The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 06, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    Quality Purity Cleanliness
Has been our motto for the past two
years. Our business has increased
over 500 per cent over the first
month we were open.
We w:sh to thank our many patrons
for their liberal appreciation of our
service and quality goods. The day
of low prices, on cheap, adulterated
and non-nutricious products is on
the wane. For thatreasi n join our
long list of customers, and buy
your groceries at
225 North JacKson Street
We slice Ham, Boiled Ham, Dry
Beef and Bacon.
We solicit new accounts.
IOCAIj news.
Dr. CnllBway was called to Yon
nlla on professional buslnoBS thlH
Miss Merle Smith went to Oakland
this morning where she will spend a
few days visiting with friends.
Conductor Carman returned here
last evening nftor a few daya spent at
points In tho northern part of the
Miss Edith Hopkins, of Duluth.
Minn., will arrive here this evening
to apond a few weeks vlltlng with
her brother, Charles P. Hopkins.
MIsb Mnttle Perry, tho popular
clerk at tho postofflco, roturned hero
last owning after enjoying her an
nual vacation at points In tho north
ern part of tho stato. Sho was accom
panied on the trip by hor Bister, Mrs.
RubboII. . !''..
V. E. Cavender, car foreman for
the Southern Pacific Company, re
turned hero lnwt ovenlng nfler two
wooks Bpent at l..oa AngelcB and othor
Bouthern California cities, Mrs.
Cavender and dnughter, MIks Atidrlo,
topped off at Grants Pans enroittn
home where thoy will Bpend a week
with rolntlves. Mr. Cavender reports
delightful weather In Southern Cali
fornia during the past few weeks.
E. B. Graves and wife, of Elk City,
are spending a fow days in Roseburg
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fairfax Pnrrlsh.
Mrs. Verne Stocking left for Lin
coln, N'ebraskn, this morning after
spending severnl weeks In Roseburg
visiting at tho home of her sister,
Mrs. John Campbell.
Mrs. W. B. Hummlttoe returned
here Inst evening after two weeks
spent at Gardiner Winchester Bay
and other northern Douglas county
reBorts. ,
C. M. Stout, wife and child loft for
Newport and othor coast resorts this
morning where they will spend a
week or ten days enjoying their an
nunl outing. (
Mr. and Mrs. Parks, of Elk City
left for their homes this morning af
ter a few days sjent In Roseburg
visiting nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
Fairfax Pnrrlsh. While here Mr.
Parks spent n few days hunting nnd
succeeded In killing n beautiful four
point buck.
II. B. Church, tho baker, returned
here lust ovenlng from Salem where
he attended the Slate Fair. Notwith
standing tho disagreeable weather, ho
says tho fair Is woll attended. The
exhibits, he says, fnr surpass all pro-
Roseburg Phone 201
Sutherlin Phone 2S m
Up-to-the-Times with attention and mechanics
First Class Materials Work Guaranteed
Maynard's Harvard Avenue Addition
Level, Rich River Bottom
Soil, Natural ParK, River
Drive. Close in. All City
Privileges. City Water
Lights and Graded Streets
Nothing to equal these properties
in the entire City Lots are large
Prices are low. "Every lot fenced.
For choice of lots, terms and all
information Phone 212-L or apply
on premises, Harvard Ave., West
Roseburg, and save commission.
Bay now as prices will advance.
Get yours at once and earn the
increaseyourself. Intendingpur
chasers Phone 212-L and Auto
will take you over to property.
C. D. MAYNARD, Prop.
I vlous efforts In the history of State
I Fairs In this state.
I Dr. Chapman and wife returned
here last evening after spending three
days at Salem attending the State
Mrs, W. E. CUngenpeel returned
here this morning after a few days
I spent at Newport, Salem and other
Oregon cities. ,.
Mary Swtnney, who has been spend
ing the summer visiting with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Swinney,
of West Hoseburg, left for her home
in the East this morning.
Anna Gray, a school teacher in
the Portland public schols, left for
her home this morning after a few
days spent In Roseburg visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hard
ing. Mrs. Dr. Hampton, the alleged
chemlut who yesterday testified upon
behalf of the defense in the trial of
the Roseburg Drewlng & Ice Company
and Its five directors, left for her
home at Portland, last evening.'
Mrs. Carrie Settle, -of Oakland, Is
spending a few days In Roseburg at
tending to business matters. Mrs.
Settle will appear as a witness In
the case of the State vs. R. L. Moon
ey, who Is accused of embezzlement
Attorney A. N. Orcutt has gone to
Salt Lake City, Utah, to look after
professional matters. He expects to
be absent from the city for about ten
Through his attorney, George M.
Brown, Dr. George E. Houck yester
day filed a general demurrer to the
complaint in tho case recently filed
against him by Deloa Livingston. The
demurrer contends that the facts con
tained In the complaint are Insuffi
cient to constitute' a cause of ac
tion. Livingston brought suit against
Houck to recover damages In the sum
of $20,000, alleged to be due as a
result of Injuries sustained through
an ,X-Ray treatment ; Dr. IDmck
contends that he treated the patient
properly and will so prove when the
case Is callrd for trial.
Owner of desirable close-In vacant
residence property will build two or
more residences planned to suit ten
ant, on leaso, or for purchase on
easy puyment. For terms etc. apply
to B. News Office. 469 Bll
WANTED To rent a piano. Must
be reasonable. Reply Box 183,
Roseburg, Ore. 3S3tl
Iuiia'v icAniKiVlTKi'olrr
IT. S. Weather Bureau, local offlco,
Roseburg. Ore., 24 hours ending 5
Friday, September 0, 1!12.
Precipitation In iucnes and hun
dredths: Highest tentpcraluro yesterday 0
Lowest t em pent t tire last night 5 'J
Precipitation, hint 24 hours 59
Total preclp. since first of
month 1.4S
Normal prei'lp. "f I ''Is month 1.0-1
Total precln. from Sep. 1, lyil.
to date 1.4S
Averago prorlp. since Septem
ber 1, 1S77 12
Total excess from Sop. 1, 1912 1.3:
verage precipitation for 3 4
wet sen sons, (Sop. to May
Inclusive) 3 ? . 3 f.
Dmiglaa County Crenmery bulte'
Is the best on the market. Insist
m your grocer supplying you wlti
this home product, which Is nlway
Urlctly fresh ami guaranteed. Tw.
pound roll, SO cents. U
mane &.
Sweet Pickled Beet.
Lay the beets In boiling water to
loosen the Bklus. Rub these off with a
coarse cloth and let the beets get per
fectly cold before cutting them. Then
I slice with a sharp knife and pack Into
stone jars.
To each qunrt of vinegar add a cup
ful of sugar and a tnblespoonful of
mixed whole spices mace, stick cin
namon and nils pice. Bring the vin
egar to a boll, stir in sugar and spices,
boil, covered, for three minutes nnd
pour, scalding hot upon the sliced
beets, filling the Jars to the top. Cov
er and set away In a dark, cool place
for three dnys. Then drain off the vin
egar carefully, so as not to break the
beets, nnd scald again with the spices.
Do this three times within ten days
after the beets are put into the Jars
and set away for n month before uslug
them. They will keep well.
If you wish to pickle small young
beets whole, boil, without peeling, for
five minutes after the boiling begins;
let them get cold, rub off the skin, put
Into the jars and proceed as with the
sliced beets.
If You Have Property to Sell, Rent or Exchange
You Want to See
The Live Wire Real Estate Agent
List What You Have With Him and Get Results
From your own hair that U fallim ml.
Don't keep on doinf this and let your
hair Act thinner and thinner Don't
neglect it wail until It't loo late. Con
tlanl care li the price of faicinatinU,
beautiful hair. Get a bottle ol of HAY'S
HAIR HEALTH and begin win It at
It will Hop the falling out end Hart
new growth then you cao have luitroui
hair that', full of life and radiance that
you'll be proud .oi and that will be ad
mired by others.
Remember the name HAY'S HAIR
SI 00 tad SO. t Dr., Stor.1 or dlraat apo. at pric. .ail dHlff't nam. Sand lOe. for
DialbotU.. Phtla liar SfM. Ca M.rark. N. J.
Maratera Drug Co., ana Hamilton
Drug Co. toll It for 60o and $1.00
or from Vhllo Hay Spoc. Co., Ne
ari, N. J.
Sweet Picklod Cucumbera.
Select cm-umbers of uniform size nnd
not too !arne. The small cucumbers
mnke the best and prettiest pickles.
Reject nil that are not iwrfect Prick
lu n stone Jar. laying snlt by the hand
ful between the layers. Cover the top
Inyer out of sight with salt, then till
the Jar with cold wuter nnd cover with
a small saucer or pinto of the right
size to fit within the mouth of the Jar
nnd lay a clean stone upon the plnte
Thls Is to keep the cucumbers uuder
the brine. Leave them there for a
fortnight at leaHt A month would not
hurt them. Every other day stir up
the brine from the bottom. It should
be strong enough to float n fresh egg If
dropped Into it.
You may add fresh cucumberB from
the garden every day If more con
venient than to put up all nt once.
When you nre ready to put them
through the last processes throw away
the brine and examine the cucumbers
carefully. If you find ono that Is peck
ed or soft do not lot It go Into the
pickle. Lay those selected In cold
fresh water and leave them there for
twenty-four hours. Drain off the wa
ter. (Ill the Jar with fresh water and
leave for another day and night.
Now line a preserving kettle with
vino lenves (green nnd elenn) and pack
In the cucumbers, scattering a ten
spoouful of powdered alum over each
layer. Cover with three thicknesses of
vine leaves and pour In cold water
enough to cover nil. Cover the whole
with a close lid and simmer over a
slow fire for four hours, not letting II
boll once In nil that time, but keeping
the contents scnlding hot
The New Garage!
Automobiles stored and cared for
so that they are ready to go out
whenever owners want them.
Complete Repair and Machine Shop
In Connection
All Kinds of Automobile Supplies
Let us demonstrate to you our care
and attention to autos.
BUY A FARM8oo,ooo Acres to Select
From. In Central Oregon
Your last chance to boy Good Farm Land at Such Low Prices
Come In And
Let us tell you about these farms
If you desire to trade your small acreage on a larger farm
We will figure with you
Office In Mnrster'n Annex. Next To t.rnnl Hotel
Plumbing', Sheet Metal WorK, Tinnihg'
and Keating
North JacKson Street, adjoining' Peoples Marble
WorKs. Telephone 251.
Fruit Sponge.
Tut a pint packet of ornnge Jelly
Into n basin nnd rover It with tho re
quired quantity of hot water. Htirrlng
It until It tins melted. Then odd n
glassful of sherry nnd put it nwny to
pot eool. Pass Riifllcleut stewed apri
cots throuch n sieve to produee half a
pint of pulp (or nny other soft fruit
would do equally well, nnd leave in
readiness to he added to tho sponge.
When the jelly la cold, but not set.
whisk It patiently until It Is quite
frothy. Then Htlr In lightly the whites
of three onus, beaten to a firm froth,
nnd the fruit pulp nnd continue to
whisk the Jelly until it begins to pet
spongy, when It should be turned into
a chinn mold. The sponge can ho
turned out after a few hours nnd may
be garnished with some of the same
Kind of fruit ns that used to flavor It
WorK Done on Short Notice ROSEBURG, ORE
Stuffed Ham.
Select a freshly cured ham nnd have
bone removed. Fill cavity with stutling
made of breadcrumbs, tie up securely
and Inclose bnm In a paste of flour nnd
water to keep Juice from escaping. Tie
In a pudding bag or cloth, have ready a
pot of boiling wnter and let ham boll
slowly about two hours. When boiled
sufficiently remove the crust, pare skin
oft carefully so an not to Injure the
shape of the ham. put it In a roasting
pan, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and
set In a moderate oven to roast.
Phone 246. All work tir6tl.cUH9
Commercial Abstract Co
Abstracts of Tit!e Filing Papers Prepared
Insurance, Etc,
Bonds ol all Kinds Furnished
Money lo Loan on Improved, Farm Property
Perkins Hull ding
Peach Betty.
Chop fine two cupfuls of not too ripe
peaches. Butter a baking dtsb and
place on It a layer of peaches, sptin
kllng with cinnamon, sugar and but
ter. Place on tills a layer of the
crumbs, alternating with the peaches
until the dish Is three-quarters full,
leaving breadcrumbs on the top. Add
no wnter, but cover tight and steam
three-quarters of an hour In moderate
oven. It e move, cover and brown quick
ly. Serve with milk or sauce.
Chiffonade Dressing.
This Is extremely good to serve on
lettuce, romalne or any green salad
Into a gtasV Jar put one hard bolted
egg finely chopped, a teaspoonful of
finely cut chives, a teaspoonful each of
chopped red and green peppers, a tea
spoonful of salt a fourth of a teaspoon
fut of paprika and an eighth of a tea
spoonful of pepper, half a cupful of
illve oil. throe tablespoonfuls of vine
gar and a teaspoonful of tarragon vine
cur. Allow It to become very cold and
lust before serving shake the contents
of the Jar thoroughly.
Spend Your Outing at Tiller, Ore.
In thl- henrt of thp monnmlna-Aiiilil mm) rrnrrr
Al.un.lnnc.. of ,.n,e- for fl.hpm.-n -IMlJbnT.1.
coo ... hl.v irounda-t old, purp wnt.-r- M iii
crnl .prim Krult. ..-.. I.t.l. , ....I ..c -H,-. ."-"iv.-d il
Sourr.n.p-l.nlly M.nil- T.-l.-phon.T .rTfcv-S -mod nc
comodat ..... Hot.-! Till, ,. fop I..-P n.c.l."ipre"Ji
Mnulj, di.mera- For furl hop Informal Ion i",l" t,"rel"1
f. IN. F. HAltTlIl M, T1I.1.EH. OltKUON
I George; Kohlhagen, Prop.
George; Kohlhagen, Prop.
Wholesale and Retail Butcher. The best the market
affords. All kinds of Stock bought and soM.
Phone 53
Rosebuig, Oregon
Read The NeU
t ,