NEWS WANT ADVS GET RESULTS points " for Mothers Tho Rainy Day Closet. It Is almost tline to lay awny ma terials for the "rnluy day closet," a device Intended for the alleviation of the care of mothers. Interest is now centering in school, playthings are tossed . aside for the more serious business of life, but they should not be tossed so far that they cannot be found again in case of need. Into the "rainy day closet' should go the toys from which the interest has tcmporar ily departed, together with the ac cumulation of summer magazines, to be cut out and pasted lu scrupfoooks later, and specimens of rock and shells brought home from the seashore. This closet should contaiu story books for children of all ages, riddle books, old picture postals, clever advertise ments which come to the house ami many other thiugs valueless to grown ups, but dear to the heart of child hood. Furniture catalogues appeal particu larly to. little people, and mlsiuated decks of cards sorted over can absorb a good bit of time. A few good, new games should be among the cnliec tlons of this wonderful. room. Rolls of colored crepe paper, a supply 'of paper napkins, costing almost nothing, with the assistance of pins, will make the grandest kind of fancy costumes Hnd with their aid all kinds of dramatic performances are possible. Paper for making flowers, clay for molding pur poses, bits of pretty wall pnper for covering boxes and all medium sized . Arm boxes should find their way to tills treasure house. Envelopes from which the nprt stamps are to be cut will afford some boy amusement. All the odds ond ends of lead pencils and crayons can go into the closet and some day find n use. There are sure to be "shut In" - days, many of them, when nil tills ap parent "trash" will lie welcomed. In families where the "rnlny day closet" has become an institution the room is kept carefully locked, so that its openltig on rainy dnys or sick days is looked upon as an event of great importance. The articles are carefully arranged on shelves or in drawers, and an older sister, or even on "old maid aunt" for such there still be is ap pointed custodian. Among the rules mid regulations pasted on the Inside of the door is one to the effect that no one must ask for a new article to play with Inside an hour, though articles may be amicably Interchanged among tbe group of little folks who havo , been cot off by the weather from their customary amusements. Nervous Children. If when parents notice the nervous ness of a little girl they would give it just a little daily treatment besides tbe proper diet and rest It Is more tnan likely that tbe trouble would be soon overcome. In tbe first place, for a child under nine years very little If any meat is advised. Poultry Is best, and not too much of thnt either. Do not have the old fashioned Idea that sleeping on an empty stomach Is best, because It Is not It may be all well enough for a dyspeptic, but with benltby, whole some people It Is different. If a child tells you It Is hungry while preparing for bed and some time has elapsed since the last meal was partaken give her a cracker and half All a gloss with warm milk and allow her to drink It. If she Is healthy It will not bo long be fore she will be sound asleep. And now a word about how she Bleeps If you wish to have sour lit tle girl grow up without nervous- l next) you must sec that she has nine or ten hours of comfortable, undlsturb - ed sleep In a thoroughly well ventilat ed ruoui. Ity romfnrtnble Is not meant a soft and downy bedding, but rather It would be hotter to throw away all feather pillows and wool mattresses and substitute bolsters nnd beds ol buy. This would mean real comfort mil a sweet and clean bed. and the wonderful relief that would couie to a wimk. nervous or timid child one has lilfii "if. There Is always a huyticid i-..r nli"iit II. nnd that In Itself Is bet l.j lltan the heavy odor the other bed (ins bus. eieclnlly when It becomes lia with iwrsptnitloo The hay Ix-d ' is always cool nnd clean. snd wii-n Is mure. It can at any time be re netted nt a trilling exriense. No Nicknames. It's Ity far the best plan to choose nn nttnii tlve bnptlsnial name for a . hlld. mid. the name onte given, silik to II Kllznlieth should never become Hetty. Het. Urate. Beth or Mary Is fin lovelier than Minnie. Caroline is a worthy and beautiful name, hut Carrie Is not. Jennie Is a com n diminutive of the atately and Infinitely to be pre ferred .lane. Dolly for Dorothy. Lulu for l.oule. Gertie for Gertrude. N"ell for Helen. Mnttle for Martha. Kitty or Kaile for Katherlne oh. don't! And don't let the children nlcknamt earn other. When Tommy begins to rail little Margaret "Buttons" because1 .v .he bas a row of shiny buttons on her ew coat discourage Tommy with ear Vlestness And when loving grandpar rts snd uncles snd tunts Insist on inning Baby Rosamond by awn nanus, Pet md-EfldnM tiaWl. POLK'S. OREGON and WASHINGTON 1 Business Directory Directory of each City, Town and Vllluge, irtvlng descriptive sketch of cacti place, location, population, telo Grapll, shlpfnff and banking point; also Classified Directory, compiled by buklnoss and profession. It, J. rOLK CO., SKATTMS iiieiu lactruiiy, lest there come il mm when Itosauiond rise up iu wrath untl denounce yon for letting her be called out of her name. BOARD OP EQUIMZATION NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Equalization of Douglas county, Oregon, will meet In the of fice of the county clerk of said coun ty, in the court house in the .city of Roseburg, Oregon, on Monday, October 21, 1912, at. 9 o'clock a. m. Said Board of Equalization will con tinue in session from day to day, ex clusive of Sundays and legal holi days, until the examination and cor rection and equalization of the as sessment roll shall be completed, and will publicly oxamlne the assessment roll and correct all errors In valua tion, description or qualities of land, lots or other property. Now, there fore, all parties who may be agrieved by reason of valuation, description, or otherwise, as to their assessment; will take notice as above stated, and make their complaints to said Board of Equalization, otherwise their as sessments will stand as made by the assessor. Dated Wednesday, September 25, 1912. FRANK Tj. CALKINS. o21 Assessor Douglas Co., Oregon. LODGE DIRECTOR. iIODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Myrtle Camp No. 1330. meott every second and fourth Tuesday of every month in the Eagles' hall. Traveling neighbors are cor dially invited to visit out camp Frank Clements, consul; R Stubbs, clerk. li. O. T. SI. Roseuurg Hive, No. 1 holds regular reviews on first and third Wednesdays In the Maccabee hall. Sisters ot othei cordially Invited to attend our re hlves visiting In the - city are views. Olive Green, lady com.; Jessie Rapp, R. K. O. E. S. Roseburg Chapter, No. 8, holds their regular meeting on the first and third Thursdays In each month. Visiting members In good standing are respectfully Invited to attend. Mrs. Jessie Davis, W. M.; Free Johnson, secretary. K. O. B. Roseourg Aenx. Mo. 1497, meets second and fourth Monday In their hall on Jackson street al 8 P. M. Ben North W.'P.s B. F. Goodman, sec. A. P. A. at Laurel Lodge, No. 13, holdl regular meetings on thi second and fourth Wed nesdays of each monU Sojourners Jnvlted to attend. N. Rice, W. M.; R. H. C. Woods, Sec. WOODMEN OP THE WOULD Oak Camp, No. 126, meets at the Odd Fellows' Hall In Roseourg, ever; first and third Monday evenings Visiting neighbors always wel come. M. B. Germond, C. C.J J. A. Buchanan, clerk. WE WILL MAIL YOU $1.00 lor each setolold False Teeth sent ti. Hlsh el prices paid tor old 'Jold. Silver. o!d Watian. Br-iken Jewelry and I'recious Slonct. Money Sent Br staruxn Hall. PHI LA. SMELTING & REFINING COMPANY Established 20 Yearn 863 CHESNUT ST., PHIIADELIHIUPA. , TO DENTISTS WowmbnyrotirOold Filings, Gold Scrap and Platinum. Hlg-hdt, prices paid. NON-, M ,a BALKABLE SELF-POINTING r A Bammerless Gun with Solid Frame. Easiest operating and smooth' est action. THE STEVENS Repeating Shotgun ai M LISTINO NO. '. AT $25.00, OA 'bMersadkyShoot 3&U M srs evsrywssrs as -snoerD rar i rap sr FVakL" Made in five styles and Illustrated and described in Stereos Shotmio Catalog. Have your Dealer show you a Hamas tsiajssaisr. J. STEVENS ARMS TOOL COMPANY, P. S.SsM4. A WOMEN .OU' WOODCRAFT U!ac Circle, No. 49, meets on first and third Monday eenlngs.of each month lu the I. O. O. P. hall. Vis iting members in good stamllntt are invited to attend. Mrs. Ethel Easton, G. N.; Clara CawlDeld. clerk. IMPROVED ORDER OP REDMEX- Umpqua Tribe No. 44, meets every i first and third Monday of each ! month at the Eagles' 'hall. Vislt itlng chiefs welcome. J. W. Brown. Sachem; K. M. Moars, C. of R. M O D E It N BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICA Meets in Maccabee Temple every 4th Friday of each month. O. L." Wright, President; Emma McMullen Secretary. I. O. O. P. Rising Star lodge No. 174, meets In Odd Fellows Temple . every Friday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. Ed S. Cockelrease, N. G.; W. S. Powell, R. S.; M. Fickle. F. 3. BROTHERHOOD OP AMERICAN YEOMEN Mt. Nebo Lodge No 1828, meets every second and fourth Wednesday of eaeh montl at the Eagles' hall. Visiting broth ers and sisters welcome. E. B Purine, P. M.j S. E. Krohn, Cor . 1'. O. E Roseburg Lodge, No 326, holds regular communica tions at their temple on second and fourth Thursdays ol eact month. All members requester1 co attend reguiarly and all vieitlne brothers are cordially Invited to attend. Blnger Hermann, E. R. I. O. O. F. Phlletanan Lodge, No 8, meets In Odd Follows Temple corner ot Jackson and Cass street! on Saturday evening of each week Members of the order in good standing are Invited to attend. J R. Bailey, N. G.j M. M. Miller, R S.J L E. Mllledge. F. S. LOYAL ORDER OP MOOSE Rose burg Lodge No. 1037. Meets In Maccabee Hall, corner Cass and Pine streets, every Tuesday even ing at 7:30 o'clock Visiting brothers Invited to attend. L. Wlmberly, Dictator; H. O. Parge ter, SJC 4- DR. D. E. SNELL, Osteopathic Physician. 301 Perkins Building. Roseburg, Oregon. . DR. GEO. E. HOUCK, PhyslcUa and SorgeoB. 4 Office, Review Bldg., Phone II. Roseburg. Oregon. ft . Chiropractic Physician tt Spinologist. ft Chronlo Diseases a Specialty 224 Cass St. . Roseburg. t 4 DR. H. E. HERMANN, DR. H. E. HERMANN, . 4 r.yo etpeciaiirn, w tt 217 South Stephens Street, tt tt Roseburg, Oregon, tt 4 4444444444444444 tt DR. S. L. DcLAPP tt Osteopathic Physician tt . Successor to tt DR. J. L. CALLAWA? tt Most scientific treatment for ah tt tt acute and chronic dfseases. tt tt Phone 169 tt tt Roseburg Nat. Bank Bldg. tt ' " ' 4 , GURDON A. FORY, - 4 4 ' Vocal Lessons. 4 4 Studio 312 E. Cass Street. 4 4 Phone 191-J 4 4 Roseburg - - - -Ore. 4 tttttttttttttttttttt tt MRS. CHARLES 8. HKIXLIXE tt tt tt tt Pianoforte Instructor tt tt Mulscal Kindergartener tt tt Studio 423 Ella St., Phone 33-R tt tt tttttttttttttttttttttttttt tttttttttttttttttttttttttttt MRS. H. JAY 8TOXE : . tt Teacher of Piano and Harmony tt ; tt Fall tern begins Sept. 23. tt tt Down-town Studio. 223 E. Lane tt Street. Home Btudio 7 1 7 tt tt Hamilton Street. Phone 362-J. tt . - tt tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt llOAltl) AND ROOMS. 4 Modern Apartments with bath, 4 . hot and cold water 4 in each room. 4 MRS. CALLAND, Prop. Corner Jackson and Brockway Streets; near High School. Rate, $6 Per Week. 44444444444444 4 ' WOOD WANTED. 4 The News office .can make 4 4 use of a large amount of klt 4 chen and stove wood. Subscribe 4 ers who are in arrears can re- 4 ceive credit for wood brought 4 to us. Bring It In any time 4 now. tf WANTED. SLASHING WANTED By reliablo man who understands his work. Address "Y" News office. o7 WANTED Steady girl to assist with housework. Apply at 444 Ella street. Tel. 360-Y. 491-tf HEXP WANTED Competent woman or girl desired to do general housework. Call at 113 N Flint St. Mrs. I. L. Lee. 601 tf WANTED Girl to assist in house- work and act as companion to lady. Apply at 126 N. Kane St. 605tf WANTED Girl to work for her board while attending school. In' quire ot Mrs. Zurcher, cor. Chad wick & Oak or phone 246-L. , , 471tf "MlSC'EtANEOUS. AUTO LIVERY G. L. Prion will give all orders prompt attention. Phone 2"i6 and arrange for ser vice of machine. tf FOUND Masonic watch charm and fob. Owner can get same by ap plying to Leadbetter, cor. Cass and Jackson streets. olO FOR TRADE Nice nve acre tract of land In good town, suitable for sub-dividing; has nice cottage and Improvements; Will trade for : home In Roseburg. Here Is a good chance to make some money. In quire News office. 217-tf tou nhift. FOR RENT Good able part of city. -Rast avenue. house In desir Inqulre at 466 606tf FOR RENT Partially furnished cot tage ot 4 rooms practically new. Inquire at News office E08tf FOR RENT Eight room house, $10 per month. Inquire 217 Chadwlck St. 603tf FOR RENT House In North Rose burg. Apply to J. B. Hensley, Roseburg dteam Laundry. tf490 FOR RENT Modern 6-room cot tage, corner Hamilton and Roberts streets. Inquire at Weather Bu reau, tf FOR RENT Five room cottage for rent, close In. Inquire nt 325 Washington street for particulars. J FOR BALE. FOR SALE Roller top desk, now. Chairs and tables. P. A. Cum mlngs, room 6, Masoiflc temple. FOlt SALE Jersey cow, or will trade for good work horse. Ad dress or Inquire News office for particulars. 609-tf FOR SALE Young team, four years old, wagon and harness, or will sell separately. Team Is well matched' and well broke. In quire Henry Schrenk, Looking Glass, Or. 602tf FOR SALE Choice orchard or gar den truck land In five and ten acre tracts. Plenty of water. Land will ralse anything that can be raised In this valley. Located within 35 minute drive ot Rose burg. Railroad station within ten minute walk of any part of the subdvlslon. Prices reasonable and sold on terms to suit buyer. Call on or address The News office for further particulars. 500tf FOR SALE 27 acres, seven jolte. south of Roseburg on mall rente and telephone, good gravel road, ' ten minutes' walk from Carne's station on 8. P., good bottom land, now In corn snd potatoes, good house with water, bath and sew erage. 100 yearling hens, 260 young chickens; also good Jars' cow, buggy, harness and Imple ments. Small patch of blackber ries and strawberries. Price $3,un for all, one-half down. Address R. F. D. No. 1, box . JOS-tf PONY FOR SALE Nice and gentle for children, or good pack horse, inquire of II. L. Marnters. 494tf UU SAi.fci OR UK. N'T Several utod e'ti houses. Apply to S. W. Star mer, or call phone 177-L. FOR SALE Dahlias. Rest produced by art or nature, at Soldiers home. Come and see them, A Cole. 329-nlO FOR SALE A few fine R. C. Rhode Islnnd Red pullets. Call at resi dence, 219 S. Flint street. C. Nogloy. B04tf FOR SALE Good team. Harness and new 3-inch wagon, tor sale or will trade for wood, hay and good milk cow. 1026 Corey Ave 472tf FOR SALE Second hand rour-cylin-der automobile. In excellent con dition. Will sell cheap. Apply at this office tor information and price. 281-tf FOR SALE Nice, gentle black mare, weight over 1000, 11 years old. Fine for lady or family driver. Price $100. Inquire News office. 349tf FOR SALE A line rqstavarnt busi ness and all fixtures; good loca tion In growing town. Going for only $800. For particulars ad dress box 121, Eugene, Or. - o20 FOR SALE 40 head ot stock Bheep, partly shropshires, Most of them aro. young and will Bhear well. For particulars Inquire at the farm of G. W, Afcheson, Melrose, Ore. 496-tt FOR SALE OR TRADE $80 per aero, 100 acres, Koolelna county, Idaho, 8 miles, Santa, 120 acres timothy, balance timber, fair buildings, plenty wctor, out range, R. P. D. 1 mile, small town. Will trade equity of $7,200 for Improv ed land. Box 553, Garfield, Wash FINE BUNGALOW Will sell oi trade finest property In good rail road town for Roseburg residence or farm near city. This bungalow Is new, modern, 8 large lots go with it, delightful view of river and town, and rents for $17.50 per month. This is something cv tra fine. Address, Owner, News, Roseburg, box 112. ONE ACRE HOME Nice little place just outside city limits, good six room house, barn, chicken house, yards, etc, all fenced and In first class condition, grounds set to young fruit trees, some In bear- Ins, big shade trees by house, all for only $1,800. Inquire News of fice. 11-tf GOOD GARDEN SPOT Tract 280 by 100 feet, one block to school near store and postofflce, River side Addition, owned by non-resident, who will sacrifice It at $276 This place Is a bargain, being beat of garden soil. Address N. R-. box 66, city, or Inquire News office. 4tf TRADE) OR FOR SALS Nice tract of 10 acres only three miles from city, best of roads, fenced, but no buildings, nice young orchard, spring, etc. Will trade for city property. Making fine suburban home. Inquire News office for particulars. 41-tf FOR SALE 320 acres 3-4 mile of Dlllard; 50 acres In cultivation 120 acres under woven wire fence, rest ot .place grazing land and timber. Fair house and barn Prico $5,600; Mi cash, term on balance. Some sheop and cattle If taken soon. Address O. A. Par ker, Dlllard, Ore. o7 $4U AN ACRE Farm ot 135 acres, practically all tillable, one-fourth mile to river, on main highway, beautiful location, and tbe finest kind of place for dairying and or chard, fenced, spring, no build' Ings, and 8 miles from Roseburg Cheap as dirt at the price. Inquire L, News office. 1 41-tf ARM HOME FOR SALE 16 acres, close In, fine large house, good barn, windmill at well, water piped to house, 12 acres young orchard, automobile raods all year, and lo every way a desirable place. Im provements worth $4,000. Ownei will sell for $6,200, terms. Ad dress Newi office for particulars, box 66, TEN AGUE BARGAIN A line little place on best road In the county fair house, barn, spring and well nearly eight acres In choice fruit mostly In heavy bearing. Less thai 3 miles from senter of city. Own er will sell on terms. Inquire al News office, or address Owner, care News, Kt-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Highly Im proved 10-acre tract 1 mile from good town, new 7-room bungalow, good barn and poultry houses, I acres in orchard and berries, splen did location, first class every way One of the finest places In South ern Oregoa. Sidewalks to depot and town; crop all In and will trade for Roseburg property or farm near city. Address Owner, News office, box 111. FOR SALE Several largo water tnnks. Also storage room for rent. Inquire 450 Rast avenue. 607t( GOATS FOR SALE Registered An gora goats ot both sexes for breed ing purposes, heavy shearers. Ad dress J. I. Chapman, Wilbur, Or. FOR SALE Four-toot Or cordwooa. For carload lots write to Jonathan Richardson, Leona, Ore. Order now for fall delivery. Carload lots $3.25 a cord. 146-dtf FOR SALE One 2-year-old Polled Durham heifer A No. 1 stock, com ing fresh in November. .-Price $40.00, if taken at once. Address box 65. route 1. Roseburg, Ore gon. THIS WILL SUIT YOU Five fine lots, good view of city y block to proposed paved street, good view, well drained, and a property that will please tbe critical buyer, onlr $1,350. Terms. Inquire News office. 278-tl OR SALE OR TRADE A 47 room hotel, completely furnished, 3 stories, just across street from city park, lra blocks from Main street in town of 0,000 with 3 railroads. For further particulars addros 123 S. Holly street, Modford, Ore gon. nl5 FOR SALE Second hand cornet. (trumpet model). In flrst-clasa condition; was played for months In one of Portland's leading theatres and Is a No. 1 Instrument for either band or orchestra.. Can be had cheap. . ' Inquire at The News office. tt UK SALE lu Roseburg, 4-room house on Flint street, No. ? 4 2, all furnished Is bringing In $144; lights, wator, patent toilet, sewer connection, paved atreet, eto. Price ' $l,xo0; part down balance $10 per month. Addrosa. R, P. Simpson, Leland, Or. 804-tfsw POR SALE $1,000.00 Borkshlros. Two boar pigs 8 months old from registered stock. Grandslre sold for $1,000.00. These two for sale at $50.00 each. We have some sow pigs of same age and at same price. You would pay $100.00 for stock as good as this It bought In the East Address Mountain View Farm, Rt. 1, box 62, Roseburg, Or. 498-021 WHY PAY A LANDLORD Keep the money yourself. Will sell a beau tiful looatlon for boms at great bargain. Only small amount down, balance long time, hardly any lav tarest Tract contains 80 bearing trees of choice fruit, city water, and is only 10 minutes' walk from postoffice. If this appeals to you, . inquire News office for particu lars. SIStf FARMERS' OPPORTUNITY A line 480 acre wheat ranch, complete sot buildings, on main road, only 6 miles from good railroad town, will be sold on easy crop payments to responsible farmer. Would ac cept Douglas county property In exchange for a large part of ranch value. Only small amount cash required. By securing possession of ranch at once, fall crop can be successfully sown. Don't delay, but Inquire of R. R. Wood, News office for dotallB. tf HERE IT IS About the finest home In the valley, all In cultivation, city privileges, modern bouse of six rooms, gasoline pumping plant, plenty of water for lawns and gar den. If It is a country home just out ot town that you want, do not miss seeing this. Will sell all or part of property, private, tele phone to city. It will pay prospec tive home seekers to Investigate this place. Inquire at Nows office for particulars, or call at premises, C. D. Maynard, Just west of Sol diers Home. 22-tf farKK i here Arc i cn people 1 in Thic fitv fanahlo I 5 Af r:n:. iki ui i .limy urn i juut V. Perhaps not that many really efficient workers will read your ad on Its first pub lication. But those who are, at the moment, "eligible" for new employment, will read It and will be pretty sure to answer tt. And to find a really efficient worker Is to find "good fortune" Get Your Help Through ! t. THE EVENING NEWS i is