The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 07, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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    ,: jT I y
SNriyi 111
Fea turin(SdrPrintztss(!anmntj
Great Exposition of
Your are invited to attend this grand display
We offer for your comment the choicest
collection of Suits and Superb Coats
Exquisite Hats made and designed by
We Solicit Your Patronage
Orchestra from 7:30 to 9:00
Uwrge McCulloeh, of Oakland,
pent (he day lit Knsohurg attending
tO business tlllort'HtH.
Captain Short, of Wilbur, was u
ftusiness visitor In ltoHeburg for a
Ivw bours today.
Onrl Becker mtd K. 11. Crane, both
residents of Melrose, were visitors
5ft Uoseburg today.
5fr. Herrou, Grand Chiet of llon
r, of tho Degree of Honor, arrived In
Uoseburg thla morning to pay tho lo
at! lodge un official visit.
Miss Ada Tharp Went to Dllturd
this morning whom she will spend
sometime at hnr homestead In that
Specialist for Eye, Kar
Nose and Throat
Eyes Fitied With Classes
Mrs, Tbiirmnn Clianey and two
children, of Kugone. are spending a
few days In Uoseburg visiting with
William Hnyner and wlfi of Suth
orlin, were visitors in Uoseburg for
a row bourn today. Mr. Hayner 1h
editor of tho Suthorlln Sun.
K. n Harbor, of Myrtle Creek, left
for his home this morning after a
couple of days spent In Uoseburg
looking after business matters.
ChrlMliin Church, J. N. McConnell.
pastor. Sunday School 10 a. in.
Preaching at 11 a. m. C. K. at 7p.
in. Preaching 8 p. in. We will be
pleased to nee you nt our services
Mrs, C, IV Patrick left for Orants
Push this morning where she will ro-
mala until tomorrow when she will
i proceed to Vns Angeles as a delegate
to the National meeting of the 0. A
Mr. AiI.uur, wife and child, of
Stitlieriln. spent the day In Uoseburg
attending to business matters and vis-
lllng with friends. Mr. Adams Is
druggist and conducts a store at
John W. Hawkins, of Portland, ar
rived In Uoseburg this morning with
a number of prospective homeseek
ers. Tho families accompanying Miv
. Hawkins will probably purchase land
In the Molrose vicinity where the
Utter owns consldernble acreage.
.1. V. Dodge, a furniture dealer of
Ashlaud. spent last evening lu lloae-
burg visiting with J. W. Engle. Mr.
Dodge says he la well pleased with
Uoseburg and believes it Is destined
(o become one of the best towns tn
Southern Oregon.
lUiottHt Church, W. II. Eaton,
pastor. Sunday School 10 a. m.
Morning Preaching services 1 1 a. m.
U. Y. P. C 7 p. m. Evening preach
ing service 8 p. m. The pastor will
be the preacher at both services to
morrow. You are cordially Invited
to worship with us tomorrow. You
will enjoy the sermons. The music
will bo fine. You will find a cordial
welcome aud the worshipful spirit of
teh services will be helpful to you.
Come and see.
A very pleasant surprise was ten
dered Dr. R. P. Mortenscn at his
homo In this city Thursday evening In
honor of his birthday .A pleasant
evening was spent at the national
name "500" after which a luscious
repast of watermelon was served.
Then after another social Interming
ling tho guests departed for their
various homes, but not until the M.
D. had been severely chastised by the
ladles and host and hostess were
wished many happy returns. Those
present were. Dr. and Mrs. Morten
sen. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. fleard. Mr.
and Mrs. H. C. Steams. Mr. and Mrs.
0. P. Huntington. Mr. and Mrs. H.
Brawn, and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Clark.
YoncaUa Timer
For the past two wcs Supervisor I
Uartrum has been purchasing- mules ;
and horses for thepurpose of pack-'
iug supplies, telephone wire and other ,
material- into the Interior of the1
Cmpqua Forest, for the construction,
of a telephone line, which, when com-
pleted, will connect every Hanger's
district with his office. The work of i
breaking and working these animals
for packing purposes has been car-,
ried on at the Glen Echo Hanch, near ,
Uoseburg. They will leave tonight, '
and will probably constitute the larg- j
est pack train In tho northwest, out-'
side of Alaska. These animate all j
have been purchased tn Douglas 1
County and thoroughly equipped here.
The animals are the finest bunch
or mules and hoses that the citizens
of louglas County have seen for a
long time, all being young and of
even size. etc. 1
In the matter of the petition of'
Charles Olson and others for the lo-,
cation of a county road In District ,
No. 69 and 16 board of road viewers
ordered to meet and locate said road ;
on September 17, 1912. 1
In the matter of the petition f or j
the creation of a county high school ;
fund, ordered that such an election j
he held. t
In the matter of the -petition of
J. W. Thomas, for a county road In
District Xo. 65, order entered.
WANTED By responsible farmer,
t) rent small ranch on shares. Ad
dress Geo. L. Hall, Edenbower,
Oregon. s-14
Having bought the L. H. Rhoades' stock and
business in the Bradley building, we wiil
sell goods at cost and carriage for the
to make room for a
$5,000 Worth of Furniture. Crock
ery, Hardware and Miscellan
eous Goods
Will be disposed of at great sacrifice.
. Hundreds of Rare Bargains Offered
Sale Begins Saturday, Sept. 7
Successors L. H. Rhoades