a 1 t a t tl t! n w Ol B ,1 1 Willing to vunvi The Bell Millinery FISK TAILORED HATS hats, tailored hats, and wppk for dress "heettsatagreatreducuon. c;ta for women SeetlSSC ualv;iuesrnade of good dependable materials. s eeves, muu " j i,ns. , c nr1frvvear. corsets and nos nauu-uufr1! erv. Prices right. A Bold Ruse B, OSCAR W. TOWNSEND A man rode up to a party of miner, making coffee and frying bacon at a Z mpflr. and said, ! t uiie of them: "Mart, the red dvj b -- flnrt!" ww-- - dreHsed. Martiu twin brothj iamuel GIfford were bo. In tbe middle of n rv n'onr nut rn ine nil li the last VT f rvilnriirtn tn nmxntHrt toT i..b utr; pntintrv still belonged to its I owners, or, at least. Its posses- Willing to Oblige MAIL ORDERS CABEFUUY flLU The Bell Sisters BuP Roseburtj, Oregon I a in . : dutiful.- It helps make the . uan f bristles Eood brush and one wiW "k g(jt the for your uair. xt scalp wltauiem ami Ihrt bristles and scrape I .. flnP. bristles and unu - iCL ius " . i ,t,uo tmm ovw " ui C,11 crood Druaio u.sVie - ":(:: un. We guarantee- from 50c up not to--- , tQ0 We sell the guuu OSUURN'S PHARMAC 147 Norm jacis-sui. - Ihe New Gar AntobX stored aad cared for so that they ai Jfnt tUeSm. Complete All Kinds of Automobile Suppl ' -t us demonstrate to you uui CARS rrMWITH SKID CHAIN. JUST NORTtt OF GRAND H PHONE 408 TREES vUauFnineTreestoGft.UtoW $140 inn R50 r.eacl;rfifLlvr:$25perI00 100 Doo ft. 1 vr. Pe w" ,ltch i I S vi ; , , f. , vr. i I Tws. 4 to 0 u. i ; - .noDOU f j j i . J c Cherry same p. a Pear; o - I southern Oregon Nurserj aw',,i''"' 1- tn 1 fl. I SpdJourJutin se - "jHETorTTHX M I I 1 J.I.AHTHVM. HM.K... J "Jlniy the whites was made uucom- table. The savages tortured tneir "uptlves before killing them. How long ago did tuey gei mm: asked Martiu Gilford. Not over half an hour." Have they killed Ulm?" Iteclion not. They'll probably tor ture him nrst." Come, boys." said Mart; "we may lie In time." Five men. all well armed, rode off LMildcd bv Simmons, the one who hud brought the news, for the purpose of rnsrulutt the cuuttve. But the Indians wcro not ncustomed to going about in small parties, and the white men had liLtle hope of finding a force that they would bo able to master. Besides, as snon as they were discovered the snv- es -would kill their prisoner, if tlioy had not done so before. Indeed. tne set out on their enterprise because they had not the heart to refuse Murtiu Gilford rather than with any expecta tion of making a rescue. Simmons led them to the spot where Snm Gilford had been surprised and captured. Then one of the men dis mounted and, lending his horse, fol lowed the footprints of -the savages. It was evident that there was a large number of them, so many. In fact, that It would be madness for the white men to attack them. But they pressed on till there began to appear evidence that the Indians wore not far ahead of them, when they halted and sent one of their parly cautiously forward to reeonnolter. Ho returned to say that from an eminence ho hnd seen as many as 600 redskins on a plain below drawn up in two lines, between .which n white pris oner wns about to run the gantlet The party followed their guide to the point of observation, and before reach ing It they could hear the shouts the yells of the savages, from which it was evident thnt their prisoner was running between the lines and they wore belaboring him. It was with difficulty that the whites could restrain Murtln GIfford from rushing down the slope to die fighting for his brother. Hut they held him back on the edge of a wood In which they were lying on their stomachs and used their persuasive powers to con vince him that If he betrayed their presence, Instend of saving Saul, he would bring the Indians upon them and they would be overpowered. By the time they hnd accomplished this the prisoner hnd run the gantlet and was driven stnggerlng to a tree, whore ho wns bound and the Indians. standing at a distance, wcro preparing to flro nt him. Tho whites knew thnt It was not the Intention to kill him Ho would tie reserved for a lingering death. They would see how near hlrn they could send their bullets nnd nr rows wlthou' Inflicting a death wound. "Mart." said one of tho party, "if you want to die with Sntn or have a chance to snvo him I'll give you an Idea for trial. These red devils are as supersti tious as they are cruel, and can easily be Imposed upon by working a super natural racket. None of 'em could tell you nnd Sam apart. There's no differ ence In your dress or height or build. Suppose you start down the slope, un armed, with tho measured trend of a ghost. They won't shoot nn unarmed man till ho gets near enough for them to sec what ho looks like, nnd when they see Mart's double stalking toward them ten to one they'll run." The words were no sooner spoken than Mart GIfford was Impatient to try the plan, but they held him for n few minutes to Impress uimn him the Im portance of keeping his head and play ing his pnrt well. Some regretted thnt they hnd nothing with which to whiten Ills face, but others avowed that this would add nothing to his similarity to his brother and might do'rni't from It. Tho Indians were engaged In tiring nt their victim when Mart, who had pull ed himself together for a great ef fort, left the wood with folded arms, looking up nt the sky that he might not be nffeotcd by his brother's danger. There was an Interval of nbout ten tooonds between each of his steps. He was soon noticed by a redskin, who called the attention of the others to him. The ghosttlness of his measured walk soon brought about a commotion ' ntnoug his observers, nnd when he came nenr enough for them to see their : prisoner's double they were dunt ' founded. When he hsd approached I near enough to them for his features to be distinct to them he stopped and. i still looking up at the sky, pointed i his brother. Some of the Indians fell on their faces, while others, understand i ng the ghost's motion to lie a demnr't ! for himself, ran to the prisoner and nn : hound him. i Snm Gilford soon divined his broth er's maneuver and when released walked slowly toward Mnrt. and on reaching htm the twins marched awny aide by side. Father You only come to see me when you ueed money. Son Shall I come oftener? Satire. Trading Timo. "Km her, buy me a watch. ' "What do you want It for?" "I want to mil It wlili Kieddy foi his Hlr iilstol."-Xew VitU Mall HAYS HAIR HEALTH 3 Restores color to grey or faded hair; Cleanses, cools and invigorates the Scalp. 3 Removes Dandruff-there-by giving the hair a chance to grow in a healthy natural way and stopping its falling out. Keeps hair soft and glossy. - Is not a dye. $1 .00 and 50c at Dm4 Stores or direct upon receipt of price and dealer's Dame. Send 10c for trial battle. Phito Hay Specialties Co., Newark, N J U. S. A. KEEPS YOU LOOKING YOUNG KOK SAI.H ANI ItECOMMENDKD HY HAMILTON DRUG "COMPANY AND MA1ISTRKS DKUO COMPANY. BOAUD OF EQUILIZATION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Bonrd of Equalization of Douglas county, Oregon, will meet in the of fice of the county clerk of said coun ty, In the court house In the city of Roseburg, Oregon, on Monday, October 21, 1912, at 9 o'clock a. m. Said Board of Equalization will con tinue in session from day to day, ex clusive of Sundays and legal holi days, until tho examination and cor-, rectlon and equalization of the as sessment roll shall he completed, and will publicly examine the assessment roll and correct all errors In valua tion, description or qualities of land, lots or other property. Now, there fore, all parties who may be agrleved by reason of valuation, description, or otherwise, ns to their assessment; will tnko notice as above stated, and make their complaints to said Board of Equalization, otherwise their as sessments will stand as made by the assessor. Dated Wednesday, September 25, 1912. FRANK ti. CALKINS, . o21 Assessor Douglas Co., Oregon. THE HEAD SPECIALIST TEX1DERMIST 001 East Douglas Street KOSEI1UUO ... OREGON PURE SWEET APPLE CIDER We Have The Well Known ''BRISTOL BRAND" Cider Made From Choice ApplesIOnly FOR FREE DELIVERY CALL UP $ PHONE NO. 186 ROSEBURG 50DA WORKS A PLACE WHERE YOU GET GOOD THINGS TO EAT We do catering. Try us next time you have a luncheon $! " $ $ $ THE GRAND GRILL Opposite Perkins Bldg. HOME:- What Is It Without DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR The Best By Every Test Every Sack Guaranteed ... H PerSacK - $1.50 Per Barrel 85.90 Order a Sack Today THE BENSON GROCERY 225 North Jackson Street Phone 184 LIBERTY'S LIGHT 246 Rose St. SPIRELLA CORSETS PHONE 82-J is really the freedom that comes from Independence, nnd Independ ence can only belong to the thrifty nnd saving. Young and old ought to have bank account and here Is the place to have It. We welcome Individual accounts and are most ac commodating to our depositors. We offer liberal Interest combined with that secnrlty that belongs to solid institutions like ours. 4 Interest on Time Deposits First Trust and Savings Bank 1