CLAPTRAP BY ' ' UNDERWOOD Phone 145. All work Urst-cIJtaM gBlUESTEHl B POBTIANO.ORL I " REDniBBDM-i Once Ag'am We Have ' RED RIBBON' ;.; FLOUR. - JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER CAR Of this Famous Undisputable FANCY HARD WHEAT Red Ribbon Flour This Flour has built itself a Reputation in Roseburg That Excells any Other Flour Once Tried Always Used If you are in the market for your Fall Flour, call and see us before buying elsewhere for Prices. Remember Every Sack of "Red Ribbon IS GUARANTEED R. STUBBS Roseburg's Distributing Agent The Store That Saves You Money ROUGH DRY Or Finished, both receive" Iho anino rnroful attention in our plant, which is second to none. The result is that wo nrej Bound to Please You Try : Our : Way : Just : Once LONE STAR LAUNDRY l'hono 3S0 Cor. J'ine and Woodward Mrs. Jesse Dillon loft for lier home nt Corvullis this morning after a few dnys spent In Itoseliurg voting nt the home of her father. William Henderson. Mr. Henderson 'Is nt present living with the Wltlmn fam ily near the fair grounds. There Are Ten Ten- ants Looking for a House Like Yours! BUY A PARM 800,000 Acres to Select Prom. In Central Oregon LOW l'RICKS EASY TERMS Your lust chance to buy Good Farm Land at Such Low Prices Comb In And Let us tell you about these farms If you desire to trade your smnll acreage on a larger farm We will fitfiiro with you AkCLINTOCK AND GEDDES Orflr In Mmlr. AitnM. Xit To (Jrtml ltttel Any one of the ten would consider your rental price reasonable and your house, or apartment, IDEAL- ex actly what he has been look In for! Your "reasonably persis tent" use of the "to rent" W "olumns of this paper will j result In helping SOME of Jj these ten possible tenants to X find your house or apart- X nient. The details will be J easy to arrange! 5 5 a Mrnt Your lion? Thrmiarh ft !j THE EVENING NEWS Tariff Duties Not Paid by Users of American Goods. HIS ADDRESS SHOULD BE READ . Worken Will Recognize Hit Distortion of Figures and Facts and Will Not ; Be Beguiled by It Shows How I Hard Pushed the Democrats Are j For an Argument. It 1b to be hoped that every Amarl i can worker In the various Industries protected by the tariff will read the address of Mr. Underwood, Democrat ic feader in the bouse of representa tives, In which he seta forth aa taxa tlon the tariff duties on articles In ordinary use. There la nothing novel In the Underwood distortion of tariff figures and facta. It Is as threadbare as free trade, as threadbare as the American worklngman would soon be If he should allow himself to be beguil ed by Underwood and other votaries of the late Confederate constitution Into the surrender of Republican pro tection. It Is true, as Underwood says, that the tariff taxes he describes are Im posed on articles such as he describes woolen clothing, shoes, the tin pall, window pane, carpet, etc, but he Is wholly and deliberately wrong and misleading when he says that the du ties In question are Imposed on or ad ded to the cost of these articles, aa used In the ordinary American family. The tariff tax la Imposed on goods manufactured abroad and Imported for sale In competition with goods made In America by American workers earning American wages. The man or woman who Is satisfied with the product of American labor and nine-tenths of the American people are so satisfied has no tariff tax to pay, and this Is shown by the fact that the American article, with Us manu facture fostered by protection, Is often cheaper In price than the Imported would be without paying tariff duties. The tariff duties prevent excessive Imports, which would flood the mar kets, ns Imported goods flooded the market under the tariff reductions made by the Democratic Wilson bill of 1894, reducing not only the tariff, but reducing also the demand for Ameri can goods and for American labor to make American goods. Mr. Underwood's statement Is cheap claptrap. We had supposed that Btyle of tnlk too muddy and cob webbed for further exercise, and the fnct that it Is again dragged out of the discard proves how hard pushed the free trnde Dem ocracy is for something to bolster Its waning cause. I Commercial Abstract Co" Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds of a!! Kinds'JFurnished ; Money to Loan on ImprovedFarm'Property Perkins Iluildlw; ROSKBCTta, OKEGO.t FAIRNESS TOWARD NEGROES Taft's Attorney General 8tandsfor the "Square Deal." Attorney General Wickersham re flects the broad American spirit of himself and his chief, President Taft, In his splendid fight against the dropping from membership In the American liar association of hla able colored assistant, William H. Lewis, It Ib needless to say that every sup porter of Woodrow Wilson and every sympathizer with Theodore Roosevelt In his refusal to recognize the citizen ship of the southern negro, Is opposed to Mr. Wickersham In his battle for equal rights and fair treatment for colored Americans. The action of the executive commit tee of the Bar association In revok ing the election of three colored mem bers, gentlemen of spotless profession al standing and excellent personal character, by their local committees, was outrageously, cruelly unjust and ought to be repudiated by every reputable lawyer In the United States. It was a concession to that southern Democratic prejudice which seeks to crush the spirit of manly aspiration In the negro's breast and to tolerate him only as a laborer on the planta tions and for the households where his ancestors were slaves. It amounts to an attempt to nullify the constitution of the United States, as amended after the rebellion, by men whose sacred obligation and welcome duty It should be to support that instrument In their every act as lawyers and as citliens. In their resoluto backing of Assist ant Attorney General Lewis against the assaults of rank Bourbon lira and racial prejudice. President Taft and his attorney general have the god speed of every American who believes In the principles for which Lincoln died, and who Is determined that the sacrifices which the nation offered up on the altar of freedom and equal rights for all shaU not have been made In vain. Keister's Ladies' Tailoring College ROOM 324, 3rd FLOOR PERKINS BLOCK TUITION $25 for full course. This includes the system with full instructions in drafting, cutting, titling and making all styles ladies' garments, with forty days sewing on pupil's own or any one else's material. $15 course system with instructions! 'n drafting and cutting, without sewing. $.15 sewing course, without system or drafting, gives forty days' sewing. , $5 course gives ten days sewing. We take pleasure in introducing Mrs. A. E. Gilkey, who will do dressmaking and tailoring in connection with our school Leave Your Orders With Us For a Keister Suit MRS. E. L. McINTOSH, Inslructor-Mgr. MISS FLORENCE B. McINTOSH, Asst. J n WINNTTR HAHniQ in -' tTT1 "THE PLUMBER" j) Roseburg Phone 201 Sutherlin Phoiie 28 H Up-to-the-Times with attention and mechanics 3 gj First Class Materials Work Guaranteed D. H. MARSTERS' PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal Worli, Tinning and Keating North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble WorKs. Telephone 251. WorK Done on Short Notic ROSEBURG, ORE i-rrnrniwi 11m 1111 mi 11111 11 nwniini -mmjixiu . I You Dont' Have to Go to Sea to See PAT For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8 to 36 inches. Cement building foundation and chimney blocKs. Cement sidewalKs and Cement work of any kind. I have five or six houses I will sell cheap, as I want to use the money In other business. See my burglar proof window lock, Its O. K. See Pat's Elastic roof paint for leaky roofs. We build, move or repair your houses. Business buildings a specialty. Over forty years experience In building. fl T a nrv t- t r. r. rAii.K3UN CONTRACTOR and BUILDER The Wilson Fall Pratt. The free trade Evening Pott publish. I et a lot of figures to show what would happen If all the ttatet voted the tame aa Vermont In November. A two-and-three-makee-flve school boy could tall the free trade Evening Pott that It all tht states thou Id vote In November the tame way Vermont hat voted Taft would have the whole electoral oolltge. It earn early, bat It came with a bite to It the Wllion tall frott. Bryan tad Pmrktr were both elected tn Au 'gnst and burled nnder a snowstorm of ballots tn November, and WUton It hurrying to the same snow pile. I John Deere' Wagons Van Brunt Drills See our stock of DEERE REVERSIBLE DISC and SULKY PLOWS We have a PLOW for every hind of soil ' Deere Disc Harrows Spring Troth Harrnw H . - -j ROSEBURG FEED & FUEL COMPANY t THE ECONOMY MARKET George Kohlhagen, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Butcher. The best the market affords. All kinds of Stock bought and soM. ' Phone S3 Rosebuig, Oregon