The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, October 15, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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    150 TO EUGENt
Special Carries Large Con
tingent to Sister City.
Splendid Time Knjujred I!y a Large
Crowd of Visitors ut Not
uhln Iny ; At
A. J. Hallows. H. G. Languorn, W.
; II. FlBher, G. P. 8cbiosser, O. II.
Cash, I. R. Smith. W. A. Ackley. E.
A. Mclntyre, R. F. Glle. E. W. Page,
! R. L. Stagga, W. L. Dysinger, W. W.
Cardwell, W. Hargraves, J. W. Ham-
litem, w. S. Hamilton, is. J. names,
I'. V. Patterson, Sprugue Lumber Co.,
II. B. Church, Louis Kohlhagcn,
Charles Clark, George W. Riddle, Dr.
M. Ashton, W. T. Wright, Dr. C. L.
Pearson, Joseph Pape, H. 31. Boyd,
C. C. Weaver, John Carman, M. L.
Webb, A. A. Guiwlts.
EUCENIO, Or., Oct. 15. Eugene
today was Invaded by 10,000 vis
itors from all over Western Oregon
at the Oregon Electric celebration
held here this afternoon. In addi
tion to the several thousand who
came from Portland, Salem, Al
bany and other cities along the line
Qf the new railway, and those from
Corvallls, Lane county towns and
rural communities themselves turned
ut 4,000 or MOO at least.
Two-Mllo Paiiwlo.
The grand parade was tlio princi
pal feature of the afternoon, but oth
r attractions wore pulled off. Col
onel Creed C. Hammond, command
ing the Fourth Regiment of Coast
Artillery, O. N. G., hud charge of
the pageant. The parade started at
promptly 3 'clock. It was more
than. two miles long. Nearly every
big merchant In the city had a float
and several fraternal organizations
were represented. - There was also
- a long line oi runway luuorers, car
rying tools.
The order of the purudo was as
follows: ,
Visitors In Herond Division.
First division Squad of mounted
IHilice, grand marshal, aides, Eu
gene, Royal Rosuriang of Portland,
honorary escort to the Rosarlaus, ar
tillery battalllon, railway officials.
Grand Army fo the Republic, mayor
and members of the city council, Eu
gene lire department, W. C. T. U.,
anibulaneo,-otc. ,
; 8ccond division (Visitors), Al
bany band, delegations from Albany,
Bulcm, Roscburg and Lano county
Third division (Lodges and bo-
elctlcs), Creawelt baud, II. P. O.
lodge, Loyal Order of Moose lodge
and other organizations; crew of
vallnny builders.
Fourth division I-ebanon band
Bprmgllcui tloats, Kugeno mer
chants' floats mride-ln-Kiigeno floats.
lliscellujieous floats.
Fifth division (Automobiles),
Cottage Grove band, decorated auto
mobiles, automobiles not decorated,
carriages, etc.
'Tho exercises worn hold In tho
public square near tho court house
and followed Immediately after tho
Visits lly Itusinesti Men.
One of the features of tho after
noon was a "get-tu-iiuaintod" tour of
tho city In which Portland retail and
wholesale merchants were Invited to
visit tho merchants of Eugene. The
Kugciio store keepers remained op
en after the parade In order to moot
business men from other cities.
During tho evening ihero will be
an Illumination of tho buildings and
streetR of the city, band concerts and
a parade by the students of the Uni
versity of Oregon..
The RoHobtirg visitors 150 strong
niade a splendid showing lu the pur
ado and worij cheered heartily all
along the Hue of iMarcli.' The special
train bearing tho return contingent
will arrive homo about midnight.
A splendid welcome was extended
tli all visitors and the keys of the
city were thrown nwny for the day.
Following Is ii list of Hoschurg
citizens purchasing tickets for the
Eugene excursion today:
K. II. Itarber, II. Guest. R. W.
Hinckley. Von Casey. J. II. Clark,
lay Mack, George M. Brown, J. W.
Perkins. A. S. liuey & Co., L. Wlm
berly, Louis llimea. .1. E. .McClin
tork. Chris Elliott, W. A. llognrt, R.
W, K::rnsworth. A. L. Rhoudmuti,
Ufe I.ewlB, 1). J. .lurvls, T. 11. Can
non, Harness Johnson, J. F. Law
toy, K. L. Giles. Richard Stubba.
Fred Tolles, it. it. Matthews, ("has.
Barnard. E. 11. (Ilr.iiirr, .1. K. Falls),
8. W. Krohi-. S. Hamilton. Sherly
Goodman, O. J. Llndsoy, George
tjulne. II. II. Graves, 11. 1. Frear, J.
D. Zurcher. .1. M. Englo. C. K. Wtni
herly, J. II. Campbell & Son. C. L.
Ilnrgar. John Hunter. J. I. Call, O
Osborne. E. L. Tarrott. Joseph Ml
eolll, Elbert Hermann, Hen, c'aro, E.
tf. Benson, F. P. Clemens. Henry
Richardson, J. C. Alexander, Ben
North, H. Harness. George Itlter, 11.
II. Htupleton. R. E. Bellows. Glen
Goodman. Harry Hlldebrand, J. E
Sawyers, C. R. Ollphant, Frank Cain.
F L. Calkins. B. W. Bates. George
Kimball. M. Flckel Charles Wharton.
t... Ijli.,,.,!.,.,,!! llr CMiri'n 17 llmirk
tleorge Culver, Roland Ageo, Hor
mnnn Marks, K. II. Leadbetter. E. II.
Ianox, C. II. Calkins, Carl Shoe
maker, J. M. Throne, W. C. Harding,
Xew Oregon llourd Rejects Some for
Luck of ilreed And Some
for JjIhouko.
LEOI9, Corvallls, Or., Oct. 14. The
first annual report of the stallion
registration board of Oregon, pre
pared by the secretary, Professor E.
L. Potter, of the Oregon Agricultural
college, Is now off the press, and Is
full of Interesting facts.
Besides a complete directory of all
the licensed stallions and jacks In
the state, classified by the counties,
with the names of their owners and
a statement of their breeding and
any special defects, there Is a table
showing Just how many of each breed
there are In each county, how many
are grades, mongrels or pure blood
ed. Another table classifies the ani
mals as to breeding and soundness!
showing the number of each breed
having spavin, roaring, and other de
focts, a total of nine per cent un
sound out of 1135 animals.
The total number of applications
recolvod was 123S, and of these 1135
have been granted licenses, 103 be
ing held up, some because no fees
were paid, some because of the
death or Bale of the horses, lack of
Inspection, necessity of further in
formation, or other cnusc. In some
cases the pedigrees were found to
bo entirely fictitious, or to have dates
changed or to be forgeries. Certifi
cates of registration were refused
them, as were also certificates Issued
by the American Horse Register,
American Perchcron Register. Amer
ican Pacing Register, Standard Jack
and .leniiot Register, the Dominion
Draft Horje 'Association, ind the
Hartmnn Stock Farm Registry Rec
ord Company. Is tho latter case pure
bred licenses were Issued ufter the
foreign certificates were presented,
and In some other cases animals
thus listed have, afterward been
properly recorded. Unauthorized
certificates Issued by S. D. Thotnii
sou, eortlllt'iites of ArHblan horses,
and misceluueois unauthorized certi
ficates were alHo retimed.
A largo number of owners, find
ing that the law barred the cortlfl-
cates they held, did not present them
for registry. Some horses advertis
ed as pure bred had no certificates
to Biipport the claim,' and sometimes
the owners have tried to secure a
puro bred license without a certifi
cate. In no cuso has a pure bred
license been Issued by tho board un
til a certlilcato from n recognized as
sociation has been presented at the
office of the board, examined and
There are 21' 'graduate veterin
arians In Oregon who are authoriz
ed to Inspect stallions and jacks for
state license, and to receive appll-'
cations for licenses. The foes for
Vlcenses, trnjisfers (and duplicates
amounted during the year to J 1 2.
3UI. and the disbursements of the
board to J7,(i!U.17, leaving a bal
ance on hand.. ';iot Including out
standing obligations, of $4,lill9.8:i.
It Is Interesting to note that Ida
ho lis registered threo stallions In
the Oregon Registry, California four,
and Washington nine. Of theso six
are standard' fired, one Shire, one
IVreheron, one Clydesdale, two
Mongrel, one German Coach, two
Belgian, one Grade-Trotting and one
Grade-Percheron. They nre used
along tho Oregon line.
(Continued From Page One.)
have three boys who are safer with
out saloons than with them."
JUDGE) RIDDLE, a pioneer In
Douglas county, was the next speak
er. About 45 or 50 years ago," Bald
the Judge, "I once signed a petition
for a liquor license. I came to my
senses soon after and went out and
kicked myself. Since that day 1 have
always voted dry. It la not worth
whlfe itoi argue the good oi. evil
phases of the traffic, but liquor Inter
ests are well organized. The liquor
association haB sent out word from
Portland: 'Do all you can against
equal- suffrage,' because women
stand for temperance. If every man
here - tonight goes out and works
against the saloons, we may accom
plish what we hope for."
MR. TAOGERT, a recent arrival
In Roseburg, was called upon, and
made an eloquent plea for civic
cleanliness. In part the gentleman
said: "I am here to stay awhile.
When I arrived In Roseburg I had
comethlng of an option in the mat
ter. I wanted to locate in a jilace
where my children would be safe.
Your schools and beautiful city ap
pealed to me. Personally 1 am In
the fight for women and their rights.
Are we going to sacrifice the victory
of four years ago no argument Is
so strong aa the statement made by
your business men here tonight.
From your former condition when 15
saloons kept open doors, when upon
the ear of your Innocent children
rell the coarse jest and ribald laugh
ter of men from within the saloons,
dissipating the teaching of the lov
ing mother at the) fireside, turn
away. I cannot understand why a
community will levy taxes to build
fine Bchools, then license suloons to
tear down what you pay taxes to
maintain. Before Roseburg went
dry 15 saloona. paying possibly $9.
000 Into the city treasury, were allowed.-
The argument was that If
the town wont dry the revenue would
be stopped. Your streets were mud
holes. If these paved streets are
evidences of retrogratlon, let us go
backward some more. The whisky
traffic Is built up in blood the
blood of broken heurted mothers and
wives. Some people advance the ar
gument that men will sell liquor in
spite of the law, but such men arc
outlaws. Those men who ; favor
liquor selling, those men who sell to
their neighbors and line their purses
with money wrung from victims of
tho drink hnbit. never consider the
wife In the drunknrds home nor the
wailings of despair und hunger com
ing from the children of the drunk
ard. The old topor, always a Blavc,
bound In the chains of the terrible
habit of drink, is a by-product pf the
open snloon, Tho personal liberty
man is another friend of the sa
loon. Of this clnss we will not speak
lu detail. Our chief concern is for
the liberty of his unhappy wife andj
children at borne whom we desire to ;
protect. Some one must provide the
grist for the mill. Some fathers and
mothers must provide sons and
daughters for the drunkards and out
casts which the saloon manufactures.
Are you willing that it should be
your Bona and daughters? Are you
willing that your neighbor should
furnish this 'grist' for the mill? The
brewery reaches out Its greedy bands
and strives to pull In your children.
It is this great and evil Influence
which we must combat. I want to
do something that will leave my
mark on the great civilization of the
age, anjd know of no better . way
than to fight for -the protection of
the boys and girls."
JOHN HUNTER, Introduced as
the only man In Roseburg who ever
beat the brewery, spoke briefly, and
was roundly applauded. He said: "1
never beat the brewery, they beat
themselves. If the gentlemen here
tonight stand true they can win this
fight. If the men of Roseburg had
stood true four years ago we would
not now have thi6 fight on our
DR. HOOVER, once a stockholder
In the brewery, was Introduced. The
doctor Bald that what John Hunter
had said was true. Stated that he
had been a stockholder In the Rose
burg Brewery Co., and discovering
how things were going, and not de
siring to be a law breaker, got out
of the combination. Members of the
Brewery Company think I am a very
bad man, but I made 'up my mind
that I would rather lose every dol
lar I made out of the institution
than have any part in It. I favor
equal suffrage. Leave government
al matters In the hands of women.
and they will do a righteous part
by the trust."
13. L. EDDY, speaking In relation
to "sinews of war," said: "We ex
liect to carry on twt kinds of work:
The quiet campaigning with one's
neighbor, and the open effort. Every
man here ought to feel that success
of this fight depends upon himself.
More than half of those professing to
be dry fall to com up to the mark
at the last, moment and allow busi
ness of other nature to side track
the Issue. Let us go against the
liquor traffic and stay In the fight
until the nefarious huBlness Is vot
ed down and out. We expect to do
all that we can: expect each man to
work; expect the support of at least
a part of the city press. The float
ing vote is large. We must have
men at the polls who will have the
courage to challenge every voter
whom they have reason to believe Is
not entitled to a ballot. How many
of you dry men will lino up In par
ade before flection? Tour yars
ago a half dozen men and a lot of
earnest Christian women marshaled
the chldren In parade, while many
a man professing to support a good
cause stood on the Bide walk and
watched us go by, not even deign-,
ing to look pleased for fear it might
hurt your business in event aome
saloon man should see your favor so
openly shown."
At this point John Hunter created
a surprise party of hia own by
Jumping to his feet and shouting:
"Every man who will promise to get
out and show his colors on this ques
tion by openly parading the streets
of Roseburg at some designated time
between this date und November 6,
stand up?" In an instant 130 men
were on their feet bellowing their ap
proval of Hunter'B proposal.
"' Congratulating Mr. Hunter .on his
happy thought so quickly and ef
fectively put Into action. Mr. Eddy
continued. "No man has anything
to gain by professing to fight the
saluon and then standing back. Just
as Boon as a man comes out flat
footed for good government the sa
loon men, who are past masters In
'the iscbool f't falsehood (Circulate
damaging Imports concerning that
man. That lie Is repeated, it grows
Into Immense (proportions, is con
sidered by good people, who forget
where It came from, and confidence
In that man Is destroyed. Not
knowing that John Hunter was go
ing to Bpring a surprise on you, I
hsd provided a pencil, and paper for
you to sign, in which you promise to
stand by the guns and take part in
a public demonstration for the mor
al uplift of the city. I want every
man to sign this paper, and If you
fall to meet the obligation we will
expose you next day." (Great ap
plause and laughter.)
The agreement was passed among
the men and universally signed, an
listening to a parting Injunction
that all who had not registered
should at once do so, the meeting adjourned.
l'ullerton & Richardson Return Mon
ey Iald Them If Their .Medicine
Kails To Do As Tliey Say.
Wo positively guarantee satisfac
tory relief or no pay to su.'ferera
from kidney or urinary troubles.
Should our remedy fall to give entire
satisfaction, we will supply ft free of
all cost to the user. That's a frank
statement of facts, and we urge you
to substantiate them at our tjjk.
To re-establish nature's functions;
to strengthen, stimulate to activity,
and restore to perfect hoalth weak
nnd diseased, kidneys and associate
organs, there is really nothing we
know of that equals Rexall Kidney
Wo cannot too highly recommend
Rexall Kidney Pills. To prove our
Trent faith in their efficacious and
dependable qualities, we offer them to
you with our money-back promise.
Surely that's the best proof we can
offer that our claims are sincere and
well founded. Why not begin a treat
ment today? Price 60c. Sold in this
community only at our store The
Rexall Store. Fullerton & Richard
son, druggists, Roseburg, Ore.
Vet the People Rule
Vote 822 X Y'es
On Election Pay.
The Majority Rule Bill.
Don't let the fumes of burning
money spoil the pleasure of the
ride. The economical Ford
will take you there at mini
mum cost. And its purchase
price Won't puncture your
pocketbook beyond repair.
These new price?, f. o. b. Detroit, with all equip,
ment. An early order will mean an early de
livery. Get particulars from Ford Agent for
Douglas County. G. W. Burnett Roseburg, Or.
$525 II
600 II
800 I
Iet the People Hole
Vote :I2'J X Yen
On Election Hay.
The Majority Rule Kill.
1T. S. Weather Bureau, local office
Roseburg, Ore., -4 hours ending 5
a. m., October 15, 1912.
Precipitation In Indies and hundredths:
Highest temperature yesterday tS
Lowest temperature last night 4t
Precipitation, last 24 hours 0
Total preclp. since first of
month 12
Normal preclp. for this month 2,61
Total preclp. from Sep. 1, 1912,
to date 2.11
Average precip. since Septom
liur I. IS" 2.30
Total deficiency from Sept., 1.
1912 19
Average precipitation for S4
wet seasons, (Sep. to May
Inclusive) 32.36
HP! P us M0VE-
By Attending The Greatest Actual
Ever given in Roseburg, or, for that matter any other place
In the wonderful list of bargains we are offering
are included all our new FALL GOODS now on
hand and yet to come. REMEMBER This Sale
v continues until we are located in our new quarters
You Can't Afford To Miss It