The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 19, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    BUY A FARM 800,000 Acres to Select
From. In Central Oregon
Your last chance to buy Good Farm Land at Such Low Prices
Come In And
Let us tell you about these farms
If you desire to trade your Bmall acreage on a larger farm
We will figure with you
Orr(M In Marttor' Anne, Next To tJrand Ifotwl
CopyriKht iVOV by c. H. Zimmerman C0.-N0. 29 ,
Did you ever think how important it is that it be
properly furnished. Did you ever know how a
boy iikes to show his companions his bedroom.
Is your boy ashamed of his? May-be you have
never given much attention to this, figuring it was
just the boy's room, but if you want to make your
boy truly love and cherish his home fit it up so
he will be proud of it. Our line of bedro jm furn
ishings are cheap enough when you come to think
of it, so that the boy's room can easily be a room
that you and he will be proud of.
Roseburg Furniture Co.
George Kohlhagen, Prop.
Wholesale and Retail Butcher. The best the market
affords. All kinds of Stock bought and so'd.
Phone 58
Rosebuig, Oregon
You Dont' Have to Go to Sea to See
For Cement Culverts, Cement Sewer Pipe, sizes 8
to 36 inches. Cement building foundation and
chimney blocKs. Cement sidewalKs and Cement
worK of any kind.
I have Ave or six nouses I will sell cheap, as I want to use the
money In other business. See my burnlar proof window lock, Its
O. K, See Pat's Elastic root paint for leaky roofs. We build, move
or repair your houses. Business buildings a speclnlty. Over forty
years experience In building.
Can't Beat Douglas County Grown Trees f
Italian Prune Trees, 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr old J
$140.00 per 1000
ivppte io o ii. i yr, o per iuu jou.uu per luuu
Peach Trees, 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr. 12 cents each
Pear Trees, 4 to 6 ft. 1 yr. $25 per 100
$225.00 per 1000
Cherry same price as Pear:
Vat of other stock, nil irunrnntunl true to name anil tlmt clans, j
Southern Oregon Nursery,
For The News Read
The Evening News
Tbe Btat of Oregon bas contributed
the tali cat flagpole lo the world to the
I'auama-Pacfflc exposition. The pole
la ' feet long and wan erected ut tt
centennial betd at Astoria, Ore., Ial
tju turner. The pole baa since been put
tu tt log raft und taken to Sun Fran
cbtco. . ,
1 There are yellow rosea. pnnHles.
! chryuuntbeniiinis and dahlias, but did
; you ever nee a yellow aster? The near
, eat approach to the yellow variety U
I one that in far more wblte tbnn yel-
lof and has to be lo lie led "yellow" In
order that it may be distinguished from
the white.
The luxuriance of the blossoms which
the chrysanthemums bear early nexi
winter will depend to quite an extent
upon tbe vigor and growth the plant
attain between now and that time.
Chrysanthemums are heavy feederti ami
should be given generous fertilizing
and frequent waterings.
Cows seem to be Just as hapless as
men when near deep water with u Jug
on. This is made, plain by the fnct that
the other day. when eight Hereford
cows belonging to a fanner living near
Sterling, 111., got boozed up after im
bibing too much silage Juice and went
to (he creek to slake their thirst, six
of them fell In and were drowned. The
moral of this tale seems to be, "fence
In the silage Juice or the creek."
An excellent drag or float for break
ing clods and for smoothing down
ridgy highways may be made by bolt
ing sections of three or four V shaped
hardwood posts to two strong two-by-eights
or tens at right angles, the bark
or wldo edge of the post facing back
ward. Enough space should be left be
neath the sections, which are fastened
on the under side of the plank, so that
it will not collect dirt bo readily.
August Is the best month in all the
year for girdling and killing trees like
the willow. This seems to be due to
the fact that the energy of the root
system seems to be largely spent In
the growth of limb and leaf up to
that time, and If the bark Is removed
for a space of a foot or more entirely
around the trunk It sort of leaves the
root system strapped and bankrupt.
If the girdling Is done in June or early
July there will be an effort ou the
part of the tree to Bend out shoots be
low the point of girdling from dormant
A Virginia dairyman found one of
his mild eyed bossies acting straugely
tho other day. On reporting the cir
cumstances and symptoms somewhat
carefully to the department of agricul
ture at Washington. It was decided that
her aliment wua a Jag Induced by
drinking tbe Juice from fermented
cornstalks which she got at tbe base
of a silo. Since this case was reported
there have been a number like It else
where. If the dairy cows go on a toot
like this it ta powrible that the hired
men and proprietor may catch the
haWt ,
Crab gnus or Mflr anger" Is a weed
that ! likely to cause considerable
trouble In the lawn If there la a abort
age In rainfall during tho late sum
mer. It ta deep rooted, roots where
the Joints touch the ground and laughs
at both drought and sunshine. How
ever, It ta an annual and nothing bnt
the seeds aurvlvo the winter. To
check Its growth In the lawn, water
liberally and clip rather closely, using
the grass catcher, bo that as many of
the seeds as possible may be removed
from the lawn. It Is tender, and the
first good froet kills It
Steers are still going skyward that
Is, the prices nro. Within the past
month best grades have been quoted as
high as $10.50 ou the Chicago market
This surpasses any prices that have
ever before been paid. Including the
was prices of 1S01-05. If the present
high prices are due entirely to a short
supply and not to artificial manipula
tion there would seem to be good
ground for thinking that the prices
would mount still higher. The situa
tion works a hardship upon the con
sumer of beef, but It's great pickings
ror the furmer who sends them to mar- I
ket !
The Attest time to agitate tbe seed
torn question is not in March and
April, Just before tbe supply is needed
to put into tbe planter boxes, nor in
the full after there have been several
hard freezes, but now while the corn
is denting and maturing.- It Is pmb
ably a fair statement of the case that if
every farmer who Uvea in the north
era portion of the corn belt where tht
seed corn question usually gives mom
concern, would select his seed ears In
fore Sept. 2D, hang them up in the sun
shine where there is good movement of
air, finish drying the seed out If nec
essary by the sitting room stove aud
store it where It would keep dry. be
would not have any seed corn proli
lem on his hands next spring. Perhaps
in a majority of seasons in which the
corn ripens early and dries out thor
oughly seed ears may be selected is
late as husking time, but several sea
sons In the lust dozen years have not
been of this kind, with the result that
a good deal of seed saved ut husking
time was not worth u copper, Mckinj:
seed corn early as suggtuted not onlv
Insures good seed, but eirly maturing
types of corn can be selected. In pick
ing the supply gn four or five times
as much as need yourself. Tubs
will not only g1v you u Hotter selec
tion fur the ears you use ftr your own
planting, but your neighbor may want
It ut $0 to $H a bushel, us ibme farm
ers did last spring.
hi. iR , All work first-da
Commercial Abstract Co
Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Pr
Insurance, Etc.
Bonds ot all' Kinds Furnished
Money to Loan on ImprovedJFarm Property
Pi-rkln, Kulldlnic ' ROSFIICRO. OKKfiON
With rats doing a damuge annually
which is put by the department of
agriculture nt $100,000,000. It Is not
strange that a vigorous campaign Is
being wnged In many quarters for
their extermination. While a good
deal of this damage 1h borne by farm
ers in damage done to corn, small
groin and vegetables, h very heavy toll
Is also exacted from manufacturers
and wholesale and retail dealers in
cloth, leather and other goodB. But
this financial loss Is but a part of the
score against the rat The fondness
of rats for phosphorus Is said to bp
responsible for many disastrous fires,
matches being carried by the rodents
Into their runs beneath storehouses
and other buildings. A further reason
for the rat campaign is that they nre
the chief carriers of bubonic plague
and other malignant diseases. The rnt
is a curse on tbe face of the earth,
and both old folks and children should
wage nn unt paring fight against them
with poison, traps and other menus.
There is a time about now when the.
birds of field fend wood lot are strange
ly silent Whether It Is because court
lng and boioemaklng days for tin
sen son are over with most of them,
whether tby make transient mlgra
tlons to other haunts or whether tbwy
sense the approach of fall and thr
gradual failure of what has been an
abundant food supply ws do not
know. Perhaps all three elements eu
tor. But.-wtuteTer -tbe-cause, -tber b
a sens of hm$ and joneaotneneei whh
the rare June time artiste gone.' "With
the song ot robin and thru ah asd
meadow lark have pa sued tb cheery
notes of th meadow frog, and Instead
of these hav com tbt monotonof the
crickets am) tbe plaintive challenge of
tb trs toad.
One southwestern Iowa apple grower
has demonstrated tb mission of beef
aa fertilizer of apple blossoms to hit
own entire satisfaction. Just aa bb
o re hard cam Into bloom last spring tu
tied small printer sacks over some itfo
blossom clusters In different parts nl
his orchard, ah soon as the petnls had
fallen he replured the paper sacks with
mosquito netting, so thnt the cluster
might have (; roper ventilation, yet Ite
kept from the visits of bees and other
insects. As the season advanced not a
single apple developed in any of the
clusters whlh were shielded In the
above mnniu. It Is because of Ui
faot made pUfn in this experiment thai
tho presence of hives of bees in or neui
an orchard I considered so beneficial.
A llttlo Reedllng walnut on a neigh
bor's lawn the writer passes frequently
has thrown out two shoots from the
same point that ts. It has a forked 1
head. It Is n good Idea when such
seedlings take this habit to cut off one I
shoot The other will jukui take an ;
upright piMltlou, aud the tree as It
grows will not only have n more ym
metrical, but a much stronger head j
What has Just been said Is equally i
true of practically all fruit trees and i
of elm and some other shade trees1 '
The best time to correct such a fsinll I
Is In the Ilrwt two or three years, pref-
ernbly tho first
There Imv been dispatches in thf
daily paper of late telling of the plt.r. 1
of rnllrond o-hVhils (if putting gold aire .
other small rish Into stagnant pools- i
nloug their Hhts of way. the Idea he j
lng that tho tlh will devour the wig ;
glers which niter turn luto mosrpil i
toes. This i.' heme sounds good on p:i '
per. but imlw the n.b which are to In
used for the purpose are different frou
any fish tht writer knows about then
will all be dead Inside of thirty! !
hours nn les those ponds have fresh ,
water tlowhjr into them. There Is u ;
question alK'Ut the llsh devouring tin ;
mosquito larvae if they can bo kepi '
Severn! Wealthy apple trees on the
old home place of the writer's boyhood
days are thin season nearly done to
death with the cedar rust, whh h ap
pen red in Irregular yellowish, red rim
med blotches on the leaves. And a
strange thing about It Is that the
Wealthy shows much more damage
than any other varieties. Im-lmllitg the
Peach. Duchess, Patten Greenlnu ami
ereml other varieties. A Ouches
whose leaves touch s rwl cedar bed ire
shows practically no Infection. This
susceptibility of the Wealthy to the
nut Is regrettable and means that
trees of this variety hould not he
planted nearevdar hedcen, or that the
hedge should not be net near the
Wealthy trees. Damage may be check
ed somewhat by spraying with limr
ulphur. but the results are not Ss
! In the valley In which tbe writer's
i ranch is located, owing to the dry sum
i mers during which period the clean till
! age system Is followed. It 1s deslrnhlt
. to sow a leguminous cover crop tn thr
! fall about the time the rainy season
sets In. This not only serves as s sob
i renovator, but when plowed under in
the spring adds to the soil humus, an
i element In which all too many western
, orchard soils are lacking. Resides this
! the heavy growth of the legume, which
continues through tbe winter ow'.ug to
' the mild climate, tends to check the
1 wash of the soil by the heavy rains.
Keister's Ladies' Tailoring College
TUITION 25 for full course. This includes the sytem witn
full instructions in drafting, cutting, fitting and miking all styles
ladies' garments, with forty days sewins on pupil's own or any one
else's material.
$15 course system with instructions in drafting and cutting,
without sewing.
$15 sewing course, without Bjstem or drafting, gives forty
days' sewing.
$5 course gives ten days sewing.
We take pleasure in introducing Mrs. A. E. Gilkey, who will do
dressmaking and tailoring in connection with our school.
Leave Your Orders With Us For a Keister Suit
MRS. E. L. MclNTOSH, Inslructor-Mgr.
Roseburg Pbone 201 Sutherlin Phone 28
Up-to-the-Times with attention and mechanics
First Class Materials Work Guaranteed
Plumbing, Sheet Metal WorK, Tinning
and Heating
North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble
WorKs. Telephone 251.
WorK Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE
J1 jg '
Attach a "Reliable"
Kitchen Healer
Gas Range
This Heater does not burn
Fire with wood or coal. Takes up 1-G the space of your
wood range and gives twice the heat at 1-2 the cost
We do catering. Try us next
time you have a luncheon
$ $ $
Opposite Perkins Bldg.
i !