- He Made His Mark, but Wrote A Fine Hand By PAUL WOODRUFF 8ome Glory. I l&Br- .j v The Bell Millinery FALL SALE of all ladies, misses and childrens macinaw hats A large assortment of wings, French plumes, cup roses. Money saved on every article. PISK HATS In black and colons. A Bargain In New Fall Suits macinaw coats, wash dresses and waist. Kid gloves in all the new shades. Mail orders given careful attention. The 3ell Sisters Building Roseburg, Oregon SPECIAL A. D. S. PREPARATIONS A. D. S. Little Liver Fills, pleasant in results, overcome constipation and biliousness 25c A. D. S. Rolling Massage Cream. A massage for cleansing and beautifying the skin 25-50c A. I). S. Peroxide Cream. A mild skin bleacl absolutely harmless 25-50c A. D. S.- Bronk-Lets an antisiptic Throat pas- tillo makes breathing and talking easy n$??325c These preparations are recommended and sold by more than 15,000 druggists throughout the United States. . OSBURN'S PHARMACY 147 North Jackson Street TREES Can't Beat Douglas Countu Grown Trees Italian Prune Trees, 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr'old $149.00 per 1000 Apple 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr. $6 per 100 $50.00 per 1000 Peach Trees, 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr. 12 cents each Pear Trees, 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr. $25 per 100 $225.00 per 1000 Cherry same price as Pear; ljots of other stock, nil guaranteed true to r.nnio nml tlrst class. WltlTK IS ANY TI.MK, OX ANYTHING IX OlUl I.IXU. Southern Oregon Nursery, Se- Yoncalla on The New Garage! Automobiles stored and cared for so that they are ready to go out whenever owners want them. Complete Repair and Machine Shop In Connection All Kinds of Automobile Supplies Let us demonstrate to you our care and attention to aut.os. CARS FITTED WITH SKID CHAINS JUST NORTH OF GRAND HOTEL PHONE 408 ROSEBURG BOOK CO. omen on rirvLKs For XT A IS ri:ss SCHOOL HOOKS ty ri:wnn i:i;s m:vs hi;ai.i-:ks HOLIDAY (UH)l)S 'OS 7" CAM'S rri:sssrs While 1 was serving in the Army ol the Potomac la Virginia us captnln ol B company, th Pennsylvania volun teer infantry a countryman came intu camp and told a pitiful story. Ho said that Ue was a Union man and during tlie BeccHttion disputes had nailed a little cotton American Hag up over bis bouse and kept It there, even after the state of Vlrgluiu bad seceded Just before our occupation of the re gioa a mob bad burned the taouse tlio Oag fluttering amid the flumes and murdered bis wife and children He happened to be away at the time and when be returned be found his family dead and bis borne a beup of charred ruins. He asked to be per mlttcd to enlist, and I took him Into my company, lie sntd be could neither read nor write and made his mark In stead of signing hlB name, which was ICnoch Saunders. I put Private Saunders In charge of a drill sergeant, with orders to teach hi rn the manual of arms. A few hours later the sergeant came to me u ml said that the man was so stupid Hint It was well nigh Impossible to teach him anything and suggested that It might be better to make a mule driver of him. I told bins that considering the rapidity with which our men were being killed off we needed food for powder more than men to' be kicked to death and told him to keep at tin Job till he made Sanndcrs fit to be shot The next I benrd of Saunders he wa sent from general headquarters uudei care of an orderly to me with the In formation that he bad asked the gen era I when he proposed to move against the enemy. He was anxious to know since be wns thirsting for revenge. 1 hardly knew what to do with the man Ue seemed too Ingenuous, too stupid to punish, bo 1 explained to htm that not even the colonel would dare ash the general such a nut-'fttlon us be hnri asked. lie seemed much surprised and said that If we wero not going right on he thought he would Just go ahead alone, for he couldn't stand li to be waiting In camp while the mur derers of his wife and children were unpunished. I could scnrcely repress a smile ns I explained to him that he hud en listed for three years and would not be permitted to fight on his own hook Whereupon he said he reckoned he would go without permission. 1 lu formed him that If lit did so and we could gut our hands on him he would bo shot for a deserter. This see i tied to astonish him still more. ! kept my eyes on him and whs ns ton Islied at the rnpldity with which he Improved. In a week when seeing hhn marching out on picket duty 1 scarcely recogujzed him for the stupid poor white Virglnliin who had come Into our camp with woeful tale. The next thing that surprised me wns hearing that Saunders had been detailed, by the adjutant for duty at the headnunrters of the general In chief. I wondered what he could lie wanted for there, but soldiers are not supposed to ask quest ions of t heir superiors and I refrained, lies ides at that time our regiment was the tup of the left wing of the army nnd no where near the general In chief's head quarters. Not Ions? after this the regimental quartermaster happened to men t Ion having Just come from army head quarters and I asked him If he h:id seen anything there of a red headed recruit from "ours" named Saunders He said Hint he had been lu the assist nut adjutant general's otlP'e and had seen a red headed man writing at a pine desk whose fiice seemed familiar to him. I told hhn that It couldn't he Saunders, for the man couldn't write his own name. I thought no more of the matter. We moved forward soon after this nnd with constant fluhtlng our army passed through many chunges. Having been sent to the headquarter of the army hy the colonel with a message. 1 caught sight of Saunders. The gen eral and bis start were In (he Held nml moving, sti that no clerical work was iH'lng done. Saunders pretended : not to see me ami moved n way j rapidly. I pointed him out to on of j tleer of (he staff as he was passing out i of sight who told me thai he was a ! clerk In the adjutant general's de j partment nnd had been detailed for ! that duty because he wrote a splendid I hand. 1 was so puzzled nt this fool who I couldn't sign his name writing a Hue hand that It took some time for tlje situation to get through my own stupid brain. By the time It had effected n I lodgment there Saunders had dNap- peared. 1 hurriedly told the otllcer who told mo about Saunders being a ; clerk the story of the hitter's enlist incut, nnd nd.led that 1 IveMeved the fellow was n spy. We both went to I the general with my suspicious nn-1 , nn orderly wns nt once sent out ft : I the clerk. It wns too Inte. Saunders was not i found. lie wns accounted for ns hav ing descried A yenr latvr I was j taken prisoner and met him nt the i headquarters of a prominent confeder nte general He was nn otlicer on the stnff. lie wns very kind to me and took great pleasure In telling me ho v. he had got hiuielf detailed as n clerl. In the assistant adjutant general's of i flop, where he had access to vntunhh- . Information he had transmitted to hi ' own commander n meeting me m ; nnr nrciy headquarters he knew his i "Did the presidential candidate's train stop at Punkville?" "It did not. But one of the party threw out a burnt match aa they pars ed through." Seattle Spokoaman-He-rtew. A new lot of choice leather music rolls at the Roseburg Book Store. dswtf WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER The Only New unabridged dic tionary in many years. Contains the pith and essence of an authoritative library. Covers every field of knowl edge. An Encyclopedia in a single book. The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 130,000 Words. 2700 Pages. 0000 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. Let us tell you about this most remarkable single volume. ygWggga pate tulip. iculors, etc Nome this pper and '' N MJ.ftC.MerriamCo VV.irfiVir Springfield. UaM.jJ FURNITURE AT COST! Having bought the L. H. Rhoades' stock and business in the Bradley building, we wiil sell goods at cost and carriage for the NEXT THIRTY DAYS, in order to make room for a BIG COMPLETE GROCERY STOCK $5,000 Worth of Furniture, Crock ery, Hardware and Miscellan eous Goods Will be disposed of at great sacrifice. Hundreds of Rare Bargains Offered Sale Begins Saturday, Sept. 7 CAMPBELL & MATHERLEY Successors to L. H. Rhoades BEST FOd AGED PEOPLE HERE'S A KIDNEY TREATMENT VfE WANT VOU TO TRY AT OUR RISK With advanced niro cmes derange ment of the kidneys and associate or gans. Nature is unable to perform her proper functions and requires certain outside aid. Me are so confident that we have the essential aid fur restoring the strength, activity and health to weak ?nd diseased kidntys that, we are willing to supply it with the positive understanding th it it shall cost the user nothing whatever, if for any reason it fails to give entire satis faction After a thoronuh experience with the most successful kidney treatments weave satisfied that liexall Kidney 'ills embraces all these qualities so necessrry for giving prompt and pei- manent relief in eases of kidney and j urinary ailments. I Inasmuch as a trial of Rexall Kid-! ney Pills can be had at our entire ! risk, there is ro 'vason for anybody hesitating to put it to a practical test Try n package today, on our guaran- j tee. Price f'Oe. Sold in this com-1 munity only at cur store The ltexall Store. Fullerton Richardson KOSEItfUr,, OKKGOX By mail postage paid on receipt of price. Quality Purity Cleanliness Has been our motto for the past two years. Our business has increased over 500 per cent over the first month we were open. We w;sh to thank our many patrons for their liberal appreciation of our service and qnalrtygoods. The day of low prices, on cheap, adulterated and non-uutricioiis products is on the wane. For thalreas n join our long list of customers, and buy 3'our groceries at THE BENSON GROCER 225 North JacHson Street PHONE 184 We slice Ham, Boiled Ham, Dry Beef and Bacon. We solicit new accounts. LIBERTY'S LIGHT J There Are Ten Ten j) ants Looking for a j i House Like Yours! 5 Any one of the ten would consider your rental price reasonable, and your house, or apartment, IDEAL--exactly what he has been look ing for! Your "reasonably persis tent' u.-e of the "to rent" columns of this paper will result In helping SOME of these tpn possible tenants to find your house or apart ment The details will be easy to arrange! IS is rvally tho freedom that comes from inilependencc, and Independ ence can only belong to tho thrifty nnd snvinR. Young nnd old oiiKht to hnvo a hunk lie-count and hero l the place to have it. We welcome Individual accounts and nro most ac commodating to our depositor. We offer liberal interest combined with that security that belongs to solid institutions like ours. 4 Interest on Time Deposits First Trust and Savings Bank llftit mir limine Thrmitfh THE EVENING NEWS i ead The News ROSEBURG. OREGON I game was up nnd tied. 1 tS-4Soo-i-; io-tttst -r