THE LAST WORD. j i I J j Billy la a 8 port. WM John Deerp Warfons Van Brunt Drills 2 ! FURNITURE AT COST! r,i X I 1 1 h II Fashion Approves th It j-j! Box Plaited Skirt. j See our stock of DEERE REVERSIBLE DISC and SULKY PLOWS We have a PLOW for every Kind of soil II Deere Disc Harrows Spring Tooth Harrows s ROSEBUrfG FEED & FUEL COMPANY ROSEBURG BOOK CO. OFFICE OUl FITTERS FOUNTAIN PENS SCHOOL HOOKS TYPEWRITERS NEWS DEALERS 1IOLIDA Y OOOUS POST CARDS 'EN N A NTS hOSEBURG, OREGON ROUGH DRY Or FininhoJ, both roceivo the name careful attention in our plant, which is second to none. The result is that we are Bound to Please Vou Try : Our : Way : Just : Once fe 4TTX v - ! I ! t i' .a - rtol,' :'J i i LONE STAR LAUNDRY l'hono 380 Cor. I'm& and Vorxhvii The New Gara&'e! Automobiles stored and cared for so that they are ready to go out whenever owners want them. Complete Repair and Machine Shop In Connection All Kinds of Automobile Supplies Let us demonstrate to you, 'our care and attention to autos. CARS FITTED WITH SKID CHAINS JUST NORTH OF GRAND HOTEL PHONE 408 THE NttW fl,ATSl COflTUUIC Plaits have once more come l.nefe to fashionable favor, and they are to iv seen forming the uniJcrskirt of many of the best full costume. Ph'tured Is a cown with the now box platted skirt, which, you Hee, adds no fulIiiL-sH to the width at the bottom. The plalta urc stitchi-d and pressed Mat xo that the slim silhouette Is preserved The overdrapery Is somewhat on the tunic orili-r with an odd Rash effect. Tim collar and cull's of white faille silk are edged with scan lily plaited lingerie embroidery This collar, broad at the back, ends sharply ot the shoul der line. CHAT WITH THE BRIDE. iiiimfcwiBiiirirfflriTgat You Dont Have to Go to Sea to See I PAT For Cement Culverts, Cemant Sewer Pipe, sizes 8 to 3! inches. Cement building foundation and chiimey blocKs. Cement sidewalks and Cement worll of any Kind. I havo Hvo or nix houses 1 will sell cheap, as 1 want to uso the money In other business. See my burglar proof window lock. Its O. K. See Pat's Elastic roof p:i lut for leaky roofs. Wo build, move or repair your houses. Business buildings n specialty. Over forty years experience In building. F. F. PATTERSON CONTRACTOR and flUiLDER About Going to Housekeeping .and About Furr.isHinqs. Are you going to housekeeping? A sensible girl If vou du. Love of home life should 1h Instilled in the early days of marriage In tin hearts of both man and wife. The man will be much less apt to wander from tils own H reside If he feels that tie has a personal Interest In It The woman will be less apt to de generate Into a gossip If she has the cuiv of her home In her keeping. It Is such n pleasure to beautify your own home and add a little to your belongings from month to month I 'ay for everything as you get It Better delay your marriage a year than to twgin overburdened with debts. If funds are low start with the furnishings of the kitchen, dining room, bedroom and living room. Cut only the absolutely necessary articles Into these rooms. Purchase only good, substantial fur id tare, allowing nothing for show. These article will last n lifetime and will never look poor, while showy, tawdry furniture grows shabby In a few months' time. A couple married four years ago adopted the following Idea.i with greai success: They Itought their small house be fore It was finished and less the cost of papering They are buying It through a build Inir association. The papering will come later. What little furniture they have bought has been paid for and Is really good. Two beautiful children gladden the hearts of their parents, and their train fug Is Just what you would expect from such sensible people. This Is one of the homes where happiness ts sure to reign. Cheer Up, Mr. Man! Next time you'll send your Laundry to US. YOU SUKK WILL and you'll noionlyetithaekOX TIM IS but it will be done Rid I IT. We take as much pains with a hand kerchief as w it li a lare curtain. That is OUR WAY. WHO does your laundry? Try us we always please. Roseburg Steam Laundry 4.1S S. Jackson Street Phone 79 Capa For Milk Bottles, flow to keep milk tHilUt'4 In the cleanest nnil most satlsfaclury way concerns all housewives. To nhl in oo mining this cleanliness milk Ixxtlc "caps" nro now for sale. One klinl. mnilo of celluloid. (Its Into the Inn lie and opens with a small aluminium ihutter. so that the milk may tto pour ed out and the bottle closed afterward. Theso coat 15 cents cacti or two Tor 23 cents. Another kind Is of celluloid and must bo taken out of the bottle each tlmo It Is used. These latter are also made for condensed milk. They cost 30 cents each. 1 Tha Widanar Memorial. Mrs OeorRe U. Wldener, who was a l:iMeiiKer on the III fated Titanic, her : husband and son losing their lives on 1 It, will give $L'.(IOO.OOO to Harvard for ! a library In memory of her son. Henry i 10. Wldener. Ho was graduated from Harvard In mil. and his collection ol j books will be housed wllhln It. It will lie erected next to the present Harvard library and will ho a work of art, n much pains has been taken In select ; in plans for the buildluc rirsl Chorus filrlf'harley buys win llki' a W all street linlllmi.-iiro. Sei d Chums tilrl-IMuiw: Itllly huvs won iIUh a ten dollar a week bank clerk. .Sew Yolk i'tf.i'iilupb. i-i.AVKU l'l.A.vo I'oit sal::. Having bought the L. H. Rhoades' stock and business in the Bradley building, we wiil sell goods at cost and carriage for the NEXT THIRTY DAYS, in order to make room for a BIG COMPLETE GROCERY STOCK $5,000 Worth of Furniture, Crock ery, Hardware and Miscellan eous Goods Fischer- player or piano. Not even suiled, Ubed one year. All the eon-i 8 milling attaojiment.'!. Some up-to j date features not round in other i makes. Fine collection of music roll, j with It. Terms can be arranged. I can save you $250.00. Sickness the1 only reason for selling. Must travel, j JOHN W. TOLLMAN, 481slG 707 V. Mosher St. THE MOST ACCURATE .22 CALIBER Repeating R;f.3 in the WORLD, Made in two models: ono for .23 Short K. P. car tridges tho other for .Sf2 Loner Itillo It. F. Vt " I IIST" PRICE $3.00 "VISIBLE I LOADING" RIFLE NO: 70. Handles 15 .89 Short and 12 .ii Jonar rifle cartridges. Send for handsome!? illustrated Kiflo Cata log and "How to Shoot Well". Order Stevens Rifle Pistols and Shoteuna from your Dealer. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY, P. O. Box S004, CIIICOPEE PALLS, MASS. J 7 8 mm llal 'tW r1 A Colored Suffmgiit. Miss ., I,. T. WnytrA r Hoston. who N Bald to le the only colored: woman In acilre caiup:ilv'i work for vote fur wiiiiien, 1 doimj splemlitl work nimmi; the ne;roe n Wisconsin. She hit tven stakhiK in the churches and at optiD atr uieetiitK. WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL, DICTIONARY THE MERRIAM WEBSTER Tho Only New unabridged dic tionary in many years. 1 Contains tho pith and essence of an authoritative library. 1, covers every acid of knowi-, cage, aii jbssyciopeaia in a single book. T'io Only Dictionary with tho New Vividcd 1'age. :0,000 Words. 27CO Pag03. C0OO Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars, "ctus toll you about this most remarkable single volume Writo for aamplo T j There Are Ten Ten j ants Looking for a i House Like Yours! Any one of the ten would tj consider your rental price reasonable, and your house, ; or apartment, IDKAT.--x actly what he has been look- Iiir fur! J Your "reasonably per sis- t tent" use of the "to rent" fe- columns of thin pai'er will c reRult In helpins SOME ot g these ton possible tenants to I find your house, or apart- 11 nient. The details will be easy to nrranse! w if (i J Itritt our llmie Thnmirh H THE EVENING NEWS J .Will be disposed of at great sacrifice. Hundreds of Rare Bargains Offered Sale Begins Saturday, Sept. 7 . CAMPBELL & MATHEKLEY Successors to L. H. Rhoades Prune Driers Repairec We make a specialty of sucn work, also sheet metal and drier pipe work. Plumb ins and tinning. Estimates made and satisfaction assured. D. II. Marsters. North Jackson street, near Marble Works, or phone 251. swlf litr Hi There Are Ten Jobs Hunting You! There are, now awaiting a worker of YOUR abilities, at least ten good jobs in this city.-The men who are look ing for PEOPLE LIKE YOU to fill these jobs are want advertisers themselves, and readers of want ads. They will see YOUR WANT AD if It is published in this paper with "reasonable' persist ence"; and, seeing it, will realize your fitness for'the wor.c they want done. Watch the ads in THE EVENING NEWS ar J NOTICK l'Oll IHtOI'OSALS VOll STISUET IMI'KOVKMEXT Sealed proposals will Be received by the undersigned at Ills office In the City of Roseuurg, Oregon, up to 5 o'clock n. m. on 'Monday, Septem ber 0th, 1912, for tho paving of Blalteley Streot from the west line of South Jackson Street to the cast line of South Stephens Street, In the manner provided by Ordinance No. 497 of the City of Roseburg. All bids must be submitted ou blank forms which will be furnished upon application to the undersigned, and i must be accompanied by a certified i rSeck payable to the City Treasurer lor live per cent of the amount bid, to bo forfeited to the City In case such bid Is accepted and the bidder shall fail to enter into a contract and bond with the City. A surety bond of tmrty per cent of tho umount bid will be required from the successful bid der. Tho time stated in the proposals for completing tho worwlll be con sidered In awarding the contract. The Council hereby reserves the right to rojet any and all bids. By order of the Council. Dated this 3rd day of September, 1912. CARL D. WIMBERLY, Recorder ot the City of RoBeburg, Oregon. d.s9 fy paRcs, full par- I 3 ' yjtV-A v ticulurs, etc. I 3 OfSgk-M, JyA Namathls J 8 YiV4VVA w. will IN C.iCMerriaaiCa. j LIBERTY'S LIGHT ft fftSTi "1 fc: ' i--l S: I'M i :'! ' i i V- V 1 '.iriwiKi j rr r: ,--rl ... -jf Is rilly the frccdmn Hint conies from Iiidciendeiice, nnd independ ence ran only belong to the thrifty nnd saving. Young and old ought to Imvo a bonk ocroiint and hero is tho place to have It. We welcome Individual accounts nnd nro most ac rouiniodatlng to our depositor. We offer llliornl Interest combined with that security tluit belongs to solid institutions llko ours. 4 Interest on TimeDeposits First Trust and Savings Bank For The News Read The Evening NewW$