jSJBWS. WANT ADVS GET RESULTS High grade Razor $1 Guaranteed Perfect Ity wail to any adtlresa on receipt of coin, money order or stamps Fuller-ton & Richardson IruiriritB ItoM-burir. Onmm DR. D. IS. BNELL, Osteopathic Physiciuu. 301 Perkins Building. Roseburg, Oregon. . DR .SI. ASHTON Chiropractic Physician Splnologlat. Chronic Diseases a Specialty 224 Cass St. Roseburg. MRS. H. JAY STONE Teacher of Piano Classes in Harmony f Studio 717 Hamilton St. Pohne 2 8 S R. DR. H. E. HERMANN, ' $ Eye Specialist. 217 South Stephens Street, Roseburg, Oregon. OURDON A. FORY, Vocal Lessons. Studio 312 E. Cass Street. . Phono 118-Y Roseburg ... -Ore. . WE WILL MAIL YOU $1.00 lor each nelol old Falic Teeth tent on. Hlftl; et iiricuu paid lor oUt QoM, Sliver, M Watches, llnkon Jewelry ami Precious Stones, doner Sent Br Return Hall. PHIU. SMELTING & REFINING COMPANY KHtnbllahcd 20 Years 863 CHESNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. TO PKNTIST8 Wo will buy your Gold FllltiRa, Oold Scrap and lMatluum. Highest prlct paid. RFD1FER DINING ROOMS All our old patrons will now find the popular Red ifer dining rooms at 130 S Parrott St., corner Lane, where the very best ser vice awaits both all old and new customers. 44444444444444444 4 4 HOARD AND ROOMS. 4 4 4 Modern Apartments with bath, 4 4 hot and cold water 4 4 In each rnora. MRS. CALLAND, Prop. 4 4 Corner Jackson and Brockway 4 4 Streets; near High School. 4 Rate, 6 Per Week. 4 44444444444444444 4 4 SIRS. CHARLES 8. HEINLINE 4 4 4 Plnnoforto Instructor 4 4 4 Studio will re-opon Sept. 23rd. 4 4 4444444444444444 Thin great ln.tilntlon open lt doort for the (all semeter od Cvptnnt-er 20th. ronreoi tmtructton liichnn-: General Agriculture. AKronnmv, Animal !!" bandrv, Dalrv llixl.atidry Hac lerlnlo, B.itany and Plant I'alhnlwy. Poultry llnMandrr. Horticulture, Kntomoloay Vcterlnarn Betenee, 1'lvll Kiurtnrerlns. Klectrlc-al Engineering. Meehmlcal l.c KlneeMoc. MinlnK EnRliierinK. lllffc way KiiKlneeriuK. Iinmettc Science. rome'lc Art. Commerce, Frctry, Pharmacy, y.iKtlv. rtiemtty. rr.;-lrj Mmhrmitlo. Knallrh ! an.l Literature, Pnt-iK tIaln. Modern Umlim. Ili!..ry Art. ArchltJ lute. Industrial Pe.lnmrr. I'tivilml blnra tl.in. Military Science and Tactic, aud Mu.le. ratal. nie and lllu.tratrd literature mall.-.! Itee on application A l lu-': IWl"trar. irevnn .iriiliii.m.w . o Year Opens Septem- t!fr-20:h, 1912 SQUIRREL POISON. Every kernel of Bolduan's Poison Grain contains a deadly 4 dose of powerful, quick-acting poison, "set" in the grain by a patented process. Rain, snow, dew or damp ground does not wasb out this 4 poison. It Is the only poison 4 which is as good Bix months 4 after as the first day It is put 4 out in tbe fields. 4 The best poison you've ever 4 used, or your money bacF 4 MARSTERS DRUG CO 4 1)0 NOT OVERLOOK TOUR HAND. We are Southern Oregon agents for school desks, black boards and supplies necessary) for the school. Don't wait, get your order In early and avoid the rush. Write us for prices or better have our man call on you. We do not allow anyone to undersell us. RICE & RICE. , tf NOTICE OF DISOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP To whom It may concern: Notico is hereby given 'that the partnership heretlfore existing between J. E. Pelton and G. M. Hanan has by mu tual consent this day been dissolved. All hills owing by, and all accounts payable to said firm, will be settled by, and are payable to, G. M. Hanan. Dated at Roseburg, Oregon tbi3 23 day of August, 1912. (Signed), J. E. PELTON, s? 3 G. M. HANAN. Business Is good whyT Because when we clean and press your clothes they are done right; not mopped over. Ladies', gents' and children's work, kid gloves and shoes. Sloper & Son. We call and deliver. Phone us 47. ALEX B. MOTT REALESTATE DEALER Oakland, Oregon Das a fine list of town pro erty.and tarms stock ranches Timber Lands 'n urge and Small Quantities 4tf44X444444X444S 4 The Collins Ho:eI f g Main Street, One Door South J J J. F. Barker's Hardware Store jj 4 I Good Table Board With Home Cooking Good Lodging with clean and comfortable beds 4 By the Day or Week g Mr. and Mrs. Bell Collins jjf 434C444444J4444 "Hoot-Mon Turning flarr. tnio aaynght is rough on old (owl I fogies, bnt enterprising, get-ahead, people want llrrht. As alders In light supplying light that really light softly, continuously lights we claim to be pre-eminent in thai we furnish . everything yon may require for the electric llghtlnc of your home, store or shop. Ask as. G. L. Prior Jackson Street, between Wash ington and Donglas. SUPPLIES WANTED Ranch hand by month, j for particulars phone 14F13. 467tf WANTED Girl over 16 years of age. for counter clerk and messauger. Apply Western Union Office 479sl6 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Inquire Mrs. J. G. Bacher, 202 Washington St., cor Rose. - tf WANTED By elderly lady, a girl to work for board and room while attending school. Inquire 246 N Rose, cor. Washington. 474sl3 WANTED Occupant for nice fur nished front room. Bath, hot and cold water. Price very reasonable. Apply 211 Washington St. 465tf WANTED Girl to work for her board while attending scnool. In. quire of Mrs. Zurcher, cor. Chad wick & Oak, or pnone 246-L. 471tf PRUNE) PICKERS WANTED Can use eight or ten pickers good camping grounds. Apply to C. E. Hatfield, Deer Creek, or phone 33F13. s20 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Wid ower desires widow to keep house for hlin. No objection to one child. Address N. Walker, .Rose burg, Oregon. si 6 WANTED Furnished modern house of about five rooms, close In. Leave description of property at News office. 466tf FOR RENT. FOR RENT Cottage close in. Phone 178-R. 482-tf FOR RENT 900 acres pasture land 3V4 miles east of Roseburg. All under good woven wire fence. It is also cross fenced. Plenty of running water. Phone 14F14 or addrss box 30, Roseburg, Ore gon. 848-817 FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms In modern home, close in. 312 E. Cass. 324tf FOR RENT Small house, also un furnished rooms. Inquire at 404 W. Douglas street. 8i5-tf FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for rent. Apply to Mrs. A. Hall, 246 S. Fline . Street, Roseburg, Oregon. 477sl4 FOR RENT 14 acres, a five roomed house, barn and chicken house and about 3V4 tons ot hay for sale. 'Enquire News. 480sl6 FARM FOR RENT 100 acres good dairy proposition on shares close to town; tools, machinery and stock go with place, but renter re quired to purchase half interest in same, and will need about S700 cash. Inquire at News office for particular. 3ECtf 444444444444444 4 4 FURNISHED ROOMS. 4 4 4 4 For students or teachers. 4 4 Near Lane Srhool. Light rout. 4 4 Can batch If desired. Tel. 122-Y. 4 4 " 470tt 4 4444444444944444 4444444444444444 4 4 4 with 4 FOR RENT Throe front rooms porch, furnished for housekeep- 4 lug. Water lights and phone 4 f 12 per month. 420 1-2 N 4 Jackson St. Tel. 122t. 470tf 4 FOR SALE. FOR SALE OR RENT Several mod em houses. Apply to S. W. Star mer, or call phone 177-L. FOR SALE Butcher shop doing good business. A bargain if sold at once. Address P. O. Box, 161, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. 352s24 FOR SALE Dahlias. Best produced by art or nature, at Soldiors home. Come and see them. A Cole. 329-nlO FOR SALE--Good Jersey cow for sale. Milk contains over 6 per cent butter fat. Ingulre of F. J. Rob son, Corey Ave., West Roseburg. 478sII. FOR SALE Nice, gentle black mare, weight over 1000, 11 years old. Fine for lady or family driver. Price $100. Inquire News office. 349tf NOTICE. Owner of suitable site for modern Apartment house will build for de sirable tenant on -lease. For Infor mation apply to B. News Office. 409 ill FOR TRADE Nice nve acre tract of land In good town, suitable for sub-dividing; has nice cottage and Improvements, Will trade for home In Roseburg. Here is a good chance to make some money. In quire News office. 217-tf FOR SALE 1 good team: well broke; will drive single or double. Weight 1100 pounds. Phone 14F14 or address Box 30. Roseburg, Ore gon. 485-S17 FOR SALE An easy riding saddle pony. Color black, age 9 years and a good looker. Address Carl Olson, Sutherlln, Ore, care of S. P. Co. 487-817 FOR SALE! Horse, 3 wagon, double harness, plow and 40 chick ens, 25 pulets. No reasonable of fer refused. Inquire of ' The News. 342-tf FOR SALE Second band rour-cylln-der automobile, in excellent con dition. Will sell cheap. Apply at this office for information . and price.- 281-tf FOR SALE One-horse Studebaker buggy. Call on or address L. D. Carle, 128 Flint St. Roseburg, Or. 169-tf FOR SALE Two dozen Barred Ply mouth Rock pullets, also 2 doz. Rhode Island Red pullets. Choice stock. Price right. Phone 32FS. 357tf FOR SALE Fine two-year-old Jersey bull, or will trade for any thing except another Jersey bull. Address E, A. Kruse, Roseburg, Ore., or phone 14F6. 486-817 FOR SALE Second nana cornet, (trumpet model). In first-class condition; was played for months In one of Portland's leading theatres and Is a No. 1 instrument for either band or orchestra. Can be had cheap. Inquire at The News office. tf FOR SALE In Roseburg, 4-room house on Flint street, No. 242, all furnished is bringing in $144; lights, water, patent tollot, sewer connection, paved street, etc. Price M.ioO; part down balance $10 per month. Address R. P. Simpson, Leland, Or. 304-tfsw FOR SALE 27 acres, seven mllen south ot Roseburg on mall route and telephone, good gravel road, ten minutes' walk! from Carne's station on S. P., good bottom land, now In corn and potatoes, good house with water, bath and sew erage. 100 yearling hens, 260 young chickens; also good Jers-' cow, buggy, harness and Imple ments. Small patch of blackber ries and strawberries. Price $3,0oi) for all, one-halt down. Addrew R. F. D. No. 1. box 99. 302-tf HERE IT IS About the finest home In the valley, all In cultivation, city privileges, modern house of six rooms, gasoline pumping plant, plenty of water for lawnB and gar den. If It U a country home Just out ot town that you want, do nv. miss seeing this. Will Boll all or part of property. Private; tele phone to city. It will pny prospec tive home seekers to Investigate this pluce. Inquire at News office for particulars, or call at premises, C. D. Mnynard, Just west of Sol diers Home. 23-tf MISC'KLANKOUA. AUTO LIVERY O. L. Prion will give nil orders prompt attention. Phone 286 and arrange for ser vice of machine. tf ..OST Pocketbook containing $5.00 gold piece and about $8.00 In sil ver, also a postorflce key. Suppose to have been lost between Bar ker's store and Banks & Wclker's llvory barn. Finder please return to Mrs. Norman Agoe. 483-sl" FOR SALE Four-foot nr cordwood. For carload lots write to Jonathan Richardson, Leona, Ore. Order now for fall delivery. Carload lotB $3.25 a cord. 146-dtl THIS WILL SUIT YOU Five fine lots, good view of city 14 block to proposed paved street, good view, well drained, and a property that will please the critical buyer, only $1,350. Terms. Inquire News office. 278-tf noth.t:. Notice Is hereby given that my wife, Maude Pearson, having left my bed and board, I will not be respon sible for any debts that may be con tracted by her, and I warn all persons against giving her credit with the ex pectation that I will pay same. Dated t Winchester, Oregon, this th day of September, 1912. 010 H. F. PEARSON, FOR SALE Terms Two nice lots and small new house, sewer con nections In, everything in best of condition. Good garden soli, and is far better than paying rent. $850 takes this place, and terms will be given. Inquire News for owner's address. 2Stf FINE BUNGALOW Will sell ot trade finest property in good rail road town for Roseburg residence or farm near city. This bungalow Is new, modern, 3 large lots go with it, delightful view of river and town, and rents for $17.60 er month. This Is something ex tra flue. Address, Owner, News, Roseburg, box 112. ONE ACRE HOME Nice little place Just outside city limits, good six room house, barn, chicken bouse, yards, etc., all fenced and in first class conditton, grounds set to young fruit trees, some in bear ing, big shade trees by house, all for only $1,800. Inquire News of fice. 21-tf GOOD GARDEN SPOT Tract 230 by 100 feet, one block to school, near store and postotflce, River side Addition, owned by non-resident, who will sacrifice It at $275. This place Is a bargain, being best of garden soil. Address N. R., box 55, city, or Inquire News office. 4tf TRADE OR FOR 8ALS Nice tract of 10 acres only three miles from city, best ot roads, fenced, but no buildings, nice young orchard, spring, etc Will trade for city . property. Making fine suburban home. Inquire News office for particulars. 41-tl $40 AN ACRE Farm of 135 acres, practically all tillable, one-fourth mile to river, on main highway, beautiful location, and the finest kind of place for dairying and or chard, fenced, spring, no build ings, and 8 miles from Roseburg Cheap sb dirt at the price. Inquire L, News office. 1 41-tl FARM HOME FOR SALE 16 acres close in, fine large house, good barn, windmill at well, water piped to house, 12 acres young orchard automobile raods all year, and In every way a desirable place. Im provements worth $4,000. Ownei will sell for $5,200, terms. Ad dross News office for particulars box 56. TEN ACRE BARGAIN A fine little place on best road In the county fair house, barn, spring and well nearly eight acres In choice fruit mostly In heavy bearing. Loss thai 3 miles from senter of city. Own er will sell on forms. Inquire a1 News office, or address Owner care News, 199-tt COATS WANTED I wish to pur chase 1,000 well bred Angorla goats; must be healthy and In first class condition; want nothing old. See me at Grand Hotel, Roseburg, Oregon, or write and toll me what you have in goats for salo, J. M. Englo. FOR SALE OR TRAD1S Highly Im proved 10-ucre tract I mile front good town, new 7-room bungalow good barn and poultry houses, f acres In orchard and berries, splen did locntlon, first class every way One of the finest places In South era Oregon. Sldewallts to depot and town; crop all In nnd wir trade for Roseburg proporty oi farm near city. Address Ownor News office, box 111. WHY PAY A LANDLORD Keep tin money yourself. Will soil a beau tlful location for home at grea' bargain. Only small amount down balance long time, hardly any In forest Tract contains 30 bcarlnr trees of choice fruit, city water and Is only 10 minutes' walk frorr postorfice. If this appeals to you inquire News office for partlcu Iars. 3 1 3tf FOR SALE The FrancIBcan Father tender for purchase the proporty abutting Washington, Kane and Chadwlck streets, and comprfslng half the block at present forming the Catholic church property. Terms on application to box 683 Roseburg. U SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County. Grace E. Bishop, Plaintiff, vs. Nathaniel C. Bishop, Defendant. To Nathaniel C. Bishop, tbe above named defendant: IN TUB NAMB OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you by Plain tiff In the above entitled Court and cause, on or before the 1st day of October, 1912, (being the dnte Ox- ed by the Court In the order for you to appear and answer said Com plaint) and It you tall to so appear and answer said Complaint within, said tlmo. Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief therein Demand ed, to-wit: ' For a decree dtssolvlnj forever the bonds of mntrluiony now existing betweon tbe Flalntilt Mid Defendant, tor the care, custody anil control of Ruby Bishop and Charles Bishop, minor children ot said Plaintiff and Defendant, and for such other and further relief as the Court may deem moot and proper. : This Summons is published In the Umpqua Valley News by order of the Hon. J. W. Hamilton, Judro ot the above entitled Court made !a Chambers on tbe 19th day of August 1912. The date of the first publication of this Summons Is August 19, 1912, and the dnte of Ihe last publication 1st September 30, 1912, making a period of six full weeks. BINGER HERMANN, s30-d Attorney for Plaintiff. HAY'S MAIM HEALTH THE FAVORITE. Refined Women Glvo This Invlgorat. Jug Ilnlr Tonic the Preference. When a woman buys a Hair Re storer, she 1b particular to get some thing juBt right. She wants a prepar ation that Is reliable and satisfactory and eho doesn't want a hair dye. HAY'S HAIR HEALTH cloans and Invigorate! ihe scalp and en courages new hairs to grow. Brings back the NATURAL COL OR to youi hair, makes It soft -and lustrous. Leaves no stain on skin; . Is not a dye, and nobody can tell you are using It. Mrs. Fred Gompart, of 223 W. 148th St., New York City, writes ua.i "About six months ago I had a bald spot on the very top of my head as big bb the palm ot my hand. In about seven weeks' time, using HAY'S HAIR HEALTH continuously, new hairs startod to grow. They an getting Just as long and are the same color as the rest ot my hair. I shall never give up using It." . NON- J BALKABLE SELF-POINTING A HammcrleM Gun with Solid Frame. Easiest operating and smooth, est action. THE STEVENS Repeating Shotgun LISTING AT $25.00, Is indorsed by Shoot ers vsrywhsre as "Superb for Trap or Field." Mado In five stylos and illiiHtrntcd and di-ttrribeil in Stevens Shotgun Catalog. uvo vonr Denier show you a Stevens Ropoatcr. J. STEVENS ARMS& TOOL COMPANY, P.O. Bra 5004. fail CKICOPtE f AUi, MASS. LOST On rond south or the city, bo- : tween Carnes Station and Rose burg, a roll of films. Finder ploase leave at Nowb offico. 488-817 Hermann Marsters, tne plumber, Is prepared to Install gas fittings an well as pipe houses. He guarantees satisfaction. tl S H S There Are Ten People & i in This City Capable of Tilling That Job! Perhaps not that many really efficient workers will read your ad on Its first pub lication. But those who are, at the moment, "eligible" for new employment, will read It end will be pretty sure to answer It. And to find a really efficient worker Is to find "good fortune". ItA Ynur Hflp Through THE EVENING NEWS g No. rf mm If i