NEWS WANT ADVS GET RESULTS MUady'6 JVHrror The New Complexion. -"What a splendid color you buve!" Bald oue of tbo girls wbo mot ut u fusLtioimble soda fountain after uot tuivlug seen each other for a month or so. "Have you been away ou your va cation V "Ob. no," tbe other replied. "I've been at bome right along." "It certainly agrees with you. You're not rouged?" tbe other asked tenta tively. The second girl laughed. "Not a sus picion," she replied, rubbiug her cheek with her handkerchief, under which tbe blood came mantling to the spot in a charming color.. "It's till the new way I wash my face. I wash my face In ice." "Ice? You mean ice water?" the en vioua one said. "No, 1 mean Ice. and Til tell you how 1 do it Oue reason so many of as have no color tn our faces is because our circulation Is bad. In spite of want the critics say of us, women seldom do anything to bring the blood to their cheeks, so I studied out tbe following' plan: Every morning, after 1 have bnu my morning exercise to wake me up. I take a small piece of Ice and wash my face with it I go over every spot of my face and neck with It until the piece Is entirely gone. As I begin with a piece about batf tbe size of my (1st ynu can see 1 get a nice cbllllug. When the ice Is melted I rub my face briskly with a Turkish towel until it Is quite dry. "My dear, you feel line. It is aw fully cooling in the tlrst place, and It makes you feel very lively. Kor a minute or two you are red. like n frost bitten apple; then that fades nwuj into the nicest color. You see. the lie uot only helps the circulation, but It acts like a tonic on the muscles and takes nwny that distrssing sagging of the face that so many of us have." "Well." sa!d the other girl. "I've been paying $2 a bottle for a face tonic, as It is culled, and It hasn't done for me what your humble piece of ice has for you. After this Via going to look for my cosmetic In tbe refrigerator." To Wiiiten the Teeth. To whiten the teeth an excellent pow dr is made by mixing one ounce of chloride of lime, ten ounces of prepared chalk, n half ounce of rem via n bark and one teaspoonful of myrrh. This should be used once a day until the teeth are sufficiently white, when it is best to discontinue It for an ordinary tooth paste. To remove tnrtnr, the disfiguring and obstinate yellow discoloration which forms nt the base of the teeth, try dip ping the brush in powdered magnesia and rubbing it up and down over the teeth as well as across. Pental floss should be drown between the teeth at lenst twice a week to keep them free from food obstructions, such as bits of meat gristle or the seeds of ber rles. One of the most satisfactory nnd ben etlclal mouth washes Is peroxide of hydrogen. Many object to its use be cause of the peculiar sensation known as "spitting cotton." present only when peroxide Is partlcnlorly active. To counteract this effect neutralize the wash with another made by dissolving common baking soda in water. Perox ide of hydrogen Is both n deodorant and an antiseptic anil Is one of the In dispensable remedies to be included In every medicine chest. Sleep and Beauty. Sleep Is the generator of energy. It is the coaling station of time, where we store cuoucb fuel to take ut through the hours to come. When the supply of fuel runs low we arc mm pelled to trundle along at half spei'ii Our limbs feel as If they were cbnlncii to prevent free action, our mind If sluggish, slow to grasp a situation, and slower to respond. lethargy ! the foe of beauty of the radiant type. The real beauty sleep comes before midnight and ends when the day youtur. This' Is as unture Intended II wfiru prevents following the natural tionr fur rest things should lie so nr ranged that sleep will he undisturbed hv the imlne nnd notlvlty of the day. If flctit hours' sleep are Impossible tin!;.- up for the lost rest hy sleeplne ton hours the next night. Insomnia t nft.-n the result of Irregularity ot sleeping hours. Do not neglect to have plenty ot fresh sir In tbe room devoted to rest and sleep. , 8kin Beauty. For the yellowish skin nothing Is so miilsfnctory as fnilt Juices, and the tt-nmnn who OlnS her flllth tO tills di- llghtful remedy will surely reap the reward of her trust In nature Fruit Juices are beneficial principally in that they stimulate the mngglsh liv er to renewed activity, thus throwing off the nown which accnmolate. and are distributed along the surface of the skin. Orange Juice poured Into a cup of hot water and taken before breakfast each morning brines almost Immediate re aitlr. flrnfrtilt haa much the same effect but sbonld be taken more apar- Insrl . the Juice or nair a rruii o onr- fourth, of e.riiD of hot ltatar being the .'OIK'S. DRSCrOIJ end WASHINGTON 1 & Business Directory A Ilfroctory cf each C!:y, Town and Milage, tlvt:i.7 descriptive t'.-.eich ot each place, Ir.cation, j:ulr.tlon, tele graph, st:i;)gr baiiklne point; also ClasHilieu Directory, compiled by buiineu ami profusion, J n. i- ror.K a co., seattltB correi-c proportion. Peaches, plums, grapes, raspberries, blackberries, cherries, lemons, limes, all oiler excellent opportunities to pur sue the fruit Juice cure. BOARD OF EQUILKAXIOX NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Equalization ot Douglas county, Oregon, will meet in the of fice ot the county clerk of said coun ty, in the court house In the city ot Roseburg, Oregon, on Monday, October 21, 1912, at 9 o'clock a. m. Said Board of Equalization will con tinue In session from day to day, ex clusive ot Sundays and legal holi days, until the examination and cor rection and equalization ot the as sessment roll shall be completed, and will publicly examine the assessment roll and correct all errors in valua tion, description or qualities of land, lots or other property. Now, there fore, all parties who may be agrieved by reason of valuation, description, or otherwise, as to their assessment; will take notice, as above stated, and make their complaints to said Board ot Equalization, otherwise their as sessments will stand as made by the assessor. Dated Wednesday, September 25, 1912. FRANK L. CALKINS, o21 Assessor Douglas Co., Oregon. liODGE DirtRCTORt. iIODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Myrtle Camp No. B330, meet every second and fourth Tuesda of every month' In the Eagles' hall. Traveling neighbors are cor dially invited to visit out camp. Frank Clements, consul; R Stubbs. clerk. L. O. T. M. Rose-jurg Hive, No. 1 holds regular reviews on first and third Wednesdays in the Maccabee hall. Sisters of otbei cordially Invited to attend our re hives visiting In the city are views. Olive Green, lady com.; Jessie Rapp. R. K. O. E. S. Roseburg Chapter, No. 8, holds their regular meeting on the first and third Thursdays in each month. Visiting members in good standing are respectfully invited to attend. Mrs. Jessie Davis, W. , M.; Free Johnson, secretary. K. O. IS. Koseuurg Acne, No. 1417, meets second and fourth Monduyr In their hall on Jackson Btreet hi 8 P. M. Ben North VV. P.; B. F. Goodman, sec. A. F. A. m. Laurel Lodge, No. 13, holdi regular meetings on tbt nesdays of each montu Sojourners Invited to attend. N. Rice, W. M.; R. II. C. Woods, Sec. WOODMEN OK TflK WOTtLI Ona Camp, No. 125, meets at the Odd Fellows' Hall In Roseourg. ever; first and third Monday evenings Visiting neighbors alwayB wel come. M. B. Germond, C. C; J. A. Buchanan, clerk. WE WILL MAIL YOU $1.00 lor each setotold False Teeth flent lis. Hlsli est prices T'ul'l for old Gold. Silver, old Watches, Hr-iken Jewelry an.1 Precious stones. Montr Sent Br Return Hail PHILA. SMELTING & REFINING COMPANY Established '20 Veara 863 CHESNUT ST., PHILAOELI HIAPA. TO DKNTISTS We will buy your (iolil Filings, Gold Scrap and platinum. Highest prices paid. NON- BALKABLE- SELF-POINTING A Hammerless Gun with Solid Frame. Easiest operating and smooth est action. THE STEVENS Repeating Shotgun 1 LISTIN3 AT $25.00, huideoedb j Shoot ers everywhere as "Superb for Trap or neW." Made In five styles and illustrated and described in .Stevens Shotgun Catalog. Hare your Dealer show you a Steven Repeater. J. STEVENS ARMS 4 TOOL COMPANY, r. o itoi see. - III. 3ZU A eV Ml A leW rm a WOMEN .Of WOOl If! RAFT Lilac Circle, No. 49, meets on first and I third Monday evenings of each i month in the I. O. O. r hall. Vis iting members in good standing are invited to attend. Mrs. Ethel Easton, G. N.; Clara Cawlfleld. clerk. IMPROVED ORDER OF KEDMEX Umpqua Tribe No. 44, meets every first and third Monday of each month at the Eagles' 'hall. Vtait lting chiefs welcome. J. W. Brown, Sachem; K. M. Mears, C. of R. MODERN BROTHERHOOD Or AMERICA Meets in Maccabee Temple every 4th Friday of each month. G. L. Wright, President; Emma McMullen Secretary. I. O. O. F. Rising Star Lodge No. 174, meets in Odd Fellows Temple every Friday evening. Vlsitlnc brethren always welcome. Ed S. Cockelrease, N. G.; W. S. Powell, R. S.; M. Fickle. F. 3. BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAS YEOMEN ML Nebo Lodge No 1828, meets every Becond and fourth Wednesday ot each montl at the Eagles' hall. ViBiting broth ers and sistors welcome. E. B Perrlne, F. M.; S. E. Krohn, Cor . r. O. E Roseburg Lodge, No 328, holds regular communica tions ut their temple on Becond and fourth Thursdays ot eacl month. All members requested to attend reguiarly and all vlsltlna brothers are cordially Invited to attend. Binger Hermann, E. R. I. O. O. F, Phlletarlan Lodge, No 8, meets in Odd Fellows Temple corner of Jackson and Cass street on Saturday evening of euch week Members of the order in good standing are invited to attend. J R. Bailey, N. G.; M. M. Miller, R S.; L E. Millodge. F. S. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Rose burg Lodge No. 1037. Meets in Maccabee Hall, corner Cass 'and Pine streets, every Tuesday even ing nt 7:30 o'clock. Visiting brothers Invited to attend. L. Wlmberly, Dictator; H. O. Parge ter, Sjc. DR. D. E. 8NT5LL, Osteopathic Physician. 301 Perkins Building. 0 Roseburg, Oregon. DR. GEO. E. HOUCK, - Physician and Surgeon. . Office, Review Bldg., Phone SI. Roseburg. Oregon. , DR ,M. A8HTON Chiropractic Physician Splnologlat. Chronic Diseases a Specialty 224 Cass St. Roseburg. i-"",' DR. H. E. HERMANN. Eye Speclall'L 217 South Stephens Street, Roseburg, Oregon. W ft it frinrfrgs a it x<lrfrWrltilrii DR. S. L. DcLAPP Osteojuitliic Physician Successor to DR. J. L. CALLAWAY Most scientific treatment for at acute and chronic diseases. Phone 169 Roseburg Nat. Bank Bldg. OCRDON A. FORY, Vocal Lessons. Studio 312 E. Cass Street. Phone 191-J Roseburg ... -Ore. MRS. CHARLES S. HKINMXE Pianoforte Instructor Mulscal Kindergartener Studio 423 Ella St., Phone 33-R MRS. H. JAY STONE Teacher of Piano and Harmony " i Fall term begins Sept. 23. Down-town Studio. 223 E. Lane Street. Home Studio 7 17 $ Hamilton Street. Phone 362-J. a BOARD AND TtOOMS. Modern Apartments with bath, hot and cold water in each room. 0 MRS. CALLAND, Prop. Corner Jackson and Brockway Streets; near High School. Rate, 6 Per Week. o WOOD WANTED. The News office can make use of a large amount ot kit- s chen and stove wood. Subscrlb- 4 e ers who are in arrears can re- 4 celve credit for wood brought to us. Bring It in any time now. tf e 4 WANTED. SLASHING WANTED By reliable man who understands his work. Address "Y" News office, 07 WANTED Steady girl to assist with housework. Apply at 444 Ella street. Tel. 350-Y. 491-tf HELP WANTED Competent woman or girl desired to do general housework. Call at 113 N Flint St. Mrs. I. L. Lee. 601 tf WANTED Girl to assist in house work and act as companion to lady. Apply at 126 N. Kane St. 605tf WANTED Gin to work for nor board while attending school. In quire of Mrs. Zurcher, cor. Chad wick & Oak, or phone 24G-L. 471tf MISCELANEOV8. AUTO LIVERY O. L. Prion will give all orders prompt attention. Phone 285 and arrange tor ser vice of machine. tf FOUNDS Masonic watch charm and fob. Owner can get same by ap plying to Leadbettor, cor. Cass and Jackson streets. olO FOR TRADE Nice nve acre tract of land in good town, suitable for sub-dlvlding; has nice cottage and improvements. Will trade for home In Roseburg. Here Is a good chance to make some money. In quire News office. 217-t' 1 Oil 11K.NT. FOR RENT Good house In desir able part of city. Inquire at 456 Rast avenue. COOtf FOR RENT Partially furnished cot tage of 4 rooms practically new. Inquire at News office 508tf FOR RENT Eight room house, $10 per month. Inquire 217 Chadwlck St. 503tf FOR RENT House In North Rose burg. Apply to J. B. Hensley. Roseburg Steam Laundry. tf490 FOR RENT Modern 6-room cot tage, corner Hamilton and Roberts streets. Inquire at Weather Bu reau, tf FOR RENT Five room cottago for rent, close In. Inquire Rt 325 Washington street for particulars. tf FOll SALE. FOR SALE Roller top desk, now. Chairs and tables. P. A. Cuin mlngs, room 6, Masonic temple. FOR SALE Jersey cow, or will trade for good work horse. Ad dress or inquire News office for particulars. 509-tf FOll SALE Young team, four years old, wagon and harness, or will sell separately. Team Is well matched and well broke. In quire Henry Schrenk, Looking Glass, Or. 602tf FOR SALE Choice orchard or gar den truck land In five and ten acre tracts. Plenty of water. Land will raise anything that can be mined In this valley. Located within 35 minute drive of Rose burg. Railroad station within ten minute walk of any part of the subdvlslon. Prices reasonable and sold on terms to suit buyer. Call on or address The News office for further particulars. Bootr FOR 8 ALE 27 acres, seven mile, south of Roseburg on mall route and telephone, good gravel road, ten minutes' walk from Carno'i station on 8. P., good bottom land, now In corn and potatoes, good house with water, bath and sew erage. 100 yearling hens, 260 young r.hlckens; also good Jors--cow, buggy, harness and Imple ments. Small patch of blackber ries and strawberrloa. Price $3,uo" for all, one-half down. AddreM It. P. D. No. 1, box l. 202-tt PONY FOR SALE Nice and gentle for children, or good pack horse. Inquire of H. L. Marstera. 494tt rOtt SAl.U OK KENT Sovoral mod em liousos. Apply to S. W. Star mer, or call phone 177-L. FOR SALE Dahlias. Best produced by art or nature, at Soldiers home. Come and see them. A Cole. 329-nlO FOR SALE A few fine R. C. Rhode Island Red pullets. Call at resi dence, 219 S. Flint street. C. Negley. B04tf FOR SALE Good team, harness and new 8-lnch wagon, for Bale or will trade tor wood, hay and good milk cow. 1026 Corey Ave 472tf FOR SALE Second hand rour-cylln-der automobile, in excellent con dition. Will sell cheap. Apply at this office tor Information and price. 281-tf FOR SALE Nice, gentle black mare, weight over 1000, 11 years old. Fine for lady or family driver. Price S100. Inquire News office. 349tf FOR SALE A line rqstauarnt busi ness and all fixtures; good loca tion in growing town. Going for only $800. For particulars ad dress box 121, Eugene, Or. o20 FOR SALE 40 head of stock sheep, partly shropshires. Most of them are young and will shear well. For particulars Inquire at the fnrm of G. W. Atcheson, Melrose, Ore. 496-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE $80 per acre, 160 acres, Koolelna county, Idaho, 8 miles, Santa, 120 acres timothy, balance timber, fair buildings, plenty water, out rangu, R. F. D. 1 mile, amnll town. Will trade equity of $7,200 for Improv ed land. Box 553, Garfield, Wash. FINKT BUNGALOW Wfil Bell ot trade finest property In good rail road town for Roseburg residence or farm near city. This bungalow 1b new, modern, 8 large lotB go with It, delightful view of river and town, and rents for $17.50 per month. This Is something ex tra fine. Address, . Owner, News, Roseburg, box 112. ONE ACRE HOME Nice little place Just outside city limits, good six room house, barn, chicken house, yards, etc., all fenced and In first class condition, grounds set to young fruit trees, gome In bear ing, big shade trees by house, all for only il.800. Inquire News of fice. 21-tf GOOD GARDEN SPOT Tract 230 by 100 feet,! one block to school, near store and postofflce, River side Addition, owned by non-iesl- dent, who will sacrifice It at $275 This place Is a bargain, being best of garden soil. Address N. R., box 56, city, or Inquire News office. 4tf TRADE OR FOR SALB Nice tract ot 10 acrea only three miles from dty, bCBt of roads, foncjd, ' but no buildings, nice young .orchard, spring, etc. Will trade tor city property. Making fine suburban home. Inquire News office for particulars. 41-tf FOR SALE 320 acres 3-4 mile of Dlllard; 50 acres In cultivation 120 acres under woven wlro fonce, rust of place grazing land and timber. Fair house and barn Price $5,600; M ensh, term on balance. Some sheep nnd cattle If taken soon. Address O. A. Par ker, Dlllard, Ore. o7 $40 AN ACRE Farm ot Hi acres practically all tillable, one-fourth mile to river, on main highway, beautiful location, and the finest kind of place for dairying and or chard, fenced, spring, no build ings, and 8 miles from Roseburg. Cheap as dirt at the price. Inquire L, Newa office. 1 41-tf k'AlUl HOME FOR tJALIi 16 aorea, close In, fine large house, good barn, windmill at well, water plpod to house, 12 acres young orchard, automobile raods all year, and In every way a desirable place. 1m provementa worth $4,000. Ownei will sell tor $6,200, terms. Ad dress News office for particulars, box 66. TEN ACRE BAitOAIN A tine little place on best road In the county fair house, barn, spring and well nearly eight acres In choice fruit mostly In heavy bearing. Less that 3 miles from senior of city. Own er will sell on terms. Inquire a News office, or address Owner, care News, 199-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Highly Im proved 10-acre tract 1 mile front good town, new 7-room bungalow, good barn and poultry bousee, I acres in orchard and berries, splen did location, first clasi every way, One of the finest places In South ern Oregoa. Sidewalks to depot and town; crop all In and will trade for Romberg property or farm near city. Address Owner, News of floe, boi 111. FOR SALE Several large water tanks. Also storage room for reaU Inquire 456 Rant avenue. 50?tf GOATS FOR SALE Registered An gora goats ot both sexes for breed ing purposes, heavy shearers. Ad dress J. I. Chapman, Wilbur, Or. FOR SALE Four-foot nr corawooa. For carload lota write to Jonatha Richardson, Leona, Ore. Order now for tall delivery. Carload lots S3. 25 a cord. 146-dtC FOR SALE One 2-year-old Polle Durham heifer A No. 1 Btock, coat ing fresh in November. Price) $40.00, if taken at once. Address box 65, route 1, Roseburg, Ore gon. THIS WILL SUIT YOU Five nno lota, good view ot city block to proposed paved street, good view, well drained, and a property that will please the critical buyer, only 1,350. t Terms. Inquire New office. ' 178-tt FOR SALE OR TRADE A 47 room hotel, completely furnished, - stories, just across street from city park, 1 M blocks from Main street in town ot 10,000 with 3 railroads. For further particulars addres 123 S. Holly street, Medtord, Ore gon. nlS FOR SALE Second hand cornet. (trumpet model). In first-class condition; was played for month In one of Portland's leading theatres and is a No. 1 Instrument for either band or orchestra. Can be had cheap. Inquire at The News office. U f'Uil SAL.E in Uosuburg, 4-roout house on Flint street, No. 242, all furnished is bringing In , $144; lights, water, patent toilet, sewer connection, paved Btreet, etc. Prlc $l,io0; part down balance $10 per month. Address R. P. Simpson. Leland, Or. 304-tfsw FOR SALE $1,000.00 Borkshlres. Two boar pigB 8 months old from registered stock. Grandslre sold for $1,000.00. These two for sale at $50.00 each. We have some bow pigs of same age and at same price. You would pay $100.00 tor stock as good as this If bought la the EubL Address Mountain Viow Farm, Rt. 1, box 62, Roseburg, Or. 498-021 WHY PAY A LANDLORD Keep the money yourself. Will sell a beau tiful looatlon for home at great bargain. Only small amuunt down, balnnce long time, hardly any in tercut. Tract contains 30 bearing trues ot choice fruit, city water, end Is only 10 minutes' walk from postofflce, If this appeals to you. Inquire News office for particu lars. S13tt FARMERS' OPPORTUNITY A fin 480 acre wheat ranch, complete set buildings, on main road, only 6 miles from good railroad town. will be Bold on easy crop payments to responsible farmer, j Would ac cept Douglas county property (a exchange for a large part ot ranch value. Only small amount cash, roqulrod. By securing possession of ranch nt once, fall crop can be successfully sown. Don't delay, but Inquire of R. R. Wood, News offlco for details. . tf HERE IT IS About the finest home In the valley, all In cultivation, city privileges, modorn bouse ot ale rooms, gnsollue pumping plant, plenty of water for lawns and gar den. It It la a country home just out ot town that you want, do net miss seeing this. Will sell all or part of property. Private) tele phone to city. It will pay prospec tive home seekers to Investigate this place. Inquire at News office for particulars, or call at premises, C. D. Maynard, Just west of Sol diers Home. JJ-tT ? X & There Are Ten People in This City Capable of filling That Job! Perhaps not that many really efficient workers will read your ad on Its first pub lication, nut those who are, at the moment, "eligible" for new employment, will read It and will be pretty sure to answer It. And to find a really efficient worker Is to find "good fortun" (Jot Your Help Throurh THE EVENING NEWS i