OLIVE OIL Ha! long been used for the table and for the making of fine dressings, but its use as a food and as a health help is rapidly growing. Physicians realize the won derful nourishing effects ot Olive Oil and its value as a food tonic. We can supply you with the best Virgin Olive Oil The Angelina Brand We guarantee this oil to be absolutely pure in every particular. It is expressed from olives ot the right degree of ripet ess. It is a smooth oil with a bland and pleasant taste. For whatever use you want olive oil, you will find this oil meets your require ments; is a dressing as a condiment as a food or a medicine, this oil will satisfy yod. In sealed cans 65 cents the pint at Krohn's Drug Store 'Maccabee Temple Cass Street Roseburg' Nursery Co. GltOWKltS A.YJ) IMPORTERS OF HIGH-CLASS NURSERY STOCK The best that good care, skill and long exper ience can prouduce. All stock on three-)rear WHOLE ROOTS. All buds and scoins select ed from best BEARING TREES. Get prices on Our Appl. Pear, Churry. Pouch, Vrune and Nut Trw. Ornamental bhnile Trowa, iirape utid Herry Vint', J'Mon-erlmr Shrubs tuitf Huach Roseburg Nursery Company KITCHIN, & BLACK, Proprietors Jjj! Vice President Sherman I And His Cheery Helpmeet ill ' f Jv. si s. I Hi 1 WVi if ' 58 I. tf', Uv tJ 3 " Photo hy American Press Association. liOUGK D1KBCTURT. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA . Myrtle Camp No. 6.130, meeU every second and fourth Tuesday of every month In the Eagles' hall. TravelluR neighbors are cor dially luvlted to visit out cauin. - I'ntnk Clements, consul; li Stubbs. clerk. WUOOIIKN OK l'MK VOnj.l Oal, Camp, No. 125, meets at the 0io Fellows' Hall In Hosenuri;, ever; first and third Monday evenings Visiting nelKhbors always wel come. M. B. Germond, C. C; J. A. Buchanan, clerk. Sunlight For Sale MR. FARMER DO YOU WANT IT? The Hylrn-.:rbou Lighting Hyslera U th chvaiHSi ud iK'st Hi iimtwll AtiA buru. - St-v tt lu uperatlnn Id Kosoburg, and write 'Or prtct'i rtutl tfiiinti. by inn luniaUoa rum $30.00 Nat. Bishops Box 655 Up Roseburg Ore. Po.e Agent lor Douglai County WE GUARANTEE ALL 0U WORK DONE WITH THE VACUUM CLEANER When we say (jUAHAX'IKU we mean Sr.vt what the word Implies, it you aro not satlslled there will he no charge. We could not make this assertion unless wa were posltiTe of giving good sorvlce. When you get leadv to clean house let us do the worst part for you the leaning of your carpets. It's easy for you and the price reasonable ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY O. C. BAKER. Proprietor. Ofllce N. Jackson Pt.vne 79. n niMir - -1 J. H. SYKES GUN STORE Jackson street" in building Icrmerly occupied by First National Bank. Sporting Goods, Guns, Ammunition and Fishing Tackle. Gun Repairing a Specialty "Let 'er Buck!" ROUND -UP Pendleton, Oregon September 26 to 28, inc. ItrriiHM'il fnn IVoni all imlnU on Southern Pacific Lint's fn Otviron will be plnrod on ante Sept. 2 I, '2't. 20, 11)12 From Roseburg $17.10 Round trip From all other points correspondingly low rates t will prevail as follows: One and one-third Fare Round trip For full information relatives to fares, train sched ules, etc., call on retrest agont of Southern Pacific JOHN M. SCOTT General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, OREGON I 000NSHASTAl I HOt'UH ner health h:is not iilwnys permitted her to take nn active ii piirt lu ihf sot'lnl lite of WnstiniKton. Mrs. Sherman, the wlft of the 4 vn-e prrslileut. h one of the most popular women In the capital. Vtillc her tuisliiiiiil was still a representative In congress she was umin,.v liisiruineutnl In runnlnc the Congressloiml ulub, which Is made up of the vlvts ill sfnatfr and representallves. Slip is small In stature, has gray bhlr "nil. liUv li'T luishainl. ln a youthful race, which usually wears a smile. Mrs. Sherman tlirmi;:h Iht iiutiiy years spent In Washington hns obtained an Ih slght Into ptiltrli-K mat few of her sex possess. She Is abreast of the tim-?s and Is i.h m!t.-sliMu ciiiivursatlonallst on evonta of a public churacter. Mrs. Mieruiar was iiic.ilanhier of (ieneral KllnUtm Bubcock and was married In i.SM. Mi !i il "s. jJlK-nnan have three sons. LOCAL XKWS. Robert U Gilo went to Saelm this mornini; to look after business -In-, tercsts. J. J. Alexander left hero this morn ing for Zllah. Wash., where he will visit with his daughter. Dr. John R. Chapman left hero to day for the country where he will spend the next few days. Mrs. I). C, Humphrey and children returned here last evening after two weeks spent at Albany visiting with the former's parents. .less. Applegate, of the Oregon Sol diers' Home, left for Yoncalla this morning 'to spend a few days with relatives. Miss Estes Ward left for Junction City this morning where she will spend a few das visiting with friends and relatives. Miss Klla lllnich, or Chicago. 111., arrived here this morning to spend a few days visiting at the homo of her uncle and nunt, Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Bullwinkle. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Skeen left for their home in Washington this morn ing after a visit with their daughter. Mrs. Frank Goodman, at Looking Glass. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schwartt and child left for Kugene, Portland and where they will spend a couple of weeks. 1 George Heath came In from his ranch this morning to look after business nffulrs, Floyd Frear left here this morn ing for Kugene, Portland and other northern cities. It may lie possible that Mr. Freer will locato at some northern point. ' C. P. narnaril, of the Roseburg- Marshfleld stage line, left for Kugene this morning to join Mrs. Barnard and daughter, Alolse, who left for the university city yesterday. Mrs. K. II. Graves left hero this morning for Elk City, Lincoln coun ty, where she will locate permanent ly. Mr. Graves will follow tomor row. Miss Bertha Morley, tho beautiful (laughter of the Hilenbower capital ist, 1). V. Morley. and Mr. Ray R Maraters, son of W. E. Marsters. the well known monument men, were married at the Bnptl?t parsonage Wednesday evening by Itev. W. H Eaton in the presence of a few friends. Both young people are well known In Uosehnrg, and are favor lies among their friends. They will be nt home to their friends at once In their home in N'orth Roseburg. A quantity of whiskey, consigned to several laborers about town, was received here last Saturday from Portland, and as a result several Jags were In evidence Saluray night and Sunday. There should he some way to reach the liquor dealers who solicit orders and ship booze Into "dry" ter- t. O. T. M. Rusoeurg Hive, No. 1 holds regular reviews on first and third Wednesdays In the Maccabee hall. Sisters ot othei cordiallv lnvlrri tn Mtfmift our r hives visiting In the city art views. Olive Green, lady com.; Jessie Rapp. R. K. O. K. S Roseuurg Chapter, No. 8, noids tnelr regular meetiug on th first and third Thursdays In each month. Visiting members In good standing are respectfully Invited to attend. Mrs. Jessie Davis, W. M.; Free Johnson, secretary. tVO.MF.X .ok VVOODriiAFT L,lla Circle, No. 4 9, meets on first nuo third Monday evenings of eact mouth lu the f. O. O. F. hall. Vis iting members In ftood siundln, are Invited to attend. Mrs. Kthel Gaston, G. N. ; Clara Cawlfleld, clork. I. O. O. t Phllctarlan Lodge, No s, meets in odd Fellows Tumple corner ot Jackson and Cass streou en Saturday evening of each week Members of the order In good standing are Invited to attend. J. R. Bailey, N. G.; M. M. Miller, R. S.; L E. Mllledgto. F. S. I. O. t). K Rising Star Lodge No 174, meets in Odd Fellows Temple every Friday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. Ed S. Cockolroaso, N. G.; W. S. Powell, R.'S.; M. Fickle. F. 0. moTHF.unooi) ov America; YKOMHX Mt. Nebo Lodge .No ISliS, meets every second anr fourth Wednesday ot each mni.tl at the Fagles' hull. Vlslliug broth ers aud sisters welcome. E. B Perrlne. F. M.; a. E. Krohn. Cor . P. O. 10 Itosi hurg Lodge, No Sifi, holds regular communlca tloiiB at their temple on Beeouo and fourth Thursdays o" eact month. AH members reour.Ri,i- to attend regularly and all ifHiuc urouieis are corolallv Invited t, attend. Blngor Ilormann, E. R. FOR SALE Good team, Harness and new 3-Inch wagon, for salo or will trade for wood, hay and good milk cow. 1028 Corey Ave 472tf The old bookkeeper said "After all there Is no Ink like Carter's Ink. tf Will you need any new sidewalk. lumber this fall? Got It at Page'B. cut ready to lay. Phono 242. tf POLK'S' OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory r.i ., nh riiv. Town and each placo, locution, population, tele graph, liipptntT ftJ I'SHikltm polntt also Clnaninud l'lr'.tory, compiled by milncs and profusion. rout v ro., skattlk A. I''. A. ni Laurel Lodge, No. 13, holdt . A - regular meetings on tin A A' second and fourth Wed ' Vv le.-silays of eur.U montu Sojourners Invited to attend. N. Rice, W. M.; R. II. C. Woods, Sec. U. I-. KoKCPurg Aelic, No. J4'J, meets serotnl and Itmi'lh Mini(lai In their hall on Jackson street at 8 P. M. Ben North W. P.; II. V. loodtnan. see. IMPItOVKI) OltDIOlt OF ItKDMKX Umpqua Tribe No. 44, meets evory flrst and third Monday of each month nt tho Eagles' 'Jinll. Vlslt itlng chiefs welcome. J. W. Brcwn. Sachem; K. M. Moars, C. of R. ii o ii i; ii x mttmii'.niiooi) or A.MKltKA Meets In Maccubec Tf-mplo every 4th Friday of each mouth. O. L. Wright, President; Kinina McMullen Secretary. i'f X ftftft 3 !S lIt. I). K. SXKI.I,, ;S Osteopaililc l'iiysit-hui. ' "f 10-11 Marsters Bldg. 'Phone 119 Roseburg, Oregon. ! a, o: a s lilt. !.(-:(). K. flOllt'K, I'hyslrlan and Hurgeon. t t Ofllce, Review Blrig.. Phone SI. Rosotiurg. Oregon. rWEBSTEFfS New International1 Dictionary THE MERRIAM WEBSTER? Became J" " Held of the world's thought. action, nnd culture. , Tho only jjch unabridged dlcUoaary in muny yooi-a. Rfi'mitA ifc defines over 400,000 uu""? lVorw; more than over boforo appeared botweon two covei-B, aroo I'agca, 6000 It luMtrntiuus. 13nft,A it 1b tho only dictionary y. cause with tn0 nQW dlvitlod jxieo. A 'titroko of U oniua." Pormnfl 11 i8 nn onoTolopodla in tJecnu!te asumlovuluuio. . Rrn.A it 1b oomraondod by tho pecans CourtH( schooln, and tho Prctn aa the out) supreme authority. D,PBIlt. he who knows Win PecaU8C .Snrotmn. Lot UB tell you about thi now work. WHITS for iptclmaaj of Uw mw dlrldod JM G. & C. MERRIAM CO., Pnblulwn, SprliffteM, Mw. If rntlon tblapkpw, rC4rin FREE u( of ptxkat maps. ? Fern Island Greenhouse f I . filrs.F. D. Owen, 1'rop. I Roseburg Ore. YUtio 9P12 , f'ut Flower, l'ottMl F'1iiii(a, J I iinornl !n-slj:im, WtMidint; Ho- j r fU'l, l"tC, j' J J RecfliveJ a Tresh Supply of i Perns of All Kinds On Halo At I Rose Confectionery other northern cities this mornlnK rilnry. Sutherlln Sun. CRESCENT HEICHTS ADDITION A PLACE WHERE YOU GET GOOD THINGS TO EAT We do catering. Try us next time you have a luncheon $ $ $ $ THE GRAND GRILL Opposite Perkins BIdj. Lot) in this'AiJditinn Sold on Iity Terms; Smi.ll Cash l'ltymenla HU1LDIN0 UHSTKICTIONS Extra Wge in Hizo. All with tine view of City awl Valloys Make an Appointment With Us To See These Lots : : HIMES and OLIVER : : : 00 OPTICAL NEEDS The valuo of f'o'l eyes i:i inentimalila. Most bail eyes can be iiiielu perfect with tho assistance of spectacle's. We have tlui; to the very bottom of optical science and are prepared to do fitting that is uncnualed. If you would be free from pain and incon-veit-nce, loss of time from work or school, wear a pair ot our glasses, jbWhi.tKs A. S. HUEY CO. opticians