Closing-Quit Sal. JOEFHSOFS BIG SAVINGS BIG SAVINGS On Men's and Boy s Clothing, Shoes, Furnishings Save Money On Men's Good Rain Coats (Warranted Water proof) All Men's Extra value $6 Rain Coats - $ 4.95 All Men's Extra value $12 Rain Coats - 8.95 All Men's Extra value $13.50 Rain Coats - 9.85 All Men's Extra value $18.00 Rain Coats - 13.95 All Boy's Extra value $4.50 Rain Coats - 3.95 Save Money On Men's Reliable Clothing All Men's Extra value $20.00 Suits All Men's Extra value 18.50 Suits All Men's Extra value 17.50 Suits All Men's Extra value 16.00 Suits $15.65 14.85 13.95 12.95 Save Money On Men's Reliable Shoes Men's $5.00 values in dress and every day Shoes $4.15 Men's 4.50 values in dress and every day Shoes 3.95 Men's 4.00 values in dress and every day Shoes 3.45 Men's 3.50 values in dress and every day Shoes 3.15 GOOD BARGAINS BOYS AND GIRLS SHO ES Save Money on Boy's School Suits Be Sure to see the splendid values we are offering at $2.65, $2.95, $3.15, $3,65, $3.95, $4.15, $4.95, $5.85. DON'T OVERLOOK THESE. Save Money On Men's and Boy's Sweaters They arc in the new rough neck style, with big roll collars Warm and stylish. Great values at $1.95, $1.65, $2.85, $3.45, $5.75 and $6.85. See Them. SAVE MONEY ON EVERY THING President Suspenders 45c, Best 50c Work Shirts 40c, Men's Heavy Underwear 45c, $1.25 Soft Shirts 95c, Stet son Hats $3.65, $1.25 Felt Slippers 95 cents. Bargains All over the Store. On Dry Goods and Women's and Children's Wear Save Money on Women's and Girls' Sweaters The way we are pricing our ladies' and girls' sweaters is certainly causing a lot of favorable comment, and the saving that our prices offer you is decidedly worth while. Great values at 1.65, 1.95, 2.85, 3.45, 5.75 and 6.85. Save Good Hard Honey on Dress Goods Extra heavy, all-wool 56 inch suiting, the g . AO regular $2.50 grade, per yard - - vJ5 I 0 Fine heavy all-wool homespun suiting mixtures j CT in handsome colorings Regular $1.75 grade, yd 1 JLJ Handsome 36 inch worsted suitings, in newest weaves and colorings. Good 75 cent values. Our tZg closing, out Price 3vFC Standard quality 27 inch fine silk messaline regular 90c grade per yd Save Money on New Fall Millinery 75c All of our ladies' newest $6 Fall hats . . 500 4.00 " 3.00 " " ,' " " " 2.50 44 . 2 oo " Fine quality $6 blk. beaver shapes $4.75 3.65 3.15 2.35 2.15 1.65 4.25 SAVE noNi f We are offering big' and Childrens' Wh blankets, spreads, si terials. In our Ladie ""j service and qual-tygocKMrawiMMm prices have been buy here you can't prices. If you doi and non-nutricious pKY 11 1 NO the wane. For thatr :LsTm stock ofLadies imings, quilts and se furnishing ma- dy-to-wear dept., een THE DEMCttM buy here you can't U UL UL11JUIV ;r ;r i - t . i v i. - r- - wi 225 NopHoJNEKiS;iet it afterwards IIUIIM.I', ('IX)SI'.I). Tho Umpuna bridge lit ih foot of Imxui Street In lliw- burg will he closed for about teii days for repairs afu-r to- day. Travelers may either cross at the temporary bridge at the foot of Ibiuglas at root or use tho ford at tho foot of Oak street. Superintendent I.. It. Fields, of the Southern rncltlc linos In Oregon, pass ed through Ronchurg this aftornoon enroutn to I'ortlanil aftor a few daya pent In Southern Oregon. Ho l traveling In his private car, "Callfor mta". Tho greatest lino or Aluminum Wiiro ovor shown In ltosolmrg. The Waro that Wears. Not the cheap flimsy kind, but tho good heavy re liable ort. Cflll and examine qual ity tho prices aro Hunt. HICK HICE. tl NOTII'K 1XU PUIU.IOATIOX. Department of tho Interior. U. S. l and Office at Roseburg. Oregon. September 10. 1912. M'Tlt'K Is hereby itlven that Min nie Chirk, of ftunter, Oregon, who. May 1st 11UI7, mado Kiitrv Serial, No., for S K v.. Section S Township 21 S, Range 6 Wet Willamette Meridian, has til ed tiutno uf Intention to make Final , Five Year Proof, tn establish elnlm ' to the bind above described, before Register nud Receiver United States Land Office, at Roseburg. Oregon, on the SO day of October, 1!U2, Claimant names as witnesses Course "Wooty, of Ursiln, (Vrinn: Robert league, of Ounter. Oregon. Curt Nlckerson, of Ouiiter. Oregon: John Ctiinter, of Hunter, Oregon. II. K. JOXKS. 0-17 Register. xoTit i-: itij Department or the Interior. U. S. I. and Office at Roseburg, Oregon, September 9. 1912. NOTICK Is hereby given that Ellis V.'atson, of Peel. Orvaon, who. on January stb, 1".!S. made Homestead Kntry Serial No. 04108. for Lots 1 and S. Section 2. Township 27 S. Range 3 West Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to niaU.1 Final "Three Year" Proof, to estab lish claim to the land above descrlb-i led. before Register and Receiver I United Statea Land Office, at Rose-1 burg. Oregon, on the 25 day of Oc-1 tober. ,1912. Claimant names aa witnesses: J lllram Oogh, of Peel, Oregon: Oscar llollser, of Peel, Oregon; ! Charley F, Watson, of Peel, Oregon: j J. II. Krnrts, of Peel. Oregon, j II. F. JOXKS. '0-17 Register. We slice Ham, Boilt, Beef and B.- We solicit new i Time certificates of de- Posit c (!7K B2 Savings deposits 2,438.44 IIAXK ST.XTK.MKXT. No. 83. Other resources Total i.i uui.niks Capital stock paid ..In.... .'."IO.S5 44.40 Report of the condition of the Undivided profits First Trust and Savings Hank, at Itosoburg. In the State of Oregon, at' the close of business September 4.. 1912. ltK.SOUIMKS. Loans and discounts $ 13,007.14; Postal savings bank de posits Individual deposits sub ject to check Demand certificates of deposit , $59, 9110. 04 SO. 000. 00 1.193.31 750.00 IS 5.67 1,12:00 Total $59,900.04 State of Oregon County of Doug las, ss. I. Robt. E. Smith ri.ll.r ii, almvnmed bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the host of my knowledge and belief. norm e. smith. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before) me this 11th day of September. 19ll tl n n ........n W J. raaui, i civ. Notary1, Correct Attest: A. CREASOX, P. W. HUNT., Directors.