The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 30, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Bliss Testimony Favorable to
More . Than Two Millions I'sed In
CHiiiiMign of 11104 CiuupalKti
Treasurer Kept N unit's of
Contributors Secret.
(Special to The Evening News.)
WASHINGTON-, Sept. 30. Cornel
ius N. Bliss, son of the late Cornel
ius N. Bliss and treasurer of the
republican national campaign com
mittee In 1904, . was the first wit
ness to be called before the investi
gating committee today. Bliss said
that there was nothing found among
his father's papers to show that the
Standard Oil Co. had contributed
$125,000 to Roosevelt's campaign
fund in 1904. Bliss read a letter
from his father to Henry New,' of
Indiana, In which the treasurer stat
ed that he had refused to make pub-
lie Jits 'accounts of the campaign
expenditures because he believed the
contributors were entitled to privacy
in the matter. Tills letter said the
. receipts for the campaign totaled ?2,
088,000, besides $107,000 left over
from the 1900 campaign. Witness
testified that his father had destroy
ed all books and papers relating to
his work as treasurer for the com
mittee just before his death. Let
ters from Taft, then secretary of war,
to Roosevelt, asking him to become
national chairman In 1904, were
read by Bliss.
llrynn Has Idea.
LINCOLN, Sept. 30. Speaking
thrGugh the editorial columns of the
Commoner .Bryan today says that
there is no essential difference be
tween' Roosevelt (and Tlaft. Bnth
stand for most of the republican
principles and party policies, and the
source of contention Is that both
want to be president.
Fred Day, of Oakland, spent the
day in Roseburg visiting with friends.
O. C. Sether, of Glendale, was a
business visitor In Roseburg today.'
, O. C. Brown, of Deer Creek, was
a business visitor in Roseburg for a
few hours today.
Grant Claytqn, of, Dlllard, spent
the day In Roseburg looking after
business Interests. . .
Mrs. George Burnette . returned
here this afternoon after a few days
spent at Myrtle Creek.
Floyd Miller has gone to Portland
where he will attend the Behnke-
Walker business college during the
coming winter.
Dr. Ashley, of Myrtle Creek, was a
business visitor in Roseburg for a
few hours this afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Kerr, of Roberts
Creek, were visitors In Roseburg for
a few hours this afternoon.
George Ward has returned from
Pendleton where be attended the
roundup. He reports a most enjoy
able time.
The work of paving Winchester
street was completed late Saturday
! under the direction of Hilliard &
McGlnnls, the contractors. Inasmuch
as the material will necessarily take
time to harden the street will not
he opened for trafflce for about
twenty days.
The Warren Construction Com
pany has a crew of men at work
today making a number of needed
repairs to the pavement on Jackson
and Cass streets. This is the second
time that the Warren Construction
Company has sent a crew of men to
Roseburg unsolicited during the past
two years.
The salesladies of the New York
I Store, of this city, enjoyed a de
lightful afternoon yesterday, when
Mrs. Mary H. Short entertained in
their honor at her beautiful coun
try home near Wlbur. The guests
arrived at the Short home at 1:30
o'clock In the afternoon, and short
ly thereafter were treated to a de
licious repast prepared and served
by, the hostess. Following this en
joyable feature the guests repaired
to the reception roomB where they
passed an hour In social converse,
games and music. The guests speak
In the highest terms of the enter
tnlnment afforded, and pronounce
Mrs. Short a hostess of more than
usual ability. Among those present
were Mesdames George Rouse, Ed
ward Wlllbanks, F. G. Stewart, C.
W. Clark, and Misses Lucy Bridges,
L. H. Mcintosh, Edna Duncan, Ger
trude HUdeburn, and Gertrude
Trumbo. The party returned here
on last evening's local train, and
suffice to say that they report an af
ternoon well spent.
First Number Of
Lyceum Course
Tk'ketH on sale at Mnrsters. Drug
Store, Tuesday Morning.
J. H. Miller- or Oakland, was a
business visitor In Roseburg for a
few hours today.
W. A. Arkley, the tailor, Is today
remodeling the Interior of his tailor
shop on Cass street.
Orie Crlpe today filed a suit for
divorce in the circuit court against
her husband, Harvey -L. Crlpe. Cruel
and Inhuman treatment are the chief
allegations contained In the com
plaint. The parties Involved in tho
suit both reside at Canyonvillo.
Dr. F. H. Vincll today received
a letter from the state fish and game
commission at Salem, to the effect
that several thousand bass will be
shipped to Roseburg for distribution
among the Douglas county streams
in the event local sportsmen will
bear the expense following their ar
rival in this city.
Revived Interest In the tate guard
Is shown In the local company of
the C. A. C. by the addition of many
new members, and Increased activ
ity In the company. The boys have
nrRanlicd an athletic club, and have
made extensive plans for the com
ing wipter, wihch, v.'ill Itrtcludp p
series of dances, a minstrel, and a
number of athletic events.
Through their attorney B. L. Ed
dy, the" Glengary Land Company to
day filed a notice of appeal to the
supreme court in the case recently
decided against them in the circuit
court and In favor of the Oswego,
Dallas & Roseburg Railroad Com
pany. The case was originally brought
by the railroad company, and after
a hearing In the circuit court Judge
Hamilton Issued an order condemn
ing a right-of-way across the de
denfant's lands. Attorney Eddy has
hope of reversing the decision of the
lower court In the higher tribunal.
PALMER To Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Palmer, of North Kane street, on
Sunday, September 30, a son.
LAWRENCE To Mr. and M. G. B.
Lawrence,, of Dlllard, at Mercy
hospital; in Roseburg, oil Monday,
September 30, 1912, a daughter.
You should get your seatB reserv
ed for the Parlette lecture at the Pal
ace theatre Thursday evening at 8:30
sharp. Tickets at Marsters drug
store now.. ' v v.
ol ' Roseburg Ministerial Union.
FOR RENT Partially furnished cot-
- tage of, 4 roomB practically new.
Inaiilre- at News office 608tf
man who understands his work.
Address "Y" News office. 07
FOR RENT- Good house In desir
able part of city. Inquire at 4!i6
Rast avenue. 600tf
the 7th day of February, 1911, for
the purchase and sale of the follow
ing described real property In Doug
las county, Oregon, to-wlt:
Commencing at the northeast cor
ner of the D. L. C. of Samuel N.
Brlggs No. 45 In Tp. SO S., R. 6 W.
of the W. M., thence south 46.30
chains to the southeast corner of said
claim, thence west 8 chains, thence
north 7 chains, thence west 14.96
chains thence north 39.30 chains to
the north line of said claim, thence
east 22.96 chains to the place of
beginning,- containing 95.83 acres,
more or less. Also lots 1 and 2 of
section 16 Tp. 30 S., R. 6 W., W( M.,
containing G4.C0 acres more or less.
Also lot 4 of section 20, Tp. 38 S..
R. 5 West, containing 9.10 acres more
or loss; also Lots 4 and 5 of Sec. 21.
Tp. 30 S.j R. 5 West; containing
31.25 acres more or less, all of the
above described lands being In town
ship 30 S., R. 5 West of W. M. and
containing In the aggregate 200.78
acres more or less, be cancelled, and
that you and any and all persons
claiming by, through or under you,
and each of you, be barred from all
right, title, Interest or equity In said
premless, ahd that any and all sums
paid plaintiffs under said contract
be decreed forfeited to plnlntiffs as
liquidated damages, and that plain
tiffs be decreed to be the absolute
owners In fee of said premises, free
from any and all claims by you, and
any and all persons holding "by,
through or under yon, and that
plaintiffs have judgment for costs
and disbursements herein incurred.
This summonses served upon you
by publication In the Umpqua Val
ley News, a newspaper of genernl
circulation, published In Roseburg,
Douglas' county, Oregon, by order of
the Honorable J. W. Hamilton,
Judge of the above entitled court,
made and entered of record on the
20th day of September, 1912, The
first publication Is of date of the
23rd day of September. 1912, and th
last publication will be of date of
4th day of November, 1912, maklnp
the full period of six weeks, the time
prescribed In said order.
swn4 Attorneys for Plaintiffs
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon, for Douglas County. Geo.
E. Houck, Plaintiff, vs. A. F. Latham
and Ella F. Latham, Defendants.
To A. F. Latham and Ella F. Lath
am, above named defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are heroby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled
Court an cause within six weeks from
the date of the first publication of
this summons to-wlt:- On or before
the 21st day of October, 1912; and
If you fail to bo appear and answer
as required herein, for want thereof,
the plaintiff will take Judgment
against you, and each of you for the '
sum of $98.50. with interest thereon
from the 27th day of February, 1911,
and for his costs and disbursements.
You are further notified that the
plaintiff will take an order of sal9
of the real property attached In the
above entitlted action as the proper
ty of the said defendants, towlt:
Lots Three (3) and Seven (7) In
Block Twelve (12) of Walte'a Addi
tion to Roseburg, Douglas County,
Oregon, and that the same will be
sold according to law to satisfy the
judgment and costs herein and tho
costs of said Bale.
This summons Is published once a
week for at least six successive weeks
In the Umpqua Valley News, a semi
weekly news paper of general circu
lation, published at Roseburg, Doug
las County, Oergon, by order of the
HHouorable O. W. Wonacott, County
Judge of Douglas Co. Oregon, made on
the 7th day of September, 1912. The
first publication of this summons Is
on the 9th day of September, 1912,
and the last will be on the 21st day
of October. 1912.
Dated this 9 th day of Soptember,
Attorneys for Plalntltt.
The House Furnishers
Somebody Lost
You are missing something every day
if you are not trading at this grocery.
FOR SALE Several large water
tanks. Also storage room for rent.
Inquire 456 Rast avenue. 607tf
FOR RENT Five room cottage for
rent, close In. Inquire nt 325
Washington street for particulars.
We Keep everything clean and fresh and our
r . i ;t-1..
trices are as low us pussiuie
WANTED A girl or middle aged
woman to assist with general house
work. Inquire of MrB. B. W.
Bates, 407 Ella street, or phone
370. dswos
FOR SALE Olt TRADE A 47 room
hotel, completely furnished, 3
stories, Just across street from city
park, l'4 blocks from Main street
In town of 10,000 with 3 railroads.
j For further particulars address
123 S. Holly street, Medford, Ore
gon. nl: j
AsK your neighbor or come and asK us
See About Our $1.25 Flour
MI Ik si if,
Phone 195 Perkins Bld'g.
Roseburg, Oregon
"The Best Town in the State."
In the Circuit Court of the State H
, n.,.n.. D
ut wietjii in, uviikiiiii wi'ii?.
H. J. Wilson and Annie A. Wilson,
Charles E. Stewart, Samuel M. Mit
chell and John C. White,
To Charles E. Stewart and Samuel
M. Mitchell above named defend
OF OREGON: You are hereby re
quired to appear and; answer the
complaint filed against you In the
above court and cause on or before
the 4th day of November, 1912, be
ing six weeka from the date of the
first publication of this summons,
and If yon fall to so appear and
answer said complaint, for want
; thereof plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief demanded In said
i complaint; a succinct statement of
I which la as follows: That that cer
tain contract made and entered Into
I between plaintiffs and defendant on
e House Furnishers
Beautiful Iine of
Large Rockers
also Couches and
Davenports ?
Never were seen
in Southern Ore
gon as large a
line of beds as are now on our floor ready for your inspec
tion, price ranging from $2.50 to $50.00, any color, any
design you may wish.
Always remember Rice & Rice pays the freight
Our store is ready for your Fall shopping Call on us for help We can make
your buving easy Do not wait, he among the first
We are speeding up and our store is brim full of good valuesjfor the
homes comfort
Wecalljyoar partic
ular attention to our
fine line of carpets
and rugs directly im
ported for our own
store. Prices that
will appeal to all.
Excellent line of dinning room furniturejspecially priced. Massive and elab
orate extension tables with chairs and buffets to match
Stoves, Stoves, Stoves, Heaters, SO patterns, all the latest improved wood and
coal savers. Remember we will not be undersold by any firm. Ranges,
Rangas, Ranges, the Great Majestic, the king pin of all ranges made. Guar
anteed for a life time. Remember we solicit your mail orders and prepay all
freight charges.
RICE & RICE, The House Furnishers