or rtn nr cltr titdrese Owner Iftwi efM, toi 111. ..... . -Oat and vetch, ex Phone 19F5. 533-nl FOR SALE Several large wacer tanks. Also storage room for rent. Inquiro 456 Rast avenue. 607tt FOR SALE A number of good brood sows, at Shady Point, three miles south. I. N. Johns, route No. 1. 631-nS FOR SALE Good team of young horses, new wugon, and harness at bargain. Inquire W. J. Croot, Ruckles, Ore. nl FOR SALE Nice driving outfit gentle, city broke horse, light buggy and harness. Phone 119, or call at 301 Perkins bldg. tf52 FOR SALE Ilandsomo leather dav enport, almost now, a bargain. Call at room 8, Roseburg National Bank building. tf6t GOATS FOR SALE Registered An gora goats of both sexes for breed- ' lug purposes, heavy shearers. Ad dress J. I. Chapman, Wilbur, Or. FOR SALE Foup-foot-Br cordwood. For carload lots write to Jonathan Richardson, Leona, Ore. Order now for fall delivery. Carload lots $3.25 a cord. 146-dtt THIS WILL SUIT YOU Five fine lots, good view of city block to proposed paved street, good view, well drained, and a property that will please the critical buyer, only $1,350. Terms. Inquire News office. 278-tt 35 ACRES tree sou, well drained, all in cultivation, ideal location for poultry and orchard, fairly level, good county road, 8 Mi miles east of Roseburg, 3 miles to P. O., church, Btore and saw mill. Price $2,750. Box 66 Dixonville. Ore gon. 532-nl FOR SALE OR TRADE A 47 room hotel, completely furnished, $ storlos, Just across streot from city park, 1 V6 blockB from Main street In town ot 10,000 with 3 railroads. For further particulars uddruB 123 S. Holly street, Medford, Ore gon. nl& FOR SALh) in Roseburg, 4-rooin house on Flint Btreot, No. 242, all furnlshod Is bringing in $144; lights, water, patent toilet, Bewcr connection, paved stroet, etc. Price $l,io0; part down balance $10 per month. Address R. P. Simpson, T.eland, Or, 304-tfBW rOU SALE $1,000.00 Dorknhirot, Two boar pigs 8 months old frofn registered stock. Grnndslro sold for $1,000.00. Theso two for sals at $50.00 each. Wo have some sow pigs of same ago and nt same prlco. You would pay $100.00 for stock us good as this If bought la tho East. Address Mountain View Farm, Rt. 1, box 62,'Roseburg, Or. 498-021 WHY PAY A LANDLORD Keop the money yourself. Will sell a beau tiful location for home at great bargain. Only small amount down, balnncu long time, hardly any li UresL Tract contains 30 bearing trees of choice fruit, city waters end la only 10 minutes' walk from postofflce. If this appeals to yon, Inquire News office for particu lars. 313tT THREE GOOD FARMS for sule by the owner. All near Roseburg, on main wugon road, near school nnd church. Good stream of wat er and live springs of wator on. each place. Small orchard, house, barn nnd out houses on each place. Suitable for fruit, farming or stock raising. Prices No. 1, $1,500; No. 2, $3,000; No. 3, $5,000. Ad dress or see E. W, Kuykendall, 206 W. Washington street. n2t FARMERS' OPPORTUNITY A fin 480 acre wheat ranch, complete set buildings, on mnln road, only 6 miles from good railroad town, will be sold on easy crop payments to responsible furmer. Would ac cept Douglas county property In exchange for a large part of ranch value. Only small amount cash required. By securing possession of ranch nt once, fall crop can be successfully sown. Don't delay, but Inquire of H. R. Wood, News office for details. tf HERE IT IS About the finest home In the valley, all In cultivation, city privileges, modorn house of six rooms, gasoline pumping plant, plenty of water for lawns and gar den. If It Is a country home Just out of town that yon want, do not miss seeing this. Will sell all or part of property, i'rlvate; tele phone to city. It will pay prospec tive home seekers to Investigate this place. Inquire at News office for particulars, or call at premise, C. D. Maynard, Just west of Sol diers Home. 23-tf HAY FOR SALE cellent quality. Dixonville, Or. V" I L S ' l jiui'HHWT