ThJnlot J!lx .'riil!ix All'r If Ih lli'iilh. XNMAN Wll.n ACCICIT leflciont tliliiRn, I would m my good HKOItKT.UtV or NTATK. I office in excelling the president by ' j nitabllshtng a beneficlpnt precedent l-r.Uu, I'uMIc It-li-: 1,y ''"Htenlng the coming brotherhood i in iniiii, in HuvucuMMK luienmuuiisi Ufa by giving all nations a chance. ' . i I would stand In with our nation lit uir r.i'iiiii : i tun ii triviiiB tt few lottera t;f variolic natures from aa varioiia wrilet-H, vu Iilto la the 4nawcr to one of them. Your advisory letter cumo duly to hand. In uiihwct will uay it la a bcfter by Increased friendly relation ship with ail legations. I would al- so publicly advocate and advise the president to abolish the secretary of war and make It the secretary of peace, and let the good office be adorned by a woman. A cerlaln newapaper accuses me of "wanting something". Well I do, I want the world to know that there are many followers, but few Christs. Look out for th0 promised national political sensation. Yours truly, JAMBS IX MAN. aide Issue, or rather a contract to some encouraging letters which I re ceive from entire strangers, who, It seems understand me and my doc trine better. The leaders In progressive thought sro not understood by tlin majority of their day, thereforo their doctrine Is not appreciated by the majority. I hop, you will live to get better ac iualnu'd with my doctrine. It Is very true what the good man j great Huxley said that: "Truth j passes through throe stages. Hrst, j They say tin t it Is contrary to com- j inoii Dense. Second, they Bay It does j not make any difference one way or j C. Oorthv, of Garden Valley, spent the other. Third, they say that they -"e u, iu ivui8 urauiu8 10 var always believed It." My mission In this world, after my self-made ripeness, (and because of my ago and T am now ripe), la I tench the truth, and I am teaching it In the face of opposition by some and trims of the opposition It seems is i.oc.w, ni:vs. -Mr. and Mrs, William Agnew, of tllldn, spent yesterday in ltoseburg visiting with friends. Ions business Interests. Mrs. W. 11. H.vkes and daughter, of Drain, wero visitors In ftoseburg for a few hours yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. (icorgo Illgclow, of and Mrs. L. N. Honey during their H. C. Lee, of Nevada, son of Mr. stay. Eugene Register. and lira. T. L. Lee, of Looking Glass, arrived in the city today and was met Misses Adne Palmer, of Brooklyn, ! at the station by Mr. Lee, senior. Mich.; and Agnes Carpenter, of j and driven out to Looking Glasa Vai- i Muskegon, Mich., arrived in Rose-jley, where he will spend a couple of burg last evening to spend a few weeks vWtlng with his parents. ' days with friends. , ' ... ,,ri! .... ! srnvKV. I Notice Is hereby given that the t following described lands have been i surveyed, to-wlt: I In Tp. 29 8., K. 1 W., W. M., Sec-! tlons 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 28.! 20, 27, 34. 35 and 30. ! In Tp. 38 S., R. 3 W., W. M., Sec tions r 7, 8, 9. 15. 1. 17. 18. ltt, id. 25 and 3G, and S'& of Sec. 12.; N & of Sec. 13. E of Sec. 26 and of Sec. 35. . 1 Pints of Btirvey will bo filed In the lUisf'burg land office on October 2C, 1912, at 9 o'clock A. M., and on and !f;r'" such rlnv we will be prepared to receive applications for entry of the unreserved and unapproprial. lands therein. All jwrsons arc warned, however, J that for lrfndB within any Xnfinn Forest, applications .can NOT be re ceived except from bona fide settlers who made sottlement prior to the j withdrawal for reserve purpose?. BENJAMIN P. JONES. ; Register. ': GEORGE W. RIDDLE, i Receiver MIbb E. M. Carrlek and Miss Bessie f.'arrlck left thin morning for their homes at Los Angeles after a few days spent in Roseburg visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Car- George P. KogerB, formerly mayor of Salcni and a prospective candidate fm United States senator from Ore gon on the Bull Moose ticket, spent the morning in Roseburg conferring with the voters relative to his propos ed candidacy, Mr. Rogers made an excellent mayor of Salem and is con sidered a man of rare executive abil ity. ItAILY WKATIIKK KKI'OIIT NEW YORK STORE SCHOOL TABLETS 5 CTS. Big thick Scratch Pads, the biggest and the C best in the town. Buy supply now U- We Are Headquarters for School Shoes for Boys and Girls WE ASK Y01R INSPECTION..... 8 5 lug from those who should be : ""aitylivlllo, wero visitors In Rose- uurg or a rew nours yesterday. ray friends and assistants, but I shall not let that daunt me In the least, I shall pursue on In my world work. Your iiilvlHe me to retire from public life, and settle down to private life. As to that, notw ithstanding my advanced age. I am more nmhltiouB for public life than ever, nnd pre sume Hint 1 will not have retired un til I have passed Into my gravo. But I do not expect that a towering mon ument will nnrk my Inst resting place until my doctrine una met the ap proval of time. I am already aheud of somo of tho world's best goiis, lnasmucu as mr i .;ul,onB Kegistur. kest Hint ono of them could do in j his llmo was to gather a handful kellevers In the way of twelve disci ples. And not till long years after the best of the gods were dead did they becomo popular enough to be worshiped. Now, (and the word or term Is vcr used hi Iho way of euphony), I do not know whether my memory or Immoiiallly will he worshiped or not, that will he the business uf coming OTUU. But this I do know. It will not bo until war, murder, theft, graft, greed, drunkenness, rape, prostitu tion, alihortlon, wage slavery, hypo erucy, deception, cards, tho curing 'Jealousy and envy, nnd tohucco nnd their kindred human degeneracy will lave passed away, and through the sMamo of these things und more com ing men w ill have voluntarily nliol- j lshed them. All these things and I Dr. E. B. Stewart left last even ing for Portland whore ho will spend a few days looking aflor professional matters. John Laird, of Sitkum, siont the day In ltoseburg attending to busi ness nintterB nnd Incidentally visiting will) friends. Mrs. Ehurle Kuykpndnll and daughter, llttlo Doris, wont to Hose- , burg yesterday to visit relatives. I .Irvine Gardner has returned from ; Portland whore he was called as ai witness In a recent land case tried In i the federal court. j .Wis. Casey and Miss Parrotl came - down from ltoseburg to visit the fair, anil will bo the guests of Mr. ItOlt.N. n. S. WeaUier Bureau, toeat office. Itowburg. Ore., 24 hours ending 5 n. i:i I'Vldny. September 1.1, 1912 Precipitation in Incites and hun dredths: Highest temperature yesterday Lowest temperature last night Precipitation, last 2 4 hours Total preclp. since first of month Normal preclp. of this month Total prerlp. from Sep. 1, 1912, to date , 1.84 Average preclp. since Septem ber 1, 1877 .33 Total excess from Sep. 1,1912 1.61 averago precipitation Tor 34 wet seasons, (Sep. to May Inclusive) 32.30 WILLIAM, BELL Observer t.S4 1.01 FOR RENT House in North Rose burg. Apply to J. B. Hensley, Roseburg Steum Luundry. tf490 diirs Worto Chocolates HOI.U IIV Fullerton & Richardson 1-1! Ih. lOcviitu 1 Hi. 7."cent NOTICE OK I'lXAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the estate of Lydln S. Adams, deceased, hns filed In tho County Court of Douglas county. State of Oregon his final account asNsuch administrator of Bald estate, nnd that Thursday, the 10th day of October, 1912, at the, hour of ten o'clock A. M., has been fixed by said Court as the time fpr hearing of objections to said account and the settlement thereof. B. S. ADAMS. Administrator of the Estate of Lydla S. Adams, Deceased. 5 246 Rose St. i CHILDRENS HOSE AT 12c Good Quality Children's Ribbed Stockings. Our famous "Oh My" brand, They wear fine "j O all sizes at special XC Boys and Misses Winter Unions 50c The best value that we ever offered. Misses med ium with drop seat, Boys heavy fleeced. A fA grand value, best in the town a big special tJlC BAKER-To Mr. and, Mrs. L. o. Baker, or Camas Valley, in lloee burg, on Thursday, September 12, 1912, a girl. SPIRELLA CORSETS PHONE 82-J 9. NOTICE OE INTENTION TO IM PROVE SOl'TII PINE STREET. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That nt a meeting of tho common Council of tho City of Roseburg, Ore gon, held oi the 3rd day of Septem- 191 more will pass away, hut my words uer, 1912. the following resolution will not pass away. I am not writ-1 was adopted: Sng tills to ticklo Hie ears of those ol 1 "RESOLVED, That tho common tho present age or century, but lor j Council of tho City of Roseburg tlio approval of coming num. deems It expedient and proposes to In your letter, you Inter that It Improve South Pine Street In the Mas a wise move lu my refusal or j City of Roseburg. from the South xrylng again for the presidency, but line of Burke Street to tho North loutish lu any expectation of being line of South Sireet In tho following offered a position of secretnry of ; manner, lo-wlt: KUKi; that 1 had belter cut that out; First. By grading tho street to islo, ami tlmt "l!i:it lakes minify, , the proper sub-grade. Jlrenils ami political hacking." ! Second. By paving tho roadway lu answer to Iho first In the quo-! of said street roll width with nsphal tnllon money, will say that I , lie macadam pavement, lot expend one dollar or a multiple! Third. By constructing concrete f doM )! tw:ml t lu wecrotnry uf j ir.t'V.i;.!iinlhiK the !-' tomid in fi unit plm i-h on ilolliu s : ml criits. with tho ivnts imMlomtii- j StiiiK In tin ir iwnviH ; inure t liiin ; ttii'tr mtii'. j No, I will nut nsU n MiMiil, or nl Ior' n frlt'iul to hj't'tul nn niun Io wa nl my nolillcul in'rCfrniiMit . No sm i"i Inning b ru ft uluill en tor into flit Hpioliilmi-nt of niltit'. So t lur "tinh! l' no moil of Invcsi (mil Ion of "Mjy cy;o hi pnliiliMl of tirt mul no lmtinnal sr;uil.l t" Bother friiv :m tt Uoor, 1 r I ran't ohtiitn liUli (rtlr vt ovrinnu'iit with clt'iin hamts niot xtn nii'rit, I will M;iy out of oi'Huv TIkm-i lius boon, nni! nr ton innny Ifit hlKH Oflitt WllO pU-Olctl tlliMllsolvi'M 1htr on their 11 J-ft'M t money, hut jiof on nii'i'H. Tint;' Is no tntolU nuro In an ln;uihn:iti 1oIl,ir, hut thern t In : lli Im.iIm A to th(, rnml ft h'll.lM. W.'ll 1 xpert to hnv more Montis tlllto tho jirent noet ItnniM :i!'-r m hone- ave mjs,M to imthoilf dust, than ('oti'-ornliiK tin- tliird pollt;U Voting; will Hny th;tt a in it :iil.T of men, tiot a follower, thovoforo, do ot nee d any pimhlnc ovt's-t iho imt.h iJir hv Iho ftrv ? In niv soul. Tn wrretnry (f Mtutthln with tun nuM he (xTt n Hide fsvno In romp:ivl son to my world tntonllons, thoivfor., rnro hut llttlo whether I nhinhi It or not. My ultiinuto oIi.t't, or mul neither, in my pnrsttit of hiipplnosw ntl tn mv own wav Is tt ifftr to the in!d me-it'T thun thoimh T should to '"ir.iiiit'd president nf the m-nrli)'', republic. If (trrretury of Btate, I would virtually lie the pre Sdont, ImtmiK'h ae among other lca- cnib. Kottrth. Ity const met Inir Rub thelitis if necessary. Kilth. Hy constnu'tlng street monuments. Sixth, lly layln vitrified sewer pipe. Seventh, lly rotistriictlnj? catch hnsiiiH and InletK. S;tlil Improvement to ho made In : neeortlante w ith tho Charter and j Ordinances nf the City of IlopohnrK j Oregon, nnd the uraile. plnnB, apecl- rirathms nnd ostimntea, of tho City i Knclucer. filed In the offico of the i tlty Korordor on tho 3rd day of .September. 1!H2, which unld Rrado, : plann, Bpeclflcatlons nnd estimates jure hereby approved nnd adopted. The entire, cost of said Improve I mont sliall be assessed upon the i property especially benefitted there j bv ns provided by the Charter of the t'liy of ltosebnrc. and no part thcro 1 of shall be paid by the City of Rose ; but iz. " The OHtlmate of tho City EnKlneor (of tlio probable detailed cost of said , Impvov ement is tho sum of $2.7 1t.- o:. Kesnhed. that the Recorder of . t h' City of KottchuiK. Oregon, be i fin! hcrehv is directed to Klve no tice of na hi proponed Improvement i" provided by the Charter of gald Citr." KcmonMramvft tmfinst said pro- I'osod lnipr.n-enipnt may bo filed In wrltina with tho undersluned with in twentv (in days from the first miMlcation of thin notice, which Is the !;iv iV September. 1012. CUM. K. VlMHKlit.Y, ltoconKr of the City of Kosebnrs. Oregon. nw.sl6 I WINNIE G ADDIS I "THE PLUMBER" w. is Roseburg Pbone 201 Sutherlin Phone 28 p Up-to-the-Times with attention and mechanics j? First Class Materials VVork Guaranteed WOULD YOU THROW ASIDE A TELEGRAM.OR REGISTERED LETTER, AS "PROBABLY NOT WORTH OPENING." Can't you imagine some want ads being really worth more to you than auy telegram or registered letter you have received in a year or that you are apt to receive in the year to come 1 Are you not able to imagine how some want ad of four or five lines of type, ninyif investi gated and followed up-influence the whole trend of your life? Some opportunity for work, for buying or selling, or for investment may have such . far-reaching results for you ns to shape nnd direct your coinings and goings, your prof its and losses for long vears! WATCH FOR SUCH AX AD? Is it not DEEPLY WORTn WniLTC TO THE EVENING NEWS ADVERSERS CET RESULTS Quality Purity Cleanliness Has been our motto for the past two years. Our business has increased over 500 per cent over the first month we were open. We w;sh to thank our many patrons for their liberal appreciation of our service and qual.Hygoods. The day of low prices, on cheap, adulterated and non-nutricipus products is m the wane. For that reasi n join our long list of customers, and buy your groceries at THE BENSON GROCERY 225 North JacKson Street PHONE 184 We slice Ham, Boiled Ham, Beef and Bacon. We solicit new accounts. Dry WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH UPPER CRUST? IT'S ALL RIGHT! Best' Flour On The Pacific Coast at SI. 60 per sack. We Keep a QUALITY SHOP and Guarantee everthing we sell. We are about to declare another dividend. Are you getting yours? If not we are both loosers. Phone 195 Perkins Bld'g. Roseburg, Oregon "The Best Town in the West.