WHERE THE CASH BEAUTIFUL AND DESIRABLE LOTS IN Maynard's Harvard Avenue Addition Bound Hand and Foot, These Girls Swim the Delaware 'A WANTED---At once, any quan- tity of culled ripe apples for cider and vinegar. Umpqua 4 IS COMING FROM Cider ft Vinegar Works. o7 Level, Rich River Bottom Soil, Natural Parb, River Drive. Close in. All City Privileges. City Water Lights and Graded Streets , Nothing to equal these properties in the entire City Lots are large Prices are low. fevery lot fenced. For choice of lots, terms and all information Phone 212-L or apply on premises, Harvard Ave., West Roseburg, and save commission. Bay now as prices will advance. Get yours at once and earn the increase yourself. Intending pur chasers Phone 212-L and Auto will taKe you over to property. C. D. MAYNARD, Prop. Roseburg Nursery Co. GKOWEUS AN'D IMl'OUTKHS OF HIGH-CLASS NURSERY STOCK The best that good care, skill and long exper ience can prouduce. All stock on three-year WHOLE ROOTS. All buds and scoins select ed from best BEARJNGJTJREES Get prices on Our Apple, Pear, Cherry, Peach. Prune and Nut Trees, Ornainentnl Shade Trees, Grape and Horry Vinos, Klowerlnff Shrubs and Hoses Roseburg Nursery Company KITCH1N & BLACK,' Proprietors WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK DONE WITH THE VACUUM CLEANER When we say QCARAXTEK wa mean. Just what the word Implies. If you are not satisfied there will he no charge. Wo could not make this assertion unlesB we were posltire of giving good Bervlce. When you get ready to clean house let us do the worst part for you the 'leaning of your carpets. It's easy fo you and the price reasonable ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY O. C. BAKKR, Proprietor. Ofllco N. jmUBipn , Plane 79. WE ARE BUSY SELLING HINTING SUPPLIES Because our stock is complete in all linea. Our prices are a winning feature every time. If you are going out for a day or week, let us fit you out for the trip. TWO NEW toi2 INDIANS To be sold for second hand prices. One machine fully equipped with tandem, headlight, generator, magneto switch, horn, and 3-inch auto tire. A good chance to get a good machine cheap. J. H. SYKES' GUN STORE CRESCENT, HEICHTS ADDITION Lets in this'Addition Sold on Easy Terms; Small Cash Payments BUILDING RESTRICTIONS Extra Large in Size. All with fine view of City and Valleys Make an Appointment With Us To See These Lots : : : HIMES and OLIVER : : : Cheer Up, Next time 3'ou'll send your Laundry to US. YOU SURE WILL and you'll not only get it back ON TIME but it will be done RIGHT. We take as much pains with a hand kerchief as with a lace curtain. That is OUR WAY. WHO does your laundry? Try us we always please. Roseburg Steam Laundry 433 N. Jackson Street Mr. Man! Phone 79 .--mk- ",r t . W fs. .Vs--. s . jf ,t " V4 Photos by American Press Association. Till-: MM'iiiliicly impossible feat of swimming serosa the Delaware rivet ut I'lilladelplilu with hands and Teet tied was performed recently by two young women. Miss Margaret Stnnton and Miss Kathryn Wallace Tht'lr feet were bo tied thnt it wits not possible for them to bend their knees very much, and the ordinary strokes with the hands and arms were, ot course, impossible. Most of the motive power was furnished by the' muscles of the back and shoulders, and the girls rested themselves by swimming ttrst on one side und tbeu on the other. The bandages chared tbelr wrists and an kles considerably, but they plucklly hold out until the Teat was accomplished. The upper of the two photographs shows the young women diving wttb lea and arms unfettered, the lower In the water with wrists and ankles bound. HKSOI.LTIONS OK COXDOLKXCK. Hall of Elkton No. 63, A. I & A. M September 21st, 1912. Inasmuch ns it has- pleased the Supreme Hulor of the Universe to remove from our lodge and his fam ily and friends to the Supreme Lodge above, our beloved brother James M. Stark. Therefore be It resolved this todge extend to the bereaved widow and family of our deceased brother, our sincere sympathy in their sad be reavement. That a copy of these resolutions ho sent to the widow of our deceas ed brother. That a copy be Bpread on the minutes of our lodge, and that .a copy be published In the county newspapers, that our lodge be draped In mourning for a period of thirty days. THEODORE ANDREWS, S. P. FENLKY, NELS It Y DELL, Committee DAILY WEATHKK REPORT. U. 8. Weather Bureau, local office, Roseburg, Ore., 24 hours ending 6 a. m., September 30, 1912. Precipitation In Inches and bun Iredths: Highest temperature yesterday 76 Lowest temperature last night GO A PLACE WHERE YOU GET GOOD THINGS TO EAT We do catering. Try us next time you have a luncheon $ $ $ $ THE GRAND GRILL Opposite Perkins Bldg. Precipitation, last 24 hours ...... 0 Total preclp. since drat of month 1.85 Normal preclp. of this month 1.04 Total preclp. from Sep, 1, 1912, to data 1.85 Average preclp. since Septom- ber 1, 1877 1.04 Total excess from Sep. 1, 1912 .81 Average precipitation Tor 54 wet seasons, (Sep. to May Inclusive) 32.36 WILLIAM, BELL - Observer. The Collins Hotel Main Street, One Door South Jj J J. F. Barker's Hardware Store jj Good Table Board With Home Cooking Good Lodging with clean and comfortable beds By the Day or Week Mr. and Mrs. Bell Collins Women Work at Night to Finance Roosevelt Campaign. AWFUL FACTORY CONDITIOKS Nw York Stat. lnvotlgtlng Commit' tea Found Pla, Worn Wom.n Work ing In Twin. Manufacturing Con cern Owned by th. International Harv.ater Company. Awful conditions have been found by the state factory investigating com mittee of New York in th. mills ot the Osborne Twine company. No. S, at Au burn, N. T., owned by th. Interna tional Harvester company, of whioh (leorge W, Perkins, chief financial backer of Theodore RooseT.lt in his scheme to ruin the Republican party, la a director. "The appearance of the women workers In this plant," said a member of the committee, "was very dis heartening. They were worn and pale and their ojothes, faces and hands were coyered with oil and hemp cloth. Many ot these women, so called, are only children In age and they hare to lug huge piles ot hemp, weighing 150 pounda each, across the floor, the load In some cases being bigger than the women themselves. In the Bpln ning room, whero women are employ ed alone, to the exclusion of men, who would have to receive higher wages, the clatter of machinery Is so frlghb ful that a voice below a shriek cannot be heard. The rooms are dark, though for no necessary cause, and no at tompt is made to remove the dust, which Is kept in constant motion by the line shaftings despite the require ments ot the law. This dust is breathed continuously by the women, many of whom complain of chronlo coughs and colds. The dust and dirt are bo thick upon the clothes of the girls that at the noon hour which In many caBes conslBts of hut a few minutes and at the close of the day's or night's labor, the girls have to sweep each other clean with brooms.1 It is further stated that the cuBtom ot working the women all night la permanent, married women being se lected for night work, their hours be ing from sundown until C:30 o'clock In the morning. Of 400 women em ployed in the mills, 200 work all night. When George W., Perkins was askud by a New York Times reporter for an explanation of the conditions in an establishment ot which he 1b one ot the directors, ho mado, In part, the following remarkable reply: 'ThlB night work has been rendered neces sary largely . because ot the govern ment's perfectly unreasonable attitude toward large, corporations, which hus made It impossible for managers ot large concerns to know whuthor they were on foot or horsoback, whether they could expand their plans to keop up with Increasing demands or. not." The lnte Mark Twain In his bright est moments never utterod anything mora grimly humorous than the foro going explanation by Georgo W. Pen kins of why the company of which be is a director Is wsrklng women ah night under the frightful conditions disclosed by the New York state fao tory investigating committee. Menntline It ought to be of Interest to millions of Republicans throughout the United 8tates to know whore the money comes from to finance Theo dore Roosevelt in his campaign ol "rule or ruin." BOUGHT HI8 8OCK8 IN SCOTLAND. Governor Wilson Is a free trader and Is so recognized by the rank and Hie of IjIh party. The truth In emphasize tt little by the fact that he buys hla Bockn In Scotland. HIb apparent Indifference to the condition of American laborers may be due to his abil ity to Ret along without being obliged to eat bread in the sweat of his brow. lie has been extremely fortu nate In this respect. His auto cracy has been deeply tinged with aristocracy during his en tire career as an educator and dabbler In literature. He has neither by personal ex perience or observation ac quainted himself with the actual struggles and needs of the ordi nary wage earner. During the trying times that this country was under the blight of fron trade In UH, 'l5 and ':, Wood row Wilson wan enjoying a liberal Income that was In no degree alTectud by the deplorable conditions surround Wig the laborers In this country. Mr. Wilson Is not to be con demned for his good fortune. On the contrary, wo should be disposed to congratulate him, but In self Interest the less for tunate should protect themselves against the enforcement of his tariff theories and policy, a trial of which has been glvn more than once with deploroble effect upon the Industrial life of this country. Trenton Gazette, Remember the date of Dr. Ann ft Shaw's address October 3 at the, court house at 8 p. m. The noted orator and leader of the Equal Suf frage Association of America. Other noted speakers and entertainers will add to the evening's program. Every body cordinlly Invited. Admission free. U GETTING GREY EH OLD MAN AND BALD TOO. . Looking twenty yesri older thsn you really are. Being made the laughing stock oi your Iriendi and the butt oi their jokei "Old Age Claw" simply becsui. grey hairs sre to cloiely sisocisted with old sge. It ! very humiliating to be grey snd bald when your sge doctn'l juitify either to be cloned si s "Hai Been" and let Slide by your young frlendl si too old for them to be turned down pouibly, in your sppllc tlon for that new poiition became a YOUNG-LOOKING MAN w WANTED. Get the belt of the grey hsin don't 1.1 them get the belt of you. USE HAY'S HAIR HEALTH SI .00 and 50c at Drua Store, or direct opo. receipt ot price and dealer'a name. Send 10c lor trial bottle. Pbllo Hay Spec. Co., Newark, N. ). IOH S.M.H AM) RECOMMENDED I1Y HAMILTON I1HUG COMPANY AND MAItSTKIlS DHUQ COMPANY. BALKABLE SELF-POINTING r A Hammerlcss Gnn frith Solid Frame. Easiest operating and smooth est action. THE STEVENS Repeating Shotgun t) LltTINQ HI .UU. Is Indorsed b Shoot ers everywhere as "Sunsrb for Trao ar field." Hindu In five styles ana uiustrncca ana rif-ftprlhcH In Stevens Shotgun Catalog. lnvn vnur Dunlor Dhow you a Stevens Repeater. J. STEVENS ARMS ft TOOL COMPANY, f.O. Box 5004, GMICOPEE FaUS. MASS. RFD1FER DINING ROOMS All our old patrons will now find the popular Red ifer dining rooms at 130 S Parrott St., corner Lane, where the very best ser vice awaits both all old and new customers. Fern Island Greenhouse I ,i I Mrs.F. D.Owen, Prop. I Roscburjr, Ore. Phone Vill Cut Flfin-era, PotUMl Plants, Funeral IicsIkiis, Wedding Ilo qut'tN, etc. Just Received a Fresh Supply ot Perns ot All Kind On Halo at The n r r.na:A HUSK LUIUUUUIltlJ Q Sunlight FoJa.c MR. FARMER DO YOU WANT IT? 'I he llylro ( nrlx-ii MutitHm ilftn U th Mii-npfn an. n-i i" .urn mi . Hw li in operation In K out burg, and writ or iiMi'vt aiid ftlmMf. tj pin InnUHvi rum $30.00 Up Nat. Bishops Roseturg Q Q I 11. no. ran smA ILh Box 655 Ore. o.t As.ntlnrPrmsl.l County