The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 28, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Editor una oie Proprietor.
BubHcrlption KuU- Dally.
Per year, by mall $3.00
Per mouth, delivered 50
Per year 12.00
Six months 1.00
Entered aa second-class matter
November 6, 1910, at Uoneburg, Ore.,
under act of March 3. 1879.
FlItST oiu;;on LAM SHOW.
For the first time, the l'ucllic
North weHt will huve a land show this
winter. IxH-atcd at Portland, It will
be a full fledged exposition of soil
firoducts. County and district fairs
of Oregon, Idaho, Washington and
Montana will send their hcBt exhibits
and competition promises to he taken
for the attractive prizes offered. The
event bears the name of The Pacific
Northwest Products Show and the
dates are November 18-23.
The land show has come to be a
recognized IiiKtltutlon In this country.
It has proved successful in the Kant
and Middle West where Its chief use
is to point the land-hungry people or
those sections to the vacant lands of
tho West; they afford a chance to
show the Easterner what the West
is doing. '
It seems that a little of this edu
cation will not be amiss here at homo.
There are any number of city people
In Portland and other Northwest cit
ies who have a longing to get Into the
soil and the Portland sky-scrapers are
full of office workers who cherish the
hope that some day, sooner or Inter,
they will havo some land of their
own on which they enn grow some of
the things for which the Northwest Is
famous. If It accomplished nothing
else, the land show would serve a
useful purpose by pointing these
people to the soli.
Hut It will do more than that: Its
chief valtio, probnbly, will be In the
benefit exhibitors will get from the
Interchange of Ideas and the spread
ing of knowledge of the best methods
In agriculture and fruit growing. The
rirarly for prizes will put exhibitors
on ther mettle and those making the
best showing will have plenty of op
portunity to tell all about how they
an receded In growing the prize pro
duct. To the beglnnner In ngrlculture,
especially, this phase of the show
will be a valuable one, and the peo
ple of Portland, as a whole, will find
the show an object lesson In what the
farmers of the Pacific NorthweBt are
doing. It is bound to stimulate an
interest In the soil among all classes.
Colonist rates from the ast, In ef
fect for a Bhort time this Fall, will
tiring many newcomers to the North
wost and these people will find just
what they are looking for at this
show. A visit to the show will bo of
great assistance to them In mnklng
up their minds In what part of the
Northwest they wnnt to locate, for
they will see the products of the vari
ous sections and will he nblo to learn
a grent den lnbout lands and prices
without going to the trouble and ex
pense of a personal lnsiectlon of
each district. .
Premiums at the show will
amount to $20,000. These rnnge
from awards for the best plates of
apples up to more substantial prizes
for the best district display of veg
etables or the host district hlsplay of
fruits. Taking the place, ns it does,
nr tho nsunl npplo show of the Ore
gon State Horticultural Society, un
der whoso Auspices the land show
will be given, the event will natur
ally place roiiHblernlile pmpbasU on
fruit, but Itn scope Is broader than
that, Kevery product of the soil In
the four slates will be displayed.
Tho name of the grower may be
placed on ench exhibit. The man
agement of the show ban entire con
fidence In the Judges who will award
the, and the growers will be
given the benefit of at) the advertis
ing possible.
A pleasant feature of the lain'
show will be a rest a u rati t operated
by the Domestic Science Department '
fif the Oregon Agricultural Cullege, j
The ou(( ladles will cook tind serve!
appetizing iucuIh and both morning '
nnd evening lectures and demonstra
tions In domestic science will be glv-1
The show will be held in the Mollnc j
Plow Company building at Kust Klrst j
and Morrison streets. This Is close!
to the business center of Portland'
nnd Is entirely suitable for an affair
of this kind.
PIANO lltt(iIN.
On account of my removal to Port
land, I will sacrifice my new $-100
piano for $3H). Also one $17 re
frigerator for S. One good $13 writ
ing denk for $S.50. Piano will be
sold for one-half cash, remainder to
be pnld In tnstanllments. To secure
these bargains It will be necessary
to apply at 120 Iane street not Inter
than Monday noon. Phone 82-Y.
t'hri(imi ( liiih li,
J. N. McConnell, pastor. Sunday
school 10 a. in.; preaching 11 a. m.;
C. E. 0:30 p. in.; preaching 7:30 p.
in. For several reasons 1 would like
to see all members and friends of the
church present. Strangers will find
a warm hearted people here.
Presbyterian Church.
J. K. Durkhnrt, pastor. Sabbath
school at 10 a. m.; morning worship
at 11 o'clock; Junior C. E. at 3 p. m.;
young people's meeting at 6:30 p.
m., evening worship at 7:30 o'clock.
Splendid music by a chorus at both
morning and evening services. Your
presence will be welcomed at all of
these services. Come and bring a
Saint (icorgc'K Church.
Corner Main and Cass streets. The
Rev'd Charles Wilson Baker, rector.
Saint Michael and AM Angels (The
Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity).
Holy Communion at 7:30 a. m.; Sun
day school at 9:45 a. in.; morning
prayer at 11:00; evening prayer at
7:30. The Rev'd S. C. Blacklston,
of Butte, Mont., will preach at the
evening service, taking as his sub
ject, "Montana". All are cordially
Invited to these services.
M. K. rhurrli. South.
Arthur Thomas, pastor. Sundny
school at 10 a. m.; preaching service
at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m.; Junior
League at 2:30 p. m.; Epworth Lea
gue at 6:30 p. m.; prayer meeting at
7:30 Wednesday evening. The pas
tor earnestly desires to meet every
members of the church at the 11
o'clock service tomorrow ,morning.
Bring your Bible, bring a stranger,
bring an open and receptive mind,
and carry away with you the great
est spiritual blessing you ever en
Joyed. Bring a "new man in town,"
AT i
First Number Of
Lyceum Course j
Ticket on Mile at .Masters , Drug,
Store, Tuesday Morning.
we' desire to extend to every man,
woman, boy and girl In the city of
Hoseburg a most cordial Invitation to
all the services of the church.
Baptist Church.
W. 11. Eaton, pastor. Regular ser
vices tomorrow as follows: Sunday
school 10 a. m.; preaching 11:00 a.
m.; B. Y. P. U. 6:30 p. m.; evening
preaching service 7:30 p. m. Sermon
subjects tomorrov: Morning, "God's
Remedy for Care"; evening, "Who
Makes Your Bread?" Splendid music,
the kind you like, at these services.
A cordial welcome awaits your com
ing. 11 Come and see.
Louis Dumhleton and wife, of Win
chester, are visitors In Roseburg this
Mrs. Baxter Robinson, of Myrtle
Creek, spent the day In Roseburg
visiting with friends.
Mr. Wm. Sagaverd, of Scottsburg,
who has been at Mercy hospital for
treatment Is now convalescing at the
home of S. M. Kelly, 117 McClallen
W Girls!
sat vv in . cior rax-
First Prize Boys
First Prize Girla
Second Pi ire - Erj a
t ::::a :
M these prizes
Gm you draw? Sure you can.
Well here's a chance to win a
prize by drawing n pony with h boy
ridinir nnd a doir ruuiiinir dloitu
;;J beside the pony.
i: j You don't have to make uf the
;.J fi.rmes from your imagination.
lni'll !ind ihc poll, the boy hum
'.iS d"i in a piclure in a show window
(' our s'vrc. Come in and get a
-3 tc.i.n copy of l!.e picture. In this
.r.dcw wc arc riisplavinir Wayne
'5J Kiiil Pony Kcsiery for Boys&nd
;' '. Girla. That's why the boy i:i the
;,". p't'tureisnmnjTthcimny. Hewears
j Wayne Knit l'ony Stockings, too.
' Yesterday's Paper Printed
4'ie Qailine of the Picture
ti'Vej You are to Drcv
l Complete
;i f lent np the paper if yon didn't
,j s-'c it, then see the picture in uur
ijj wimlow, and draw in the pans of
;; the 1h)v, t lie pony jnid the ilojr that
, rTleft I hoik. W hm you've pel
;i . -i r !r.'. in done, br::i it to our
' j! f.: !!, Your iu-thrr mint come
i .iiiliyo.i. You'U gctoinico pre
Co:.t if you tuhiuit a dniwinjj,
J vtK-thcr you win one of the bitf
M j r:.i-s cr r.rt. Here ;uc tile prizes :
?J r":Mt Btiy Prize
'( Vine l Ball.
d K'.eotiJ Sc.ya Prize
S-liladcd Jack Knife.
;j ley submitting drnw.
i;n; will receive set of marbles;
c:ie.!i girl a set of jackatonea.
First Cirb Prie
l'air of Roller Skates.
Second Girls Prize
Beautiful French Doll.
i All drivings most be in not later than i
TBI. ttitt iwa lo chlklnra u rau. mmI nndrr
Watch our window for
the names of the prize
i-v.A winners.
i Copy of the outline sketch
. asbhownln the newspaper
uw k small copy ui a
uio piciuir- w ue
co(Mtl can iw e-
V curctlatour
WV .tort.
We wish to call your attention to the best
line on the market, we refer to the
It has been sold from ourplace for 25 years
or more with only satisfaction to
both buyer and seller.
Made of the best grey iron, properly cured.
. Best grade of rolled steel and best and
most experienced help obtain
able. They cannot be
improved upoi.
Come and examine them. Also look for
our ads. as we will have more to say
about them from time to time.
Churchill Hardware Co.
Second Prize Girls
Miss Virgil Dyer, of Myrtle Creek,
was a visitor in Roseburg for a few
hours today.
I. B. Riddle, court reporter, re
turned here last evening after attend
ing court In Coos county.
Dr. Callaway returned here this
aftornoon after a couple of days spent
at Riddle and Canyonville.
Mrs. Rllla Gallier. of Bandon, ar
rived In Roseburg this morning for
a visit with frlendB.
D. M. Davis, returned home to
Portland today, after a week's visit
here with his sister, Mrs. Lloyd Ad-
i ams.
0. W. Robinson, one of Riddle's
best known farmers, spent the day In
Roseburg attending to business Inter
ests. .
One of the nicest afternoon was
tho suffrage tea given by the Equal
Suffrage Club yesterday afternoon at
the Parish house. Tho rooms were
; tssteully decorated with yellow pen
i ants with the words, votes for women
! adorned tho walls. Anna Bell Denn
1 and Florence Wharton gave several
! piano selections that wero very much
! enjoyed. The vocal solos by Miss Kl-
leu Klook and Miss Holderman were
sweet and a delight to all. Hazel
I llenkle gave a very appropriate read-
ing "Why Klmlra Wanted to Vote".
Mrs. O. II. Porter. In her able man
! ner. gave two beautiful readings. Re
freshments were served during the
afternoon. Those who assisted were
; M e s d A m e s Cardwell. Wharton,
i Unrnes. Hoover. Wlllet and Perry. I
. Much Interest was shown in the com-'
i Ing of Dr. Anna H. Shaw. Great
; Interest Is being taken In Portland
'. and Kugene wherfc she Is to be prior
I to coming here. Her broad exper-
lenee and rare ability as an orator are
' seldom found.
days, until the examination and cor
rection and equalization of the as
sessment roll shall be completed, and
will publicly examine the assessment
roll and correct all errors In valua
tion, description or qualities of land,
lots or other property. Now, there
fore, all parties who may be agrleved
by reason of valuation, description,
or otherwise, as to their assessment;
will take notice as above stated, and
make their complaints to said Board
of Equalization, otherwise their as
sessments will stand as made by the
Dated Wednesday. September 26.
o21 Assessor Douglas Co., Oregon.
Has long been used for the (able and for
the making of line dressings, but its use
as a food and as a health help is rapidly
growing. Physicians realize the won
derful nourishing effects ot Olive Oil
and its value as a food tonic. We can
supply you with the best Virgin Olive Oil
'The Angelina Brand"
We guarantee this oil to be absolutely pure in every
particular. It is expressed from olives of the ri'ht
degree of ripenese. It is a smooth oil with a bland
and pleasant taste. For whatever use you want
olive oil, you will find this oil meets your require-,
ments; is a dressing na a condiment as a food
or a medicine, this oil will satisfy you In sealed cans
65 cents the pint at
Krohn's Drug Store
Maccabee Temple
Cass Street
The Bellows Store Company
Roseburg, Oregon
I Notice Is hereby given that the
. Board ot Kquallzation of Douglas
I cininty, Oregon, will meet In the of
I flee of the county clerk of said coun
ty. In the court house tn the clty
; of Roseburg, Oregon, on Monday.
October 21, 1912, at 9 o'clock a. m
Said Board of Equalization will con
tinue In session from day to d, ex
clusive ot Sundays and' legal holl-
Spend Your Outing at Tiller, Ore.
In th hrt of the mountain-Amid rrnml Mi-nrr-Abumliin
of canto-l-fti-mli.. for fUhrrmrn --IMIvhtfnl
erl aprfnr-Fruit. vfctM.n rii.1 ri. , rt,.i,pr "i
coin i
rrnnip-lall)r mail T.I.phonr Mrvcf-Hn,iH
uhIhi on.llt.tH TiN.-r. famous for b." i
ida 'ilinnm- '
v. i K. 1'AllllH M, TIL, L.K H, OUK.ON
rwl at