BEAUTIFUL AND DESIRABLE LOTS IN Maynard's Harvard Avenue Addition Level, Rich River Bottom Soil, Natural ParK, River Drive. Close in. All City Privileges. City Water Lights and Graded Streets Nothing to equal these properties in the entire City Lots are large Prices are low. Every lot fenced. For choice of lots, terms and all information Phone 212-L or apply on premises, Harvard Ave., West Roseburg, and save commission. Bay now as prices will advance. Get yours at once and earn the increase yourself. Intending pur chasers Phone 212-L and Auto will taKe you over to property. C. D. MAYNARD, Prop. Roseburg' Nursery Co. GROWERS AND IMI'ORTKHSOF HIGH-CLASS NURSERY STOCK The best that good care, skill and long'exper ience can proud uce. All stock on three-year WHOLE ROOTS. All buds and scoins select-. ed from best BEARING TREES. Get prices on Our Apple, ler, Chorry, Poach, I'runo and Nut Troos, Ornamental Shalo TrutM, Grnpo mul Berry Vinos, Flowering- Shrubs and ltoes Roseburg Nursery Company KITCHIN & BLACK, Proprietors WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH THE VACUUM CLEANER When we say GUARANTEE we mean Just what the word implies. It you are not satisfied there will he no charge. We could not make this assertion unless we were posltlre of giving good service. When you get ready to clean house let us do the worst part tor you the Meaning of your carpets. It's easy for you and the price reasonable. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY O. C. BAKER, Proprietor. Office N. Jurkxon mi Ptne 79. WE ARE BISY SELLING HINTING SUPPLIES Because our stock is complete in all lines. Oar prices are a winning feature every time. If you are going out for a day or week, let us fit you out for the trip. TWO NEW 1Q12 INDIANS To be sold for second hand prices. One machine fully equipped with tandem, headlight, generator, magneto switch, horn, and 3-inch auto tire. A good chance to get a good machine cheap. J. H. SYKES' GUN STORE CRESCENT. HEICHTS ADDITION Lots in this' Addition Sold on Easy Terms; Small Cash Payments . BUILDING RESTRICTIONS Extra Large in Size. All with fine view of City and Valleys Make an Appointment With Us To See These Lots : : : HIMES and OLIVER : : : Cheer Up, Next time you'll send your Laundry to US. YOU SURE WILL and you'll not only get it back ON TIME but it will be done RIGHT. We take as much pains with a hand kerchief as with a lace curtain. That" is OUR WAY. WHO does your laundry? Try us we always please. Roseburg Steam Laundry 433 N. Jackson Street Mr. Man! Phone 79 Characteristic Snapshot of the Grand Army's New Commander t JVv ' - V right to reject any and all bids. H fm . . AY 1 iSsPiffMJIs Photo by American Press Association. - CAPTAIN ALFRED BISHOP BEERS, the new commander In chief ot the Grand Army of the Republic. wn a Boldler at the age of sixteen and served throughout the civil war He enlisted as a private In the Sixth Connecticut volunteers, and during his military career be was mentioned In regimental orders for bravery and meritorious service In the field and was several times promoted, reaching the rank of captain lu 1SU4 He participated In the campaign against Richmond, the siege of Petersburg, the James River campaign and the capture of Fort Fisher. After the war Cnptalu Beers becume a lawyer In Bridgeport, .Coun., and was Judge of the city court lor seventeen years. COM1XG TO PALACE THEA TRE SUNDAV AND MONDAY. The Tragedy of the Deesrt, a dramatic spectacle produced by the Kalem company -In Luxoe, Egypt and the Great Sahara desert. Two thou sand feet of motion picture film de lineating a feature of features. Also the Carsen Trio, three male vocalists of rare ability and excellent reputation, In a program of the lat est ragtime and sentimental song hits. This trio represents a higher class of entertainers than the ordi nary run of acts traveling through this territory. DO YOU WANT A HOME? I will furnish lots and build you a home for an insignificantly small cash payment, and balance In month ly Installments. For particulars In quire B. S. NICHOLS, Contractor and Builder. ol7 HOARD OF KyUIUZ.VTION NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Equalization of Douglas county, Oregon, will meet In the of fice of the county clerk of said coun ty, In the court house In tho city of Roseburg, Oregon, on Monday, October 21, 1912, at 9 o'clock a. m. Said Board of Equalization will con tinue In session from day to day, ex clusive of Sundays and logal boll days, until the examination and cor rection and equalization of the as sessment roll shall be completed, and will publicly examine the assessment roll and correct all errors In valua tion, description or qualities of land, lots or other property. Now, there fore, all parties who may be agrleved by reason of valuation, description, or otherwise, as to their assessment; will take notice as above stated, and make their complaints to said Board of Equalization, otherwise their as sessments will stand as made by the assessor. Dated Wednesday, September 28, 1912. FRANK L. CALKINS, o21 Assessor Douglas Co., Oregon "NOTICE OF GENERAL CITY" ELECTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That a general city election will be held In the City of Rosebnrg, Ore gon, on Monday, October 7th, 1912, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M, and 8 o'clock P. M., at which said election the following officers will be elected: r- II four wards of the City, each ot whom are to serve for two years. Said election will be held at the following named polling places, and will be conducted by tn following named Judges and Clerks, or their duly elected substitutes: WARD No. 1. Polling place, court house; Judges, F. W. Dlllard, W. B. Atterbury, W. F. Thomas; Clerks. Ralph Qulne, R. H. C. Wood. WARD No. 2. Polling place First Trust & Savings Bank; Judges Her man Marks, J. F. Templln, A. A Bellows; Clerks, Loyal Stephen. M F. Wright. - WARD No. 3. Polling place, Rose burg hotel; Judges, Geo. Neuner, Sr., W. J. Brand, 8. J. Jones; Clerks, A. S. Buell, T. A. Rafferty. WARD No. 4. Polling place, City Hall; Judges, C. L. Hamilton, G. P Schlosser, F. C. Flagler; Clerks, Earl Strong, J. A. Perry. ' By order of the Common Council. Dated September 23rd, 1912.. CARL E. WIMBERLY, Recorder of the City of Roseburir, Oregon. d-o REAL ESTATE Business and Resident Property. Farms and Stock Ranches. From Five Acres to One Thou sand' From Five Dollars an Acre Up. GEORGE RITER Real Estate & Insurance. 311 Perkins Building Roseburg - Oregon. The Collins Hotel Main Street, One Door South J J. P. Barker's Hardware Store I Good Table Board With Borne Cooking Good Lodging s with clean and comfortable beda 4 i I By the Day or Week J Mr. and Mrs. Bell Collins g NOTICE FOB PROPOSALS FOB STREET IMPROVEMENT. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned at his office In t'.ie city of Roseburg, Oregon, up to 7:80 o'clock P. M. on Monday, Oc tober 7th. 1912. for the paving of Orcutt street from the West line of South Main street to the east line of South Jackson street, in the man ner provided by Ordinance No. 601 of the city of Roseburg. All bids must be submitted on blank forms which will be furnished upon appli cation to the undersigned, and must be accompanied by a certified check payable to the City Treasurer for five per cent of the amount bid, to be forfeited to the city In case such bid Is accepted and the bidder shall fall to enter Into a contract and bond with the city. A surety bond of tl.lrty per cent of the amount bid will be required from the successful bid der. The time stated In the propos als for completing the work will be considered In awarding the contract. The council hereby reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the council. Dated this 1st day ot October, 1912. CARL E. WIMBERLY, Recorder of the City ot Roseburg. Oregon. o7 New Style New and old, if that be possible; old for the reason that it is built along lines of usefulness, and new because it meets with modern conditions. Fancy curved bandy legs on chairs and tables, heavy and incrusted ornamentation was right in days of,leisure, and such furniture was designed for that period, , but the new style called Mission, Arts and Craft or other similar names is designed to meet modern conditions. . ' ROSEBURG FURNITURE CO. Somebody Lost Something You are missing something every day if you are not trading at this grocery. . We Beep everything clean and fresh and oar ... Prices are as low as possible Ask your neighbor See About Our $1.25 Flour DON'T FORGET Phone 195 Perkins Bld'g. Roseburg, Oregon "The Best Town in the State." WANTED-'-At once, any Quan- tlty of culled ripe apples for cider and vinegar. Um Cider & Vinegar Worka. o7 " ! Fern Island Greenhouse ise v Mrs. F. D. Owen, Prop. Roseburg, Ore. Phone 9F12 Cut Flowers, Potted Plimts, Funeral Designs, Wedding Bo Miucts, etc Just Received Fresh Supply of Ferns of All Kinds On Sole at The Rose Confectionery Furniture or come and ash as YOUR DIVIDENDS One councilman from each of the