The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 09, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    Quality Purity Cleanliness
Has been our motto for the past two
years. Our business has increased
over 500 per cent over the first
month we were open.
We w;sh to thank our many patrons
for their liberal appreciation of our
service and qualHy goods. The day
of low prices, on cheap, adulterated
and non-nutricious products is on
the wane. For thatreas n join our
long list of customers, and buy
225 North JacKson Street
We slice Ham, Boiled Ham, Dry
Beef and Bacon.
We solicit new accounts.
I Mrs. W. H. Kerr arrived here;
: last evening alter pending sometime;
; at Corvallii, Newport and other coast '
resort. j
! Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Harness, of!
North RoKeburg. returned here late
; Saturday night after a few days tpent ;
at Portland, Salem and other north- j
ern cities.
D. W. Riedle, owner of the eemenf
propertiea South of Roseburg, spent
Sunday fn town. llr. Riddle resi-
des at Portland and makes frequent
vJeJis to this city.
Mrs. Earle McCurdy and son left
for Portland this morniug where they
will join their husband and father.
Mr. McCurdy Is a Southern Pacific
brakeman and was recently transfer
red to Portland from this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz and little
son, formerly of the Crand Hotel,
are spending a few days at Lngle
wood Ranch. Thy are the guests of
J. W. Engles, owner of the ranch
and one of Oakland's best known
A Homely
D. M. Thomas, of Anchor, is spend
ing a few days in Koseburg attend
ing to business interests.
Norman Throne, of Ashland,
spent Sunday In Roseburg visiting
with bis brother, John Throne.
Assistant S. P. Superintendent May
returned here yesterday after a
couple of days spent at Portland.
Mrs. G. G. Ricks left for Rogue
River yesterday where she will spend
a week or ten days visiting with rel
atives. Wins Clara Smith went to Ruckles
yesterday where she will spend a
week or ten days vlKiting with
t). C. Sether, of Giendale, return
ed home last evening after a couple
of days ajient In Rom-burg attending
to business matters.
Mrs. Rena Scott returned here Sat
urday night after spending the sum
mer at Portland and other Northern
Oregon cities.
Dale Oshurn, of Brownsville, nr
Tlved In Roseburg Saturday evening
to join his parents who reside In this
city. Mr. Osburn will make his per
manent home In this locality.
Mrs. O. D. McAllister left here
Saturday evening for Grants Pass
where she will spend a few days visit
ing with her parents.
George Kohlhagen left here yester
day for Riddle and Canyonville
where he will purchase a corload of
Mrs. Jackson and son, Virgil, re
turned here last evening after spend
ing sometime at Beaverton where
Mrs. Jackson attended her mother
who Is quite III.
K. L, Cannon and wife, of Deer
Creek, returned here lust evening
after a week spent at Salern attend
ing the State Fair.
Loren Harvey and wife, of Eu
gene, are spending a few days In
Edenbower visiting at the home of
the former's brother.
The "G. A. R." special, consisting
of ten Pullman cars, two baggage
cars and propelled by one of the
Southern Pacific Company's most
modern locomotives, passed through
Koseburg lute Saturday night bound
for San Francisco where this year's
nnnuul convention will be held. Tin
tr:iln was made up In Portland.
; Supervisor Bartrura is shipping to!
', Portland today a carloard of mule
; and horses, thoroughly equipped, for
a pack train, which will operate
i from Portland east into the Oregon
j .National Forest, to supply about 125
' men who are engaged In planting 3.-
I 000 acres of denuded Forest lands to
the commercial species of conifers, !
William Powell, James Clark and
Howard Church left here yesterday
morning for points above Tiller
where they will spend the nest week
or ten days hunting, the boys are
well armed and carry enough ammu
nition to meet any emergency that
may arise. That deer will be a
scarce article In the Tiller vicinity
following their expedition Is the be
lief of their many friends.
Igniting through some unknown
source, fire early Sunday morning
destroyed the residence of J. F. Gor
thy. In West Roseburg. The resi
dence was valued at about $1500
and was well Insured. When dlscov
eredered by neighbors shortly after
one o'clock the house was a mass of
flames. Indicating that the fire had
been burning for some little time.
The fire department responded
promptly and after a difficult battle
with the flames succeeded In saving
the adjoining property. At the time
of the fire Mr. Gorthy and family
were out of town.
Wlllard E. Bosserman and wife ar
rived here Saturday evening from
Cottage Grove where they were mar
ried on Friday.. Mr. UosKorman Is a
popular clerk In the Southern Paci
fic freight offices, while his estimable
bride was formerly employed as oper
ator In tlx Cottage Grove telephone
exchange. The "newly weds" were
met at the depot by a larue crowd j
friends. InHiiil.njr the member? of the'
"Hungry Seven" hand. They had!
hardly alighted from the train wh't!
they were treated to several p'Mind-' '
of rice to tl-e amusement of the on
lookers. After congratulations were
extended the couple was 'vrti il t
j their home in this city. The "llmn;
j ry Seven" band headed the proces
i -Ion. and as us i;)l. furnished so:u
I "delightful" music.
Roseburg Phone 201
Sutherlin Phone 2S
Up-to-the-Times with attention and mechanics
First Class Materials Work Guaranteed j
Maynard's Harvard Avenue Addition
Level, Rich River Bottom
Soil, Natural ParK, River
Drive. Close in. All City
Privileges. City Water
Lights and Graded Streets
Nothing to equal these properties
in the entire Citv Lots are large
Prices are low. Kvery lot fenced.
For choice of lots, terms and all
information I'hone22-L or apply
on premises, Harvard Ave., West
Roseburg. and save commission.
Bay now as prices will advance.
Get yours at once and earn the
increaseyourself. Intendingpur
chasers Phone 212-L and Auto
will taKe you over to property.
"C. D. MAYNARD, Prop.
Owner of desirable clnsMn varan t
residence property will build two or
more rMUUnci'S planned to suit ten
ant, on leas, or for pnrchasi on
easy payment. For terms etc. apply
to 11, News Off Ire. 4f9 tl 1
WANTKl To rent a piano. Must
bo reasonable. Reply Box 1S3.
Hoseburg, Ore. 363tf
t o make a
Prom your own hair thstit falling out.
Don't keep oo doing this and let youi
hair get thinner and thinner Don't
neglect It wait until It's too late. Con
stant care la the price of fascinating,
beautiful hair. Get s bottle of of HAY'S
HAIR HEALTH sod begin uiing It st
It will itop the felling out and start a
new growth then you can have luatroua
hair that's full of life and radiance that'
you'll be proud of end that will be ad
mired by others.
Remember the name HAY'S HAIR
$100 td S0 at Drag Storta or direct po
r?pt of prtt ! dalf'a Mama. "nd 10. (or
total b-Mtia.-I'Stkt May Spa. C, (Stnatk. N. J.
Marstors Irus Co., ana nmnUtoo
Drug Co. tell It for 50e and $1.00
or from Pbllo Hay Spec. Co., New
ark, N. J, j
It was more tbau half a century a?;
that itories of the towpaib were cur
rent That was when the canal boat
was the chief means of transportation
In America. At one time thej were
used as passenger boats. Then, under
competition with tbe railroads, they
sank into freibtinp only, and now thej
have almost entirely passed away.
In those freighting days a man named
Shock drove a mule on the.towpatti
which pulled a boat Shock was a
homely as bis name. He had never
bad a sweetheart, and there was little
hope of his ever having one, for when
ever a woman looked at him she was
There was. some three or four hun
dred yards from the canal, at about
the center of Shock's route, a tumble
down house In a small lot. In one corn
er of which was a pigsty. One day.
when Shock was trudjrins along be
hind bis mule, be Raw at an oM?n win
(low in the dilapidated trap a female
fiffure. She was too far off for him to
see what she looked like, but she war
ed something white, which Enoch took
to be a tablecloth. Whether she was
trying to flirt with him or was shaking
the crumbs out of tbe cloth he could
not be sure. Taking a bandanna from
his pocket be returned the wave.
Now. Enoch was cognizant of the
fact that be was not beautiful. Ills
hair was a fiery red. his nose was a
pug the color of his hair, his teeth
were mostly gone. Had It not been
for this he might have made bold oo
bis return trip to give bis mule a rest
and gone to the house awoolng. As It
was. and since this was the only
chance be had ever met he was wary
He thought It better to make some
headway in lovemnking before risking
showing tbe lady his bomely person nt
close proximity. So. Instead of stop
ping when be passed again, having
provided himself with a boy'a blow
gun. he fired a wad of paper at her.
which being unrolled revealed the fol
lowing note:
I een you at yure winder ylstaday and 1
wood like Terry much to roak yure ac
qualntenc The lady was watching for the boat
on Its return trip, and when Enooh
fired his note at ber sue saw It fall
near her house and. going out picked
It op and read It But by this time
Enoch had pone on bis way.
When Enoch passed the house again
he saw large letters chalked against
the house, which, though it had been
originally white, not having been paint
ed in twenty years, was now a dull
brown. The letters were plainly risi
ble from the canal, and Enoch read:
I can't sen what you look Ilka from
jete, but you my be a decent lookln' fel
lor and If you ur you kin come and see
This reply was rather a setback to
one who knew full well that be was
homely as a hedgehog. The communi
cation was brief, and It contained ex
actly what Enocb would have prefemnl
that It should not contain. The lady
evidently was looking for a handsome
ma n. The m ess;ige con v inced bl m
that be wits right In not permitting her
to see him close by before he had
Ftirred up some sentiment which might
lead her to overlook In a measure bis
Enoch's next love letter was written
In Innipulnck on several boards milled
together and set up on the deck of his
cnnnlboiit facing tbe house of bis In
nmoratn. It read:
If you sir a purty woman 1 wood be hap
py to atop over. Ilatn't got no use (er
ugly wtmmen.
When Enoch pnssed the bouse the
next time the blinds were all closed
aDd no living thing was to be seen ex
cept a few chickens scratching the dirt
In the yard. Enocb was disappointed.
It was plain to him that this was in
tended for a snub. On his next trip
be wrote on his boards. -What's up?"
To which was chalked the reply.
Enoch reasoned that his lady love
bad been miffed at bis previous com
munication, thinking that be bad ac
cused her of being homely, but hav
ing thought the matter over, she had
seen his note in another light He
began to think that "faint heart never
won fair lady1 and be might as well
faea the music one time as another
So he wiped tbe lampblack off bis
boards and wrote again:
ll atop over nex" trip.
When he passed again be was ar
rayed In a store suit that bad cost him
ft. His hair bad been greased with a
slice of fat, and bis boots bad been
blacked. Stopping bis mule and tbe
boat when It bad lost Ita momentum
he proceeded to the bouse of his lady
love. She bad been watching him
from a window and opened the door
for hlra.
"Laws a marsy!N was ber M clam a
"By irum!" was Enoch's.
The woman bad lost most of the hair
on ber bead, which seemed to have
frone to ber face, ner nose had de
veloped abnormally under the effect of
some "kin disease. She was stabsided
and angular.
She slammed tbe door to Enoch's
face, who turned and. with ft melan
choly step, went back to bis boat and
started on In bis Interminable Jour
eys back and forth. The woman
heard nothing from him for several
months, nor did be hear from her.
Then they fell Into a new correspond
ence which led them on and on till
they forgot each other's homeliness
and were married.
If Yoa Have Property to Sell, Rent or Exclude.
You Want to See fy.
The Live Wire Real Estate Agent
List What You Have With Him and Get Results
The New Garage!
Automobiles stored and cared for
so that they are ready to go out
whenever owners want them.
Complete Repair and Machine Shop
In Connection
All Kinds of Autcmobile Supplies
Let us demonstrate to you our care
and attention to aut.os.
BUY A FARM8oo,ooo Acres to Select
From. In Central Oregon
Your last chance to buy Good Farm Laud at Such Low Prices
Come In And
Let us tell you about these farms
If you desire to trade your small acreage on a larger farm
We will figure with you . '
Office In Mnrt4r Annci, Next To l.rnml Hoti-I
Plumbing', Sheet Metal Worh", Tinning'
and Heating"
North JacKson Street, adjoining" Peoples Marble
WorKs. Telephone 251.
WorK Done on Short Notice
Phone 245. xil work flrst-elns.
Commercial Abstract Co
Abstracts of Title Filing Papers Prepared
Insurance, Etc.
Bonds of all Kinds Furnished
Money to Loan on Improved Farm Property
TerklDS rtulIdlDK
Spend Your Outing at Tii!ert Ore.
In the heart of the mountain.- Amid .-rand irrnprr
Atiumlaiire of game- l-ara.lie for li..,nu. ii IVIIrlitlul.
cmi nml bad? ramping cruuitct.-i'nltt. imre alfiMin
ral MJi-lnr - Kruil.'tall and troo rira drllvrrnl at
your ranip-lially mail- I ,.. i,l,m. (.rvl-S.lrndld a
rtinuidaliiina II.Mrl 1 ill. r. fami.ii tor her mraU-Speci.l
Sunday dinner- lor further information apply to
I . I F . HAII I 111 M. TIL1.EH. OltEliON
George Kohlhagen, Prop.
Wholesale and Retail Butcher. The best the market
affords. All kinds of Stock bought and soM.
Phone 58
, Oregon
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