THE EVENING NEWS carl n. shoj:makek, Editor and io 1'roprletor. I88UKD DAILY EXCKIT SUNDAY. (tuliMTlpllon Itatea Dolly. Pr year, by mall 13.00 Per monUi, delivered .60 gemi-Weekljr. Per year $2.00 Sir months ..... 1.00 Entered aa aecond-clasa matter November 5, 1910. at Roseburg, Ore., under act cf March 3. 1879. TIIUItHIAV, HKITKMItKlt 20, 10 1 a. The popular teddy bear has been thrown on the dump heap. Six weeks from next Wednesday the various candidates will be ex plaining just how it happened. Wilson Is surely and certainly seal ing his political doom as he goes about the country telling what he will do if elected. Hooscv1t found the pair of Bocks that he lost In Portland. But it Is cortaln that ho will never recover the votes that he lost In the Rose City. The. progressive party menagerie started out with a bull mooso and now It has on a Campbell. Hut we Rtlll place our money on the ele phant. ' Bourne may yet enter the race for United States senator and If he does be stands a mighty good chance of be ing elected with a three cornered fight on In the republican party. Tart remains confident that he will be re-elected and certain It is thnt he Is dally receiving greater favor at the hands of the people. They aro be ginning to reflect that he has been a pretty good president after all. Locally tho republican ticket was never In'Wtter sTiipe for election than It is this fall.. The voters are hold to the ticket that stnndB for law en forcement and the republican can didates are such as can be trusted to enforce'thdlaws1.' "" " "" Bumper crops are everywhere In this valley. The prune crop will ex ceed the wildest dreams of growers and other crops apparently are sur prising their ownerB. IliiHlncss ought to bo good whon tho returns from those crops come In. I wo nope mat mo democratic and ropubllcnn nntionnl committees will not overlook Kosehurg when they aro making up the roulos of tho dlffor-1 ront campaign spell-hinders. We I would like to hear a real, old fssh-i toned campaign orator ngaln one of) those fellows who spreads the Btnr spangled banner over tho heads of the audience nnd mnkos tho eagle cream with Joy when he gets done with his talk. TIIK Hl'1,1, MODNK. Ton lilg Hull Moose with Ills eyes t" the Bun. Could never keep pace to the "Stren uous One." Oh, obstreperous Teddy of Oyster Bay, Think you tho dear people aro "all to tho pay?" A friend to the laborer, ah, yes, It lr true. The "Trusts" and the Bis Boys" who lahor for you. McCormirk Is ono of tho laboring friends, , . Frank Munsey, poor soul, on the Hull Mooso depends, George Perkins, anotlior poor hnrd- worklng man. Is plugging for Teddy as hard as lie can. The needs of the people tho null Moose can see. Hut dear, trusting people, that need Is Just "Me." To tho Republican party he soon snli' good-bvo, When at last they "got wise" to his Majesty "I." But the "Grand Old Party" was quite good enough When It gave up the plum and stood for his bluff. They know what ho needs nnd ynu bet they're on. For the big Hull Moose Is a big "Bull Con." . AN1M M. SNTCTAO. VONO.1.L xi:vs. Itrfaf Itoma ttnttiercri By A Live Correspondent. during the ensuing term. Mrs. Blanche King has returned to ber home at Portland after several davfc (pent with, relatives at this place. O. F. Gardner, of Central Point, is here on business this week. R. B. Lee and family have moved from Klkhead to Groveland, Or., to reside. Rev. C. H. Baldwin, formroly em ployed as pastor of the M. K. church of this place, but now of Nome, Alas ka, was here on business the first of the week.. Attorney Dexter Rice, of RoBeliurg, was looking after business matters at this place last Monday. Mrs. 11111 and two daughters will depart this week overland for Duns mulr, Cal. ' Mrs. F. L. Beard and Mrs. V. B. Holdredge went to Roseburg on busi ness Wednesday. Miss Maud Oaley has returned to her home at Eugene after a week's visit with relatives here. Rev. Grlgsby, of Medford, was a business visitor to the city the first of the week. Georgo Bunyan was at Drain on business Tuesday Mrs. C. Ray Beckley, of Portland, has returned to her home after a few days' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mh. Tliomnti .'Applegate at this place. Mrs. Pierce, of Gardiner, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. J. Lutz at tills place, departed for Roseburg Wednesday where she was married to Osborn Guntor. Mr. and Mrs. Gunter will resldo at Klamath Falls. Holdredge & Beard are having a new roof put on their store build ing. Mrs. Fred March has returned from 1 Three Definitions! Oculist: A phyNlcliui who troata path ological conditions of ,tlio eye, siich ns ftrnnuliitttl lids, glaucoma, otc, nnd dos eye surgery. Ho frequently prewrHws gliiSHes, liow- Optometrist: One who Is recognized liy tho laws of 527 Ktntw as TIIK KYK filtillT HI'KCjJAUST. He docs not (rent d I soused conditions of (he eye, nor does ho resort to tho un Hc.lrtiiiflo practice of paralysing the imtNch'K of tho eyes by the use of lN'Iliidonna, or other druga, In making n diagnosis. Optician: Ono who makes nnd rcpuirs Spectacle. Ho Is NOT nn eye vpeHjillst in nny wnse, hut either Jtnply hvMs irliix.seM or Alls the pro sciiptloiiK of the Optometrist. A S. HUEY Optometrist a visit with relatives at Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Applegate have returned from Dunsmuir, Cal. where Mr. Applegate was employed as en-' gineer with the S. P. Co. Grant will try the ranch once more. 1 .7. G. Hodges and wife are spend ing a few days at Medford on a busf-' ness visit Mrs. Lottie Simons returned to her! home at Tangent, Wednesday after a i week's visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Melnzer. j J. 8. Milne, of Cottage Grove, was; here on business Tuesday. j Henry Kltley made a business trip to Roseburg last Monday. j Mrs. C. P. Huntington and Mrs. Dr. Lohr, are visiting at Suthorlin a few days this week. Alph Lodge No. 170 I. O. O. F. met In special session last Tuesday evening for the purpose of entertain-; Ing Grand Master Wheeler and wife who are on a tour of the state visit-1 ing the various "chain gang", lodges ; enroute. Golden Link Rebekah Lodge being invited to participate In the oc-, casfon quite a number of the fair! ones were present. J. A. Hungeberg acted as chairman of the assembly! and after a few well chosen remarks' introduced Grand Master Wheeler, who held the vast assembly in close' attention for almost an hour, as he took up the different phases of Odd Fellowship and portrayed In a very! vivid manner the many worthy and j commendable features of the great brotherhood which has and is doing so much for humanity. After the grand master had finished his dis course various members were called on toN express themselves, among those responding were Fred Tolls, of Portland ; Dr. Mortensen. F. L. Beard, Mrs.. J. W. Wise, Mrs. Geo. Harschbarger. After the speech making was over all mingled togeth er for a social hour after which all retired to the banquet room where a delicious oyster supper awaited them. The manner In which the soup anil various other good things were caus ed to disappear was evidence suf ficient to convince the most skeptical as to quality of the feed as well as to the capacity of the various appe tites. MRS. M'GINTY. OK GKNER A Tj CITY Kuxrnox. NOTICE 18 . HEREBY GIVEN: That a general city election will be held In the City of Roseburg, Ore gon, on Monday, Octoher 7th, 1912, between the hours nf 9 o'clock A. M. and 6 o'clock P. M., at which said election the following officers will be elected: One councilman from each of tho four wnrds of the City, each of whom are to serve for two years. , , Said election will h0 hold nt the following nnmod polling plncca; am! will bo conducted by tho fol'ouvns named .Indues nnd Clerks, or their duly elected substitutes: WARD No. 1. rolling phioe. court house; Judges, F. V. DUlnrd, W. R. Atterbury, W. F. Thomns; fMorks Ralph Qulne, R. II. C. Wood. WARD No. 2. rolling place Flrpl CooRStovesMang'esfl We wish to call your attention to the best line on the market, we refer to the BRIDGE $ BEACH LINE It has been sold from ourplace for 25 years ' or more with only satisfaction to both buyer and seller. Made of the best grey iron, properly cured. Best grade of rolled steel and best and most experienced help obtain able. They cannot be improved upon. Come and examine them. Also look for our ads. as we will have more to say about them from time to time. Churchill Hardware Co. CRESCENT HEICHTS ADDITION . , Lots in this Addition Sold on Easy Terms: Small Cash Payments HUILDING RESTRICTIONS Fxtra Largo in Size. All with fine view of City and Valleys Make an Appointment With Us To See These Lots i : : HIMES and OLIVER Trust & Savings Bank; Judges Her man Harks, J. F. Tcniplln, A. A Hollows; Clerks, Loyal Stephens. M F. Wright. WARD No. 3. Polling place, Uose-biii-K hotel; Judges, Oeo. Neuner, Sr., V. J. Brand, S. 'J. Jones; Clerks, A. a. Huell, T. A. Rafferty. WARD No. 4. Polling place, City Hall; Judges, C. L. Hamilton. G. P. Srhlosser, K. C. Flagler; Clerks, Earl Strong. J. A. Perry. By order of the Common Council. Dnled September 23rd, 1912.. CARL E. WIMDERLY, Recorder of tho City of Roseburic, Oregon. d-o5 CAMi FOIl SPECIAL CITY WARRANTS. Spend Your Outing at Tiller, Ore. SHE'S ON THE MAP In t lw Itpn rt Ahumhuici' of ui coul iiimI kIiiiiI.v cj your rump - I ni!.v ninlnJud A tnhl prnnd iiiif i: round otirriimti -Unity imiil- THcuIioiik cr ictSih-nli omuiiiit ion llot'l 'I illT. I'niiioii fop her imitl-Si umlay ilmiui- For iiirllicr i niorinitt Inn apply lo C. Ih- 1 HAICTKl'M. TlI.LKlt, OHI-liiON lfriM.'1'rit's lli vt'i'cil nt mm nr- Siifcial MIm Mabel Smith has returned lo hr home in this city after novoral days' vialt at Salom tinrl Portland. Uojr Lowln, of Ritrramonto, Cal , In linro tho gtiMt of Paul ApploRiite. Alhert HpMIwoII has returned from ttlRht-awlnir trip at Portalnd. MIm T.IIIIb Brawnf drpnrtMl tho first of thrt werk for Ooldondalo. Want!., whon she will nttond school VIH.L JKKSKY COW f"- aale Milk tiHts l pnr oont butter fat. K. J. nobrVHi, Corey Avenue, WV-U Moao fear. ill BEAUTIFUL AND DESIRABLE LOTS IN Maynard's Harvard Avenue Addition Level, Rich River Bottom Soil, Natural ParK, Piver Drive. Close in. All City Privileges. City Water Lights and Graded Streets Nothing to equal these properties in the entire City Lots are larye Prices are low. Every lot fenced. For choice of lots, terms and all information Phone 212-L or apply on premises, Harvard Ave., West Roseburg, and save commission. Bay now as prices will advance. Get yours at once and earn the increaseyourself. Intendingpur chasers Phone 212-L and Auto will take you over 10 rroperty. C D. MAYNARD, Prop. Notice Is hereby given all persons holding Special City Warrants drawn In the South Roseburg Sower Fund to present tho same to the City Treas urer for payment, as Interest thereon will cease after the dato of this no ting ! "Dated this 13th dny of September, 1!12. D. S. HOrSER, s21 City Treasurer. Uictoria Chocolates -SOI.DHY- ' Fullerton & Richardson t-'J lb. IOccnt lib. TSwnt. I 246 Rose St. y SPIRELLA CORSETS X PHONE 82-J Ten Buyers for I Your House! -. H lttfclu blr yCUjjle m this city who want to buy a house like VOlirfl nnd nrit nna ten people couM be SO WELL I SFTITPnnV iWnTUfD nni PKRTYTO BK HAD AT THIS I TIME. I At least eiuht of these ten people read this paper. At least I five of these eight readers will I read your ad in this paper per- I haps not on its first insertion, but as a result of your reason- I j EVENING NEWS ADS 11HIXO HRSCLTS Read the News