THE EVENING NEWS their contracts In Roseburg with In the next three weeks. CAM, 1). siioi:makhk, Editor una nolo I'roprietor. IfiSUKD DAILY KXC'KI'T SUN0AV. KulMirlntloii Kates Dally. Per year, by mail $3.00 Per month, delivered 50 Bciiil-Ukly. Per year 12.00 Bli mouths Entered as second-class matter November 5, 1910. at Koseburg, Ore., under act ol March 3. 1879. FHID.W, SKIT. 13, lOlii HtmXHH I'OK SODA WATKIt IHSPENHKIIH. Tills Is an age of specialists. And In order to have specialists we must havle schools that si4ecla1lze. We have already In these co!::mns men tioned the schools for Journalism that have come Into existence within the past few years. We have our mining schoolB and our medical schools. Wo have law schools and cultural schools, night schools and many others too numerous to men tion. But the latest edition to the ' long '1st Is that of a correspondence school for the education ot tt soda water dispenser. And there Ib as much reason for this kind of a school .as-for the others. The soda water nusiness nas so increasea in uio mm few years that It Is not surprising that there should he a school for the proper training of those persons who make It their business to servo the puldlc with soda water and the other drinks that one finds at these places. There are In the United StuteB today more than 76,000 soda fountains and It Is estimated that thoy do a busi ness or over 1300.000,1100.1)0 annual ly. There .are employed ati theae fountains mora than 100,000 poo whose sulnry annually amounts to over $60,000,00u.00. With figures like these staring us In the face wo can see that the busi ness Is no small or mean one. The soda fountain has emerged fromthe ol dfashloned ono with a spigot fas tened to tho top of an arm extending from a counter to the elaborate ones that are seen at most of the Boda -water stands today. The process of carbonatlng water has been Improved and the use of Ice for cooling the "fli" wator has grently Improved tho taste of this national beverage. And -what Is more delightful on a hot summers day or evening than to drop Into one's favorite stand and order tip a mint fnrppe or a chocolate Bod or an egg malted njllk. Half of tho ploasure comcB from wutchlng the oporator mix tho drink before your wondering eyes. He tosses the dif ferent 4ngmrident! jjlnto his mixer, Xurns the spigot and In an Instant you aro onjoying Borne of nature's best products. Pure fruit Juices are tiBed now al most exclusively Instead of the old fashioned artificial and synthetic syr ups which wore Injurious to ones health. The soda wator business today represents almost perfection. The soda water dispensers demnnd and got good aslarles. And they are en titled to It. Thoy cater to and Berve the public timto and the public as a rule Is willing to pay for that which pleases Its palato. Here aro some of the things that this correspondence school teaches to Its students: "The lllspenser, Qualifications, Body, Dress, lliihlts, Social, Physical and Mental; Rtudy and Urowth." "The llnlly Working Schedule Its Necessity Cleaning. Inspecting and Testing; Personal Cleanup, Sor-I vice." i "nre of tho I'Viunluln." "Kbk lirlnks, Malted Milk Drinks, "lemonades, Vlinsphnlos, etc." j ''Stools, Tnltles, Foot Itt'sts, Chairs, ; System at the Fountain." Theso are Just a few nf tho things! tnuKhl by this school, lint they serve to show the scope of the teach ing. The student Is given this In-, structlnn for a moderate cost and the Rood that he gets from It makes him more vnluuhln to the puh- ie, iiuiHcir and his employer. i Mrs. A. T. Thompson has returned from Sunshine ranch, where she was Mrs. Claud Naubtirg, of Marsh-! field, Is spending a few days In Hose- burg visiting with friends. Traveling Passenger Agent Jenk ins, of the Southern Pacific lines In Oregon, spent the day In Koseburg conferring with the business men. Mrs. W. S. Halo and son, of Sa lem, are visiting at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gulnn. ' Mrs. Bassett returned to her home at Drain this afternoon after a couple of days spent In Roseburg visiting at the home of Engineer and Mrs. Eugene Bowers. W. G. Hughes, of Los Angeles, who owns a largo and attractive ranch near the North IJmpqua fish hatch ery spent the day In Roseburg trans acting business matters, The funeral of the late Louisa Hen derson, who died at the Wltham home, on Deer Creek, yesterday morn ing was held .this afternoon, lntor ment of the remains following In the Odd Fellows' cemetery. Tho Producers Fruit Company yes terday shipped a carload oC fine Douglas county apples to the New York market, he car contained sev oral varieties of apples, atl of which were packed and labelled under the direction of Mr, Skinner, local rep resentatlve of the company. " Mrs. Irvine Gardner and child ar rived here this afternoon from Myr tlo Creek to Join their husband and father. Leland Thompson, Bon of Mrs. A. T. Thompson, Is expected home this evening from West Fork where he has been spending the past few weeks. t Frank Goodman and wife, of Look ing Glass, were visitors in Roseburg for a few hours today. Charles Aytch and wife, of Glen dalo, arrived here this afternoon In response to a message announcing the serious Illness of the tatter's brother who Is at Mercy hospital suffering from typhoid fever. Miss Edith Hopkins, daughter of Charles F. Hopkins, left for. Drain this afternoon where she haa been engaged to teach school during the coming winter, Mrs. J. H. Rankin left this after noon for Portland where she will re side permanently. She will be Join ed In a few days by "her husband who was recently transferred to that city. Mr. Rankin Is a Southern Pacific brakeman and has lived in Roseburg for Borne time past. j FOR SALE Good team, harness and i 4-Inch wagon, or will trade for wood, hay and good milch cow. 1026 Corey Ave. . 472-tf W A NTED Steady girl to assist with housework. Apply at 444 Ella street. 4.91 If III I Ten Buyers for Vniir HaiicoI I IVUI llUUOfi I I There are at least ten people in this city who want to buy a house like yours and not one of these ten people could be SO WELL SUITED BY ANY OTHER PHO- i PEKTY TO BE HAD AT THIS I TIME. I At least sight of these ten people rend this paper. At least five of these eight readers will read your ad in this paper per haD3 not on its firat insertion. but as a result of your reason- I ..ii . uoiu uenubience. "EVENING NEWS AIN lllllXO HKSUI.T8 I as CootiStoyesTO We wish to call your attention to the best line on the market, we refer to the BRIDGE & BEACH LINE It has been sold from ourplace for 25 years or more with only satisfaction to both buyer and seller. Made of the best grey iron, properly cured. Best grade of rolled steel and best and -most experienced help obtain able. They cannot be improved upon. Come and examine them. Also look for our ads. as we will have more to say about them from time to time. Churchill Hardware Co. ! l.or.W, xkw's. ! The ladles of St. Joseph's pnrlsh ' aro planning for a tuizaar and dinner i to be held Saturday, November H3. Andrew nestul has returned iTTTe i After three weeks spent at points In j Coos comity. Mr. Chase, of St. Paul, left for his home thin afternoon after a two days' visit at Sunshine ranch. Mrs. J. A. Amndon. who has been siiendlng the past few weeks visiting her old home In Minnesota will re turn here Monday. The Clarke Howry Construction Company this morning romiuenced tho work of laying the "hot stuff on South Stephens street. It Is be-1 lleved that the company will finish ' Ladies Tailored Suits! 11 The newest niooVlR In tailored Bults, selected for their line quality, skilled tailoring nnd beauty of work manship. Kxcluslvo patterns up from $16.00 FALL COATS Exclusive designs are now on dis play. The richest and most artistic armenttt ever offered to fashionable woman, no matter how discriminat ing her taste- may be. $10.00 to $50.00 FALL WAISTS Dainty and lovely wainta, having All the charm nnd freshness that the most critical could demand. Styl ish and becoming, well made and durable, nnd, tve nil, bargains. $3.50 to $12.50 THE BELLOWS STORE COMPANY "TIIK Ql'AMTY NTOHK' A crew of carpenters this morning commenced the tank of repairing the Umpqua bridge, at the foot of- bane street. The! work will consume about ten da ye, during which time the bridge will necessartly be closed to traffic. Although not considered un safe, the bridge has needed repairs for some time and the county court deemed It wise to proceed with the work at this time. Pending com pletion of the bridge It will be neces sary for tennis to cross the river at the foot of Douglas street. A. W. Clark, of the Clark & Henery Construction Company, said at tho meeting of the council last night that the paving plunt which was shipped from this city to Koseburg a short time ago will be through there in about two weeks and then will be shipped to Eugene again to help out tho big plant In the northwestern nart of the city. The company has lots of work to do here yet this fall and it will have to rush things to get it finished before the' fall rains sot In. Eugene Guard. Meeting the early southbound pas senger train this morning, a number of local sportsmen carted about 100 cans of rainbow trout to various sec tions of the county where they were planted In the different streams. The) trout were received from the state! flah commissioner and arrived here j In first-class condition. It had been Intended to send 100 cans of bass, j but owing to high water this part of j the consignment was delayed pend-; Ing more favorable conditions. Local i sportsmen Interested In stocking the! streams desire to thank all those who met the train and assisted In cart-1 lug the fish to the various sections of ; the county. Especially Is this true of , Hanks & Welker, the enterprising' liverymen, who tendered a team and driver for the occasion free of charge. I.Ike nit enterprising citizens. Hanks & Welker are desirous of assisting In those matters which will prove a benefit to the community at large. D. H. MARSTERS' PLUMBING SHOP. Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Tinning and Heating North JacKson Street, adjoining Peoples Marble Works. Telephone Z51. . Work Done on Short Noticp ROSEBURG, ORE Ph0Qe m- All work flrsucl. Commercial Abstract Co Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared Insurance, Etc. Bonds ot all Kinds Furnished Money to Loan on ImprovedFaim Property Perkins Building ROSKBUBQ, OREGON Spend Your Outing; at Tiller, Ore. SHE'S ON THE MAP .1,"' "i'"yr,rr,',','.ln,5 '"'"""V 'in- M1..UM .l.nnem- For further lnft.rni.llOT apply SPC"" . 1 F. 11AI1TIH M. TII.I.F.ll. OKKtiON DR. S. I leLAI,l Osteopathic rliysfrlnn $ Successor to O DR. J. L. CALLAWAY Most scientific treatment for nil o i acute and chronic diseases. $ Phone 169 0 Roseburg Nat. Bank nidg. . THE ECONOMY MARKET George, Kohlhagen, Prop. Wholesale and Retail Butcher. The best the market anoras. All kinds of Stock bought and so'd. Phone 58 ... Rcsebuig, Ore irejpn