THE EVENING NEWS CAUL D. SHOEMAKER, Editor And hole Proprietor. ISSUED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAV. Subscription Rates Dally.' Per year, by mall .. 13.00 Per month, delivered ............ .50 genii-Weekly. Per year 1 2. 00 Six month 1.00 Entered as second-class matter November 6, 1910, at Roseburg, Ore., nnder ant of March 3. 1879. SATURDAY, SKPTKMIIKR 7, 1012. A HU.NG JURY The famous trial of the Roseburg Brewery and lee Company and 11b five directors came to an unfortunate end this morning when the jury which had Untuned to the evidence returned Into the court room and stated to the presiding Judge that tbey were unable to reach a verdict This particular case Is at an end. But the fight that the officers of this county are making for law enforce mont has just begun. The spectacle that went on In the Jury room Is hard ly believable. That men sworn to render a fair and impartial verdict would so humble themselves to their prejudices, so belittle themselves as to render a verdict otber than their ' honest belief Is more than the average citizen can understand. District Attorney" Brown worked bard in the presentation of his proof of the charges mado In the Indict ment. Sheriff Qulne and his depu ties wore not negligent In any man nor In ferreting out the truth. On all sides are heard only words of blgh praise for tho ablo manner In which the state, through Us prosecu tor and Bherlff, conducted the case against the brewory and Its officers. Eleven of those jurors were satisfied that the charge made was true. Six of them only voted their convictions. Five voted for arqiiltal on flimsy pre tences. The other one said from the outset that there was only one thing ' to do and that was to "agree not to agree." lie did iiot oven say that he fott that the defendants were not guilty. He gave no reason for his vtubborn adherence to vote for the de fendants. Ho didn't care for a ver dict ii f acquittal or guilt. He want ed to hang Unit Jury, and ha did. And why? Ho alono' can toll. Law violators are law violators, be tbey men high in tho affairs of their community or the man who toils hard from morn till night In order to make a baro living for thoao who de pend upon him. The rich and great should ho Riven meaHuro for mnanuro with tho poor and humble. As Dis trict Attorney Brown said. In cloning the most eloquent, the most master ful, tho most forcoful address we have ever heard In any court room, eithor stnto or federal, "Crime is Crime. Let the guilty be punished." There nre still a numbor of In dictments against these same de fendants. They will be tried again. And when that trial is had wo trust that the Jurymen, who are sworn to lay nsdn all prejudice and bias that ! they may have, will render a verdict j In nccordnnce with their convictions as arrived at by the evidence that j that havo heard, and not vote guilty ! or not guilty when It Is his honest be- lief that tho defendants nro guilty j out votes for them bncause of j nomethlng outside the record. Such a course brings that Juryman Into disrepute and makes the public at large miration his sincerity. Lot him Tole his conviction, no matter nt what cost. PRCIS'E PICKERS WANTED Persons "desiring employment as prune pickers will please make annllratlnn at Rnnrhn A Del Rio at Glide. Ore., or tele- th. .,, j ,, ., .,! phone 4 P 12. 475s21 At the Parish house on Cass street Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock the equal suffrage club will hold Its reg ular meeting, Important business to transact, so all members and those interested are urged to be preesnt. By order of the Pres,' MR3. W. W. CARWELL. GEORGE POWERS ACCUSED OF A SERIOUS CRIME Trial Is In Progress in the Circuit Court Today Many Witnesses Testify During Progress Of . The Trial. A Jury composed of G. W. Kruse, E. W. Main, J. R. Dean, J. A. Perry, D. M. Thomas, J. D. Kurtz, J. E. Winnlford, O. E. Holdrldge, T. W. Coffey, J. F. Terry, Frank Percy and J. D. Wright, Is today listening to the evidence. In tho case of the state vs. George Powers a would-be prize fighter, who was recently indicted on a charge of attempting to break Jail. Powers was originally arrested in RoBeburg on a charge of attempting to force entrance to a room occupied by a local young lady, and upon be ing given a preliminary hearing was held to appear before the Grand Jury. An Indictment was returned following the Investigation of this body, and Powers was arraigned In court, snowing a disposition to "put It over the court," Powers plead ed guilty and asked permission to In terrogate a fellow giving his name as Kennedy who appeared as the pros ecuting witness. The request was granted whereupon Powers started In to abuse the witness to the amuse ment of tho spectators. Judge Ham ilton Interfered, and after quieting the srene, sentenced Powers to fin days in the county Jail. It was while serving this sentence that Powers Is alleged to have partl clpated In an attempted Jail delivery. which came near being successful. He was later brought before the Grand Jury on the latter charge and Indicted. His case followed today. The State contends and has Intro duced evldenceyto the effecutaht Pow ers was guilty of participating In delivery Bhould be convicted on the charge contained In the Indictment. Among the witnesses testifying against Powers during the day were Sheriff Qulne, Deputy Sheriffs Fred Stewart and Ralph Qulne, Night Officer Chambers and H. L. Price, at pres ent an Inmate of the state peniten tiary. Price was In Jail on the night of the attempted delivery, and ac cording to his testimony Powers was one of the leading lights In the affair. District Attorney George M. Brown represents me state while Powers Is being represented by Attorney W. W. Cardweil. The case will go to the Jury late today. Grand Jury Busy On account of the Powers case oc cupying the attention of the District Attorney today, the Grand Jury Is alone conducting the the examination of witnesses called In the investiga tion of certain booze cases. At three o'clock ths afternoon the Grand Jury had failed to make a report. It Is not likely that the Grand Jury will con clude their deliberations before some time next week. RANK STATEMENT 8965. Report of the conditions of the Roseburg National Bank, at Rose burg, In the state of Oregon, at the close of business, September 4, 1912. Loans and Discounts $269,482.43 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured U. S. Bonds to secure circulation Bonds, securities, etc 24,210.60 Banking house, Furnl- turefi and Fixtures 24,609.00 Other Real Estate owned Due from National Bank .(not reserve agents).... 24.05 Due from State and Pri vate Banks and Bank ers, Trust Companies, and Saving Banks 4,219,27 Due from approved Re- resve Agents 34,304.80 6,016.75 12,500.00 8,647.41 Keister's Ladies' Tailoring College ROOM 2W4-2ND FLOOR, PERKINS 11UILDING. OPEN SKIT. 4TH. TUITION 25 for full course. This includes the sytem with full instructions in drafting, cutting, fitting and making all styles ladies' garments, with forty days sewing on pupil's own or any one el se's material. $15 course system with instructions in drafting and cutting, without sewing. $15 sewing course, without system or drafting, gives forty days' sewing. to course gives ten days sewing. Special until September 10. Ten days extra sewing for all signing for full course. Pour and two days sewing, respectively, for the other three. Respectfully, CooKStovesRanges We wish to call your attention to the best line .on the market, we refer to the BRIDGE $ BEACH LINE It has been sold from our place for 25 years or more with only satisfaction to both buyer and seller. Made of the best grey iron, properly cured. Best grade of rolled steel and best 'and most experienced help obtain able. They cannot be improved upon. Come and examine them. Also look for our ads. as we will have more to say about them from time to time. MRS. E. L. McINTOSH, Inslructor-Mgr MISS FLORENCE B. McINTOSH, Asst. j CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. National Cur-ond Checks and other Cash Items Notes of other Banks Fractional Paper rency, Nlckles, Cents Lawful Money Reserve In Bank viz: , Specie 27,920 Legal-tender notes 4,124 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) 2,966.64 285.00 102.66 32,044.00 625.00 Total $133,350.33 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in ... 34,400.00 Undivided profits 766.64 Deposits due State Treas urer 7,500.00 Individual deposits sub ject to check 87,079.44 Demand certificates of deposit 3,614.25 Totnl 133,350.33 State of Oregon, County of Doug las, ss: I, J. M. Throne, Cashir of the above-named bank, do soloinly 'swear that the above statement s true to the best of my knowledge nd belief. .... . UW., c, i Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to'efore me this 7th day of Septeniber,1912. D. R. SHAMBBOK, Notat Public. CORRECT Attest: ! , J. C. AIKEN, i B. W. STRONG H. J. FREAR, j Director. J "Wo will wager that the percentage of alcohol In beer Is common know ledge to people of Roseburg today. The Httorneys for tho brewery get the dividend the next time. We wonder how thore Is left. much surplus I And right on top of the trail a wet petition Is filed with the countv elerk. Speak right up. How many can analyte beer after hearing the learned Dr. Hampton's lecture to the Jury on the subject. A pretty wedding was solemnlied t the home of Mr. and Mrs. SS. R. Miller at Olendale. on September 4, when Rlake L. Miller aud Miss Kern Richardson were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. K. Howard, pastor of tho (llondole Methodist church, and ws witnessed : by members of tho Immediate family ; and a few friends of the contracting parties. Following the ceremony the couple received congratulations, Mr. ' and Mrs. Miller were the recljienta of many beautiful wedding gifts. The: couple will mako their home at Glen-1 dale. ! Miss Wlllelta Green, who left here 41 few days ago for Portland Is said to be very 111 of smallpox. She Is at present confined In the hospital for smallpox patients which Is situated on 1 the outskirts of the metropolis. i Ready for Inspection FALL SHOWING SUITS COATS DRESSES Neverjhave we'shown a more handsome line of Ladies and Misses wear Beautiful coloring. Natty Styles. mm nvrWV-'ivJ'....). .- -THE- BELLOWS STORE COMPANY , Rosebud's leading Suit House -A; 'y...r,& i I r'ilf I I Tit mi Total 8409,037.40 LIAIIILITIKS. Capital stock paid in 60,000.00 Surplus fund 10.000.00 Undivided Profits, less Expenses and Taxes paid 7,414.15 National Bank Notes out standing 12,496.00 Individual deposits sub ject to check 320,445.17 Demand certificates of deposit 8.6S3.08 Total $409,037.40 State of Oregon, County of Doug las, ss: I, A. C. Marsters, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. C. MARSTERS, Caahler. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7 day of September, 1912. D. S. HOUSER, Notary Public. CORRECT Attest : I. ABRAHAM, J. F. BARKER. J. W. HAMILTON, . . Directors. . , , BANK STATEMENT No. 93. Report of the condition of The Umpqua Valley Dank, at Roseburg. in the State or Oregon, at the close of business September 4th, 1912. KKSOl'RCKS Loans and discounts $ 90,387.00 Ronds and warrants .... 6.612.20 Furniture and fixtures 3,333.96 Due from approved re serve banks 24,006.76 Checks and other cash Items 208.70 'Cash on band 8,556.01 Expenses 1,246 69 WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH UPPER CRUST 5 IT'S ALL RIGHT! Best Flour On The Pacifi Coast at SI. 60 per sack. We Keep a QUALITY SHOP and Guarantee everthing we sell. We are about to declare nnntv.. jsu.j - uv uiviucuu. .ire you getting yours? If not we are both loosers. i Ta4 gjfo't tWisrJ to nil, fn Phone 195 perkins Bld'g. Roseburg, Oregon ' , "The Best Town in the WejT